Tässä nuo Zelenskyin terveiset molemmista. Toinen saatto ollakin eilen jossain vaiheessa täällä jo.Mainio symbolinen veto. Irtaudutaan ryssien perinteestä.
Voitonpäivä Venäjällä | ”Kuolematon rykmentti” ei marssi tänä vuonna
Venäjällä on kielletty sodan uhrien muisteleminen, koska se saattaisi tuoda mieleen toisen maailmansodan sijaan Ukrainassa kuolleet sotilaat.www.hs.fi
Maanantaina presidentti Volodymyr Zelenskyi lähetti Ukrainan parlamenttiin lakiluonnoksen, jonka mukaan toisen maailmansodan päättymistä juhlitaan Ukrainassa toukokuun kahdeksantena niin kuin muuallakin Euroopassa.
Päivää myöhemmin Ukraina yhtyy Eurooppa-päivän juhlintaan, Zelenskyi ehdotti. Sitä vietetään Euroopan unionin perustamisen kunniaksi.
[medialink]Linkki: https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1655562126193246208[/medialink]
9.5. On Eurooppa päivä.
[medialink]Linkki: https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1655465102458462217[/medialink]Unfortunately, evil has returned. Like 80 years ago evil rushed to our cities and villages, so it is doing now, like back then it killed our people, so it is doing it now. Although now it is another aggressor, the goal is the same – enslavement or destruction. And like in the Second World War, we are not alone against evil. We are fighting against it, relying on the joint strength of the nations of the free world. Just as we were approaching our common victory then, so we are doing it now. Many years ago, the tradition of celebrating Europe Day was established on our continent to mark peace and unity achieved. Today, unity on our continent brings us closer to celebrating the first day of our peace. Every year from tomorrow, May 9, we will commemorate our historic unity – the unity of all Europeans who destroyed Nazism and will defeat ruscism. This will be the Day of Europe, which has supported Ukrainians for all nine years of aggression and 439 days of the full-scale invasion. This will be the Day of Europe, which helps us fight in all directions: on the battlefield with weapons and on the diplomatic front – with determination, against missile terror and the winter blackout, in the economy and on the legal front. This will be the Day of Europe – our ally. This will be the Day of Europe - our Europe, which Ukraine has always been, is, and will be a part of.
8.5. On Toisen maailmansodan uhrien muistopäivä sekä voiton päivä.
It is on May 8 that most nations of the world remember the greatness of the victory over the Nazis. The world admires all those who were protecting and protected life. Who threw down the Nazi flags on the liberated territory and who opened the gates of the concentration camps. Who restored freedom to the nations, who destroyed and condemned Nazi evil. It is on May 8 that the world honors the memory of all those, whose lives were taken by that war. It is pure history, without ideological admixtures. And it is the history of our people, our allies, the entire