Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Medvedevin mukaan Ukrainan sota auttaa Ukrainaa murtamaan lännen uuskolonialistiset kahleet. Hänen mukaansa nämä uuskolonialistit eivät kunnioita muiden maiden strategisia rajoja ja pyrkivät orjuuttamaan Venäjän naapurimaat.

Medvedev said that the special operation will help free Ukraine from the shackles of the West​

MOSCOW, June 14. /TASS/. Ukraine has actually completely lost its political independence, and a special operation will help free it from the neocolonial shackles of the West. This opinion was expressed by Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev.

“As a result of the coup d’etat in February 2014, the country completely lost its political subjectivity. External control was actually established over the republic, the examples of which are countless throughout the world,” he noted in an article published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

The Deputy Head of the Security Council of the Russian Federation considers it obvious that it is now possible to free Ukraine from neocolonial shackles only after completing all the tasks of the Security Council.

He noted that for many years it was generally accepted that neo-colonialism existed somewhere far away, for example in Asia, Africa or Latin America. In fact, the politician continued, the ambitions of the new metropolises know neither economic nor political limits, and the neo-colonialists themselves do not want to respect the strategic borders of other countries.

Medvedev stated that neocolonialism has long come close to the borders of the Russian Federation. The first step was to gain control over Russia's neighbors, including fomenting color revolutions in Ukraine and Georgia, he noted.

“Despite the first setbacks, the West has not given up on its plans to enslave our neighbors,” summed up the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, adding that Western states are focused on creating their own “neocolonial bridgehead” on the territory of Ukraine.
Medvedevin mukaan Ukrainan sota auttaa Ukrainaa murtamaan lännen uuskolonialistiset kahleet. Hänen mukaansa nämä uuskolonialistit eivät kunnioita muiden maiden strategisia rajoja ja pyrkivät orjuuttamaan Venäjän naapurimaat.
Eli ryzzä-suomi kääntäjän mukaan metukka tarkoittaa, että Ukrainan sota on kahlinnut zenäjän uuskolonialistiset strategiat ja murtanut tavoitteet orjuuttaa zenäjän naapurimaat.
Operational information as of 10:00 a.m. 14/06/2024 regarding the Russian invasion [1/2]

Glory to Ukraine!

Eight hundred and forty-second day of large-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

During the past day, 109 combat clashes took place.
According to detailed information, yesterday the enemy launched a total of 3 missile strikes using 4 missiles, 66 air strikes (in particular, dropped 94 anti-aircraft missiles), launched more than 3,800 attacks, 100 of them from rocket salvo systems.

The Air Force and missile troops and artillery of the Defense Forces of Ukraine hit an anti-aircraft defense device, two control points, two artillery devices, an electronic warfare station and 11 areas of concentration of personnel and anti-aircraft defenses of the enemy.

Last day, the total losses of the Russian invaders amounted to 1,250 people. The enemy also lost eight tanks, 26 armored fighting vehicles, 48 artillery systems, two anti-aircraft guns, three anti-aircraft vehicles, 22 anti-aircraft anti-aircraft missiles, a missile, 60 vehicles and 16 units of special equipment.

On the night of June 14, 2024, the Russian occupiers launched a missile and air strike on Ukraine. In total, the enemy used 31 means of air attack - 14 air and ground-based missiles and 17 attack UAVs, namely:
- 10 Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missiles from Tu-95 MS strategic aviation aircraft (launch area, Saratov region (Russian Federation);
- three Iskander-M ballistic missiles (launched from the TOT of the Ukrainian Crimea and Krasnodar Territory (RF);
- Kh-47M2 "Kinzhal" aeroballistic missile (from the airspace of the Tambov region (Russian Federation);
- 17 strike UAVs of the "Shahed" type (launch area - Yeisk (Russian Federation).
As a result of anti-aircraft combat, 7 Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missiles and 17 Shahed-type attack UAVs were shot down in Khmelnytskyi, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk, and Kirovohrad regions.

Since the beginning of this day, 41 combat clashes have already taken place along the entire front line. The invaders carried out six airstrikes with ten guided aerial bombs, used 33 kamikaze drones and carried out more than 580 attacks on the positions of our troops and populated areas.

In the Kharkiv direction, the attack of the occupiers in the Vovchansk region is currently underway. The situation is under control. Last day, the invaders lost 72 lives, 30 of them irretrievably. Three armored fighting vehicles, two artillery systems, nine cars and five units of special equipment were destroyed. Three artillery systems and five vehicles were damaged. 26 enemy dugouts and two ammunition depots were hit.

In the Kupyansk direction, our soldiers repel two attacks by Russian invaders in the areas of Petropavlivka and Pishchany. The situation is under control.

In the Lyman direction, our troops repelled three attempts by the occupiers to improve their tactical position. One assault near Nevsky was repulsed, two skirmishes, in the Nevsky and Grekivka districts, continue.

In the Siverskyi direction, the invaders' attempt to advance in the Rozdolivka area was successfully stopped.

In the Pokrovsky direction, Ukrainian defenders are taking measures to prevent Russian troops from advancing deep into Ukrainian territory. The enemy continues to try to break through our defenses in the areas of Novooleksandrivka, Sokol, Novoselivka Pershoya and Novopokrovsky. At this time, seven combat clashes are ongoing, and five attacks have already been repulsed. The situation is under the control of the Defense Forces of Ukraine. According to detailed information, in the Pokrovsky direction, yesterday the enemy lost 363 people killed and wounded, an enemy tank, two armored fighting vehicles, a cannon and a car were destroyed. A tank, one BBM and a car were damaged.

The situation is tense in the Kurakhiv direction. The enemy launched assaults 11 times. Two attacks were successfully repelled near Paraskoviivka. Nine clashes continue in Krasnohorivka and Paraskoviivka districts.

In the Vremivsk direction, the invaders stepped up in the area of Urozhany - the battle continues. The occupiers are repulsed harshly. The enemy's attempt to storm our positions near Vodyanyi failed.

Operational information as of 10:00 a.m. 14/06/2024 regarding the Russian invasion [2/2]

In the Orihiv direction, the Russian aggressor carried out five assaults in the area of Malaya Tokmachka. Our soldiers repelled all attacks.

In the Dnieper direction, on the left bank of the Dnieper, our soldiers firmly stopped one assault by the invaders.

In the rest of the directions, the situation did not undergo significant changes

The Defense Forces of Ukraine are taking all necessary measures to deter the enemy's offensive and exhaust its combat potential.

We will win in unity! Glory to Ukraine!

Toivotaan, että Ukraina pitää helvetin tarkan huolen ettei latiakaan länsiavusta mene korruptioon.

Uskon, että juuri nyt eletään käännettä jossa ryssä alkaa ottamaan kuokkaansa ja lännestä nekin jotka ovat olleet nihkeitä, alkavat hyppäämään voittajan kelkkaan. Apu lisääntyy ja myös riski väärinkäytöksille kasvaa.

Mobikit ei enää juokse Ukrainan asemiin. Ukrainan ilmatorjunta paranee samaa vauhtia kun ryssän ohjukset vähenee ja huononee.

Ryssän on yritettävä muuta, ja infovaikuttminen länteen päin on yksi keino mikä tulee lisääntymään. LePenin kaltaiset kätyrit käsketään viimeiseen taistoon, ja läntisen avun valuminen korruptioon olisi mitä parhainta polttoainetta.
Toivotaan, että Ukraina pitää helvetin tarkan huolen ettei latiakaan länsiavusta mene korruptioon.

Uskon, että juuri nyt eletään käännettä jossa ryssä alkaa ottamaan kuokkaansa ja lännestä nekin jotka ovat olleet nihkeitä, alkavat hyppäämään voittajan kelkkaan. Apu lisääntyy ja myös riski väärinkäytöksille kasvaa.

Mobikit ei enää juokse Ukrainan asemiin. Ukrainan ilmatorjunta paranee samaa vauhtia kun ryssän ohjukset vähenee ja huononee.

Ryssän on yritettävä muuta, ja infovaikuttminen länteen päin on yksi keino mikä tulee lisääntymään. LePenin kaltaiset kätyrit käsketään viimeiseen taistoon, ja läntisen avun valuminen korruptioon olisi mitä parhainta polttoainetta.
Juurihan delirium dima usutti kätyreitään tähän infovaikuttamiseen. Sen varaan tuntuvat rybyt laskevan ihan yleisesti, mielestäni jopa hämmentävän paljon siihen nähden, miten vähäisiltä todelliset vaikutukset tuntuvat. Tai sitten olen vain niin totaalisesti läntisen infovaikuttamisen indoktrinoima ja teflonoima, ettei ryssän paska tartu.
Mikäli droonisuojausta ei kykene järjestämään niin toiminee vedettävä siinä missä telatykkikin, onhan noita videoita näkynyt molemmin puolin missä telatykkikin laukaistaan narusta ulkona. Tällöin muu miehistö ei ole tykin sisällä muuten kuin lataamassa ja asettamassa maalin koordinaatit. Kertoo kyllä drooniuhkasta paljon.

Kantaman kasvattaminen mm. erikoisampumatarvikkeilla, toiminnan painottaminen öiseen aikaan tai kun drooneille on heikko sää, erittäin hyvä naamiointi, ammusten sekä tarvikkeiden kätkeminen maastoon, liikkeen rajoittaminen kaikilta osin, valemaalit, vastatykistötutkat, toiminnan hajauttaminen, laadukas tekeminen jotta laukausmäärät pysyvät minimissään.

Mutta ensiarvoisen tärkeää on a) olla se osapuoli joka käyttää drooneja enemmän sekä laadukkaammin ja b) saada alas tehokkaasti niitä vastapuolen drooneja kaikkialla.

Keinoja on, mutta mikään ei tee autuaaksi, noita kaikkia on käytettävä. Hieman epäilen, että me oltaisiin härmässä tällaiseen sotaan valmiita, vähän uskotellaan itsellemme että oltaisiin ja joissakin keinoissa ollaan hyviäkin, mutta kokonaisuus ei vielä riitä.

Tässäpä hyvä uutinen, EU laittaa ryssien rahaa Ukrainaan puolitoista miljardia heinäkuussa, nyt tässä kuussa omaa tukea 1.9 miljardia.

Ja halvoilla FPV drooneilla yksi ryssien parhaista EW jammereista tuleen sekä päreiksi.

Täytyy arvostaa Ukrainalaisia mukautuvaisuudesta tantereella ja tietysti kiittää ryssän tietynlaista "vodkakoulutusta" 🤣
Putlerille ei ole vielä valjennut mitä kello on lyönyt, no aikanaan vielä valkenee. Hänellä ei ole enää mitään uskottavuutta tai voimaa sanella ehtoja joista neuvottelut aloitetaan, ryssät vähenevät toistaiseksi miehitetyiltä alueilta sellaista kyytiä, että uutta pitää koko ajan laittaa junallinen päivässä mikäli aikoo edes pitää löyhästi kiinni.

Heikkouttahan se on edes ottaa asia puheeksi hänen asemastaan katsoen.

Eikä vähemmän yllättävää, että hän paasaa tästä aiheesta tänään kun katsoo mitä uutisia eilen tuli eetteriin.
Ukrainan kerrotaan iskeneen pitkän kantaman räjähdelennokeilla useisiin kohteisiin Venäjällä.

Paikallismedian mukaan asukkaat kuulivat useita räjähdyksiä Rostovin alueella sijaitsevan Morozovskin lentotukikohdan alueelta. Lennokki-isku aiheutti paikoin sähkökatkoja.

Morozovskista käsin toimii Venäjän ilmavoimien 559. pommikonerykmentti, jonka kalustossa on Su-34-rynnäkkökoneita.

Öljyvarikko vaurioitui lisäksi toisessa hyökkäyksessä Voronezhin alueella. Useiden polttoainesäiliöiden väitetään kärsineen vahinkoja.


Kissamummon ajatuksia Kultaranta keskusteluissa... itkeäkö vai nauraa :ROFLMAO:
Halonen varmaan haluaisi Ukrainaan valkovenäläisiä tai serbilaisia rauhanturvaajia? Ehkä myös luhanskilaiset, abhasialaiset ja transnistrialaiset lasketaan?
Putlerille ei ole vielä valjennut mitä kello on lyönyt, no aikanaan vielä valkenee. Hänellä ei ole enää mitään uskottavuutta tai voimaa sanella ehtoja joista neuvottelut aloitetaan, ryssät vähenevät toistaiseksi miehitetyiltä alueilta sellaista kyytiä, että uutta pitää koko ajan laittaa junallinen päivässä mikäli aikoo edes pitää löyhästi kiinni.

Heikkouttahan se on edes ottaa asia puheeksi hänen asemastaan katsoen.

Eikä vähemmän yllättävää, että hän paasaa tästä aiheesta tänään kun katsoo mitä uutisia eilen tuli eetteriin.
Tästä herää epäilys, että onko Vova jo täysin irtautunut todellisuudesta? Voihan olla, että kaikki alaiset toistavat kuorossa, miten Ukrainan murtuminen on enää ajan kysymys ja tsaari armollisesti suostuu neuvotteluihin...
Operational information as of 10:00 a.m. 14/06/2024 regarding the Russian invasion [1/2]

Glory to Ukraine!

Eight hundred and forty-second day of large-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

During the past day, 109 combat clashes took place.
According to detailed information, yesterday the enemy launched a total of 3 missile strikes using 4 missiles, 66 air strikes (in particular, dropped 94 anti-aircraft missiles), launched more than 3,800 attacks, 100 of them from rocket salvo systems.

The Air Force and missile troops and artillery of the Defense Forces of Ukraine hit an anti-aircraft defense device, two control points, two artillery devices, an electronic warfare station and 11 areas of concentration of personnel and anti-aircraft defenses of the enemy.

Last day, the total losses of the Russian invaders amounted to 1,250 people. The enemy also lost eight tanks, 26 armored fighting vehicles, 48 artillery systems, two anti-aircraft guns, three anti-aircraft vehicles, 22 anti-aircraft anti-aircraft missiles, a missile, 60 vehicles and 16 units of special equipment.

On the night of June 14, 2024, the Russian occupiers launched a missile and air strike on Ukraine. In total, the enemy used 31 means of air attack - 14 air and ground-based missiles and 17 attack UAVs, namely:
- 10 Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missiles from Tu-95 MS strategic aviation aircraft (launch area, Saratov region (Russian Federation);
- three Iskander-M ballistic missiles (launched from the TOT of the Ukrainian Crimea and Krasnodar Territory (RF);
- Kh-47M2 "Kinzhal" aeroballistic missile (from the airspace of the Tambov region (Russian Federation);
- 17 strike UAVs of the "Shahed" type (launch area - Yeisk (Russian Federation).
As a result of anti-aircraft combat, 7 Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missiles and 17 Shahed-type attack UAVs were shot down in Khmelnytskyi, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk, and Kirovohrad regions.

Since the beginning of this day, 41 combat clashes have already taken place along the entire front line. The invaders carried out six airstrikes with ten guided aerial bombs, used 33 kamikaze drones and carried out more than 580 attacks on the positions of our troops and populated areas.

In the Kharkiv direction, the attack of the occupiers in the Vovchansk region is currently underway. The situation is under control. Last day, the invaders lost 72 lives, 30 of them irretrievably. Three armored fighting vehicles, two artillery systems, nine cars and five units of special equipment were destroyed. Three artillery systems and five vehicles were damaged. 26 enemy dugouts and two ammunition depots were hit.

In the Kupyansk direction, our soldiers repel two attacks by Russian invaders in the areas of Petropavlivka and Pishchany. The situation is under control.

In the Lyman direction, our troops repelled three attempts by the occupiers to improve their tactical position. One assault near Nevsky was repulsed, two skirmishes, in the Nevsky and Grekivka districts, continue.

In the Siverskyi direction, the invaders' attempt to advance in the Rozdolivka area was successfully stopped.

In the Pokrovsky direction, Ukrainian defenders are taking measures to prevent Russian troops from advancing deep into Ukrainian territory. The enemy continues to try to break through our defenses in the areas of Novooleksandrivka, Sokol, Novoselivka Pershoya and Novopokrovsky. At this time, seven combat clashes are ongoing, and five attacks have already been repulsed. The situation is under the control of the Defense Forces of Ukraine. According to detailed information, in the Pokrovsky direction, yesterday the enemy lost 363 people killed and wounded, an enemy tank, two armored fighting vehicles, a cannon and a car were destroyed. A tank, one BBM and a car were damaged.

The situation is tense in the Kurakhiv direction. The enemy launched assaults 11 times. Two attacks were successfully repelled near Paraskoviivka. Nine clashes continue in Krasnohorivka and Paraskoviivka districts.

In the Vremivsk direction, the invaders stepped up in the area of Urozhany - the battle continues. The occupiers are repulsed harshly. The enemy's attempt to storm our positions near Vodyanyi failed.

Operational information as of 10:00 a.m. 14/06/2024 regarding the Russian invasion [2/2]

In the Orihiv direction, the Russian aggressor carried out five assaults in the area of Malaya Tokmachka. Our soldiers repelled all attacks.

In the Dnieper direction, on the left bank of the Dnieper, our soldiers firmly stopped one assault by the invaders.

In the rest of the directions, the situation did not undergo significant changes

The Defense Forces of Ukraine are taking all necessary measures to deter the enemy's offensive and exhaust its combat potential.

We will win in unity! Glory to Ukraine!

Kiitos muuten näistä katsauksista.

Vaikka palstalla ja twitterissä on "hiljaisempaa" niin joka päivä taistelut käyvät kiivaana, sitä ei parane unohtaa.
Putinin mukaan Ukrainan sota ei ole kahden valtion tai kahden kansan välinen konflikti sillä jos näin olisi venäläiset ja ukrainalaiset olisivat varmasti löytäneet ratkaisun. Ratkaisu olisi löytynyt sillä mailla on yhteinen historia, kulttuuri, henkiset arvot ja sukulaissuhteet.

Sota johtuukin NATO:n seikkailunhaluisesta politiikasta, NATO halusi tehdä Ukrainasta Venäjä-vastaisen ja tämän saavuttaakseen se osti ukrainalaispoliitikot. Putin jatkaa tarinaa tutulla historian uudelleenkirjoituksella länsimaiden vallankaappauksesta Kiovassa jne.

Putin called the conflict in Ukraine the result of the adventurous policy of the West​

The Ukrainian crisis is not a conflict between two states, much less two peoples, because if that were the case, then the Russians and Ukrainians would have found a way to resolve the issues. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced this on Friday, June 14 .

“Growing tension is observed everywhere, and we constantly see how interconnected and interdependent the world is. And a tragic example for all of us is the Ukrainian crisis, the consequences of which reverberate throughout the planet. <...> The crisis associated with Ukraine is not a conflict between two states, much less two peoples, caused by some problems between them. If this were the case, then there is no doubt that the Russians and Ukrainians <...> would have found a way to fairly resolve any issues,” Putin said at a meeting with the leadership of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

According to him, Russians and Ukrainians are united by a common history and culture, spiritual values, as well as millions of kinship and family ties. The Ukrainian crisis itself is the result of the adventurous policy of the West, since NATO planned to make Ukraine anti-Russian, and in order to achieve these goals, money was invested and politicians were bought.

The West did everything to undermine interstate ties and set nations against each other, but did not dare to make a complete break with Russia, because the South-East of Ukraine, where people advocated close relations with Moscow , prevented such a policy from being pursued . Therefore, a coup d’etat prepared by Western countries took place in Kyiv, and the country’s cities were overwhelmed by violence.

“In this situation, of course, we could not abandon, leave the Crimeans and Sevastopol residents without protection. They made their choice in March 2014, when, as is known, the historic reunification of Crimea and Sevastopol with Russia took place. In Kharkov, Kherson, Odessa, Zaporozhye, Donetsk, Lugansk, Mariupol, the peaceful protest against the coup d’etat began to be suppressed,” he noted.

He added that in 2015, after the bloodshed in Donbass, the Minsk agreements were concluded through the mediation of Germany and France. Russia was ready to offer compromises and negotiate, but “Kyiv simply threw the agreement into the trash” because it was not satisfied with the articles of the document.

The Russian head of state has repeatedly repeated that Russia has never refused negotiations with Ukraine. Thus, on May 24, Putin noted that negotiations should take place on the basis of common sense and “based on today’s realities on earth. ” He added that the negotiation process cannot be resumed with the help of ultimatums, and the Russian Federation must be completely sure that it is dealing with legitimate authorities.

In February, Putin said that Russia did not launch a special operation to protect Donbass earlier because it believed that the Minsk agreements would be respected by all parties to the agreements. Putin recalled that Moscow only later learned “the true state of affairs” when former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and former French President Francois Hollande admitted that they refused to implement the agreement.

In December 2022, Merkel said that the Minsk agreements were an attempt to give Kiev time. Ukraine, she said, used it to become stronger. Hollande later supported Merkel's words that the Minsk agreements were actually needed to give Kiev time to strengthen its army.

The last round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine took place on March 29, 2022 in Istanbul. They lasted about three hours. Later, Kiev officially refused contacts with Moscow . On October 4, 2022, Zelensky put into effect the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of the country on the impossibility of holding negotiations with Putin.

The special operation to protect Donbass , the start of which was announced on February 24, 2022, continues. The decision was made against the backdrop of an aggravation of the situation in the region due to shelling by the Ukrainian military.
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