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The buzzword in drone research is autonomous - having the unmanned aerial vehicle do most or all of its own flying. It's the only realistic way that drones will have commercially viable uses such as delivering that roll of toilet paper to customers, said Manish Kumar, associate professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Cincinnati's College of Engineering and Applied Science.

Kumar and his co-authors, Nicklas Stockton, a UC researcher, and Kelly Cohen, aerospace engineering professor, considered the difficulty drones have in navigating their ever-changing airspace in a study presented at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics SciTech 2017 Conference in January. This problem is compounded when the drone tries to land on a moving platform such as a delivery van or even a U.S. Navy warship pitching in high seas.

"It has to land within a designated area with a small margin of error," Kumar said. "Landing a drone on a moving platform is a very difficult problem scientifically and from an engineering perspective." To address this challenge, UC researchers applied a concept called fuzzy logic, the kind of reasoning people employ subconsciously every day.

While scientists are concerned with precision and accuracy in all they do, most people get through their day by making inferences and generalities, or by using fuzzy logic. Instead of seeing the world in black and white, fuzzy logic allows for nuance or degrees of truth.

"In linguistic terms, we say large, medium and small rather than defining exact sets," he said. "We want to translate this kind of fuzzy reasoning used in humans to control systems."

Fuzzy logic helps the drone make good navigational decisions amid a sea of statistical noise, he said. It's called "genetic-fuzzy" because the system evolves over time and continuously discards the lesser solutions.

Stockton, Kumar and Cohen successfully employed fuzzy logic in a simulation to show it is an ideal system for navigating under dynamic conditions. Stockton, an engineering master's student who was lead author on the paper, is putting fuzzy logic to the test in experiments to land quadcopters on robots mounted with landing pads at UC's UAV Multi-Agent System Research (MASTER) Lab.

"This landing project is a real-world problem. A delivery vehicle could have a companion drone make deliveries and land itself," Stockton said.

Stockton is just the latest UC student mentored by Cohen who was offered a job, at least in part, for his experience in fuzzy logic. The U.S. Air Force offered Stockton a federal position to continue his engineering research at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base when he graduates this summer.

UC doctoral graduate Nick Ernest, another student of Cohen's, started an artificial intelligence company called Psibernetix, Inc., that demonstrated the power of fuzzy logic last year when a fuzzy-logic-based artificial intelligence, dubbed ALPHA, bested a human fighter pilot in simulated dogfights.

Retired U.S. Air Force Col. Gene Lee called ALPHA, "the most aggressive, responsive, dynamic and credible AI I've seen to date."

Professor Cohen is confident about the team's approach.

"Compared to other state-of-the-art techniques of adaptive thinking and deep learning, our approach appears to possess several advantages. Genetic fuzzy is scalable, adaptable and very robust," Cohen said.

Cohen has authored more than 100 papers on fuzzy logic, a subject that is attracting increasing attention because of its broad applications in everything from manufacturing to medicine.

UC is a world leader in fuzzy logic and teaches it at the undergraduate level, Cohen said.

"It's important to introduce our students at an early stage to fuzzy approaches as it also provides them with an advantage as they enter the job market," Cohen said.
"Israel developing terminator bots, minister claims

Ayoub Kara says ‘impossible to destroy’ androids will be able to assassinate heads of Hamas and Hezbollah terror groups

Israel is developing terminator robots that will be capable of assassinating terrorist leaders in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon, a Likud party minister claimed Saturday.

Speaking at a cultural event in the southern city of Beersheba, minister-without-portfolio Ayoub Kara said such robots will be able to enter enemy territory and kill the leaders of terror groups targeting Israel without putting soldiers in harm’s way.

The robot that can take out [Hezbollah leader Hassan] Nasrallah and the heads of Hamas is on the way,” he said.


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Laitetaanpa tänne tällainenkin, kun Ylekin ihan sivuillaan pohtii asiaa.

Paljon puhutaan siitä, miten automaatio ja robotit vievät työpaikkoja. Koskeeko se kohta myös maailman vanhinta ammattia? Ehkä ei sentään. Mutta, todennäköisesti ala ottaa kyllä nuo käyttöön mahd. nopeasti. Monta kertaa ollut teknistä kehitystä edistämässä.
Kotimaista tuotantoa niille jotka epäilee että mitään ei tehdä.

SDDSbot — built out of an old Sony Dynamic Digital Sound system’s reel cover — can’t do much other than turn left, right, or walk forwards on four D/C motor-controlled legs, but it does so using the power of a Pixy camera and an Arduino. The Pixy reads colour combinations that denote stop and go commands from sheets of paper, attempting to keep it in the center of its field of view as it toddles along. Once the robot gets close enough to the ‘go’ colour code, the paper’s orientation directs the robot to steer itself left or right — the goal being the capacity to navigate a maze. While not quite there yet, it’s certainly a handful as it is.
Laitetaanpa tänne tällainenkin, kun Ylekin ihan sivuillaan pohtii asiaa.

Paljon puhutaan siitä, miten automaatio ja robotit vievät työpaikkoja. Koskeeko se kohta myös maailman vanhinta ammattia? Ehkä ei sentään. Mutta, todennäköisesti ala ottaa kyllä nuo käyttöön mahd. nopeasti. Monta kertaa ollut teknistä kehitystä edistämässä.

Sotilas- ja viihdekäyttöön löytynee parhaiten kehitysvaroja.

Hubotit; kuka on ihminen, kuka ei?
Ukrainassa erilaisten dronejen ja quadcopterien kehittely jatkuu tiiviinä.

Matrix-teknologiayhtiö on kehittänyt monikäyttöisen "quadcopterin" tai miksi sitä nyt virallisesti kutsutaan, koska siinä on 6 roottoria 4 sijaan. Tämä "Командор -quadcopter" voidaan aseistaa kahdella pst-ohjuksella, tai se voi ottaa lastia 30 kg, jolloin lentoaika on yksi tunti.

Laite on kuitenkin monikäyttöinen, sille löytyy sotilaskäytön ohella vaihtoehtoisia siviilipuolen tehtäviä palojen sammuttamisesta ja operoinnista kohteissa, jotka voivat olla ihmisille vaarallisia. Se soveltuu myös erilaisiin tarkkailutehtäviin, muutostöiden jälkeen sitä on mahdollista käyttää maataloudessa lannoittamisessa sekä tuholaistorjunnassa.

Matrixin UAV-suunnittelussa on hyödynnetty luovia innovaatioita asiantuntijoiden taholta.

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Ukrainassa erilaisten dronejen ja quadcopterien kehittely jatkuu tiiviinä.

Matrix-teknologiayhtiö on kehittänyt monikäyttöisen "quadcopterin" tai miksi sitä nyt virallisesti kutsutaan, koska siinä on 6 roottoria 4 sijaan. Tämä "Командор -quadcopter" voidaan aseistaa kahdella pst-ohjuksella, tai se voi ottaa lastia 30 kg, jolloin lentoaika on yksi tunti.

Laite on kuitenkin monikäyttöinen, sille löytyy sotilaskäytön ohella vaihtoehtoisia siviilipuolen tehtäviä palojen sammuttamisesta ja operoinnista kohteissa, jotka voivat olla ihmisille vaarallisia. Se soveltuu myös erilaisiin tarkkailutehtäviin, muutostöiden jälkeen sitä on mahdollista käyttää maataloudessa lannoittamisessa sekä tuholaistorjunnassa.

Matrixin UAV-suunnittelussa on hyödynnetty luovia innovaatioita asiantuntijoiden taholta.

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Onko noista ammuttu koskaan onnistuneesti tankki ohjauksella?
Ajatusohjausta roboteille. Luulen että ensi vuosikymmenellä droneoperaattoreilla voi näkyä kypärän alla sensorihattu auttamassa vikatilanteissa.

The concept is simple – using an EEG cap to detect brainwaves, the system measures a special type of brain signals called “error-related potentials”. Simply noticing the robot making a mistake allows the robot to correct itself, and for a nice extra touch – blush in embarrassment.

This interface allows for a very intuitive way of working with a robot – upon noticing a mistake, the robot is able to automatically stop or correct its behaviour. Currently the system is only capable of being used for very simple tasks – the video shows the robot sorting objects of two types into corresponding bins. The robot knows that if the human has detected an error, it must simply place the object in the other bin. Further research seeks to expand the possibilities of using this automatic brainwave feedback to train robots for more complex tasks.

PAL Robotics designed TALOS with the intention of having the robot “work on physically demanding and accurate tasks performed under hostile or uncomfortable industrial settings,” according to PAL CEO Francesco Ferro. This means that the robot is not just a research platform—it’s going to start out in research, as many robots do, but PAL hopes it can transition into doing useful tasks in the real world, a thing that humanoid robots in general aren’t known for.
Ensimmäiset miehittämättömät testialukset saapuvat Selkämerelle aikaisintaan ensi syksynä.

Autonomista meriliikennettä kehittävä Dimecc Oy on jättänyt Varsinais-Suomen ely-keskukselle lupahakemuksen itseohjautuvien alusten testi- ja koealueen perustamiseksi Eurajoen edustan merialueelle.

Projektin tavoitteena on saada itseohjautuvat laivat liikennöimään Itämerelle vuoteen 2025 mennessä. Kulmalan mukaan onnistuminen projektissa avaisi valtavat liiketoimintamahdollisuudet suomalaiselle meriteollisuudelle.

– Jos me saamme maailmanluokan koealueen ja erittäin vaikeissa oloissa tapahtuvan itseohjautuvan järjestelmän toimimaan Itämerellä, se pystytään toteuttamaan missä päin tahansa maailmaa. Uskon, että tästä seuraa investointien aalto Suomeen, Kulmala sanoo.
Tämä sensori paketti voi olla tarpeellinen urbaaneihin sokkeloihin, mutta metsässä se varmaan tulee paremmin esille.

Jenkkien irakissa ja a-maassa käynyt pommirobotti

The first 24-hour police drone unit is to be launched, amid fears that forces may have to rely on them because of falling officer numbers.

The ‘flying squad’ will pursue suspects, find missing people and help solve murders. Assistant Chief Constable Steve Barry, national spokesman on drones, predicted forces across Britain would soon be using them as they are cheaper than helicopters and can perform some duties of bobbies on the beat.

But the move has prompted privacy concerns and warnings that the technology should ‘never be an excuse to cut officers’.

Devon and Cornwall Police has advertised for a drone manager to lead its new dedicated unit, which will be launched in the summer and shared with Dorset.

The C-Sweep is a rugged high performance ASV offering solutions to applications including mine sweeping, mine hunting, anti-submarine warfare and remote sensing and surveillance.

The vehicle’s high degree of directional stability, substantial towing capacity and a robust electrical generating capacity make it a suitable option in supporting modern mine sweeping requirements.

The vehicle can deploy, track and interface with other autonomous systems including ROVs and AUVs. C-Sweep can operate towed sonars and other subsea sensors as well as above water payloads such as camera suites.

C-Sweep features a robust glass re-enforced plastic hull, twin diesel engines and is operated using the ASView Control System.

Images of the C-Sweep depict the Halcyon variety which was supplied for Thales UK.