"The Estonian Defence Forces successfully tested the THeMIS ADDER weaponized fully modular unmanned ground vehicle.
This unmanned vehicle was conceived by Milrem, a defense and security provider based in Estonia, who says ADDER will soon work alongside soldiers in the field.
‘Unmanned systems will play a significant role in the development of military capabilities in future,’ said Kuldar Väärsi, CEO of Milrem."
Mitä tekee Suomi? En ole nähnyt yhtään tiedotteen tapaista maarobotteihin liittyen. Lennokkeja ja UUV:ta on toki operatiivisessa käytössä. Etenkin puolustukseen, tiedusteluun ja valvontaan olisivat omiaan. KK:n lisäksi NLAW ja erilaiset kertasingot olisivat omiaan. Lisäksi jonkinlainen haarukka joka voi laskea viuhkapanoksia ja kylkimiinoja. Tämä on nykyisyyttä ja vielä enemmän tulevaisuutta.
Unmanned ground vehicle
• Speed 25...35 km/h
• Base curb weight 850 kg and payload 750 kg
• Efficient work period 8h with fully charged batteries and topped up gas tank
• Length 2100mm, width 2100mm and height 980mm
• UGV (unmanned ground vehicle) is a vehicle that operates while in contact with the ground without an onboard human presence
• UGV can be used for many applications where it may be inconvenient, dangerous or impossible to have a human operator present
• Diesel-electric drive (can be used as fully electrical)
• Remote-operated (can be autonomous)
• Very compact and lightweight modular suspended track system
• Low LCC
"The Estonian Defence Forces successfully tested the THeMIS ADDER weaponized fully modular unmanned ground vehicle.
This unmanned vehicle was conceived by Milrem, a defense and security provider based in Estonia, who says ADDER will soon work alongside soldiers in the field.
‘Unmanned systems will play a significant role in the development of military capabilities in future,’ said Kuldar Väärsi, CEO of Milrem."
Mitä tekee Suomi? En ole nähnyt yhtään tiedotteen tapaista maarobotteihin liittyen. Lennokkeja ja UUV:ta on toki operatiivisessa käytössä. Etenkin puolustukseen, tiedusteluun ja valvontaan olisivat omiaan. KK:n lisäksi NLAW ja erilaiset kertasingot olisivat omiaan. Lisäksi jonkinlainen haarukka joka voi laskea viuhkapanoksia ja kylkimiinoja. Tämä on nykyisyyttä ja vielä enemmän tulevaisuutta.
Unmanned ground vehicle

• Speed 25...35 km/h
• Base curb weight 850 kg and payload 750 kg
• Efficient work period 8h with fully charged batteries and topped up gas tank
• Length 2100mm, width 2100mm and height 980mm
• UGV (unmanned ground vehicle) is a vehicle that operates while in contact with the ground without an onboard human presence
• UGV can be used for many applications where it may be inconvenient, dangerous or impossible to have a human operator present
• Diesel-electric drive (can be used as fully electrical)
• Remote-operated (can be autonomous)
• Very compact and lightweight modular suspended track system
• Low LCC