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The russian general staff needs to be fired ,for how mediocre their airforce have performed..
The can't fucking target a military base right there in their fucking borders , with a cruise missile and needs to send a plane that is later shut down?![]()
this is horrible... what the russian military is doing.. because this is ukraine ..a third world nation ,just using manpads and soviet era buks ,can take down russian airplannes ,that ukraine soviet era air defenses can guide their missiles to hit russian planes.. without any jamming.
i only see very poor tactics -
- sending soldiers with light guns to the front line ,versus armor that ukraine have lots of it.
-sending convoys the first week without close air support.![]()
- allowing ukraine army to freely move inside cities and ambush their forces when enter cities , something that attack drones or loteiring munition could stop ,
- losing armor for lack of fuel.![]()
- not using airforce against stretched ukros military positions in donbass.. how is that possible?
to hold a line anywhere in any place in the world ,if you have enemy airforce in control of airspace?
throw incendiary bombs idiots... the smoke and chemicals will force them to abandom their bunkers.
very unimppresed with russian army performance , they better not fight a any nato nation ,because will be much worse. all this stupid artillery duels , are outdated soviet era combat.. you can't use artillery if the enemy have considerable amount of attack drones to take them down. at best portable mortars can be used ,if you hide.. but all those heavy artillery can only be used when enemy no longer have an airforce or drones to fight back.. because nato is arming ukraine , the ukies will never be out of drones anytime soon.
i have no doubts that russian army is very poorly trained for modern wars.. look the catastrophic performance of russian military in armenian conflict recently.those drones wiped very easily russian tors and buks and s-300s.. no problem for those israeli and turkish drones , not even the russian army hellicopters could fly safely inside armenian airspace. incompetence. after incompetence now the same embarrassment repeats again in ukraine.
Olen tuota foorumia itsekin seuraillut pari päivää. Hauska, miten siellä monet asiat kääntyy päälaelleen. Tai ainakin siltä tuntuu. Melkoinen "runkkurinki". Toivottavasti emme itse milloinkaan syyllisty samankaltaiseen kapeakatseisuuteen ja putkinäköön täällä ja siedämme myös tuolta usein puuttuvaa itsekritiikkiä jatkossakin.