Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Following Russia’s invasion of neighboring Ukraine in February, life in both countries has changed.

While Ukrainians fight for their freedom, Russian citizens must deal with the effects of sanctions and other restrictions.

Many large companies, including those in the entertainment industry, support sanctions. For example, major Hollywood players and streaming services voluntarily pulled out of the country.

These actions are a direct hit to the multi-million dollar revenues of these companies, as expected. However, it appears that the effect on Russian citizens is less severe. Apparently, many people are turning to piracy instead and even some local cinemas have followed suit.

As we have documented previously, more than a hundred Russian movie theaters have started to show pirated movies in Russia in response to the sanctions. While clearly illegal, the chairman of the Russian Association of Cinema has sympathy for the plight of these struggling theater owners.

The Russian Government has also made matters worse for US copyright holders. A few months ago, it proposed a ‘forced licensing’ bill that would effectively legalize piracy of media produced by “unfriendly” states, including the US.
These developments are causing concern among organizations such as the IIPA, which counts the MPA, RIAA, and ESA among its members. The group recently shared its thoughts with the US Trade Representative for its annual review of Russia’s World Trade Organization (WTO) obligations.

The submission highlights the ever-present piracy problem and several areas where Russia can improve its intellectual property enforcement. That includes more criminal proceedings, where possible.

“The harm caused by commercial-scale piracy in Russia cannot be adequately addressed with civil measures alone; rather, enhanced administrative actions and penalties and criminal remedies are needed,” IIPA writes.

These demands are not new but may seem odd, considering the tensions between media companies in Russia. IIPA is aware of this but believes that it’s important to keep the focus on copyright issues despite the conflict and sanctions.
“The content shown at these illegal screenings are sourced from pirated Digital Cinema Packages (DCP) that are illegally distributed online. Moreover, there is evidence of camcording occurring at these illegal screenings, compounding the harm.”

Overall, the submission makes it clear that US copyright holders remain very concerned about Russia’s stance toward copyright infringement. While the country has many other issues to deal with right now, it should not ignore its WTO commitments, IIPA stresses.
monta kuukautta tähän on mennyt ennenkuin järjestöt tarttuivat asiaan

The response from NAFO was quick, massive, and overwhelming. Meme after meme after ridiculous meme. Then more memes, more ridiculousness, and then #kimdotcom began trending on Twitter.

At what point Dotcom decided that enough was enough is unclear. Frustrated NAFO members reported in English, Ukrainian, German, French, Spanish, even Russian, that Dotcom had blocked them from participating on his account.

Dotcom ultimately locked down his Twitter account so that only people he follows or mentions can participate in his threads, limitations that remain in place at the time of writing. But could be peace be achieved in other ways?

miksi meillä on näitä maailmantähtiä propagandassa backmanistä dotcomiin?
Ukrainalainen sotilas sanoo havainneensa, että Wagnerin sotilaat hyökkäävät itse vain osan matkasta ja lähettävät tämän jälkeen vangit ilman riittävää tulitukea rynnäkköön ”kuin tykinruoan”.

Menetelmä on kostautunut Venäjälle, sillä suuri määrä vankeja on antautunut Ukrainan joukoille. Venäjä ei ole suostunut vaihtamaan ukrainalaisia sotavankeja Wagnerin värväämiin vankeihin, sillä heidän katsotaan olevan karkureita.

Rintamatilannetta kuvataan edelleen vaikeaksi. Venäjän joukot ovat usein päässeet etenemään muutamia satoja metrejä, mutta heidät on saatu työnnettyä takaisin vastahyökkäyksillä.

– Me olemme tappaneet heitä todella paljon, mutta he jatkavat silti hyökkäyksiä, eräs ukrainalainen sotilas sanoo.

Uskon että puhe tulee olemaan kaikkien yllätykseksi "sovitteleva" ja Putler sanoo että nyt on sitten erikoisen operaation sijasta puolustussota joka päättyy kun Venäjälle ei enää hyökätä (=tarkoittaa näitä ryöstettyjä alueita). Ottaa uhrin näkökulman käyttöön ja hakee säälipisteitä.

Sitten tulee lännelle vaikea tilanne jossa sodan lopettaminen onkin pikaisestikin mahdollista ja vain Ukraina tässä kärsii "vähän". Voi olla että soraääniä alkaa lännestä tulla ja rivit alkaa hieman rakoilemaan omien sisäpaineiden takia, mutta toivottavasti isokuva voittaa ja ryssä tungetaan ulos ukrainasta. Toivottavasti tajutaan että ryssälle ei voi antaa edes pikkusormea.
Eihän lännen ja Ukrainan näkökulmasta mikään muutu. Ei meillä ole aikomustakaan antaa mitään arvoa näille "kansanäänestyksille" ja "julistuksille", ja tämä on tehty harvinaisen selväksi. Venäjä miehittää Ukrainaa ja sota jatkuu, kunnes ei enää miehitä. (Ellei Ukraina jostain syystä pakon edessä halua luovuttaa, mutta siitä ei ole mitään merkkejä ilmassa, päinvastoin. Voi olla, ettei edes ydinaseen käyttö tähän vaikuttaisi.)
***** näitä nimiä😂 myönnetään tappio.

Huono päivä ryssällä (

"According to Rybar the Wehrmacht has now managed to setup pontoon crossings and establish a bridgehead east of Liman as well, near Belogorovka, and the town is now very close to being cut off and potentially surrounded, not looking good at all, we might have to abandon Liman. Fucking disaster, as the civilians do not seem to have been evacuated. Also the way they keep managing to cross the river with impunity is infuriating."
Huono päivä ryssällä (

"According to Rybar the Wehrmacht has now managed to setup pontoon crossings and establish a bridgehead east of Liman as well, near Belogorovka, and the town is now very close to being cut off and potentially surrounded, not looking good at all, we might have to abandon Liman. Fucking disaster, as the civilians do not seem to have been evacuated. Also the way they keep managing to cross the river with impunity is infuriating."

..tuo Kalamies on sittemmin ryhtynyt olemaan kohtuullisen realistinen noissa arvioissaan. Ihmeellistä, joku Venäjällä osaa edes pyrkiä ajatella niin totta kuin osaa.

Putinin entisen neuvonantajan raju väite saksalaiskanavalla: Liikekannallepano ehkä Kiinan vaatimus​

Andrei Illarionov arvioi, että Putinin uudet päätökset ovat seurausta hänen riippuvaisuudestaan Kiinasta.

Voi hyvinkin olla että Xi Jinping on painostanut Putinia vaikka minä kyllä veikkaan että Kiina haluaa pitkittää tätä sotaa...ei suinkaan lyhentää sitä. Kun Venäjä tuhoaa itseään ja sitoo samalla länsimaita tähän sotaan monellakin tavalla niin se antaa Kiinalle pelivaraa ihan muilla suunnilla.

Kiina on aina sellainen nurkassa lymyilevä käärme. Jos nyt ei ihan lohikäärme niin jonkun sortin käärme kuitenkin :ROFLMAO: Sillä on sormet vähän joka pelissä vaikka näyttää yleensä siltä että ei tee yhtään mitään. Voi hyvinkin olla että Xi Jinping on tämän pelin vaarallisin pelaaja siinä missä Putin on loppujen lopuksi vain suuruudenhullu idiootti.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Annexation polls organised by Kremlin-installed authorities in four regions of Ukraine mostly controlled by Russian forces were due to close Tuesday, with Moscow's threats of nuclear weapons looming.

Kyiv and its allies have denounced the votes as a sham and said the West would never recognise the results of the ballots which are ratcheting up the stakes of Russia's seven-month invasion.

Russian forces in Ukraine this month have suffered serious setbacks, both in the east and south of the country, which observers say pushed President Vladimir Putin to rush ahead with the vote to cement Moscow's authority there.

Putin said Russia would use any and all available means to defend its territory, implying that after the four regions were annexed Moscow could deploy strategic nuclear weapons to repulse Ukrainian attempts to take back the territory.

He also announced that Moscow was calling up 300,000 reservists, a move that sparked some protests and saw Russian men fearing deployment to Ukraine flee to neighbouring countries.

The four Russian-occupied regions of Ukraine -- Donetsk and Lugansk in the east and Kherson and Zaporizhzhia in the south -- announced that they would hold the votes just days before voting began on Friday.

US President Joe Biden said the polls were a "sham" and little more than a "false pretext to try to annex parts of Ukraine by force".

Even Moscow's closest ally since the start of the invasion, Beijing, said after the votes were announced that both Russia and Ukraine should respect territorial integrity in the war.

Kremlin-backed leaders in the regions have said provisional results could be expected around Tuesday evening or in the days that follow.

Lawmakers would then be expected to vote to formally annex the four territories, which would need Putin's signature to be enacted.
