Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Conservative MP Tobias Ellwood, who is chair of the House of Commons defence committee in the British parliament, has been interviewed on Sky News this morning in the UK. He has been a strong proponent of more direct action and support from Nato for Ukraine, since Russia’s latest invasion began. He told viewers:

I think our leaders are now recognising where this is all going and we need to step back and ask ourselves the fundamental security question that I pose ever more regularly. Is the world likely to become more dangerous or less over the next few years? I think the answer is clearly the former.

This is not just about Ukraine, but the emergence of a new alliance with Russia, China, and other authoritarian states challenging the status quo that we’ve enjoyed since the end of the cold war. So our actions now, in how we handle Ukraine, given the conflict has now moved into a darker chapter, will determine I think how the next decade plays.
He said:

We’re involved in an economic war with Russia over oil, over gas, over energy. We’re training Ukrainians to fight, we’re arming them with other sophisticated weapons. We’re involved in a political war with Russia.

We need to recognise that we need to move to a war footing, and how we protect our energy supplies, how we develop greater resilience to thwart expected grey zone attacks, how we procure and replace weapons systems that we’ve gifted – our cupboards are almost empty – and how we better assist vulnerable states such as such as Moldova.
Specifically on the issue of the use of nuclear weapons, Ellwood expressed concern that Nato did not have a properly formulated doctrine, saying:

We need to recognise we need to have proportionate responses if nuclear weapons are used, or indeed chemical weapons. We need robust protocols in place in case a tactical low yield nuclear weapon is used. When I visited Nato I asked this very question, and there wasn’t an answer. We need to be very, very clear if Putin steps over this threshold what the west will do.
Uzbekistan’s state prosecutors warned citizens against joining foreign armies after Russia offered fast-track citizenship to those who sign up and Ukraine said it had captured Uzbeks fighting alongside Russians, Reuters reports.

Those fighting in military conflicts abroad faced criminal prosecution under Uzbek law, the Central Asian nation’s Prosecutor General’s office said in a statement late on Wednesday.

A video circulated in Ukrainian social media this month showed two Uzbeks captured in fighting between Ukrainian and Russian forces; the detainees said they had been recruited in Moscow.

Hundreds of thousands of Uzbeks live in or regularly travel to Russia to find work and provide for their families at home; some work illegally and risk being deported.

Russia’s parliament passed a law this week offering fast-track citizenship to foreigners who join its army, part of a broader drive to strengthen the military amid the stalled Ukrainian campaign which also included partial mobilisation.
Russia is set to face direct pressure at the United Nations on Thursday over its invasion of Ukraine, whose leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy has appealed to the world to punish Moscow. Agence France-Presse reports.

As global leaders convened for the annual general assembly, the security council will hold a special session among foreign ministers called by France on impunity for rights abuses in Ukraine.

The morning session is expected to bring Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov face to face with top western diplomats including secretary of state Antony Blinken, who has refused a one-on-one meeting since the 24 February invasion.

After two years of pandemic restrictions, only one leader was still allowed to address the assembly virtually – Zelenskiy, who in a pre-recorded video called 15 times for “punishment” of Russia and received a rare standing ovation.
The head of the UN nuclear watchdog agency said Wednesday he met with Ukraine’s and Russia’s foreign ministers in a bid to establish a safety and security zone around a nuclear plant in south-eastern Ukraine that is Europe’s largest, AP reports.

The Zaporizhzhia power plant has faced almost daily shelling and bombardment, raising fears of a nuclear accident.

Rafael Grossi, director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said that as a result of the separate meetings with Ukraine’s Dmytro Kuleba and Russia’s Sergey Lavrov, work has already begun on establishing and shaping the zone.

He said he hopes to visit Kyiv soon, and “perhaps later on” go to Russia.

“Given the urgency of the situation and the gravity of what’s going on in the field we have to move fast,” Grossi said. Both nations, he said, share “a conviction that the establishment of the zone is indispensable.”

“The mere fact that the two foreign ministers are sitting down with me and are listening to our ideas, I think it’s a good indicator that there is a very strong solid base for this thing to happen,” he said.
The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, has shrugged off Russian moves to escalate the war, saying his country’s forces would continue their counteroffensive, not giving Russia breathing space to mobilise and dig in on Ukrainian soil.

“We can return the Ukrainian flag to our entire territory. We can do it with the force of arms, but we need time,” Zelenskiy said in a recorded broadcast to the UN general assembly on Wednesday, which Russia had tried to stop but was overwhelmingly voted down by member states.

“Russia wants to spend the winter on the occupied territory of Ukraine … It wants to prepare fortifications on occupied land and carry out military mobilisation at home. We cannot agree to a delayed war because it will be even hotter than the war now.”

Zelenskiy laid out what he said were five non-negotiable conditions for peace. These included punishment for Russian aggression, restoration of Ukraine’s security and territorial integrity, and security guarantees.

A crime has been committed against Ukraine, and we demand just punishmen
t,” Zelenskiy told the UN body.

A special tribunal should be created to punish Russia for the crime of aggression against our state... Russia should pay for this war with its assets,” the Ukrainian president said, urging the UN to “remove the right of veto” from Russia as a Security Council member.

Zelenskiy reminded world leaders of the mass graves being exhumed in the recently liberated town of Izium as the general assembly gathered, saying that among the bodies was a man strangled with a rope, and another who had been castrated before the murder. The Ukrainian president said that was not the first of such atrocities.

He told the global assembly: “Ask, please, the representatives of Russia why the Russian military are so obsessed with castration. What was done to them so that they want to do this to others?”
Viimeksi muokattu:
Suojelupoliisin hiljaisuus viisumiasiassa koskee korviin.
Naapuri mobilisoi lisää väkeä kansanmurhaan.
Naapurin reserviä alkaa lapata lisääntyvään tahtiin Suomeen.

Joo joo ne kaikki voi olla rauhaa rakastavia ituhippejä mutta Supon nyt luulisi olevan se instanssi jossa näin ei saa luulla. *voimasana*
Partisaanit ahkeroineet Melitopolissa?

❗️ Melitopol

Keskustorin alueella kuului räjähdys.

Alustavien tietojen mukaan kadulla ollut armeijan univormuja myynyt myymälä räjäytettiin. Sverdlova, 3 (Elämän talon edessä).

Silminnäkijöiden mukaan tapahtumapaikalla makaa kaksi ihmistä.

Helikopterit kiertävät nyt kaupungin yllä.

Tapahtuman olosuhteita selvitetään, Ria-Melitopol kertoo

Humanitaarista- ym tukea on lähetetty n. 80 miljoonaa. Lähetettyjen puolustustarvikkeiden uushankintahinta oli kuuden setin jälkeen heinäkuussa n. 66 miljoonaa. Nyt menossa kahdeksas. Poistuvien/ei uudelleen hankittavien aseiden ja tarvikkeiden arvoa (mahdollisesti arvostettu 0,00) ja määriä ei näistä summista näe. Ne selviävät joskus ja jos edes tarvitsee selvitä.

Pieniähän ne on silakat joulukaloiksi, mutta pyöristetään avustusten summa esim. 200 000 000. Ja tämä summa suhteutettuna esim. USA:n väkilukuun (329,5 miljoonaa vs Suomen 5,5 miljoonaa)
olisi 12 000 000 000.

Silti samaa mieltä, aivan liian vähän panostamme.
NÄIN SE MENEE. Tosin ymmärsin, että 6-7. Lähetyksen kohdalla ylittyi korvattavien aseiden määrä jo 100milj.€. Ei-korvattavan tai uuden materiaalin alta poistuvan arvoa voi vain arvuutella.

The defence minister, Richard Marles, said on Sunday that Australia was considering further military assistance to Ukraine. Wong, in New York City for the UN general assembly, told a press conference the government was working through options.

“We are in contact with our Ukrainian colleagues,” she said. “We understand the extraordinarily difficult circumstances they face, the war in which they have been forced to engage. We will continue to work with partners to support Ukraine, and we will continue to consider the requests that are being made.”

Ukraine’s ambassador to Australia, Vasyl Myroshnychenko, on Thursday reiterated his calls for Australia to send further support. He said of the 60 Bushmaster military vehicles pledged by the government, only 40 had arrived, but Ukraine had requested another 30 on top of the initial offer.

“We really need those Bushmasters on the ground,” he said.

“It would be great to speed that up if possible, but also to announce more military assistance. At this stage of the war we need artillery, we need ammunition.”

Asked if Ukraine’s request for more Bushmaster military vehicles would be met, Wong said: “I’m not in a position to respond today, but I can say to you we’ve made substantial contributions and we will continue to do all we can.”

She said Australia’s embassy in Ukraine was under consideration for reopening.
Täällä on monessa viestissä taivasteltu mitä järkeä on värvätä sodan vastustajat rintamalle. Ei se olekaan noiden pidätysten aikaisten pakkovärväysten tarkoitus. Se on vain tapa saada sodan vastustajat vankilaan.

Kun he eivät joko suostu allekirjoittamaan värväyslappua, tai allekirjoitettuaan eivät suostu taistelemaan, heidät voi passittaa kymmeneksi vuodeksi linnaan uuden värväyslain perusteella.

"No burialisation"

