Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Ryssä on selvästi seurannut mpnettiä: vuosi sitten täällä joku taisi ehdottaa, että mobilikit pitäisi varustaa enduropyörillä. Tosin se oli vielä melko konservatiivinen strategia, koska ehdotuksen mukaan pyöriä tulisi käyttää juoksuhaudasta pakenemiseen eikä suoraan rintamahyökkäykseen.

Myös ukrainalaisten käytössä on näkynyt kaksipyöräisiä. Ne taisivat olla jotain sähkömopoja, joilla panssarintorjuntaukkelit suhasivat asemien väliä. Kun etäisyydet ovat pitkiä, niin käveleminen ei ole todellinen vaihtoehto. Eli ehkä näille jotain ihan järkevääkin käyttöä voisi keksiä.

Ryssän tapauksessa kyseessä taitaa kuitenkin olla se perinteinen suorituskykyjen korvaaminen: tankki vaihtuu IFV:ksi, IFV korvataan APC:llä, APC:n tilalle hommataan pulla-UAZ, UAZ:zi muuttuu kiinalaiseksi rynnäkkögolfkärryksi ja golfkärryn tilalle sosialisoidaan jokin satunnainen siviilimoottoripyörä. Mobilikeilla ei ole mitään syytä valittaa, sillä seuraavalla saapumiserällä kalusto on entistäkin huonompaa ja twitterissä hämmästellään fillarirynnäköitä.
Minä ehdotin niitä, ja mönkijää myös. Tosin se ehdotus kaatui täällä siihen toteamukseen ettei ryssän ole tarkoitus paeta,vaan pitää asemat viimeiseen mieheen saakka😄
Viimeksi muokattu:
Asuukohan Janus lentokentän lähellä kun sanoi, että naapurustoon osui
Ei anus tuolla asu... Sehän asuu "Luganskissa" omien sanojensa mukaan... Luhanski saattaa olla ihan muualla... Tietäen ryssien hysteerisen "omat puri" pelon jo Stalinin ajoilta, jolloin kaikki tapettiin, jos edes vähän oli epäilystä... oli syyllinen tai syytön... Vois alkaa semmosen nettikampanjan missä osotettais kuin anus putkonen on semmosta ja tämmöstä tietoa antanu lännelle... Vois FSB tulla hyvinkin äkkiä hakemaan mokomankin valtion vihollisen parempaan talteen ;) Ihan ajatuksena tän vaan heitin ....
Mihkähän asti ohjukset kantaa jos ne ammutaan aivan rajan tuntumasta. Sillonhan niitä on käytetty ukrainan alueella.

Se ei valitettavasti toimi ihan noin. Meinas katketa koko USA:n ja Saksan apu kun ampusivat siellä Pohjois-Ukrainasta lähtien Patriotilla yllätyksenomaisesti venäläisten suihkarit ja ELSO-hekot alas Venäjän puolella.

Eihän niin saa tehdä, kun se sotkee Venäjän suunnitelmat.

Zelensky on käynyt Belgiassa tarkastamassa F-16 (28.05.2024).
During his working visit to Belgium, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky visited the Melsbroek military base where servicemen are being trained.


As noted, President Zelensky was informed in detail about the combat characteristics and technical specifications of the aircraft, as well as about the training of Ukrainian pilots on the F-16s. The Belgian pilot instructors noted the high motivation of their Ukrainian colleagues.

President Zelensky also met with the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who are undergoing training to maintain F-16s.
As reported, in Brussels, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo signed a bilateral agreement on security and long-term support.
Operational information as of 10:30 p.m. 28/05/2024 regarding the Russian invasion [1/2]

The situation at the front remains tense, but under control. The defense forces continue to resolutely oppose the enemy's attempts to advance deep into the territory of Ukraine, and direct their efforts to disrupt the execution of the offensive plans by the occupiers.

At present, there have been about 110 combat clashes. The Russian invaders are trying to use superiority in manpower, equipment and air support. Ukrainian soldiers are giving battle to the enemy, and in some directions they themselves are taking effective active actions to improve the stability of the defense.

During the day, the enemy carried out three missile attacks using four missiles and 38 air strikes using 57 air defense systems, and used 435 kamikaze drones on the territory of Ukraine. Also, the enemy fired 2,849 shots at the positions of our troops and populated areas using various types of weapons.

Seven combat clashes took place in the Kharkiv direction. Units of the Defense Forces repulsed four assault actions of the Russian invaders in the districts of Staritsa and Vovchansk. The situation is tense, but controlled by Ukrainian troops. At the moment, the battle continues in the Vovchansk region. Our defenders are actively resisting and inflicting losses on the enemy.

Previously, the losses of the enemy since the beginning of the day in this direction amounted to 68 people. Three artillery systems, 12 vehicles and three units of special equipment were destroyed. Two tanks, three artillery systems, seven cars and one special equipment were damaged.

There were 19 combat clashes in the Kupyansk direction. The defense forces successfully repelled 16 enemy attacks in the areas of Sinkivka, Stepova Novoselivka, Druzhelyubivka, Novoyehorivka and Nevske settlements. Another combat clash continues in Petropavlivka and Nevsky districts.

16 skirmishes took place in the Lyman direction. Attempts by the Russian occupiers to advance in the areas of Terni, Torsky and Serebryansky forests were unsuccessful. Despite the activity of the enemy, measures are being taken by the Ukrainian military to strengthen the front edge of defense.

On the Siverskyi direction, the enemy attacked our positions near Bilogorivka eight times, where they tried to wedge themselves into the order of battle of the Ukrainian units. The situation is tense. The defenders of Ukraine are making every effort to prevent the Russian invaders from advancing deep into our territory.

In the Kramatorsk direction, the aggressor tried six times to attack units of the Defense Forces in the districts of Hryhorivka, Klishchiivka, and Andriivka. All attempts were unsuccessful. Loss of our positions is not allowed.
The enemy intensively attacked the Ukrainian defenders in the Pokrovsky direction. Here, during the day, sometimes with the support of aviation, using anti-aircraft missiles, the aggressor carried out 25 assault actions and tried to increase significant fire control efforts along almost the entire line of contact. In some areas, the enemy has partial success. Defense forces are taking measures to stabilize the situation and prevent the advance of the enemy.

Previous losses of the aggressor in this direction amounted to more than 220 occupiers killed and wounded. Six armored fighting vehicles, four cars and one ATGM were destroyed. One armored combat vehicle, one cannon and two mortars were damaged.

At this time of the day, there are nine combat clashes in the Kurakhiv direction. The invaders are trying to advance in the areas of Krasnohorivka, Kostyantynivka and Vodyane settlements. Units of the Defense Forces repel enemy attacks and strengthen the stability of defensive lines.

In the Vremivsk direction, the Russian occupiers do not stop trying to dislodge the Ukrainian defenders from their occupied positions. Our soldiers repelled six attacks by the occupiers in the Staromayorsky area. One still continues. Defense forces control the situation.

Operational information as of 10:30 p.m. 28/05/2024 regarding the Russian invasion [2/2]

There were three combat clashes in the Orihiv direction. The Russian occupiers failed to push our units away from Malaya Tokmachka.

In the Dnieper direction, the occupiers do not stop trying to knock out the Defense Forces from their positions on the left bank of the Dnieper. 10 combat clashes did not make any significant changes to the situation in this area. The Ukrainian military continues to control the situation, the loss of our positions has not been allowed.

Ukrainian soldiers inflict significant losses on the occupiers, actively use means of fire damage to the enemy's manpower and equipment. Measures are being taken to improve the tactical position in certain directions.

Let's beat the enemy and bring our Victory closer!
Glory to Ukraine!
