Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Eipä toki sinänsä, mutta verrattain harvinainen tapaus tämän sodan aikana. Ainakaan ei tule mieleen toista vastaavaa.

Liki kaikki kehittyneemmät ammus-it järjestelemät (ja iso osa muistakin) lienee ollut kotirintaman suojana mopoja/risteileviä vastaan. Ja ei noita muutenkaan ole taidettu uskaltaa lennokki/drone uhan takia eturintamalle paljon kuskailla. Plus ryssän varovaiseksi mennyt rynnäköinti etulinjassa kun olkapääohjukset alkoi alun jälkeen saada pudotuksia. Siinä on sellainen kombinaatio mikä takaa äärimmäisen harvinaiset ammus it pudotukset ns. rynnäköiviin maaleihin.

Entinen ukrainalaiskansanedustaja Iryna Farion on menehtynyt tultuaan perjantaina ammutuksi kadulla Lvivin kaupungissa läntisessä Ukrainassa, uutisoi muun muassa BBC.

Lvivin alueen kuvernööri Maksym Kozytskyinmukaan Farion menehtyi sairaalassa.

Ukrainan poliisin tietojen mukaan 60-vuotias entinen kansanedustaja ja kielitieteen professori oli suunnitellun hyökkäyksen uhri. Ampujaa ei ole toistaiseksi tunnistetttu.

Myös Ukrainan sisäministeri Ihor Klymenko toteaa Telegram-viestissä, ettei kyse ole spontaanista iskusta.

– Kaikenlainen väkivalta pitää tuomita ja kuka tahansa onkaan syyllinen tähän hyökkäykseen, hänen pitää ottaa täysi vastuu, Ukrainan presidentti Volodymyr Zelenskyi sanoo Telegramissa.

Farionin nationalistinen Svoboda (vapaus) -puolue syyttää Venäjää murhasta. Puolueen lausunnon mukaan Moskova ampuu ukrainan kielen temppelissä.

Kielitieteilijä Farion tunnettiin venäjän kielen tiukkasanaisena vastustajana ja hän on luonnehtinut sitä vihollisen kieleksi. Hän sanoi viime vuonna, ettei todellisten patrioottien pitäisi puhua venäjää missään tilanteessa, etenkään etulinjassa, sillä se on hyökkääjämaan kieli.

Farionin jyrkät lausunnot ovat herättäneet kritiikkiä ja hänen on syytetty lietsovan vihaa kieliryhmien välille.
RFU:n mukaan Toretsin - Niu Yorkin taisteluissa ryssän momentti on hyytynyt ja sielläkin syntynyt jonkinlainen minimotti erääseen kerrostalokompleksiin.

Covert Cabal julkaissut tuoreen videon ryssän varastotukikohdista, tällä kertaa kohteena Mt-Lb vaunut:


Tuttuun tapaan Jompy aikoo julkaista tästä viestiketjun twitterissä, tosin sitä joudutaan odottamaan ainakin huomiseen (lisäksi hän vihjailee että samojen satelliittikuvien avulla tullaan julkaisemaan lisää sisältöä lähiaikoina, ehkä jo ensi viikolla): LÄHDE

And here it is! I'll get a thread here to explain everything in depth and add some more details in a day, as today I'm not home.

And as you can imagine, we didn't just count MT-LBs, but this particular piece of equipment has dropped in such numbers that it was worth making a video just for it. Next week you'll get more conent!


Covert Cabal videon numerot (videon ajanhetkeltä 4:36):


Hän sanoo että tukikohtien suuren määrän takia eivät voineet ostaa kaikista tuoreita satelliittikuvia, mutta painottivat merkittävimpiä eli suurimpia tukikohtia. Punaisella merkityt, hyvin vanhoihin kuviin perustuvat ovat kuulemma merkityksettömän pieniä kokonaisuuden kannalta.

Hän myös sanoo että karkeasti ottaen kesästä 2021 kesäkuun loppuun 2023 varastotukikohdista poistui keskiarvoisesti 1000 kpl MT-LB vaunuja per vuosi mutta aikavälillä kesäkuun loppu 2023 - kesäkuun loppu 2024 niitä on poistunut vain puolet tuosta määrästä eli keskiarvoisesti 500 kpl per vuosi.

Tässä on mahdollisesti nähtävissä sama kuin muun kaluston tyhjennyksessä ELI nähtiin suuri piikki kesän 2022 tienoilla kun tappioita alkoi kertymään ja arvatenkin tukikohdista kaavittiin kaikki mahdollinen toimintakuntoinen Ukrainaan. Lisäksi loppuvuonna 2022 nähtiin mobilisaatio, mikä johti joukkojen määrän kasvuun ja siten tarpeeseen varustaa nämä joukot kaikenlaisella kalustolla.

Kenties siis viimeisen 12 kuukauden selvästi hitaampi tahti kertoo siitä että nyt joukkojen määrä ei ole kasvanut vaan on vain keskitytty korvaamaan tappiot? Toinen looginen selitys hidastuneelle tahdille on se että varastotukikohtien kalusto on käymässä vähiin JA jäljellä olevan kaluston aktivointi / kunnostaminen vaatii enemmän resursseja, koska paras kalusto on jo otettu. Tämä selittäisi tahdin hidastumisen myös.

Niin tai näin, numeroista nähdään että varastotukikohdista on poistunut 2478 kpl MT-LB vaunuja ja niitä on jäljellä 488 kpl, joista mahdollisesti 446 kpl toimivassa kunnossa. JOS otetaan todesta Covert Cabal toteama että viimeisen 12 kuukauden aikana vaunuja on poistunut noin 500 kpl, niin silloin nähdään että jäljellä olevat vaunut riittävät tällä tahdilla noin 11 kuukaudeksi, jolloin pääty tulee vastaan toukokuun lopussa 2025.

HUOM: hän myös toteaa videolla, että MT-LB vaunujen loppumisen jälkeen on mahdollista että ryssä siirtyy aktivoimaan MT-LBu vaunuja, jotka ovat nimestä huolimatta eri tuote mutta kykenevät ainakin välttävästi samoihin tehtäviin.

Lisäksi hyvä muistaa että varastotukikohtien tyhjeneminen ei tarkoita sitä että nämä vaunut ovat loppu myös Ukrainassa. Niitä on varmasti eri tehtailla kunnostettavana JA merkittävä määrä Ukrainassa, joten vaunuja tullaan näkemään ja käyttämään vielä pitkään. Toki varastotukikohtien resurssin loppuminen tarkoittaa sitä että tappioita ei kyetä enää korvaamaan ainakaan MT-LB vaunuilla ja jos ei ole mitään muuta korvaavaa ratkaisua, niin MT-LB vaunujen määrä Ukrainassa kääntyy laskuun (koska tappioita ei kyetä korvaamaan).
Viimeksi muokattu:
Ukrainan armeijaan vapaaehtoisina tulevien määrä on 3.5 kertaistanut muutamassa kuukaudessa pitkään vallinneeseen tasoon nähden. Syitä tässä ei pohdita, mutta liittynee osaltaan tähän mobilisaatio kuvioon.

Samassa jutussa kerrotaan, että jo 4.7 miljoonaa ukrainalaista miestä on ilmoittautunut liikekannallepanorekisteriin. Zelenskyn mukaan mobilisaatio etenee suunnitellusti mutta koulutuspaikoista on pulaa.

Miesten määrään ei Ukrainan puolustaminen tule hyytymään.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Jatkoa tuohon tuoreeseen Covert Cabal videoon (artikkeli julkaistu 4.7.2024):

It was an honor for me to collaborate with @CovertCabal, @HighMarsed, @Jonpy99, and other brilliant volunteers to make this video about Russian MT-LB storages being nearly completely depleted.

Here’s my latest piece with @SvobodaRadio not only about the MT-LB depletion but also about other Russian military equipment. Please use Google Translate for your language.

On the brink of exhaustion: How Russia's military hardware depots are emptying

04 July 2024

T-62 tanks at the 111th Central Tank Reserve Base (CBRT) in Khalgaso, Khabarovsk Krai, 2015

T-62 tanks at the 111th Central Tank Reserve Base (CBRT) in Khalgaso, Khabarovsk Krai, 2015


Radio Liberty spoke with OSINT analysts who, since the start of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, have been tracking the dwindling stockpiles of military equipment at storage bases across Russia using satellite images. Their findings are not encouraging for the Russian Defense Ministry command: Russia could run out of relatively modern tanks and some types of armored vehicles by 2026, even taking into account attempts to ramp up production of new vehicles and speed up the repair of those damaged in combat.

This week, another video appeared on the Internet, showing dozens of Russian military equipment destroyed by drones and artillery, as well as blown up by mines. It was published by fighters of the 72nd separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and it was filmed near Vuhledar, which Russian troops have been trying to attack again these days. Ukrainian journalist Yuriy Butusov noted one feature of this video: it shows not only tanks and armored vehicles, but also a large number of motorcycles - several dozen.

The use of light unarmored wheeled vehicles on the front lines has its pros and cons (applicable to both sides of the conflict). However, the increasing use of such vehicles by the Russian army indicates a worsening shortage of armored vehicles.

The exponential increase in the use of motorcycles, buggies and quad bikes at the front is not so much a result of military ingenuity as a forced measure related to the depletion of reserves of armored vehicles capable of delivering infantry to enemy positions. This is confirmed by open data, such as satellite images, which allow us to track the process of emptying Russian bases where tanks, armored vehicles and artillery are stored almost in real time.

As this depletion continues, increasingly outdated equipment is delivered to the troops, and what remains in warehouses is mostly equipment that requires serious repairs before being sent to the front. Back in March 2023, a video by eyewitnesses showed a trainload of Russian T-54/55 tanks, the development of which began before the end of World War II - it is quite possible that they simply turned out to be more suitable for repair and quick commissioning than more modern T-72 or T-80 tanks equipped with electronic components.

The last "motorcycles"

"A significant amount of equipment began to be withdrawn from storage in the summer of 2022, when Russia realized that a long war was ahead and that it was necessary to compensate for the horrific losses in order to wage a war of attrition," an OSINT analyst who writes on the social network X under the nickname @Jonpy99 told Radio Liberty . Like other researchers working on this topic, he monitors the situation at almost 60 storage bases for Russian equipment. Analysts constantly compare the data with each other and cross-check it, although the use of satellite images imposes its own limitations: it is impossible to determine how much equipment remains in the premises, as well as its condition and suitability for sending to the front.

"Some bases have garages or sheds that may house or contain equipment. We try to avoid speculation about how much there is. Another problem is that some types of equipment cannot be reliably distinguished from each other. It is easy to distinguish a tank from an infantry fighting vehicle or different types of self-propelled artillery, but it is much more difficult to do with towed artillery. It is also difficult to distinguish one type of tank from another. In satellite images, you can see large missing parts, such as a gun, engine or turret of a tank, but it is impossible to know what condition the internal components of these vehicles are in," says social media user X @HighMarsed , who has been monitoring Russian military equipment inventories using open sources since August 2023.

As one of the most striking examples of the depletion of Russian storage facilities for tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery, he cites the storage base in the village of Lesnoy Gorodok near Chita (military unit 55449, pictured below). "At the start of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, there were mortars, towed artillery, and self-propelled artillery units there. Now, there are mostly military trucks in that same place," the analyst notes.

Is there a correlation between the satellite image and the news from the front? According to @Jonpy99, this is an undeniable fact.

"In some cases, you can even predict what will happen at the front based on the state of the depots. For example, seeing that most of the well-preserved IFVs have disappeared from storage bases, it is not surprising that Russia began to rely on other means of transportation. At first, they began using BTRs and MT-LBs (multi-purpose light armored transporter-tractor, colloquially "motolyga" - RS) , which are not designed for assault operations. When losses continued to mount and the stocks of ready-to-use equipment dwindled, they began to use even less suitable means for this, such as ATVs or motorcycles. At the start of the war, Russia probably had about 2-3 thousand MT-LBs in use and another 3 thousand in storage. They were actively used in assault operations, which led to huge losses. Now most of them have already disappeared from storage. I think that the Russian army will soon start using old BTR-60/70s, MT-LBs and even armored BRDM-2 reconnaissance and patrol vehicles: slowly but surely, they are becoming more common in weekly casualty data, although they were previously almost absent. Recent satellite images confirm that Russia has begun to withdraw large numbers of these vehicles from storage."

A Russian motolyga destroyed during the Ukrainian offensive in the Kharkiv region, September 2022

A Russian "motolyga" destroyed during the Ukrainian offensive in the Kharkiv region, September 2022

Summary data on the amount of equipment in Russian storage bases, based on satellite images, show that the "motolygas" may soon disappear from the Russian army: only a fifth of their pre-war number remains in warehouses.

How many armored vehicles does Russia have left?​

20212024 (correct)2024 (unedited)2024 (total)Reduction in quantity (pcs.)Remaining (in % of pre-war number)
BTR 60/70/80333620514282479-85774%
BMP 1/2/36118135626053961-215765%

The Oryx project regularly publishes reports on the sides' losses in equipment (we wrote about it in more detail in a separate article ). In a conversation with Radio Liberty, Oryx volunteer Jakub Janowski notes that the ratio of equipment losses between Ukraine and Russia confirmed by open sources is approximately 1 to 2.7. For tanks, this ratio is 1 to 3.7, for armored combat vehicles - 1 to 4.4. According to Janowski, such an advantage in favor of the Ukrainian army is primarily due to the fact that the Ukrainian Armed Forces spend most of the war on the defensive, rather than on the offensive - and when on the defensive, both human losses and equipment losses are lower.

"In my opinion, this is mainly due to the fact that the Ukrainians are on the defensive for most of the war. But even when the Ukrainian Armed Forces went on the offensive in the summer of 2023, their losses were not as significant as the Russians' losses during the defense. This is just my guess, but the reason may be that the Ukrainian military relies more on infantry, since they have fewer material resources and they understand that they cannot afford to spend them as easily as Russia does," says Yanovsky. He also notes that Western allies can provide Ukraine with much more equipment than they do now, but this issue often comes down to politics.

Achilles and the Tortoise

The situation with tanks is of particular concern to experts. According to the British Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), as of February 2024, the Russian army had just over 2,000 serviceable tanks left (before the war, this figure was over 3,000). The Russian defense industry, according to RUSI experts, is capable of providing the army with about 1,500 tanks per year, including upgrading old and repairing damaged equipment - this does not allow it to compensate for losses on the battlefield, which, according to British military intelligence, amounted to 2,600 tanks since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, and according to documented data from Oryx - more than 3,000. As a result, Russia is forced to get old Soviet tanks out of storage, which, among other things, most often require additional repairs before being sent to the front.

Another analyst, who runs a YouTube channel called Covert Cabal, has been closely studying this topic. In a recent video based on an analysis of satellite photos of Russian military equipment storage bases, he concluded that if the current intensity of fighting continues, the Russian army may have virtually no tanks left of one of the most common families, the T-80, by mid-2026 (there are currently about 500 left).

T-80 tank captured by the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the Russian army, Bakhmut direction, June 2023

T-80 tank captured by the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the Russian army, Bakhmut direction, June 2023

The situation is no better with the less modern, but more unpretentious in maintenance and use, tanks of the T-72 family: in the middle of last year, Russia had less than 2,000 of them left , since then they have completely disappeared from several more warehouses. This is confirmed by the data on Russian losses, according to which at the beginning of the full-scale war, tanks of the T-72 family accounted for up to 70% of all Russian tank losses. Now this figure does not exceed 30%.

Despite this, Covert Cabal tells Radio Liberty, Russia may never run out of tanks completely – just as Achilles will never be able to catch up with the tortoise crawling in front of him, according to the paradox of the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno of Elea.

"As Russia loses more and more tanks, it uses them less and less on the battlefield. There may never be a day when it is 'completely out of tanks'. However, the question arises as to what Russia will do when its stockpiles are depleted. It is possible that they will try to buy tanks from other countries: large storage bases for tanks from the Soviet era exist in Belarus and Kazakhstan, for example, although I do not think the latter would want to participate in a war against Ukraine in this way. China also has many Soviet tanks," says Covert Cabal.

OSINT analyst @Jonpy99 agrees with him:

"Russia is adapting its tactics to this situation: fewer armored columns, more infantry wave attacks to compensate, which leads to more casualties. However, it is impossible to say that one day Russia will have no tanks and other equipment at all, not least because they continue to produce them. In addition, the Russians always have the option of buying up former Soviet equipment from friendly countries. One thing is certain: Russia has relied on the weapons stockpiles it inherited from the Soviet Union since 1991, and the war with Ukraine puts an end to that."

Ukrainan armeijaan vapaaehtoisina tulevien määrä on 3.5 kertaistanut muutamassa kuukaudessa pitkään vallinneeseen tasoon nähden. Syitä tässä ei pohdita, mutta liittynee osaltaan tähän mobilisaatio kuvioon.

Samassa jutussa kerrotaan, että jo 4.7 miljoonaa ukrainalaista miestä on ilmoittautunut liikekannallepanorekisteriin. Zelenskyn mukaan mobilisaatio etenee suunnitellusti mutta koulutuspaikoista on pulaa.

Miesten määrään ei Ukrainan puolustaminen tule hyytymään.

Liikekannallepanopuheet loppuivat kuin seinään kun jenkit hyväksyivät 60 miljardin apupaketin, sen jälkeen väkeä on taas riittänyt yli tarpeen - juuri kuten täällä aiemmin arvioitiin.
Myös OSINT-ryhmä vishun_military on julkaissut tuoreimman satelliittikuviin keskittyvän laskelmansa, tämä käsittelee ryssän tykistön tilannetta mutta sisältää paitsi tykit niin myös raketinheittimet sekä arviot varastojen riittävyydestä JA lopuksi pyritään vielä arvioimaan Iranin ja Pohjois-Korean potentiaalia eli tykistön kokoa mikäli päättäisivät myydä osan omistaan ryssälle (jätin pois osan kuvista - lisäksi artikkeli on pitkä joten julkaisen sen kahdessa viestissä - artikkeli julkaistu 21.7.2024):

It's time for the second major study, this time on artillery.

The renewed collaboration of Resurgam, Vishchun Military, Mortis Aeterna, and Болгарин has prepared an extensive study based on satellite imagery about the condition of enemy artillery and its prospects.

In the study, we covered the following points:

Counting self-propelled and towed artillery as of mid-2024. Classification of self-propelled artillery (SPA) by type. Depletion rates. General trends.

Counting multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS). Classification by type. Depletion rates. Condition of systems at major repair facilities (factories).

Analysis of the potential for artillery production from scratch. Figures from other studies. General trends.

The potential of North Korean and Iranian arsenals that could be involved in the war in Ukraine.

You can read the full results of the study on the website.

    • 2 hours ago

    • Read 19 min

The state of enemy artillery and its prospects. Overview of storage bases​

This time to our channel collaborationThis time, our colleague " Bolgaryn " joined our collaboration of channels Resurgam , War Seer and Mortis Aeterna , and together we prepared for you a study on the state of enemy barrel and rocket artillery based on satellite images as of mid-2024. colleague " Bolgaryn " joined us, and together we prepared for you a study on the state of the enemy's barrel and rocket artillery based on satellite images as of mid-2024.

We would like to immediately thank Covert Cabal and Highmarsed for their previous research and their work which now allows for a comparative analysis.

Our calculations differ, as they leave open the question of the evaluation criteria of "what counts as suitable". The problem with the classification is the quality of the images - but, as the study showed, the differences are ultimately not significant - and, most importantly, the result of the study allows for tracking trends.

In our opinion, the desire to trace trends is the main purpose of this study, apart from, of course, trying to count "enemy barrels".

Our calculations were "conservative" according to the same criteria that we used in the previous study of the enemy's tank fleet available at storage bases and armored personnel carriers: when in doubt, we always took the most negative version of the calculation as the main one.

We have tried to provide visual confirmations as much as possible, but we reserve the right to publish in the public space not all images.

In the study, we covered the following points:

  1. Counting of self-propelled and towed artillery as of mid-2024. Classification of self-propelled artillery (self-propelled artillery) by types. Attrition rates. General trends.
  2. Counting multiple rocket launchers (RSMS). Classification by types. Attrition rates. The state of systems at the main recovery sites (plants).
  3. Analysis of the potential of artillery production "from scratch". Figures from other studies. General trends.
  4. The potential of the arsenals of the DPRK and Iran, which may be involved in the war in Ukraine.


Our calculation showed that there were between 3,047 and 3,337 units of self-propelled artillery systems in storage bases and arsenals, mostly as of May 2024, that could be potentially suitable for recovery.

That's down from 2021, which recorded nearly 4,400 recoverable SAU units, but it's more than Covert Cabal and Highmarsed tallied in 2023, which tallied 2,876 units.

Why in 2024, compared to 2023, there were more self-propelled guns in arsenals and storage bases, and not less? The answer lies in two aspects:

  • We wanted to make the count as conservative as possible (counted "not in our favor" when in doubt), so even the gun mount with the barrel removed was counted as "restoreable".
  • Second, there is another interesting detail that provides the answer to "why did it get bigger?" and it can probably be interpreted as "positive". But more details about this - in the main text.

Towed artillery​

Our calculation showed that the towed artillery continued on its way to exhaustion. We counted 5,453 or 5,139* units of towed artillery at all major bases and arsenals at all major bases and arsenalsas of mid-2024.

We provide two figures because the first is the number of towed/mounted artillery units we counted in total and the second is a figure adjusted for the difference in the systems we have identified as "barreled".

In any case, this is significantly less than in 2021, when the towed artillery numbered only by a very optimistic estimate (toward a smaller number) of 14,111 units. And this is less than what Covert Cabal and Highmarsed And this is less than what was calculated in 20236,786 units . But the result of our calculation also has several features, which will be discussed further in the text. Covert Cabal and Highmarsed, getting a score of 6,786 units . But the result of our calculation also has several features, which will be discussed further in the text.


Our calculation showed that approximately 112 122 mm caliber systems and 132 220 mm caliber systems remained in the largest storage locations of this type of weaponry, which is 17.7% and 31%, respectively, of the number of these systems as of 2021.

The main conclusion: It is worth looking not at the number of remaining artillery systems, but at their quality. Why? Despite the phenomenal depletion of the largest reserves of artillery in the world, they will still remain "tangible" for the conduct of war in the next 3 years, although the "point of no return" of the enemy's artillery capabilities due to their reduction should begin to be felt at the end of 2025. But this is a process, not a "final state" date.

Taking into account the possibility of activation of the "worst" scenario of supply from third countries, Russia's artillery arsenal with its current resource should not undergo critical depletion in the coming years. But it is purely about "quantity".

But quantity does not mean quality. Degradation of the enemy's artillery component should be - and is gradually becoming - the result of long-term and painstaking work of the Armed Forces. In fact, we are talking about the fact that the mass transition of the occupying army to the less effective artillery of the production of 1930-50 is a relatively feasible prospect for the next year. Further reduction of the "self-propelled" component in the artillery component, decrease in the quality of the barrels, the age of the systems that are beginning to be de-conserved, as a result, will bring the "degradation" closer.

Degradation should lead to:

  • Until the loss of maneuverability (when the % of self-propelled guns in the occupying army will continue to decrease);
  • Decreasing the quality of counter-battery combat (range/accuracy);
  • Increased enemy casualties among gunners due to the higher risk of losing a counter-battery duel due to the reasons mentioned above;
  • An increase in the cost of ammunition to hit a target due to the type/condition/quality of artillery. An increase in the cost of ammunition, a decrease in the resource of barrels.
  • If the probability that Iran or the DPRK will supply Russia with artillery is subjectively mediocre, then the probability that these countries will supply precisely the "newest" artillery is extremely low due to a number of factors. Therefore, the supply of artillery from these countries can affect the indicator of "quantity" and not "quality".

We cannot accept the idea that we will see the enemy 100% depleted of artillery stocks from storage bases for at least the next 3 years. But we can assert that the quality of this artillery will ceaselessly decrease until the thesis "grandfathers fought" is realized in practice.

For example: among 5,139 units. of towed artillery, which still remains in arsenals and storage bases, about 2,000 units. - these are samples of systems produced in 1940-50 (M-30 and D-1).

Self-propelled artillery (self-propelled artillery)​

Self-propelled artillery (self-propelled artillery) at arsenals and storage bases

Self-propelled artillery (self-propelled artillery) at arsenals and storage bases

Detailing of other (small) bases in our calculation

Detailing of "other" (small) bases in our calculation

Self-propelled artillery (self-propelled artillery) at arsenals and storage bases by type

Self-propelled artillery (self-propelled artillery) at arsenals and storage bases by type


Now to the specifics of the calculation

The following point may seem most interesting: why is there more equipment in storage bases and arsenals compared to 2023? The answer may lie both in the methodology of our calculation and in the fact that satellite images do not allow us to look into garages and hangars.

But as the primary reason, our collaboration identified the following: the Russians began to collect damaged and destroyed artillery systems en masse on large storage bases and arsenals. That is, now the calculation takes into account not only "what was in storage", but also what was in the military units, but after damage or destruction was dragged to the bases for restoration or cannibalization.

This indicates that the existing factory recovery capabilities do not cope with the needs , and therefore the enemy is forced to resort to faster, but also more extensive means of recovery, namely: towing the damaged equipment to the arsenal thousands of kilometers from the front line, to assess the condition and to make a decision on the spot "whether to restore this unit by cannibalizing others or to disassemble it for spare parts for the restoration of future such "customers." Areas with disassembled self-propelled guns for spare parts (barrels, engines, which are stored in the open air) have significantly increased.

Here are some photos for example: damaged self-propelled guns in spring pictures in winter camouflage, burned and dismantled hulls.

Such new mini restoration workshops have appeared at storage bases

Such new mini restoration workshops have appeared at storage bases

Restored and freshly painted self-propelled guns near one of the workshops at the storage base

Restored and freshly painted self-propelled guns near one of the workshops at the storage base




Self-propelled guns with signs of combat damage Damaged self-propelled guns that were disassembled. Self-propelled guns in winter camouflage

Small and medium-sized arsenals are practically exhausted and, most likely, all suitable equipment is transferred to large bases, which now serve as large centers for the recovery and repair of damaged self-propelled guns. On such bases, additional hangars/workshops are built and space is cleared for sumps and storage of spare parts obtained by cannibalization.

Equipment is moved to large bases both from the front and from smaller bases. For example, 12 units were imported for 80 arsenal. 2C7 "Peony" and 27 units. 2C4 "Tulip", which were not stored there before. Probably, some of them were dragged for repairs from the front, and the other part - from other bases as candidates for "donation".

Spare parts from dismantled Peonies

Spare parts from dismantled "Peonies"

1. At almost all bases, the accumulation areas of "cannibalization waste" have increased significantly.

(katso kuva artikkelin sivulta)
It was

(katso kuva artikkelin sivulta)
It became

Determining the approximate amount of damaged/destroyed self-propelled artillery at storage bases and arsenals using satellite images will become extremely problematic in the future due to the fact that equipment from the front and equipment at storage bases have undergone movements. If in 2023 this practice has not yet acquired a mass character, now the influx of damaged equipment from the front to the arsenals has begun to have a systemic character in the context of almost all large bases.

Another aspect is that the Russians are experiencing a gradual depletion of supplies, so even from damaged and destroyed self-propelled guns, they remove everything they can remove. For example, the cannibalization of 2C1 "Carnation" and 2C2 "Acacia" acquired a mass effect in the 120th arsenal.

(katso kuva artikkelin sivulta)
120 arsenal has also been transformed into a repair hub. 2C1 and 2C3 are massively cannibalized

2. The largest percentage of cannibalization in relation to the number of systems in service is felt in the section of the 2C7 "Pion" ACS. Any systems left in storage are likely to be used as "donors" rather than to saturate new units or replace losses, as the remaining hundred units are quickly dismantled for spare parts stored in the open air.

It is quite difficult to determine the terms of exhaustion. As for self-propelled artillery, it will be possible to speak more precisely in 2025, since the "bottleneck" is not in the number of systems, but in the speed of their restoration. The accumulation and increase of the percentage of systems that were withdrawn from the front, in unusual places of the backbone of the arsenals, will be evidence that the recovery capabilities of the factories cannot keep up with the rate of losses - even with the conversion of large arsenals into repair and restoration shops. This, in turn, will strengthen the tendency to replace the lack of self-propelled artillery with more primitive artillery means - such as towed artillery, which can be restored much faster. Actually, it is happening gradually.

For example: towed howitzers were spotted at one point of permanent deployment of tank regiment X, although the tank regiment should have been equipped with 2 self-propelled guns according to the regular schedule. That is, units that should be equipped with self-propelled artillery are equipped with towed artillery, which is faster to restore, but which has lower indicators of efficiency and quality.

(katso kuva artikkelin sivulta)
Self-propelled guns, not towed artillery or mortars, were supposed to stand here for equipment

As of now, we are inclined to the fact that such systems as "Pion", "Msta-S", "Tulip", "Hyacinth-S" should experience a critical lack of recovery capabilities in about 1.5-2 years, depending on the intensity of hostilities - but this is a fairly relative estimate and not an exact date to mark on the calendar, as too many factors affect the potential of such predictions. Instead, the simpler and more primitive "Carnations" and "Acacias" are found in significant quantities in arsenals and are therefore theoretically available to restore losses. These systems make up almost 2/3 of all stocks in storage.

Therefore, in the context of self-propelled guns, we will see "depletion to zero" to the extent that quality and long-range components near the end of 2025 will be massively replaced by more primitive models, such as "Carnations" and "Acacias", which will provide quantity, not quality. And even this "quantity" will be limited not by the presence of these self-propelled guns in storage, but by Russia's ability to restore them. Therefore, it is more likely that the percentage of available self-propelled artillery will decrease not only in the context of quality, but also be replaced by simpler towed

(loput artikkelista toisessa viestissä)

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Edellisen viestin vishun_military artikkeli jatkuu, tässä loput eli osa 2/2:

Towed artillery



*Probably, this is how many artillery systems were cannibalized, but we cannot say this for sure due to the quality of the picture. Therefore, we conservatively consider these systems as "available", because there may be an error in the assessment, or according to another criterion, under certain possibilities (supply of barrels), this unit may be restored, even if it is currently without a barrel.

1. It is worth noting that the picture of the largest storage place of the Shuchye towed artillery is dated December 2023, so the real number as of now may be even less.

2. Towed artillery is the main type of artillery for compensation of losses and saturation with equipment of new artillery units. Of the 14,111 units that were accounted for in 2021, as of mid-2024, 5,453 units remained, or 5,139 identified as "barreled," which is about 1/3 of the stock available at the start of the large-scale encroachment of the park. The difference between 2023 and 2024 was 1,333 units. removed from storage and 314 units. cannibalized with removed barrels.

3. Small and medium-sized arsenals undergo critical depletion "to zero": yes, the most suitable artillery was removed from the large 94 arsenal. Also, storage facilities for the towed artillery "Karabash" and the arsenal of the "37th Separate Railway Brigade" were also severely depleted. Very close to exhaustion are 216 and 209 arsenals and 7021 storage bases.

4. There are 4 main bases where towed artillery is stored: Shuchye, 80-arsenal, "Forest Town" and 120 arsenal - these bases store 90% of all towed artillery. More than a dozen small and medium-sized bases are completely exhausted, or close to it already in 2024.

5. At Arsenal 120 and Lesny Gorodka, the towed artillery is not so much removed from storage to replace losses or fill new units, as it is disassembled on the spot, probably to ensure field repairs and barrel replacement.

These are the trains that take something (probably barrels and spare parts) out of the bases - not uncommon

These are the trains that take something (probably barrels and spare parts) out of the bases - not uncommon

6. Despite the fact that only 36-38% of the stocks of towed artillery available in 2021 remain in Russia - this is still a lot, which will allow replenishing losses and restoring the resource of artillery already available in regular units. But for a better understanding of the situation, it is worth referring to "quality": of the 5,139 units remaining with barrels, about 2,000 are artillery of the late 1930s and 1950s (M-30 and D-1 and others).

7. Taking into account the risk of supplying barrels and artillery from Iran or the DPRK, it makes no sense to predict the timing of the exhaustion of the resource of towed artillery. But Iran and North Korea are unlikely to transfer the "newest models" of towed towed artillery, let alone self-propelled. Therefore, if the risk of the transfer of artillery from the "axis of evil" does materialize, then, most likely, it will be the same old modifications of howitzers from 1930-50. Therefore, it is better to focus on trends: in 2022-2023, the degradation of the artillery component took place , when losses were replaced not by self-propelled, but by towed artillery. As of the end of 2023, various researchers, including us, agree that 70% of the artillery in the formation units of the occupying forces is currently towed, and 30% is self-propelled, which is a mirror image of the state of affairs before a full-scale invasion. And in 2024-2025, there should be a degradation of already towed artillery as part of the occupying forces, when newer, higher-quality samples, such as "Msta-B", "Hyacinth-B", D-30/20 will be replaced by M-30 and D-1. The problem of supplying ammunition for the M-30 seems to have been solved thanks to the supply from the DPRK.

Therefore, we are unlikely to see the deployment of "trebuchets" in Russian artillery units - but their artillery will be much less mobile, accurate, with higher costs of ammunition to hit a unit of the target, with a lower resource of the barrels due to their age, with a shorter service life and a longer recovery period . All this will affect the ability of the occupying forces to conduct counter-battery combat, which, with the appropriate number of the latest mobile weapons in the armed forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, should give a higher percentage of success in counter-battery duels and a better ability to suppress enemy means of cover on specific sections of the front if necessary.

Reactive salvo fire systems (RSZV)​




*" Motovylykhinsky plants" is the main enterprise for the restoration of anti-aircraft missiles and the modernization of BM-21 "Grad" to "Tornado-G". As of January 2024, there were 230 disassembled BM-21s in the sump on the territory of the enterprise, which we did not include in the main table, because as part of the study of RSZV, we did not include machines with clear signs of cannibalization (most often - removal of guides (pipes). "

** Novoozerne has no recent images, but it is unlikely that MSWs appeared there after this base was exhausted in 2023.

*** Regarding 744, the database relies on old Covert Сabal calculations; we don't know if he assessed for Hurricanes and have no new images as of 2024. As of mid-2023, 16 units remained at this base. BM-21. It is likely that by 2024, if the trend is taken into account, they will be exhausted on this basis - or very close to it.

According to Military Balance, Russia should have 1,500 units BM-21 "Grad" and 550 units BM-27 "Hurricane" in reserve. Since we have identified 433 units of "Hurricanes" thanks to satellite images for 2021, the difference from MB of 100 units can be attributed to storage in closed rooms, lack of coverage (a few units) of BM-27 at small bases, or simply that MB data is often not taken into account "historical cannibalization" of machines.

But where exactly at Military Balance storage bases were counted 1,500 units BM-21 "Grad" - remained a mystery for us. Having covered both large and small bases, the main production, modernization and repair plants, as of 2021 we have identified 889 units. BM-21, of which more than 200 units - this is purely a chassis from the former BM-21 "Grad". We do not know where another 600+ units went. Even if we assume the storage of a certain number of machines at smaller bases or in covered hangars - this figure was still clearly overestimated compared to the actual one, and the storage of simple BM-21s in precious places in covered hangars as of 2024 is unlikely, since mass cannibalization of machines that have been in the open air for decades without signs of maintenance.

The numbers on the scoreboard - more precisely, in the table. The mass disappearance and cannibalization of SALW in storage facilities is due to several factors:

1. MLRS, especially the BM-21 "Grad" is a fairly simple design, and therefore they could be quickly restored to make up for the significant losses incurred in 2022. Also, due to the difficulty of restoring self-propelled guns, the newly created units were equipped with rocket launchers and towed artillery in order to have the appropriate artillery component in case it was impossible to provide self-propelled artillery in accordance with the staff list.

2. Many units of MLRS, especially "Grads", are cannibalized for spare parts "for the future", when the available resource of "Grads", which are already in the army, will be exhausted. Probably, a large number of removed guides (pipes) were transferred to storage in more suitable places (hangars/warehouses). The chassis themselves do not represent much value, so they continue to be in the "garden of rusty Soviet cans".

3. "Grads", which were in storage in the best condition, were handed over for modernization to "Tornado-G". Actually, similarly, until February 24, 2022, Tornado-G entered the Russian army not by production "from scratch", but by modernization by the method "from 3 make 1". This may explain the difference in our BM-21 calculations with the Military Balance calculations, which seem to have had too high expectations for the number of units of this type of MLRS in storage.

Although in fact the volumes of MLRS available in storage are approaching exhaustion, 17.7% of the initial stocks of "Grads" and 31% of the initial stocks of "Uragans" is still quite a significant number - accordingly, the presence of these systems in warehouses does not mean the depletion of the reactive component of artillery. Due to the range of the Uragan system, its damage is not a frequent phenomenon: during 2.5 years of full-scale war, according to Oryx, the destruction of 85 units was visually confirmed (which allows you to round the number of actually lost MLRS of this type to a hundred). The second aspect is Russia's ability to maintain the operational aspects of these machines for a long time. Part of the "Hurricanes" was cannibalized for the needs of future restoration, and the launch/guide tubes themselves are not a very complex "product". In a critical case, Russia will be able to try to discreetly purchase and transport the guide elements from the DPRK.

Quantity is another matter. At the current rate of destruction, 100+ "Hurricanes" in reserve may be enough to compensate for losses in 12-18 months - but this is without taking into account that losses in war are non-linear and can occur both a sharp increase in the intensity of their destruction and vice versa. Therefore, such forecasts in numbers are quite "floating".

The same applies to BM-21. These are simple designs, components for which are quite enough due to cannibalization. The remnants of BM-21 are a reserve of spare parts for those units of MLRS systems that are already in service with the enemy's army. It is possible that a certain amount is still saved for upgrading to the Tornado-G modification, the losses of which are recorded from time to time in the state of the enemy.

What about the production of artillery in Moscow?​

We come to a very interesting topic, namely the answer to the question: "Why the main potential of the artillery component of Moscow is modernization and restoration through cannibalization", and not production "from scratch". Very often, the enemy media reports on the production of equipment "from scratch", which is actually the deconservation or modernization of artillery units already in storage.

1. Where and what are the artillery factories in Moscow?

In Moscow, barrel artillery is produced at Uraltransmash, MLRS systems at Motovylykhinsky Plant, towed artillery and mortars also at Motovylykhinsky Plant. In addition, there were plans to supply components to the Grad anti-aircraft missile system from Belarus (from subcontractor Volatavto), which were not implemented. Nevertheless, Moscow will receive components produced by subcontractors who do not have the appropriate licenses.

Theoretically, Moscow can count on the potential for the production of Polonez-M MLRS missiles in Belarus, but the decision to supply them to Russia has not been made - nevertheless, this possibility should not be discounted, although it is complicated by the need to grant permission to China for export and the application of these systems, since these MLRS use Chinese technology.

2. What artillery does Muscovy produce "from scratch" and how big is the potential for setting up/expanding artillery production?

Muscovy produces from scratch both self-propelled guns ("Coalition-SV", "Malva", "Phlox") and MLRS missiles ("Tornado-S", "Zemledeliye", "TOS-1", "TOS-2", "Uragan" -1M"). The expansion of the production of self-propelled guns rests both on the barrels (the "Coalition" and "Malva" are armed with the same 2A88 gun) and on the base ("The Coalition" is produced on the basis of the T-90, the stocks of which in storage have been exhausted (according to the study Covert Cabal and High_marsed). Instead, the rate of production of new bodies is limited. Therefore, most of the barrel artillery - both self-propelled and towed - is reactivated by cannibalization (for example, removing the barrel from the 2C1 "Carnation" and installing it on the carriage of the towed howitzer D-20, as well as reactivation of D-30).

As for the RSZV, on the one hand, it is easier with them, since they do not require complex technologies for the production of guides (launch tubes), and are generally based on a wheel base (at the NGO "Splav", according to the Russians, they are manufactured as modernized "Grad ", as well as "Tornado-G", however, the last notification about their delivery is dated November 16, 2022). On the other hand, TOS-1 is based on the T-72 tank, the stock of retrievable tanks is rapidly dwindling (although, most likely, this issue is solved by the transition to the production of TOS-2 on a wheeled base). The biggest problem in the production of barrel artillery is not even the limitation of production sites and equipment (radial forging machines produced by GFM Steyr), but the insufficient production of specialized steel that could withstand the pressure of shots.

3. What are the peculiarities of artillery restoration/production?

It is rather difficult to estimate the pace of recovery of self-propelled guns and towed artillery. The key indicator is the production of new artillery barrels, which is estimated at 50-80 units per year ( according to Pavel Luzin). In general, we are talking about restoration rather than the production of new equipment as such, while the restoration of towed equipment can take place even in the field, or as we have confirmed, directly at storage bases. Instead, the restoration and modernization of self-propelled artillery takes place at limited production sites, the overloading of which led to the fact that damaged and destroyed self-propelled artillery began to be dragged not to factories, but to the workshops of storage bases.

4. Where and how many barrels does Muscovy produce for the already existing artillery or for the production of new ones?

Artillery barrels are produced at the Motovylikha (Perm) and Titan-Barricade (Volgograd) plants, tank barrels are produced at Plant No. 9 (Yekaterinburg) - but, according to estimates, in rather small quantities. Pavlo Luzin in a private comment said that, in his opinion, production is limited to 50-80 artillery barrels (for rifled guns) and several dozen tank barrels (on the other hand, the material of The Economist , also referring to Mr. Luzin, claims that the upper the limit of production of large-caliber artillery barrels can reach 200 units - which, however, does not change the general situation in a fundamental way, taking into account the rates of "burning" of barrels). At the same time, "Titan-Barricades", at best, performs an auxiliary role, since, despite the presence in the structure of the artillery design bureau, the plant itself has been part of the structure of "Roscosmos" for more than 10 years. Therefore, the status and condition of artillery production in Volgograd raises, if not doubts, then questions about the scale.

According to the estimates of various researchers, Russia is unable to produce and does not mass-produce large-caliber artillery barrels. Moreover, even such a limited production of artillery barrels has an extremely narrow place. And this bottleneck is not even the Austrian company GFM Steyr, on which all the equipment, maintenance and modernization of barrel production machines actually depends, but specialized "pure" metallurgy and alloy production technology, which was recognized as "dead" in Moscow itself.

But even with the GFM Steyr behind them, to maintain the level of combat capability of artillery units, the Russians must rely primarily on:

1) De-preservation and cannibalization of increasingly old artillery from storage bases;

2) Increasing the share of MLRS in the artillery component, since it can be quickly put on wheels and used;

3) Work on the prospect of supplying artillery barrels and systems from the DPRK and Iran.

Artillery in the DPRK and Iran.​

"Will North Korea and Iran go to supply artillery to the Russians?" is an open and debatable question. In order to work out the most negative options for us - in order to prepare for them - we suggest that in the future the DPRK and Iran will take such a step. Of course, if the state of Russian artillery reaches absolutely critical indicators and, as a result, Moscow will be ready to pay a lot (it's not just about money).

As for what kind of artillery Iran and North Korea will be willing to supply to the Russians, there are two limitations here, which, without a doubt, are positive for us:

1. That the DPRK and Iran are not countries in which modern artillery is rapidly developing and available in commercial quantities. The North Koreans are probably the closest in the world to the Russians in terms of the number of artillery - but clearly not in terms of quality . Most of the artillery in North Korea are systems produced in the 1940s and 50s and even from the First World War.

2. North Korea and Iran have their reasons for keeping the ratio of military power with their neighbors at least at the current level, so this will have an impact both on the decision "to provide or not to provide artillery to Russia" and on exactly how much and of what quality artillery can be provided.

Artillery is one of the main components of the North Korean military and probably one of the most difficult to evaluate, especially after the start of supplying artillery ammunition to Russia.

The Soviet legacy, Chinese and local production allowed the DPRK to accumulate an extremely large amount of artillery, which in terms of volume will catch up with the Russian army in service as of the beginning of 2022. There are different estimates of this number: CovertCabal without reference to any source gives a figure of 14 thousand units of artillery (towed artillery, self-propelled guns, anti-aircraft guns). Military Balance 2024 gives a figure of 21,600 units of artillery of all types, including mortars. Such an extremely large discrepancy in the number of artillery can be explained by the fact that Military Balance added mortars to its calculations.

One of the key reasons for the difficulty of the assessment is the landscape and the North Korean military's approach to deploying its equipment. Most of the territory of North Korea is one way or another covered by mountains - which the DPRK actually uses, building entire systems of underground storage bases, production, as well as firing points that could be used for a possible war with South Korea. About 2/3 of the artillery is stored in such underground facilities, which have a completely autonomous infrastructure, with logistics, firing positions, ventilation, power plants, headquarters, etc.


In addition, there are at least 17 factories for the production of firearms and artillery in the DPRK, according to information posted on North Korean forums (there are even such).

However, the main goal of the study is to determine what Russia can gain from all this. Most of the artillery that the DPRK has is old Soviet artillery from the Second World War.

8,600 towed artillery/self-propelled guns:

122mm: M-1977; M-1981; M-1985; M-1991;

130mm: M1975; M-1981; M-1991;

152mm: M-1974; M-1977; M-2018;

170mm: M-1978; M-1989

Towed artillery:

122mm: D-30; D-74; M-1931/37;

130mm: M-46;

152mm M-1937; M-1938; M-1943

5,500 RSZV :

107mm Type-63; VTT-323 107mm;

122mm: BM-11; M-1977 (BM-21); M-1985; M-1992; M-1993; VTT-323 122mm;

200mm: BMD-20;

240mm: BM-24; M-1985; M-1989; M-1991;

300mm: a certain amount of M-2015 (KN-SS-X-09) (tests are in progress);

600mm: a certain amount of M-2019 (tests are in progress)

7,500 units mortars in calibers from 82 to 160 mm.

Which of these can theoretically fall into the hands of the Russians? It is necessary to understand that potentially any of these systems can fall into the hands of Russia. It is impossible to objectively assess artillery stocks and their condition, and North Korean propaganda is not a very reliable source for assessment. Added to this is the ability of the DPRK to produce new artillery. Of course, with the help of China, they can produce it, moreover, we can be sure that they produce it, because the 170mm self-propelled guns ("Koksans" in the people) is exactly the artillery that was produced directly in the DPRK.

However, there may be some questions about the quality of this artillery, since the production of barrels requires a certain technological level so that this barrel does not burst after firing (this applies to new systems). Regarding the old systems, which make up the majority, there are still issues of restoration and provision of the resource.

We already know that the quality of ammunition supplied to Russia from the DPRK is unsatisfactory, or at least has a number of problems. Artillerymen of the occupying forces complain about the poor accuracy of shells and their quality. Therefore, obviously, there are questions about the state of the systems in service with North Korea.

But what exactly can the DPRK convey to the Russians? First of all, Russia needs to replace the barrels for its artillery - this can be solved either by providing the barrels directly from the assembly line, or by transferring the barrels removed from the artillery to the DPRK (or together with the gun installations). Of all the systems listed, Russia will be primarily interested in the barrels for the D-20/30 guns, as these are one of the main systems they use.

There is currently no need to transfer barrels to the M-46, the Russians still have enough systems of this type and the need to replace barrels has not yet increased, since 130mm is not the main caliber for the Russian military, although shipments of 130mm rounds have been seen from Iran and North Korea . Other systems are either too old for the Russians to use, or use other projectiles, like the D-1, which uses single-belt 152.4mm projectiles that are not produced by Russia directly - otherwise we would see more widespread use of the D-1.

The issue of the supply of self-propelled guns is also debatable. New weapons samples are too valuable for Pyongyang due to their limited number, and the expediency of supplying old preserved models for restoration is questionable. Another factor is that Russia still has its own large reserves of self-propelled guns, but due to the overload of its own production capabilities, technical condition and rate of losses, it relies primarily on replacing the fire component at the expense of towed artillery and MLRS, which could be quickly reactivated.

As for the RSZV, of all the listed equipment, the Russians can use only the M-1977, which is an analogue of the BM-21. However, the Russians still have enough systems of this type for at least the next year and a half. Plus, this type of weaponry would hardly be the main factor in Russia's attempts to gain access to North Korean stockpiles.

Most likely, the Russians will get by only with supplies of ammunition, the need for which is constant. As for systems of other calibers, none of them are used by Russia.

Also, as we can see, the situation with artillery in the DPRK is extremely uncertain. We know that there is a lot of it, but it is outdated, even in relation to the fact that the occupying forces are now forced to use it. There is also a question about the condition of this artillery in storage, because it is unlikely that such a zoo of equipment can be kept in a suitable condition with a military budget of $2-3 billion and the need to feed an army of $1.2 million.

The potential of Iran's artillery

Unlike the DPRK and Russia, Iran relies much less on its artillery component. The climatic conditions of Iran, namely the dry air and hot climate, allow us to assume that the condition of the artillery in Iran may be slightly better than that of the DPRK or the Russians - provided that this artillery is stored in the open sky.

The peculiarity of the artillery in service with Iran is that it consists of samples of both Western and Soviet artillery. In total, more than 6,798 units are in service with Iran. artillery (according to Military Balance 2024) - but less than 300 of them are self-propelled.

292+ units SAU:

122 mm: 60 units. 2C1 "Carnation"; Raad-1 (Iranian version of 2C1);

155 mm: 150 units. M109A1; Raad-2 (Iranian version of M109);

170 mm: 30 units. M-1978;

175 mm: 22 units. M-107;

203 mm: 30 units. M110;

2,030+ units towed artillery:

105 mm: 130 units. M101A1; 20 units M-56;

122 mm: 540 units. D-30; 100 units of Type-54 (M-30);

130 mm: 985 units. M-46;

152 mm: 30 units. D-20;

155 mm: 120 units. GHN-45; 70 M114; 15 units Type-88 WAC-21;

203 mm: 20 units. M11

1,476 units . RSV:

107 mm: 700 units. Type-63; 600 units HASEB Fadjr 1;

122 mm: 7 units. BM-11; 100 units BM-21 "Grad"; 50 units Arash/Hadid/Noor;

240 mm: 19+: ε10 Fadjr 3; 9 M-1985;

330mm: Fadjr 5.

*Note: 700 units. Type-63 and 600 units. HASEB Fadjr 1 is unlikely to be used by Russia under any circumstances, given the antiquity of this weapon, tactical-tactical characteristics and caliber of ammunition.

3,000 mortars in calibers from 81 to 120 mm.

Iran has far fewer Soviet systems to share with Russia than North Korea. Instead, Iran is engaged in far more active proxy conflicts, for which it is forced to have the necessary arsenal of supplies both to protect its borders and to support its terrorist organizations.

The only thing that Russia could realistically turn to Iran for in order to compensate for the needs, and most importantly, what Iran could hypothetically agree to is the barrels for the D-30. Hypothetically, in the future, Russia could buy some part of the M-46 guns, if the shortage of 130mm shells is solved.

So, if we draw conclusions based on the state of the artillery of Iran and the DPRK, it can be assumed that Russia can first of all turn to these countries in order to compensate for the lack of barrels for the systems that are actively used (we are talking about Soviet calibers). However, despite the total amount of artillery on paper in these two countries from the "axis of evil", the number of precisely these systems in Iran, in the DPRK is limited, and hardly such that could cover long-term needs.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Alla oleva viesti ja kuva käsittelee houthien tekemää droneiskua Tel Aviviin, mutta lainaan sen tarkoituksella tähän Ukrainan sotaa käsittelevään ketjuun. Miksi? Koska vaikka kyseessä on eri drone kuin ryssän käyttämä Shahed-136/131 / Geran-2 niin hyvä pitää mielessä näiden kaltaisten dronejen iskukyky. Sama pätee sekä ryssään että Ukrainaan. Tässä drone lensi yli 2600km matkan ennen osumaa. Mietitään Venäjää ja sen pitkiä etäisyyksiä, miten kauas 2600km riittää? Tai vaihtoehtoisesti, jos kyetään lentämään tuollainen matka mutta kohde on lähempänä, voidaan lentoreitti suunnitella esim. tietyt alueet kiertäväksi, koska sihen on varaa.

The Iranian-made drone launched by the Houthis in Yemen at Tel Aviv on Friday morning, traveled more than 2,600 kilometers to reach Israel, according to an Israeli Air Force probe.

The modified Iranian-made Samad-3 made an non-direct flight path, which may have contributed to it not being classified as a threat, which resulted in it not being intercepted and striking a residential building in Tel Aviv, killing an Israeli man.

According to the IAF investigation, the explosive-laden drone apparently flew west from Yemen over the Red Sea, reaching Eritrea, before then flying north over Sudan and Egypt and reaching the Mediterranean Sea. The drone then approached Tel Aviv from the west.

It was only at this point where the drone showed up on Israeli radar, as an unidentified target. In hindsight, the drone had been tracked for six minutes in a row while it approached Tel Aviv from the direction of the sea, before dropping in and out of the radar for several minutes after that, according to the probe.

The drone, according to the probe, was in the air for some 16 hours, flying at a speed of between 80 and 100 knots, or 148-185 kilometers per hour.

The IAF was aware of such capabilities in the hands of the Houthis, but had no prior information on the attack itself.

The probe found that if the target would have been classified as a suspected drone when it was first identified, then the IAF would have had enough time to engage it, using fighter jets or ground or sea-based air defense systems. Instead, the target was not classified as a threat, due to a human error by the air traffic control operators, and it impacted Tel Aviv.

The human operators who analyze the IAFs radar were at the time in the middle of tracking a drone launched by another Iran-backed group, from Iraq. That drone was shot down by fighter jets. The IAF has explained that the air traffic control operators also frequently see targets drop in and out of the radar, which in some cases are birds or distortions caused by clouds. Additionally, the IAF's focus has been on targets approaching Israel from the north, east, and south, and less so from the west.

Following the attack, the IAF has now doubled the number of operators analyzing the radar systems, so that targets are not missed and are correctly classified. It has also increased aerial patrols, especially in the Mediterranean, to better detect incoming threats.



Itse itselleni vastaten: minne yltäisi 2600km lentävä drone, jos se laukaustaan Kiova - Sumy akselin keskipisteen tienoilta: LÄHDE


Vastaus: koko Ural-vuoriston länsipuolisen Venäjän alue on kantamalla ja lisäksi ylletään noin 600km Ural-vuoriston itäpuolelle. Ural-vuoristo näkyy kuvassa haaleana harmaana viivana.

Valitsemani laukaisupaikka on noin 100km Kiovan itäpuolella, joten kenties se ei ole kaikkein "turvallisin paikka". Toisaalta JOS olisi tällainen 2600km lentävä drone niin vaikka laukaisu tehtäisiin Lviv-nimisen kaupungin seudulta Puolan ja Ukrainan rajalta niin silti drone yltäisi "vain" 150km Ural-vuoriston itäpuolelle - ja yltäisi mihin tahansa kohteeseen sen itäpuolella (olettaen että lentää suoraa linjaa kohteeseen).

Toisaalta voidaan haaveilla vielä lisää: kuvittele pienkoneen kaltainen drone, jolla olisi kyky nousta ilmaan ja laskeutua itsenäisesti. Kuvittele riittävän tasainen, suora ja pitkä tienpätkä jossain Venäjän alueella. Kuvittele että "ystävä" olisi sillä tiellä oikeaan aikaan ja oikeassa paikassa odottamassa dronea, polttoainelastin kanssa. Drone laskeutuu ja se tankataan (ehkä täyteen, ehkä osittain) ja sen jälkeen se nousee ilmaan ja jatkaa kohti kohdettaan. Riskejä sisältävä operaatio, tietysti, mutta näin saisi lisää kantomatkaa eikä tarvitse rakentaa valtavaa polttoainetankkia droneen.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Su-35S hävittäjien tuotannosta video, alla JR2 kommentit siitä:

Zakłady Lotnicze im Gagarina in Komsomolsk on the Amur produces Su-35S and Su-57.

The recording allows us to think that it is handmade, and the degree of production automation remains an abstract concept.


Yleisesti ottaen kokoonpanoa tekevässä tehtaassa ei pitäisi olla tarvetta ruuvipenkille ja viilalle, tai rälläkälle, tai dremelille tai muulla vastaavalle. Miksei? Koska kokoonpanoon saapuvien osien pitäisi olla toleranssit täyttäviä ja siten asennustyön ei pitäisi vaatia sitä että asentava "viilaa vähän tästä ja tuosta", osien pitäisi siis sopia ilman "sovittamista".

Lentokoneteollisuudessa ollaan perinteisesti oltu selvästi tarkempia osien toleransseista ja vaatimuksista, tosin viimeaikaiset Boeingin ongelmat kielivät siitä että kenties todellisuus on (ainakin osaksi) tarua ihmeellisempi.
Lännessäkin käytetään kärpäsen toukkia syömään kuollutta lihaa. Ne eivät syö tervettä lihaa, joten haavaan jää pelkästään tervettä kudosta ja se paranee nopeammin.
Tosin ainakin kotimaassa nuo matoset ovat halutun kokoisissa pusseissa, eivät irtaallaan.
Onkohan Gripenin tuotantomääräkään tarpeeksi iso, että kaikkea kokoonpanoa olisi viimeisen päälle koneistettu? Myös Rafalen tusinan kappaleen vuosivauhti ei kuulosta lupaavalta.
F-35 linjalla on puolestaan ollut varaa investoida vaikka minkälaisiin pinnoitteen laittokoneeseen yms. kun volyymia piisaa kuolettaa investointia.

Toki heikot toleranssit ja pajavasara-look on venäläisten heiniä.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Alla oleva viesti ja kuva käsittelee houthien tekemää droneiskua Tel Aviviin, mutta lainaan sen tarkoituksella tähän Ukrainan sotaa käsittelevään ketjuun. Miksi? Koska vaikka kyseessä on eri drone kuin ryssän käyttämä Shahed-136/131 / Geran-2 niin hyvä pitää mielessä näiden kaltaisten dronejen iskukyky. Sama pätee sekä ryssään että Ukrainaan. Tässä drone lensi yli 2600km matkan ennen osumaa. Mietitään Venäjää ja sen pitkiä etäisyyksiä, miten kauas 2600km riittää? Tai vaihtoehtoisesti, jos kyetään lentämään tuollainen matka mutta kohde on lähempänä, voidaan lentoreitti suunnitella esim. tietyt alueet kiertäväksi, koska sihen on varaa.

The Iranian-made drone launched by the Houthis in Yemen at Tel Aviv on Friday morning, traveled more than 2,600 kilometers to reach Israel, according to an Israeli Air Force probe.

The modified Iranian-made Samad-3 made an non-direct flight path, which may have contributed to it not being classified as a threat, which resulted in it not being intercepted and striking a residential building in Tel Aviv, killing an Israeli man.

According to the IAF investigation, the explosive-laden drone apparently flew west from Yemen over the Red Sea, reaching Eritrea, before then flying north over Sudan and Egypt and reaching the Mediterranean Sea. The drone then approached Tel Aviv from the west.

It was only at this point where the drone showed up on Israeli radar, as an unidentified target. In hindsight, the drone had been tracked for six minutes in a row while it approached Tel Aviv from the direction of the sea, before dropping in and out of the radar for several minutes after that, according to the probe.

The drone, according to the probe, was in the air for some 16 hours, flying at a speed of between 80 and 100 knots, or 148-185 kilometers per hour.

The IAF was aware of such capabilities in the hands of the Houthis, but had no prior information on the attack itself.

The probe found that if the target would have been classified as a suspected drone when it was first identified, then the IAF would have had enough time to engage it, using fighter jets or ground or sea-based air defense systems. Instead, the target was not classified as a threat, due to a human error by the air traffic control operators, and it impacted Tel Aviv.

The human operators who analyze the IAFs radar were at the time in the middle of tracking a drone launched by another Iran-backed group, from Iraq. That drone was shot down by fighter jets. The IAF has explained that the air traffic control operators also frequently see targets drop in and out of the radar, which in some cases are birds or distortions caused by clouds. Additionally, the IAF's focus has been on targets approaching Israel from the north, east, and south, and less so from the west.

Following the attack, the IAF has now doubled the number of operators analyzing the radar systems, so that targets are not missed and are correctly classified. It has also increased aerial patrols, especially in the Mediterranean, to better detect incoming threats.

Katso liite: 100014


Itse itselleni vastaten: minne yltäisi 2600km lentävä drone, jos se laukaustaan Kiova - Sumy akselin keskipisteen tienoilta: LÄHDE

Katso liite: 100015

Vastaus: koko Ural-vuoriston länsipuolisen Venäjän alue on kantamalla ja lisäksi ylletään noin 600km Ural-vuoriston itäpuolelle. Ural-vuoristo näkyy kuvassa haaleana harmaana viivana.

Valitsemani laukaisupaikka on noin 100km Kiovan itäpuolella, joten kenties se ei ole kaikkein "turvallisin paikka". Toisaalta JOS olisi tällainen 2600km lentävä drone niin vaikka laukaisu tehtäisiin Lviv-nimisen kaupungin seudulta Puolan ja Ukrainan rajalta niin silti drone yltäisi "vain" 150km Ural-vuoriston itäpuolelle - ja yltäisi mihin tahansa kohteeseen sen itäpuolella (olettaen että lentää suoraa linjaa kohteeseen).

Toisaalta voidaan haaveilla vielä lisää: kuvittele pienkoneen kaltainen drone, jolla olisi kyky nousta ilmaan ja laskeutua itsenäisesti. Kuvittele riittävän tasainen, suora ja pitkä tienpätkä jossain Venäjän alueella. Kuvittele että "ystävä" olisi sillä tiellä oikeaan aikaan ja oikeassa paikassa odottamassa dronea, polttoainelastin kanssa. Drone laskeutuu ja se tankataan (ehkä täytee, ehkä osittain) ja sen jälkeen se nousee ilmaan ja jatkaa kohti kohdettaan. Riskejä sisältävä operaatio, tietysti, mutta näin saisi lisää kantomatkaa eikä tarvitse rakentaa valtaa polttoainetankkia droneen.

Lisätään vielä että mitä pidempi kantama sitä mahdottomampi ryssän on suojata kohteita. Pinta-alaa ja kohteita kun riittää enemmän kun droneilla on lentokykyä. Suurin osa IT:stä on raja-alueiden ja rintaman tuntumassa ja tipoittain sitten muutamien tärkeiden kohteiden kuten putlerin palatsien suojana. Kun Moskovan tasolta lentää itään niin saa lentää ihan rauhassa vaikka sen 2000 km jos polttoainetta riittää.
Onkohan Gripenin tuotantomääräkään tarpeeksi iso, että kaikkea kokoonpanoa olisi viimeisen päälle koneistettu? Myös Rafalen tusinan kappaleen vuosivauhti ei kuulosta lupaavalta.
F-35 linjalla on puolestaan ollut varaa investoida vaikka minkälaisiin pinnoitteen laittokoneeseen yms. kun volyymia piisaa kuolettaa investointia.

Tämän mukaan vuoden lopussa Rafaleja pitäisi valmistua 3 kuukaudessa eli ensi vuonna ilmeisesti 36 kpl. Jutun lopussa tosin epäillään mahtaako onnistua noin suuri parannus nykytilanteeseen nähden.
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