Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Jos Balakliya kaatuu, niin saisivatkohan ukrainalaiset Iziumin "ilmaiseksi" jos saavat luotua riittävästi painetta motin muodostamiskesi tai riittävän uhkan siitä, mikä ajaisi puolustajat vetäytymään?

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Jokohan tuo Borovan silta on rikottu?

Tuo E40 tie välittömästi Izyumin länsipuolella on varmaan jo Ukrainan hallussa, kuvittelisi että ne on ainakin Veselessä asti nyt, kun illalla oli huhua että ryssä on lähtenyt lipettiin Savyntsistä. Itäpuolella oleva R79 tie Borovaan taitaa olla ainoa tie ulos, ellei rautatie ole yhä käyttökelpoinen.

Izyum on vaarassa jäädä ainakin operatiiviseen (kaikki poistumistiet epäsuoran alaiseen) piiritykseen. Saa nähdä miten etenee, tuhannen taalan paikka Ukrainalla.
Tämän verran on lapsia tullut Ukrainasta sotaa pakoon Suomenki perukoille. Keskieuroopassa varsinkin Puolassa luvut on ihan eri luokkaa...

Suomessa on noin 12 000 Venäjän hyökkäystä paennutta ukrainalaislasta​

Suomessa asuu yhteensä noin 12  000 Venäjän hyökkäystä paennutta ukrainalaista lasta, kertoo lapsiasiavaltuutettu. Noin kolmasosa tilapäistä suojelua hakeneista 36  000 ukrainalaisesta on lapsia.
Suomessa asuvista ukrainalaislapsista noin 600 on maassa ilman huoltajaa. Osa heistä on saapunut yksin ja osa esimerkiksi sukulaisen kanssa. Ilman huoltajaa Suomessa olevat lapset asuvat joko alaikäisten vastaanottokeskuksissa, sukulaistensa kanssa aikuisten vastaanottokeskuksissa tai yksityismajoituksessa.
–  Ilman huoltajaa Suomessa oleviin lapsiin kohdistetuista toimenpiteistä liikkuu vääriä käsityksiä, mikä voi johtaa siihen, että kaikki lapset eivät hakeudu palvelujen piiriin, sanoo Maahanmuuttoviraston ylitarkastaja Maria Kunelius tiedotteessa.
Erityistä huomiota tulee lapsiasiavaltuutettu Elina Pekkarisen mukaan kiinnittää traumaosaamiseen, jota suojelua tarvitsevien pakolaislasten kanssa työskentelevät tarvitsevat.
Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal this week told Politico that he expects that diminished access to technology will be the driving force staving off Russia's ongoing attacks. Since invading Ukraine, Russia has spent months burning through nearly half of the critical military technology in its arsenal, and now Politico has shared a leaked "shopping list" of tech that Russia is most urgently seeking to replenish its stockpile.

"According to our information, Russians have already spent almost half... of their weaponry arsenal," Shmyhal told Politico.

Among about two dozen "chokepoint technologies" that Russia "most desperately" needs to stay in the fight are microchips manufactured by eight US tech companies that America hopes to block Russia from accessing through sanctions.

Those companies include Marvell, Intel, Holt, ISSI, Microchip, Micron, Broadcom, and Texas Instruments. Sanctions can only go so far to limit distribution from these companies, though, as Russia will likely look to third parties or unregulated markets to fill the gap. Ars reached out to all US tech companies for comment, but only a few immediately responded.
Politico reported that some of the tech parts that Russia seeks could still potentially be accessed easily and smuggled into Russia via unregulated online markets, but other products have long been out of stock globally.

Without more microchips—as well as other items on the Kremlin's shopping list like "semiconductors, transformers, connectors, casings, transistors, insulators, and other components"—Russia may lose its most powerful missile technology and perhaps even be forced to withdraw from the conflict.

Shmyhal told Politico the "outcome of the war" could "hinge" on whether Russia can quickly stockpile microchips, which is why Ukraine has issued international warnings to alert other countries to help cut off Russia's supply. For now, the strategy appears to be working in Ukraine's favor.
The source of Politico's leaked shopping list couldn't be independently verified. Instead, Politico spoke to "two experts in military supply chains" who "confirmed it was in line with other research findings about Russia's military equipment and needs."

The shopping list is divided into three categories, ranked from low to critical importance. Items considered most critical included microchips costing anywhere from $7 to more than $1,000 per unit, most sourced from US companies.
Other countries with products on Russia's shopping list that were marked as critical included Germany, Japan, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, China, and the Netherlands. A major concern for Ukraine allies is that non-allies like China will help Russia circumvent sanctions to access tech and prolong the war effort. Without China, Russia would find it much harder to "acquire the most sensitive tech" listed, Politico reported.

In the meantime, Russia has turned to old-fashioned weaponry. Shmyhal told Politico that Russia only has "four dozen" high-tech hypersonic missiles left and has been relying on 1960s-era military tech until the country's high-tech military supplies can be built back up.
Half a year after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the implications of this war for the European space industry have been profound. Most notably, Europe has severed all connections with the Russian launch industry and canceled a joint mission to place a European rover on Mars with the help of a Russian rocket and lander.

The process of unwinding the deep links between Europe's space program and the Russian space industry have fallen largely on the shoulders of an Austrian space researcher named Josef Aschbacher, who had been director general of the European Space Agency for less than a year when Russia's tanks began rolling into Ukraine.

Like most Europeans, he was aghast at what he saw. "Look at what is happening on the ground," he said in an interview with Ars. "I'm really disgusted by the invasion of Ukraine. We see it every single day. What is happening there is not meeting our European values, and we cannot work with a partner who is completely trampling on those values."
"I cannot see a rebuild of the cooperation we had in the past," Aschbacher said. "I am speaking here on behalf of my member states. They all have very much the same opinion. And this is really something where the behavior of ESA will reflect the geopolitical situation of the member states on this point. And I think this is very clear."
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