Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Palaan tuohon Stanitsan ( Staraja Kondrashovka ) tragediaan , 11 siviiliä kuollut.

Ensin oli huhua että venäläinen lentokone pommitti
Sitten väitettiin että kapinalliset ampuivat Gradilla.

Mutta totuus , Staraja Kondrashovkaa pommitti ukrainalainen kone vahingossa.

Azov:n komentaja Igor Mosiychuk oli Ukrainan TV:ssä kertomassa tuosta , klippi Venäjän TV:ssä ,
Tällaisia lausuntoja kommentoidessa pitää ainaa muistaa että puhuja on yleensä pakotettu noudattamaan "firman virallista linjaa". Ukraina ei tietenkään aio luopua vaateestaan Krimiin, niin epärealistinen kuin se onkin, ja poliitikkojen on pakko antaa tätä tukevia lausuntoja. Jos joku menisi möläyttämään julkisesti että "turha toivoa, se on män't" niin sehän olisi ihan hirveä karhunpalvelus maalle ja ura loppuisi sillä sekunnilla.

Ulkomaat 3.7.2014 klo 20:38 | päivitetty 3.7.2014 klo 23:53
Ukrainan uusi puolustusministeri: Voitonparaati Krimillä
Presidentti Petro Porošenko teki torstaina kolme tärkeää nimitystä Ukrainan puolustushallinnossa.

Presidentti Petro Porošenko (oik) nimitti Ukrainan uudeksi puolustusministeriksi Valeri Heleteyn. Kuva: Yuri Maximov / EPA
Ukrainan uusi puolustusministeri Valeri Heletey lupaa, että armeija liittää Krimin niemimaan uudelleen Ukrainaan. Puheessan parlamentille Heletey vakuutti, että Krimin Sevastopolissa tullaan järjestämään Ukrainan armeijan voitonparaati.

Venäjä liitti Krimin yhteyteensä maaliskuussa järjestetyn kiistellyn kansanäänestyksen jälkeen.

Presidentti Petro Porošenko nimitti Heteleyn tehtävään tänään torstaina. Samalla Ukrainan armeija sai uuden komentajan, kenraaliluutnantti Viktor Muženkon, jolla on ollut keskeinen rooli operaatiossa Itä-Ukrainan kapinallisia vastaan.

Porošenko sanoi parlamentille, että Ukrainan armeijan rakentaminen alkaa nollasta. Hänen mukaansa tuloksena on armeija, joka kykenee taistelemaan ja voittamaan.

Kiovan hallitus on taistellut Itä-Ukrainan Venäjä-mielisiä separatisteja vastaan huhtikuusta lähtien. Yli 400 ihmistä on kuollut taisteluissa ilman että armeija olisi saanut selvää yliotetta.

Porošenkon kolmas tärkeä nimitys oli Juri Kosjukin nimittäminen presidentinhallintoon vastaamaan puolustusasioista. Kosjukin on maataloudella rikastunut liikemies ja yksi Ukrainan rikkaimmista ihmisistä. Samalla Porošenko lupasi, että armeija puhdistetaan korruptiosta.


Jos kertoisin miten itse luen uutisen. Ensiksi tulee uutisen alustava kertominen ja sitten tulee tekstin päätteeksi näpäytys. Media tekee itsensä tiettäväksi uutisten portinvartijana ja mielipiteen kertojana lukijalle. Media käyttää valtaa näpäyttämällä ihan kaikkea mistä media uutisoi. Tahtoisin joskus median, joka vain kertoo ilman, että se tekee itseään tiettäväksi.
Viimeksi muokattu:
When money talks, bullshit walks, myös Venäjän vaihtoehdot hupenevat!

EU Considers Halting EIB, EBRD Funding For Russia
  • Reuters
  • Jul. 04 2014 09:16
  • Last edited 09:16

Obama and Merkel Discuss Slapping Russia With New Sanctions
  • Reuters
  • Jul. 04 2014 08:13
  • Last edited 08:13

US drives Moscow-Washington relations into deadlock - deputy FM
July 04, 8:31 UTC+4
Venäjällä ei ole muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin viedä Ukrainan hajoittaminen loppuun vaikka väkivalloin. Todennäköisesti se on siihen pakotettu.
Tällaisia lausuntoja kommentoidessa pitää ainaa muistaa että puhuja on yleensä pakotettu noudattamaan "firman virallista linjaa". Ukraina ei tietenkään aio luopua vaateestaan Krimiin, niin epärealistinen kuin se onkin, ja poliitikkojen on pakko antaa tätä tukevia lausuntoja. Jos joku menisi möläyttämään julkisesti että "turha toivoa, se on män't" niin sehän olisi ihan hirveä karhunpalvelus maalle ja ura loppuisi sillä sekunnilla.

Talvisodan rauhan kauaskantoisin seuraus oli jatkosota.

Venàjà voi kuitenkin olla Krimin suhteen rauhassa. Ukrainan lihaksilla sità ei oteta.
Muutamia twiittejä ja uutisia:

Strelkov: Olemme piiritettyjä, emme saa täydennyksiä
Ukraine Reporter
Russian mil cmdr Strelkov: we're surrounded, can't get supplies. Unless #Russia helps Sloviansk will fall first & then rest of #Novorossiya

Strelkov: ilman Venäjän apua separatistit kestävät 1-2 viikkoa, taistelutahto hiipuu
Will Vernon
Latest Strelkov vid: -Can hold out for 1-2 weeks without Russian help -Over 30,000 civilians left in Slovyansk -Militia losing will to fight
Edit: linkki uutiseen/videoon

LPR:n hallitus on erotettu
Christopher Miller
More on Bolotov's move, from @interfaxua: Government of '#Luhansk People's Republic' dismissed

kolme kapinallisten komentajaa häippässyt:
Separatists falling apart? Strelkov says 3 rebel commanders deserted…

Uusi PM Marat Bashirov:
Maxim Eristavi
New Luhansk separatist PM Marat Bashirov is the president of Russia's Govt Relations League, a board director of Interfax news agency
Viimeksi muokattu:
  • Tykkää
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Ukrainan armeijan tykistö lähettää terveisiä Putinin kavereille.

Donetskin lentokenttää yrittävät vallata taas. Kaiketi hermostuneet kun Ukrainan armeija yrittää parhaillaan sulkea rajat ja jotain kauttaa pitää saada kamaa tulevaisuudessakin.
Talvisodan rauhan kauaskantoisin seuraus oli jatkosota.

Venàjà voi kuitenkin olla Krimin suhteen rauhassa. Ukrainan lihaksilla sità ei oteta.

Venäjällä ehdotellaan, että Nato tulisi apuun :eek: !

NATO will attack Russia in 2 years to fight for Crimea

The NATO administration warned Russia of new sanctions, should the Russian administration does not contribute to the cessation of the conflict in Ukraine. Foreign ministers of NATO countries gathered in Brussels to elaborate a joint approach to Russia. US State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf stated that the USA had prepared additional sanctions against Russia. The sanctions can be introduced very quickly, Harf said. According to her, Washington positively estimated Moscow's move not to use Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine. However, the US would like to see more dynamic actions from Russia.

The USA and the EU introduced sanctions against several Russian politicians, businessmen and companies after Russia reunited with the Crimea in March, following the results of the referendum on the peninsula. Now the US threatens to expand sanctions by introducing restrictions on the export of technologies for the oil and gas industry to Russia.

Vice Rector of the Russian Economic University named after Plekhanov, member of the Public Chamber, Director of the Institute of Political Studies, political scientist Sergei Markov said in an interview with Pravda.Ru that Washington may decide to impose the third package of sanctions against Russia.

On Wednesday, US Secretary of State John Kerry said that Moscow should stop the flow of weapons across the border. Kerry urged Putin to call on "separatists" to "lay down their arms." Obama again called Merkel and Hollande and agreed to make the announcement about sanctions in the field of energy and "Moscow's restrictions to world financial markets" at the EU summit on June 26-27.

"Putin stated in Vienna that peace talks do not imply the disarmament of the south-east of Ukraine, so it is unlikely that the wishes of the Americans will be fulfilled. Does it mean that the West will announce new sanctions against Russia?"

"I think that sanctions will be inevitably developing. The more steps Russia takes to retreat, the tougher the sanctions will be. There is a struggle of the party of peace and the party of war in Washington. The party of war claims that it can arrange a coup in Russia with the help of war to overthrow the leadership and bring a puppet government to power to put Russia down on its knees. They claim that the Russian government is afraid of sanctions, and, therefore, sanctions must be applied as the main tool of showing influence on Russia.

"Moreover, I think that sanctions will affect middle classes in the future as well, because the goal is to set the middle class against the leadership of the country and create problems for the middle class. So all this will continue to evolve.

"Washington has committed so many crimes in Ukraine, that it is obvious that there is a global goal hidden behind it. Obviously, the goal is a coup in Russia, like it was in Ukraine. Russia maneuvers and tries to get away from deploying the troops.

"There should be no peace and no equality of Russian and Ukrainian communities in Ukraine. Washington needs the de-Russification of Ukraine, to have extremist, terrorist forces in power that will conduct the violent de-Russification and become a tool of struggle against the Russian leadership.

"I believe that this plan includes the following. There will be strong anti-Russian propaganda conducted as it is now being done in most parts of Ukraine. They will make common Ukrainians hate Russia, Russians and everything related to Russia. They will use terror to suppress all forces that oppose this, as was done in Kharkov and Odessa.

"Afterwards, they will have the NATO army ready. In two years, the army of NATO will attack Russia to fight for the Crimea. Fighters from the "Right Sector" nationalist movement will be used as mass saboteurs, terrorists, who, in the fight for the Crimea, will conduct mass terrorist attacks in Russian cities."

"U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers -Obama's election sponsor - said that potential sanctions against Russian energy, defense and financial sectors may harm U.S. businesses and lead to job losses. Is this a serious argument?"

"Indeed, it will cause considerable damage, but no one will listen. Interests of particular businesses will be subordinated to common interests. There are many people, who want to avoid the Cold War between Russia and the West. This is an illusion. We are already in a condition that is much more serious than a Cold War. This is a hybrid war being waged by the war party in Washington. It is possible to remove the war party from power by only proving that going on the path of war is impossible. As long as the war party supervises the U.S. foreign policy, there will be no peace in Ukraine."

"Who guides the U.S. president, even if American entrepreneurs are against these sanctions? Or are they unsuccessful actions of Obama as a politician?"

"The war party does. There are different businesses there. The military business is not against the war. Those companies that were promised to have Gazprom and Rosneft in their hands after Russia is kneeled - they do not mind."

"Are they sanctions against Putin personally? Why does Obama dislike the Russian president?"

"It's not that he dislikes him. Maybe he's a little jealous. But this is not important. The bottom line is that Putin is seen as one of those who disagree with Washington's omnipotence."

Ukrainan parlamentti teki kaupat : Puolet kaasun jakelusjärjestelmästä amerikkalaisille ja eurooppalaisille sijoittajille. Rahoilla voi sitten lisää aseitaa amerikasta ...

Ukraina nimisen pajatson tyhjennys on käynnissä.

No, tuossa ainakin varmistoi, että yksi osa Ukrainan infraa modernisoinneilleen rahoittajan. Ja tekniikan venhentuminenhan on tuolla teollisuuden yksi ongelmista.
Kun seuraavan tekstin lukee, alkaa uskoa, että mopo on totaalisesti karannut käsistä Venäjällä! Tai ainakin media on kadottanut fokuksen. Putinilla on kaksi huonoa vaihtoehtoa, antaa periksi tai riskeerata hyökkäys Ukrainaan.

Leaked: US think-tank plan on E.Ukraine suggests internment camps, executions, nationalizing citizens’ property
Published time: July 04, 2014 20:00
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Ukrainian soldiers drive a military vehicle with a Ukrainian flag at a checkpoint near Slavyansk in eastern Ukraine July 3, 2014 (Reuters / Andrew Kravchenko)

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Politics, Protest, Scandal, Terrorism, USA, Ukraine, War
A leaked memorandum from the RAND corporation think tank suggests that Kiev should engage in an all-out war in the eastern regions, including shutting down all communications, putting citizens in internment camps and killing all who resist.

The RAND Corporation is non-profit global think tank which offers research and analysis to the US armed forces.

In the shocking letter, which has been leaked by the media, the advice offers a step by step brutal guide in how to deal with the population in eastern Ukraine.

‘Military op’s advantages overweigh disadvantage’
In the first line the memorandum notes that the peace plan outlined by new president Poroshenko is likely to fail. However, it soothes, the political and material downsides of the operation will be “outweighed” by the gains.

The chilling letter then lists the advantages that a full scale military onslaught against the two breakaway eastern Ukrainian regions would have.

The pro-Russian political movement, claims the advice, would become decimated and the pro-Russian voters would get disorganized.

Instead of upholding the region’s coal supplies as a source of future employment, it says the decimation of the coal industry in the fighting would mean they would be quickly shut down, thereby relieving the Ukraine of burdensome subsidy costs.

Shutting down the Donbass industries would also mean a reduction in Russian gas consumption and the destruction of the local oligarch Rinat Akhmetov’s clan and his political and economic clout.

Stage 1: Suspend Constitution, impose martial law
The shocking memorandum then lists a three stage military campaign to guarantee victory. Stage One, called the total isolation of the rebel regions, presuming that all civilians who have stayed behind are “complicit in the unrest or supportive of it.”

It proposes martial law should be imposed in the area with a strict curfew between 20:00 and 06:00, while all local authorities would have their competencies terminated and Constitution be suspended in the area.

The regions should then be encircled with troops with special attention being given to areas which border on Russia.

As regards the media it recommends that all broadcasting services, telephone and mobile communications and internet services in the region should be shut down and that the international media should be “subject to a special procedure.”

Stage 2: Internment camps for male adults, any one resisting to be killed on the spot
Then begins Stage Two of the operation, called mop-up, which involves a gradual tightening of the circle of troops round the region, followed by airstrikes and then artillery and mortar assaults against the “enemy’s” strategic facilities.

Without any apparent regard for human life the RAND authors then advise that the use of non-conventional arms should not be ruled out “to ensure smaller casualties among our own personnel”.

The authors, who seemingly have little or no knowledge of the situation in eastern Ukraine, then say that settlements should be liberated one by one with armor going in first, followed by infantry who should shoot to kill anyone bearing arms.

In what appears to be advising ethnic cleansing, all male adults should be removed to internment camps, while anyone who attempts to resist should be executed; children under 13 and people over the age of 60 should be moved to specially equipped facilities in other areas.

In a bizarre piece of advice that appears at best unrealistic and at worst deranged RAND then says that anyone with bruises, scuff marks, traces of gun powder or gun oil on their clothes should be tried in court for separatism and terrorism. Any lucky residents who don’t fall into these categories would be allowed to return home after a period of two months “of internment” and would then be slapped under surveillance by the security services.

Stage 3: Property of convicted and displaced to be nationalized
Stage Three, which is risibly called ‘Back to Normal’, says that all refugees “from the warzone” should then be allowed to return home. This is presuming that in the first place they would have a home to return to and in the second place they would want to return home to a region now so divided along Ukrainian and Russian ethnicities.

However men aged 18-60 shalled be “checked” in internment camps, while the protperty of convicted and displaced resident of Donetsk and Lugansk regions shall be nationalized.

The area of the punitive operation shall be made “off limits” to the foreign media, the memorandum concludes.



Russian media: Moscow may send Ukraine 'peacekeeping' mission in next two days
Print version
July 4, 2014, 3:10 p.m. | Ukraine — by Matthew Luxmoore

Tanks with Kremlin-backed fighters outside the city of Sloviansk last month. According to Russian media, citing a Russian Foreign Ministry source, has suggested Russia is preparing to introduce "peacekeeping" forces in eastern Ukraine within the next two days.

Matthew Luxmoore

Russia may begin a “peacekeeping” operation in Ukraine within the next two days, according to comments made on July 3 by sources close to Russia’s Foreign Ministry.

“There is such an option… The situation is complicated. Two days ago we advised (Ukrainian President) Petro Poroshenko to ‘freeze’ the conflict in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts for a few months, so that the rebels and the Ukrainian army stop fighting… Poroshenko did not accept the plan, and every day innocent people are dying,” the source told Russian news agency Znak.

“A peacekeeping operation from the Russian side is ready: if it is launched, several Russian units will form a protection ring around the large towns, in order to ensure the safety of peaceful citizens,” the news agency quoted the source as saying.

The reliability of the statement - as well as the identity of the source - remain unclear.

According to Ukrainska Pravda, its credibility is attested to by the fact that deputies of the Russian State Duma have been instructed to remain in Moscow over the following days amid the possibility of an emergency meeting being held.

Ukrainska Pravda also cites Znak journalist Katerina Vinokurova as saying information supplied by the same Foreign Ministry source in the past has always proved reliable.

The claim has provoked a strong response from Kyiv. Security Council Secretary Andriy Parubiy called it “a threat of direct aggression against Ukraine,” adding that peacekeeping forces can only be introduced under the aegis of the United Nations.

The news comes amid further reports of a military build-up in Ukraine’s east, where the government’s resumed “anti-terrorist operation” entered its third day. Parubiy denied that Russian troops had been withdrawn from the border with Ukraine, claiming that around 40,000 servicemen remain.

“The statement that Russian troops have been pulled back from the border is untrue. There was no pullback of troops, but quite the contrary, there was a [troop] rotation,” he said at a briefing in Kyiv on July 4, according to Interfax.

Yuriy Stets, head of the information security department of Ukraine’s National Guard, said 20 tanks and 122 armoured vehicles from Russia have been recorded in Luhansk region.

In the meantime, further rumours of a rift between separatist forces are emerging.

Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti reported three desertions among rebel ranks on July 4, citing an assistant to rebel commander Igor Strelkov. On the same day, a video was posted online showing a visibly shaken Strelkov saying Sloviansk will be destroyed within two weeks if the rebel forces currently in control of the town do not receive assistance.

“If Russia does not conclude a ceasefire or intervene militarily in our name, in the name of the Russian people living here, we will be destroyed. This will happen within the week, maximum two. And the first to be destroyed will be Sloviansk, with all of its inhabitants,” Strelkov says in the video.

Also on July 4, a statement posted on the official website of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic announced the dismissal of the LPR government, including a document signed by its leader Valeriy Bolotov.

In the meantime, preparations continue ahead of another round of OSCE-mediated peace talks, slated to take place in Ukraine between Kyiv, Moscow and representatives of the two self-proclaimed republics in the Donbas. The group should meet “no later than July 5 with the goal of reaching an unconditional and mutually agreed sustainable ceasefire,” according to a document signed by the parties during a July 2 meeting in Berlin.

Amid shifting dynamics in the military conflict in Ukraine’s east, rhetoric on both sides has intensified. Russia’s Foreign Ministry on July 2 demanded that the Kyiv reinstate a ceasefire abandoned by Poroshenko on July 1 and cease its military campaign.

“Again we resolutely demand that the Ukrainian authorities — provided they are still able to evaluate sensibly the consequences of the criminal policy they conduct — to stop shelling peaceful cities and villages in their own country, to return to a real ceasefire in order to save human lives,” the Foreign Ministry said.

At a press conference on July 3, Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Danylo Lubkivskiy issued a stark rebuke to Moscow.

“We are warning the whole international society against becoming hostages of the alternative reality which the Kremlin is trying to impose in such a consistent and thoughtless way. There is only one voice that the world does not and cannot trust: this voice comes from the Kremlin. The world demands real actions from Russia,” Lubkivskiy said.

Kyiv Post staff writer Matthew Luxmoore can be reached at [email protected] and on Twitter at @mjluxmoore.
Leaked: US think-tank plan on E.Ukraine suggests internment camps, executions, nationalizing citizens’ property

Russian media: Moscow may send Ukraine 'peacekeeping' mission in next two days

Tätähän tässä on odotettu nyt jo viitisen kuukautta. Viimeinen tekaistu lännen aiheuttama kauhukuva "Novorussiassa" ja tämän jälkeen rauhanturvaoperaatio. Toivon hartaasti, että jäisi vain sanahelinäksi, mutta vähän pahalta näyttää... Väistämätön tapahtuu viimein?