Information for all those foreigners who want to join the war for white Ukraine.
If you want to join volunteer battalions you should arrive to Kyiv.
The best way to arrive to Ukraine is to fly to the nearest to Ukraine Polish border cities like Rzeszów, Lublin and Przemyśl.
From these cities you should move to Lviv and look for a transport to Kyiv.
Currently, Western Ukraine is the safest part of the state
After the arrival to Kyiv
The address of recruitment center is Peremohy Avenue 83, Kyiv.
The Recruitment center is located at the territory of former factory "Atek"
In order to join the volunteer battalions you should have your passport or any other ID Card.
if you have your own equipment like first aid kits, helmets, body armor, sleeping pads and sleeping bags, weapons, take it as well
You can enter Ukraine with your own weapon only if you have firearms license.
All the volunteers who will arrive to Kyiv will be divided in two groups:
1⃣Those who have military experience
2⃣Those who don't have
People who have military experience will be given weapon first.
The rest will have military training and paramedic classes.
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