Joku kääntänyt Girkinin kirjoituksia. Kai jotakuta kiinnostaa?
>One of the very few european breed war criminals wanted in the hague
>downer of MH17 boeing
>former first defence minister of donbabwe
>former FSB agent
>linked to massacre of 3,000 Bosnian muslims in 1992
>russian empire officer larper
>personal starter of donbass war
Wrote very long and very pessimistic stuff on telegram. Good stuff, i chuckled a lot. Translation from ru to en.
Usually his older predictions always checked out.
Here we go:
"How and with what can we equip Ukraine."
Prologue (will be in several parts).
jatkuu linkissä.
/k/ - Igor Strelkov new grim predictions - Weapons - 4chan
Igor Strelkov new grim predictions - "/k/ - Weapons" is 4chan's imageboard for discussing all types of weaponry, from military tanks to guns and knives.
>One of the very few european breed war criminals wanted in the hague
>downer of MH17 boeing
>former first defence minister of donbabwe
>former FSB agent
>linked to massacre of 3,000 Bosnian muslims in 1992
>russian empire officer larper
>personal starter of donbass war
Wrote very long and very pessimistic stuff on telegram. Good stuff, i chuckled a lot. Translation from ru to en.
Usually his older predictions always checked out.
Here we go:
"How and with what can we equip Ukraine."
Prologue (will be in several parts).
jatkuu linkissä.