UAV / UCAV / LAR (robotit) Uutiset ja jutut

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Scientists, engineers and policymakers are all figuring out ways drones can be used better and more smartly, more precise and less damaging to civilians, with longer range and better staying power. One method under development is by increasing autonomy on the drone itself.

Eventually, drones may have the technical ability to make even lethal decisions autonomously: to respond to a programmed set of inputs, select a target and fire their weapons without a human reviewing or checking the result. Yet the idea of the U.S. military deploying a lethal autonomous robot, or LAR, is sparking controversy. Though autonomy might address some of the current downsides of how drones are used, they introduce new downsides policymakers are only just learning to grapple with.

Mod huom: Uusi lyhenne pitäisi laittaa tuonne UCAVin taakse.
The Pentagon this week edged closer to mounting missile-destroying lasers on unmanned and manned aircraft, awarding $26 million to defense contractors to develop the technology.

Under the name Project Endurance, DARPA, the Department of Defense’s research agency, awarded Northrop Grumman $14.6 million and Lockheed Martin $11.4 million in contracts for the effort, according to Military & Aerospace Electronics. Called “Project Endurance,” the research will “develop technology for pod-mounted lasers to protect a variety of airborne platforms from emerging and legacy electro-optical IR guided surface-to-air missiles,” according to DARPA’s 2014 budget request.

The project focuses on “miniaturizing component technologies, developing high-precision target tracking, identification, and lightweight agile beam control to support target engagement,” as well as “the phenomenology of laser-target interactions and associated threat vulnerabilities.”
Puolustusministeriö päätti toissa keväänä tilata kymmeniä maajoukkojen tiedusteluun tarkoitettuja minilennokkeja Israelista. Tilaus on osa hankekokonaisuutta, jolla korvataan jalkaväkimiinojen poistumista. Lähes 24 miljoonan euron tilaus ei ole kuitenkaan sujunut suunnitellusti.

- Koneiden toimitusten piti alkaa tänä vuonna ja jatkua ensi vuoden puolelle. Nyt näyttää kuitenkin siltä, että toimitus tulee myöhästymään. Tällä hetkellä puhutaan vielä kuukausista ja toivotaan, että se pysyy siinä, sanoo kaupallinen neuvos Arto Koski puolustusministeriöstä.
Jos vanhat merkit paikkansa pitävät, niin tuohon voi vain sanoa, että "more for us."
Mites paljon noita Orbiter2:sia mahtaa 24milj€ saada? Eihän tuo vielä pahasti ole myöhässä... Jos vertaa vaikka NH90 hankintaan... Pääasia että tulee ja on kuranttia kamaa. Tuo parantaa selkeästi kyllä operatiivisten joukkojen toiminta mahdollisuuksia... Seuraavaksi sitten vaikka Orbiter3 järjestelmää ja pari Hermestä :)

Aika hiljainen tuo on lennossa, kun ajattelee, että kyseenomainen suihkumoottori pohjautuu risteilyohjusten omiin koneisiin. Eikä ole pahan hintainen jos miettii mitä kaikkea kekseliäs sissi voi saada sillä aikaiseksi. Vain kolme tonnia jenkkikaupassa.
Small, tactical drones may have a new role in military strikes after Northrop Grumman’s catapult-launched Bat demonstrated an electronic attack capability for the first time in new tests.

With its 12-foot wingspan, the low-flying Bat, which maxes out at 70 miles per hour, was able to jam radar during tests. That means the Pentagon will soon have the option of deploying a flexible, largely undetectable drone with radar-jamming capability to protect manned aircraft against radar and surface-to-air missile guidance systems.

Iran on Monday unveiled a missile-equipped drone with a range of 2,000 kilometres (1,200 miles), the official IRNA news agency reported.
"The Fotros drone has an operational range of 2,000 kilometres and can fly at an altitude of 25,000 feet, with a flight time of 16 to 30 hours," Defence Minister Mohammad Dehgan was quoted as saying.

Dehgan said the new drone could carry out reconnaissance missions or launch air-to-surface missile strikes.

The aircraft was tested "successfully" and "shows that sanctions imposed by the enemies are not an obstacle to the progress of the defence industry," the minister told the unveiling ceremony.

In recent years, Iran has launched an ambitious drone programme, causing worry in the United States and the West.

In late September, the elite Revolutionary Guards announced the mass production of the "Shahed 129" drone, which it said has a range of 1,700 kilometres, is capable of carrying eight missiles and can fly for 24 hours.

In the same month, Iran unveiled a reconnaissance drone named "Yasseer," which was said to be capable of flying for eight hours with a range of 200 kilometres and at an altitude of 4,500 meters.

Yasseer was based on the US ScanEagle drone, a model of which Tehran claimed to have captured in December 2012 and reproduced since then.

The Iranian army also recently boasted that it was producing a series of drones called Rad-85.

The big problem with drones is they look like, well, drones. It makes them easy to spot, and easy to target. The Army has a solution to this problem: make them look like birds.

A microdrone that resembles a bird would be harder to spot, the thinking goes, rendering them almost as invisible to the enemy as the soldiers controlling them.

Maveric has a bird-like profile with flexible wings, giving it the appearance of a raptor in flight. The drone, made of composite material, can fly as high as 25,000 feet and zip along at between 20 and 65 mph, making it just the thing for reconnaissance missions. And those super-stealthy guys in Special Operations.

“There was a Special Operations requirement for a plane that had a natural, biological look — it wasn’t supposed to look DoD-ish,” Derek Lyons, vice president of sales and business development at Prioria Robotics, told Flightglobal.

Earlier this fall, the Florida robotics company won a $4.5 million contract from the U.S. Army’s Rapid Equipping Force to produce 36 Maverics for an urgent, but undisclosed, need. Training the Joint Special Operations Task Force to use Maveric started earlier this month, according to Prioria, and fully-equipped delivery is expected in December.

Maveric weighs just 2.5 pounds and can be contained within a 6-inch tube. There’s no assembly required to prepare it for use, and it can be launched in less than 5 minutes by a single soldier. Once it reaches 100 meters, it’s silent to those on the ground. The battery’s only good for about an hour, but it takes just 30 seconds to swap a dead pack for a fresh one and have it ready to fly again. The drone is retrieved with a net.

The drone’s retractable gimbaled camera is flexible enough to capture footage from almost any angle, and it is said to be so good it can work in the most inclement weather.

Going from contract to delivery in less than six months is remarkable, and The Army considers its prompt acquisition of Maveric a very big deal, given some acquisition efforts take years to achieve.

“As the REF procures emerging capabilities to meet urgent Soldier requirements, we are often inserting technologies for the first time and assessing operational performance,” said REF project manager Tami Johnson, in a statement. “It demonstrates our ability to validate a unique requirement, canvass emerging commercial-off-the-shelf and government-off-the-shelf technologies, and partner with other Army organizations to quickly place capabilities into the hands of Soldiers.”
Mites paljon noita Orbiter2:sia mahtaa 24milj€ saada? Eihän tuo vielä pahasti ole myöhässä... Jos vertaa vaikka NH90 hankintaan... Pääasia että tulee ja on kuranttia kamaa. Tuo parantaa selkeästi kyllä operatiivisten joukkojen toiminta mahdollisuuksia... Seuraavaksi sitten vaikka Orbiter3 järjestelmää ja pari Hermestä :)

Defense Industry Dailyn lainaaman lähteen mukaan hankinta käsittää 55 "järjestelmää". Sitä en osaa sanoa, onko yhdessä järjestelmässä yksi vai useampia lennokkeja.
Jenkeiltä pölähtää taivaille kohta jo SR71:a modernimpi, miehittämätön sukupolvi SR72, joka kantaa ruumassaan myös hypersoonisia waverider-ohjuksia.

November 1, 2013 at 20:27
SR-72, a Hypersonic Drone is Positioned to be the Successor of SR-71 ‘BlackBird’

Lockheed Martin broke silence today about the development of an unmanned hypersonic aircraft it is proposing for future reconnaissance and long-range strike missions. The company said it is ready to embark on the development of the SR-72 hypersonic unmanned aircraft that could enter service with the U.S. Air Force in 2030.

The proposed drone is positioned the follow-on to the Air Forces’ fastest known strategic reconnaissance aircraft – Mach 3 SR-71 ‘BlackBird’, developed by the legendary designer Clarence “Kelly” Johnson, the chief designer of the Lockheed skunk works in the early 1960s . Envisioned as an unmanned aircraft, the SR-72 would fly at speeds up to Mach 6, or six times the speed of sound. At this speed, the aircraft would be so fast, an adversary would have no time to react or hide.

An SR-72 could be operational by 2030. For the past several years, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works has been working with Aerojet Rocketdyne to develop a method to integrate an off-the-shelf turbine with a supersonic combustion ramjet air breathing jet engine to power the aircraft from standstill to Mach 6.

The turbine based combined cycle propulsion means the turbine is combined with a ramjet to enable operation form static to hypersonic speeds of Mach 5+. At the turbine stage thrust is provided by the turbine engine from takeoff up to about Mach 3, where the ramjet kicks in, accelerating the aircraft up to hypersonic speeds. The turbine engine and ramjet are fed through a single inlet nozzle to significantly reduce drag.

The result is the SR-72 that Aviation Week has dubbed “son of Blackbird,” and integrated engine and airframe that is optimized at the system level for high performance and affordability. “Conceived as a solution to the proliferation of mobile weapons platforms, which can be concealed from satellites, the jet would fly so fast that adversaries would not be able to react in time to hide a mobile target.” Aviation Week writer Guy Norris said.

Lockheed Martin said it is ready to embark on the development of the new hypersonic drone. The SR-72’s design incorporates lessons learned from the HTV-2, which flew to a top speed of Mach 20, or 13,000 mph, with a surface temperature of 3500°F.

According to Brad Leland, Lockheed Martin program manager, Hypersonics, a hypersonic aircraft will be a ‘game changer’. “Hypersonic aircraft, coupled with hypersonic missiles, could penetrate denied airspace and strike at nearly any location across a continent in less than an hour,” said Leland. “Speed is the next aviation advancement to counter emerging threats in the next several decades. The technology would be a game-changer in theater, similar to how stealth is changing the battlespace today.”

SR-72 is not the first hypersonic Skunk Works aircraft. In partnership with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, engineers developed the rocket-launched Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 (HTV-2). The HTV-2 research and development project was designed to collect data on three technical challenges of hypersonic flight: aerodynamics; aerothermal effects; and guidance, navigation and control.

Tämä ei liity mitenkään sotilaskäyttöön, mutta kertoo teknologian kehityksestä tällä alueella joten hyväksyttänee:


Amazon suunnittelee mullistavaa pakettijakelua minikoptereilla
2.12.2013 11:04 | 7 |
Helsingin Sanomat
Amazon / AFP

Pienen grillin kokoinen minikopteri koelennolla Amazonin julkaisemassa kuvassa. Kopteri pystyy kantamaan korkeintaan 2,3 kilon paketteja.

Yhdysvaltalainen verkkokauppajätti Amazon on paljastanut mullistavan suunnitelman kuljettaa nettitilaukset perille.
Prime Air -nimisessä järjestelmässä neliroottoriset minikopterit kuljettaisivat paketit suoraan tilaajille korkeintaan puolessa tunnissa.
Youtubeen ladatulla videolla näkyy, miten minikopteri poimii lähetyksen varastohihnalta, lennähtää sille syötettyyn osoitteeseen, jättää paketin asiakkaan kotiportaille ja lennähtää takaisin varastolle.
Amazon haluaa nopeammilla toimituksilla houkutella asiakkaita, jotka nykyisin haluavat tavaransa saman tien kivijalkakaupoista.
Yhtiön toimitusjohtaja Jeff Bezos uskoo, että järjestelmä voidaan saada käyttöön jo neljässä tai viidessä vuodessa.
"Tiedän, että tämä vaikuttaa tieteisfantasialta. Se ei ole sitä", Bezos sanoi CBS-televisiokanavan 60 minutes -ohjelmassa.
"Voimme luultavasti kantaa viiden paunan (2,3 kilon) painoisia esineitä, mikä vastaa 86:ta prosenttia toimituksistamme."
Minikopterin toimintasäde olisi noin 16 kilometriä, eli järjestelmän on suunniteltu kattavan kaupunkiympäristöt. Sähkökäyttöiset kopterit olisivat autokuljetuksia ympäristöystävällisempi tapa toimittaa pienet peruspaketit perille, Bezos sanoo.
Amazonilla ei ole vielä suunnitelmalleen esimerkiksi ilmailuviranomaisten lupaa.
Ei muuten tule onnistumaan ihan heti. Meinaan, että ei mene kauaakaan, että jollekin tulee mieleen ottaa selvää siitä, miten tuollainen saadaan alas.