Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Voin melkein kuvitella, mitä venäläiset tekisivät vastaavassa tilanteessa. Paskoisivat joka paikkaan, tekisivät tulet ruohikkopalon aikaan polttaen puoli puistoa, piknik roskat jäisi ja jumalaton määrä tyhjiä viinapulloja.
Moniko tänne saapuneista kamelinratsastajista ja vuohipaimenista ja hiekkaneekeristä tekisi saman asian.....? Siis haravoisivat kiitokseksi saadusta avusta.
These British 155 M777 howitzers are already in Ukraine There are several dozen in number. How it looks and how it works - in the video. Someone will be very bo-bo
(edit: ei siis ukrainasta, mutta esittely)


Footage of the advancement of military equipment involved in the sudden check of the combat readiness of the troops of Belarus has been published.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Putkitykistö ei tyhmällä raudalla tuohon yllä, se on vissi. Ei vaikka olisi Nenonen itse lähettämässä murkulaa matkaan. Täsmäammukset toimii (y) Näkyy myös videoita kun ammutaan normaaleita aluemaaleja ja tuli hajaantuu perinteisemmin. Laaki ja vainaa ei ole perus HE murkulan työtä.
Nyt voi jo kysyä että mitä helvettiä Venäjä? Näin tästä kuvakaappauksen enkä uskonut todeksi. Mutta ihan tosissaan ovat.
"Signs of black magic found at the headquarters of the Ukrainian military"
Kun varusmiesaikana olin vielä esikuntaan sijoittuvassa viestihimmelissä ja sen jälkeen komentopaikkahommeleitähimmeleitä niin jotenkin.. En mä kyllä oikein näe tuota paikkaa käytössä olleena komentopaikkana kuin korkeintaan airsoft fantasioissa.
Ursula von der Leyen has proposed a total ban on Russian oil imports to the EU, saying Vladimir Putin had to pay a “high price for his brutal aggression” in Ukraine.

Member states in Brussels are scrutinising a proposed sixth package of sanctions, but in a speech on Wednesday the European Commission president said Russian oil flows had to stop.

Von der Leyen said Russian supply of crude oil would be prohibited within six months and refined products would be banned by the end of the year, while she acknowledged the demands from countries such as Slovakia and Hungary for additional flexibility.

“Let us be clear: it will not be easy,” Von der Leyen said in a speech to the European parliament. “Some member states are strongly dependent on Russian oil. But we simply have to work on it. We now propose a ban on Russian oil. This will be a complete import ban on all Russian oil, seaborne and pipeline, crude and refined.

“We will make sure that we phase out Russian oil in an orderly fashion, in a way that allows us and our partners to secure alternative supply routes and minimises the impact on global markets.”
Varsinkin toi APV luku (tämä ilmeisesti kattaa kaikki panssaroidut ajoneuvot, lukuunottamatta tankkeja), on ollut viimeiset kolme päivää poikkeuksellinen
Lisäystä on tullut 43, 48 ja 48 päivittäin.
Eli oisko tuo noin 2/3 yhden BTG:n panssaroidusta kalustosta päivässä?
Vaihtoehtoisesti jos kaikki on ollut keihäänkärki joukon kalustoa, niin 1½ BTG kalusto päivässä?
Jos siis oikein luen BTG kalusto luetteloita
Samaa katsellut. Olisiko paksut vaunut loppu ja/ tai niitä vähiä säästellään tai siirretään parhaillaan jotain muuta tarkoitusta varten --> Bemareita, Pettereitä ja muita kevyemmin panssaroituja ajoneuvoja käytetään väkivaltaiseen tiedusteluun --> Savupatsaat paljastavat puolustajan kulloisenkin tasan.

On Venäjän rintamatason johdolta melkoisen kyynistä toimintaa laittaa vaan kerta toisensa jälkeen lisää lihaa myllyyn ilman minkäänlaisia onnistumisen mahdollisuuksia.
Their bunker couldn’t withstand a direct hit from ferocious Russian bombardment, food was running out and finding water could get them killed. For some civilians inside the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol, it was an ordeal that finally ended on Tuesday when more than 100 managed to reach the safety of a shopping centre car park in Ukrainian-held Zaporizhzhia.

Some members of the group told of their experiences over the past few weeks in the besieged plant. They had survived in tunnels below the steelworks among Ukrainian troops, having to pick bomb-shattered glass from their food and hoping for rescue.

“Under permanent fire, sleeping on improvised mats, being pounded by the blast waves, running with your son and being knocked to the ground by an explosion – everything was horrible,” said evacuee Anna Zaitseva. She carried her six-month-old baby in her arms and cried when expressing her gratitude to everyone from the troops who found formula for her child to the urgent international rescue effort that got them to safety.

“Thank you,” she said, before being escorted to a private area inside the shopping centre.
"Valko-Venäjä on aloittanut laajat sotaharjoitukset, kertovat muun muassa BBC ja Guardian.
Maan ulkoministeriö sanoo, että harjoitus ei aiheuta vaaraa Valko-Venäjän naapurimaille.
Ulkoministeriön mukaan harjoituksissa testataan sotilasajoneuvojen taisteluvalmiutta, mikä saattaa aiheuttaa ruuhkia liikenteeseen."
Testataan - ja huonoksi havaitaan. Sen voi ennustaa jo melkoisella varmuudella. Luka soittaa Vovalle toteaa: "Oltais me muuten, mutku näiden rakkineiden taisteluvalmius... Niin tota, se on niin huono, ettei sitä voi yksittäinen valtionpäämies käsittää tiätsä. Mutta ehkä sitten kesemmällä tai syssymmällä ok?".
Russia’s defence ministry says it has disabled six railway stations in Ukraine used to supply Ukrainian forces with foreign weapons.

Reuters reports the ministry also claimed it had hit 40 Ukrainian military targets, including four ammunition depots. The claims have not been independently verified.
Ukraine has said it does not ruled out the possibility that Russia could use armed forces from Belarus in the war.

Reuters reports that after Belarus began military drills, Ukrainian state border service spokesperson Andriy Demchenko said: “We do not rule out that the Russian Federation could at some point use the territory of Belarus, the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus, against Ukraine. Therefore, we are ready.”

Demchenko claimed Ukraine’s border with Belarus had been “strengthened” since the latest Russian invasion began on 24 February.
The armed forces of Belarus began sudden large-scale drills on Wednesday to test their combat readiness, its defence ministry said.

“It is planned that the (combat readiness) test will involve the movement of significant numbers of military vehicles, which can slow down traffic on public roads,” the Belarusian ministry said in a statement, as reported by Reuters.

Against the backdrop of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the ministry said the exercise posed no threat to its neighbours or the European community in general.

Areas of Ukraine adjacent to Belarus, including its capital, Kyiv, came under Russian assault in the initial stage of the invasion, which began in late February and followed joint drills held by Russia and Belarus.
The head of the British armed forces said President Vladimir Putin has already failed to achieve the initial objectives of Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine.

Adm. Tony Radakin, chief of the British defense staff, told The Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council Summit in London on Tuesday that he was surprised by the Russian failings in the campaign that started with poor intelligence, leading to catastrophic outcomes. He said he believed Mr. Putin was in charge of the campaign and showing traits of an autocratic leader who was becoming increasingly isolated.

“Their decision making rarely improves, and their decision making gets worse,” he said.

“We have been surprised at the way Russia has gone about this,” Adm. Radakin said. Russia expected that it could invade Ukraine, take cities in days and take control of the country in 30 days, he added. He said failing in this effort was the consequence of a “shocking intelligence failure and it’s also an incredible arrogance.” He also praised what he called the courage and ingenuity of the Ukrainian armed forces.

“Whatever their endgame is, it is drastically different from their start game,” Adm. Radakin said. The campaign started with the ambition of taking the whole of Ukraine, pushing back the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and demonstrating Russia’s power and authority. “All of those have failed, NATO has never been stronger," he said. "The notion that the Ukraine people somehow would choose to orient themselves toward Russia now looks absurd.”

“We expected a much more joined-up onslaught by Russia,” he said, adding that Russia struggles to coordinate the branches of its armed forces. It has already suffered a tactical defeat as it was forced to shift the focus of its campaign to the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine. The campaign looks “incredibly risky, incredibly rushed,” he said.

Of the intelligence failures, Adm. Radakin said that “catastrophic errors tend to lead to catastrophic consequences.” He said Russia had never operated on this scale since World War II. A successful operation would have relied on synchronization and momentum that haven't occurred during the campaign.

Adm. Radakin said Russia had failed to take down Ukrainian communications, allowing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to talk to the world throughout the war. He also said Russia had failed to achieve air superiority, while its maritime, air and land forces were “siloed” and their operations weren’t dynamic. Air operations were being planned as long as seven to 10 days in advance, he said.

“The idea you would run out of fuel when you are just 100 miles into Ukraine is just slightly bizarre,” he said, speaking of Russian convoys that stalled in the early days of the war.