Greatest Leader
Perpetualta taas laatutyötä kartoittamisessa. Antaa myös vähän kuvaa siitä mitkä muut kohteet joutuivat terrorin kohteiksi.
Kartta löytyy: https://map.ukrdailyupdate.com/?lat=50.439851&lng=30.517445&z=13&d=19912&c=1&l=0
Useimmat perille asti päässeet ohjukset eilisessä Kiovaan kohdistuneessa hyökkäyksessä osui/oli tähdätty ilmeisesti Zavod Artemin tiloihin. Koska osumia tuolle suunnalle tuli useita, niin oletettavasti vauriot ovat pahat. Zavod Artem on osa valtion omistamaa aseteollisuutta. Toivottavasti ja oletettavasti tuotantoa on kuitenkin hajautettu, ilmeisesti sitä Kiovassa on kuitenkin ollut, koska Kiovan sivuilta siitä löytyi tieto ja laitosta vastaan on hyökätty aiemminkin. Defmon alla epäilee myös, että laitos tuskin on enää ollut ainakaan kovin merkittävä. Harmillisen legitiimin kohteen se Kiovan keskustassa kuitenkin tarjoili.
Artem State Joint Stock Company (part of the state concern Ukroboronprom) is located at 2 Yuriia Illienka Street. It was attacked by Russian occupation forces on March 15, along with the entrance hall of Lukianivska metro station. As you can see, the blast wave damaged these buildings and blew out their windows. Now, all this is being restored. This holding company is important for the Russian invaders because it produces air-to-air guided missiles, automated complexes for the training and maintenance of airborne guided weapons, anti-tank guided missiles, as well as devices and equipment for aircraft, which are extremely important for the confrontation and Ukraine’s victory in the Russian-Ukrainian war.
In November 2017, the plant began assembling and adjusting the production line of missile casings for the Vilkha multiple rocket launcher. An RFFM 330-138-300 CNC flow-forming machine from the Turkish company Repkon was installed. This machine is specially designed for the production of high-precision parts of cylindrical hollow shape. The machine can form rotationally symmetrical hollow parts with different wall thicknesses.
The enterprise also started the production of cases for 152-mm artillery shells after modernisation and renewal of press equipment.
At the beginning of March 2021, it became known that Artem State Joint Stock Holding Company was preparing for the production of 155 mm ammunition used by NATO countries. Also, the company will soon start repairing and modernising the R-73 air-to-air guided missiles.
Artem Plant
<div id="w1" class="readmore-js-section readmore-js-expanded" style="height: 746px;"> <p>Artem State Joint Stock Company (part of the state concern Ukroboronprom) is located at 2 Yuriia Illienka Street. It was attacked by Russian occupation forces on March 15, along with the entrance hall of...guide.kyivcity.gov.ua
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