Respected Leader
Întuneric și frig. Așa începe prăbușirea? – DW – 15.01.2024
Cartiere din Moscova, Sankt Petersburg și Rostov pe Don au rămas fără curent și în frig, în timp ce temperaturile au coborât cu mult sub zero grade
Romanialainen lehti ennustaa venäjän romahduksen alkaneen. Kun lämpö ja sähkö loppuvat tulevat ihmiset hyvin nopeasti toisiin ajatuksiin omista johtajista ja niiden ajamista tavoitteista. Romanialaisilla on tästä kokemusta Ceaușescun ajoilta.
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Neighborhoods in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Rostov-on-Don were left without power and in the cold as temperatures dropped well below zero degrees Celsius.
The Kremlin leader was sure that Europe would not survive without its gas and oil, but the exact opposite happened. Citizens of the old continent saved, invested and changed industry, giving up on Russia's energy resources , while the "subjects of the Tsar " ended up living in frozen dwellings with no electricity.
So begins the collapse, with cold and blackouts. Initially, the authorities say that they are simple faults and that they will be fixed, but the cold in the houses and the darkness unsettle the people and make them understand that their future is becoming more complicated.
"Due to the technological disruption in the high-voltage networks, the regional distribution directorate for the Rostov region of Russia has decided to introduce temporary power shutdown programs in a number of districts. The management intends to restore normal electricity supply in the near future," said a statement from Rosseti Sud, the region's distribution company.
The city of Rostov-on-Don has over one million inhabitants, and the electricity was cut off for over three hours in several districts, with the authorities announcing that the solution to the problem is far from over.
The outage was not caused by an accident, but by a more complicated fault that is causing the company to ration electricity indefinitely.
This winter, power and heat outages were also reported in Russia, a novelty in a country that has access to huge gas and oil resources, which can be easily converted into electricity and heat.
The Moscow Times listed 13 regions and major cities in Russia, including Moscow and St. Petersburg, where there were major power outages and home heating.
"It's a total shame. We have no heat and no hot water. We have to sleep in sleeping bags. I have no words to describe how bad the situation is. We haven't had heating for almost six days," Iuri, from the city of Podolosk, 30 kilometers from Moscow, told the quoted publication.
He avoided giving reporters his full name for fear of reprisals from Russian authorities.
In the Tver region, located north of Moscow, a group of citizens sent a video call to Vladimir Putin, published on the Russian social platform VKontakte, in which they tell the president that "it is a kind of torture and the extermination of a community that lives just 100 kilometers from the capital".
Europe survived without Russian gas.
At the start of the invasion, Kremlin propaganda distributed thousands of messages, video clips, official statements and social media posts, announcing to European Union citizens that, without Russian gas and oil, they would freeze to death in their homes and sit in darkness.
A video made by Gazprom, Russia's largest energy company, has gone viral on social media , suggesting that Europe will be engulfed in winter cold and collapse due to the fact that it will no longer benefit from energy resources coming from Russia .
But the exact opposite happened. After a winter in which the authorities of the European states asked their citizens to make drastic savings, after the member states collaborated and concluded a plan with the European Commission for the procurement, storage and transfer to massive purchases of liquefied gas, the EU is no longer dependent on Russia's energy resources. From an exposure of more than 60%, registered before the start of the invasion, today the states of the old continent import minuscule amounts of natural gas and Russian oil.
Collapse of infrastructure And yet, why are more and more of Putin's "subjects" sitting in the dark and cold while energy exports have dropped significantly?
The answer is infrastructure collapse. It's a well-known phenomenon in Romania, where, after the fall of communism, it took decades to restore and make efficient, as much as possible, the electricity and heat distribution infrastructure, with investments of billions of euros, the privatization of some components in the chain of production, transport and use, but also price liberalization.
Pitää myös katsoa tätä pidemmän aikavälin näkökulmasta: tämä sota tulee jatkumaan useita vuosia, joten tulee toinen talvi ja sen jälkeen kolmas.
Korjaaminen ei ole mahdotonta talvella, tätä tehdään Suomessakin joten miksei myös Venäjällä. Mutta saadaanko kaikki korjattua ennen seuraavaa talvea? Millainen talvi se seuraava talvi tulee olemaan? Onko leudompi vai samanlainen kuin nyt? Entä se kolmas talvi?
Niin makaa kuin petaa, infrastruktuurin peruskorjaamisen laiminlyöminen voi jatkua vain tiettyyn rajaan asti. Toki tunnustettava että nyt on ollut poikkeuksellisen kylmä talvi, myös Suomessa. En ennustaisi seuraavista talvista yhtä pahoja, mutta eihän sitä koskaan tiedä.
Jos sotakassa ei anna myöten, niin monia asia jää korjaamatta ennen seuraavaa talvea.