Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Tässä on hyvä esimerkki kuinka harvasti miehitettyjä nuo ryssien juoksuhaudat ovat ja miten drooneilla ohjatulla heitintulella sieltä poistetaan miehistöä vääjäämättä. Olisi aivan tuhlausta ampua tuonne tulimuotoja kun siellä on luokkaa kymmenen miestä per 300-400 metriä kaivantoa.
Ilmaräjähteisenä ampuu muutaman kranaatin, jotka räjähtävät samaan aikaan yläpuolella ja sirpaleet hoitavat homman.
Tässä Tuiteron taktiikkakartta painopistealueelta. Viime viikonlopun menestyksen jälkeen voisi sanoa, että Ukraina ottaa varman päälle ja muokkaa taistelukenttää. Ei ole mitenkään poissuljettu etteikö tuosta vielä tulisi jotain, mutta kyllä viikossa momemtum syötiin pois.

Juuri näin, tärkeintä on saada jaoteltua ryssänmaa mahdollisimman moneen pikkuvaltioon. Tällä estetään 99% sodista tällä pikku pallolla.

Mitä tulee lämpökamerakopteriin, yksittäinen sotamies väistelee sitä helposti, ryhmä heikosti ja majoitus ei juurikaan. Jokin lämpöeriste auttaa, mutta silloin kamiinaa ei poltella, ovessa on ilmalukko yms yms.. eli vastaus kysymykseen on, ei ole oikein keinoa.
Kova on pähkinä. Joko jollain ympäristön lämpötilaan , eriste, peitetty monttu jne. Toinen tie on tehdä alueesta lämpökameralle "soihtumetsä", toki sillä alueella ei tarvitse aina olla " sieluakaan".
Duuman varapuhemies ja entinen lapsiasianvaltuutettu Anna Kutznetsova järkyttyi ettei pystynyt ostamaan lapsilleen kouluvihkoja joissa olisi ollut kuvituksena patrioottisia tai sotilaalliseen erikoisoperaatioon liittyviä symboleja.

The State Duma was upset because of the covers of school notebooks: there is no SVO and patriotism​

The former children's ombudsman, now State Duma Vice Speaker Anna Kuznetsova , said she was unpleasantly surprised by the "faceless diversity" on stationery sold in stores before September 1. According to the mother of many children and the wife of the clergyman, she wanted to buy notebooks and diaries with patriotic symbols for her children ("five go to school, the eldest daughter goes to college"), but she did not find them, and was forced to limit herself to the simple ones, "without everything" .

Kuznetsova said that in a huge assortment she tried to find at least some hint of love for her motherland: "Commanders, our heroes, sights of Russia, writers, artists, athletes <...> I couldn't even find the Russian flag."

“On the other hand, stories from foreign cartoons, games and all sorts of faceless variegation <...> there was a sea,” Kuznetsova complained.

The deputy believes that she was not the only one who faced such a problem and that many Russian families would like to buy patriotic notebooks for their children - "with images of Dostoevsky, Mendeleev, Suvorov <...> with a brief story about the feat of Vladimir Zhoga." But while "people across the country are weaving camouflage nets, making trench candles" and "our heroes are being awarded, consoled and supported by the families of the dead," there are still "gray zones" in the country where this artificially senseless environment persists.

Kuznetsova summed up her thoughts with a call to "reconfigure the printers." She also suggested that behind the situation she described was "the enemy's global order for Ivanov who does not remember kinship."
Suomessa on juuri nyt noin 1100 venäläistä turvapaikanhakijaa. Ovat hakeneet LKP:n takia poliittista turvapaikkaa. On myös oleskeluluvan saaneita, kuten se Helsinki-Vantaalla Rajavartiolaitoksen haaviin joutunut palkkasoturiryssä ja sotarikollinen.

Suomessa on juuri nyt noin 1100 venäläistä turvapaikanhakijaa. Ovat hakeneet LKP:n takia poliittista turvapaikkaa. On myös oleskeluluvan saaneita, kuten se Helsinki-Vantaalla Rajavartiolaitoksen haaviin joutunut palkkasoturiryssä ja sotarikollinen.

Parempi olisi jättää turvapaikat myöntämättä, siellä on kohta wagnerit seassa eläkettään tivaamassa.
Ranskalainen Institut Action Resilience -instituutti (ei ole minulle entuudestaan tuttu) päättänyt laskea ryssän varastovaunujen määriä ennen sotaa ja sodan aikana. En ole ehtinyt lukemaan tätä vielä, mutta jätän tämän tähän kaikille aiheesta kiinnostuneille (raportti julkaistu 31.8.2023). Heillä on myös twitter-tili, tässä linkki siihen: LINKKI

Suora linkki jonka takaa löytyy ladattava pdf-tiedosto (englanniksi ja ranskaksi):


Study of Russian Army's Tanks stockpile since the beginning of Ukraine's


Puolalainen kirjoittanut tästä ketjun verran, lainaan sen tekstin alle. HUOM: hän kritisoi IISS vuosittain julkaistavan Military Balance -julkaisun numeroita, mutta selvästi nämä ovat jostain vanhemmasta versiosta koska heidän arvionsa varastovaunujen määrästä pieneni selvästi vuoden 2023 julkaisun osalta - käytännössä aikaisempi arvio puolittui JA eivät antaneet jakoa eri vaunutyyppien osalta, ainoastaan kokonaismäärän. Silti aiheellinen kritiikki, koska Military Balance on tunnettu julkaisu ja usein näkee sitä siteerattavan esim. 2021 tai 2022 julkaisuja, joissa molemmissa varastovaunujen määrä oli reilut 10 200 kun taas 2023 julkaisussa määrä oli 5000 kpl.

Tässä minun koostamani taulukko eri julkaisujen numeroista, huomaa että vasen sarake tarkoittaa "mistä vuodesta on kyse" eikä varsinaisen julkaisun numeroa ELI Military Balance 2023 -julkaisu julkaistaan helmikuussa 2023, jolloin sen numerot kertovat tilanteen vuoden 2022 lopussa - tästä syystä merkitsen nämä alla olevaan taulukkoon, kuten ne on merkitty:


The independent analytical institute Action Resilience Institute has published an analysis (po in French and English) about the number of tanks in Russian stockpiles. They were counted before February 2022. It turned out that the IISS estimates of 17.5 thousand. vehicles in reserve do not correspond to the truth.

Of this huge number, 200 T-90s, 3,000 T-80s, 7,000 T-72s, 2,000 T-64s, 2,500 T-62s and 2,800 T-54/55s were to be produced. But estimates by French analysts showed that the actual number of tanks in the Central Tank Reserve Base (28 centers and 9 armor storage centers) it was much smaller!

It was studied on the basis of satellite images from April to September 2021. The French just... counted them. From this calculation, they got 5363 tanks (1009 unrecognized, 624 T-80, 2055 T-72, 1512 T-62, 466 T-54/55), so they estimated their number at between 6000 and 7000. That is almost half as much as it was assumed before the war! T-54/55 and T- 80 ( 151 T-80BV and 170 T-80UD were kept in the Far East, and T-72 in the west (1100 T-72/A, 330 T-72B and 625 unrecognized versions). It was also shown how tanks disappeared from the centers by compiling data from 2011, 2021 and - note - April 2023.

French analysts also dealt with equipment repair bases and their capabilities. Currently, eight plants are involved in this, in February there were only three. But they don't work very fast, you can see long lines in the pictures cars waiting for inspections. It takes 30-60 days to repair a tank standing under the cloud. The Russians gave the rate of 22-23 tanks per month, the actual rate is 8 tanks. You can also see the impact of the sanctions since 2014: production/modernization has halved, from ~300 to 140 tanks.

It's such a short shortcut to get away from other activities. It is worth following the entire analysis yourself. It is available here: .

In addition, it is worth reading the commentary on the data on Le Point:

War in Ukraine: how many tanks does Russia still have?

An analysis note gives an overview of the number of tanks that Russia still has. Its authors propose three scenarios on the possible evolution of the stock of armored vehicles.

By Clement Machecourt

Published on 09/01/2023 at 07:00
Reading time: 3 mins

LDoes Russia have stocks of tanks as huge as it claims ? This is the question that the Institut Action Résilience tried to answer in an analysis note published on August 27. After more than a year of war and while Ukraine is carrying out its counter-offensive , videos of destroyed or captured Russian tanks are legion.

Despite everything, the stock of tanks, and more generally of armored vehicles in Russia, seems inexhaustible. Moreover, Moscow relies on this vision of a gigantic army to blunt Western support for Kiev . However, this analysis note shows a completely different reality of the Russian armored army, which is bringing to the front more and more old, even obsolete tanks.

Armored reserve

During the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, figures from the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) reported 17,500 tanks in reserve in Russia for the period 2017-2022. A colossal figure, but based on the inventory count of the Soviet Union. "The break-up [of the communist bloc] led to some of these tanks ending up under a flag other than Russian", point out the authors of the note. In addition, a large part of the machines were parked in the open air, suggesting their poor condition. A more recent estimate puts the number at around 6,000 to 7,000 tanks of all types, in working order or not.

The study of satellite images on the storage and repair bases of the tanks allows to have an idea of the available reserves. “As of February 24, 2022, approximately 74% of the tanks stored by the Russian army date from before 1980,” according to the analysis note. T-54, T-55, T-62… These obsolete models are however making their arrival on the front. The immensity of the Russian territory does not help matters either: “if T-62 or T-55 tanks have to be reconditioned, then it will be necessary to travel 13,000 km round trip to take charge of these models. The probability is all the greater that these vehicles will make a one-way trip to Ukraine,” the authors give as an example.

On the repair or refurbishment side of less old or modern models (T-72, T-80, T-90), the situation is no better. Bankruptcy and the liquidation of maintenance centers increase the queue before taking charge. Sanctions also produce their effects . Due to the lack of thermal sights, older generation models are mounted in the turrets.

Nearly 3,000 tanks lost

In total, between February 24, 2022 and August 31, 2023, the Russian army lost 2,273 tanks in Ukraine (destroyed, damaged, abandoned, captured). These figures, given by the Oryx site , which counts the material losses of the two belligerents by visual evidence, "must be affected by a factor of 1.3 to 2" to take into account unregistered gear, for lack of images. Losses that seem to be difficult to compensate when Russia only produces or modernizes 390 tanks per year .

The Action Resilience Institute then proposes three scenarios to imagine the future number of Russian tanks. The first expects Russian losses to continue at the current rate (2.61 tanks per day in 2023 according to Oryx). "The T-62 tanks would supplant the T-72 from next year", advance the authors. The T-90s, the most advanced models, would constitute the elite segment of the Russian armored force. The latter would have only 400 to 600 tanks left.

The second imagines the success of the Ukrainian offensive, which would lead to "the destruction at an accelerated rate of the fleet of tanks remaining and in service", leaving at the end of the year 2023 only 250 tanks of different models. “The absence of an active heavy armored force would mechanically lead to a purely defensive configuration of Russian ground forces,” the authors add.

Finally, the stagnation of the front is the third scenario considered. It would allow the "survival" of the tank fleet and the beginning of a "revitalization" of the workforce. “Russia would be able to re-establish a large armored decision-making unit from the year 2024.” The analysis note concludes that the Russian armored army is nevertheless caught “in a vicious circle”.

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