poiminta Garry Kasparovin haastattelusta @
putler on pattitilanteessa: yksikään hyökkäyksen tavoitteista ei ole toteutunut, eikä näillä näkymin toteudu. hän ei myöskään voi lopettaa sotimista, sillä silloin paljastuisi ettei mitään ole saavutettu ja se olisi hänen tuho.
ainoa vaihtoehto on pyrkiä jatkamaan sotaa ja toivoa, että jostain hatusta nousee tilanteen pelastava kani.
I think that Putin realizes his tricks won’t work as they did before. That’s why we aren’t hearing the same bold threats, the brazen threats, from Putin’s generals or Putin’s entourage who were formally saying “we will use whatever weapons,” etc. They seem to be finding a middle ground: Not to drop threats all together, because they understand that If NATO is dragged in, then it would be a disaster for them.
Then what’s next?
Basically, the war is lost. If you look at all of the objectives that Putin set for the war, all of them have failed. All of them. So, continuing the war is the only way for Putin to stay in power. He wants to create extra chaos in the free world hoping that a new window will open for him. It’s really just a protracted agony. It is cynical and stupid, but Putin is willing to put thousands of civilians into graves in the months to come before the whole of Ukraine is liberated, if that will allow him to maintain power.