Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Oikeudenmukaisessa maailmassa ryssiltä pommitettaisiin koko energia - ja lämmitysinfra paskaksi, ja tuo paskaörkkikansa saisi kärsiä kun paleltuu kuoliaaksi miljoonittain, kun lähtee isovenäläiskiimassa hyökkäyssotaan kansanmurhaa suorittamaan ja varastamaan toisten kansojen maita ja koteja.
Saa nähdä hyytyykö hyökkäysinto kun tarpeeksi kauan tulee tappioita perinteisillä menetelmillä.
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Jälleen yksi petturi kuoli, tällä kertaa Kupjanskin entinen pormestari jota ammuttiin pari päivää sitten kotonaan Belgorodin alueella.

Ex-mayor of Kupyansk, shot, died in hospital​

Ex-mayor of Kupyansk Gennady Matsegora , shot near his home in Stary Oskol, Belgorod region, died in hospital. This was reported by the Mash Telegram channel.

“Gennady Matsegora died without regaining consciousness in a Moscow hospital,” the report says.

The former mayor of Kupyansk was attacked near his own home on June 8. As a result of the attack, Matsegora was wounded, and doctors fought for his life for three days.

Earlier it became known that in the part of the Zaporozhye region controlled by Kiev , an attempt was made on the life of former city council official Maxim Denshchin. The man was reportedly shot four times in the stomach. He died from his injuries.
“Now we make Russia pay”: EU to transfer first $ 1.6 bn in frozen Russian assets to Ukraine

The $1.6 billion in revenue from immobilized Russian assets will be allocated with 90% directed towards defense and 10% towards reconstruction efforts, as announced by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

The West holds around $300 billion of Russian central bank assets frozen worldwide, with most of them being in the European Union

Jälleen iso päätös menossa toteutukseen, venäläisen rahan siirrolla Ukrainaan on nyt EU:n siunaus
Operational information as of 22.00 on 11.06.2024 regarding the Russian invasion

The situation in some parts of the front remains tense, but under control. So far, 90 combat clashes have taken place. Our defenders oppose the enemy's numerous attempts to attack and advance deep into our territory, inflict effective fire damage on him, exhausting him along the entire line of battle.
Missile troops and artillery of the Defense Forces hit 20 areas of concentration of enemy personnel during the day.

During the day, the enemy carried out three missile strikes (using four missiles) and 55 air strikes (in particular, dropped 91 anti-aircraft missiles) on the territory of Ukraine, used 640 kamikaze drones. In addition, the occupiers carried out more than 2,800 attacks on the positions of our troops and settlements with various types of weapons.

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy attacked the positions of our defenders five times in the districts of Liptsi and Vovchansk. All attacks are repelled. The aggressor was not successful, the situation is under control.

In the Kupyansk direction, the situation has not undergone significant changes, the tension remains in the Berestovo area, where the battle is currently ongoing. The enemy's intentions to advance towards Sinkivka failed. The situation is under the control of the Defense Forces.

In the Lymansky direction, the enemy became more active in the areas of Druzhelyubivka, Nevsky, Grekivka, Torsky, and Serebryansky forest. Thirteen attacks were successfully repelled. Three clashes are still ongoing. Ukrainian defenders firmly hold their positions and prevent the invaders from advancing. According to preliminary information, the enemy lost 69 people killed and wounded today. A few more occupiers surrendered.

Since the beginning of the day, in the Kramatorsk direction, Russian invaders have attacked our positions 10 times in the areas of Chasovoy Yar, Ivanovsky, Klishchiivka, and Andriivka. The situation is tense. The occupiers do not stop trying to advance in the area of Chasovoy Yar, where the enemy assault continues. During the previous day, the enemy lost 53 people killed and wounded. A tank, a car and a PMM warehouse were also destroyed. In addition, four cannons of Russian terrorists were damaged.

The hottest situation today is in the Pokrovsky direction, where the enemy attacked our positions 24 times, with the greatest activity in the Novooleksandrivka area. 12 attacks were repelled by our defenders. The situation near Novooleksandrivka and Sokol, where 12 clashes are still ongoing, remains tense. Our defenders restrain the enemy, causing significant losses. According to preliminary information, during the current day the invaders lost 240 people in this direction, 97 of them - irretrievably. Two armored fighting vehicles, a car, two guns and the ground control station of the UAV were destroyed. An armored vehicle and five enemy artillery systems were damaged.

There are currently four attempts by the enemy to dislodge our soldiers from their positions in the Krasnohorivka, Paraskoviivka, and Karlivka areas in the Kurakhivka direction. The battle continues.
In the Vremivsk direction, the enemy, with the support of aviation, unsuccessfully attacked twice since the beginning of the day in the areas of Staromayorsky and Urozhany.

In the Orihiv direction, the situation did not undergo significant changes, six combat clashes took place, with the greatest activity of the enemy in the area of Mala Tokmachka. The situation is tense, measures are being taken to stabilize the situation.

The activities of the Russian occupiers were not successful in the Gulyaipil and Prydniprovsky directions. Our soldiers did not allow the loss of positions and territories.

In the rest of the directions, the situation has not undergone significant changes.

There is strength in unity!
In force - Victory!
Glory to Ukraine!

Ukrainalaiset perustavat miehittämättömien systeemien joukot.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine are creating a new kind of troops - the Forces of unmanned systems

Colonel Vadym Sukharevskyi, the newly appointed commander of the Unmanned Systems Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, told about this today, in Kyiv, during a press conference on the topic "Progress of creation of the Unmanned Systems Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine". He outlined the key challenges and main tasks currently facing the new type of troops.

The commander emphasized that among the key priorities is increasing the effectiveness of defeating the enemy with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles. Also, in the future, the training of specialists of a new kind of troops will take place more systematically in higher military educational institutions and training centers.

- Preparation is an important element. We will do our best to join forces with civilian schools that train drone operators. We want to systematize the process of training professional pilots as much as possible, - emphasized Colonel Vadym Sukharevskyi.

In addition, the command of the Unmanned Systems Forces will work on the development of technologies in close cooperation with scientific, military and civilian institutions. It is planned to create an advanced robotic training ground for testing the latest models of drones of various types.

The forces of unmanned systems will be engaged in comprehensive planning of military operations with the use of robotic complexes, will accompany the development of drones of all types.

The steel swallow, created by a neural network, has become a symbol of a new kind of army. This bird in Ukrainian culture is associated with the beginning of a new life and is considered a harbinger of victory.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are creating a new kind of troops - the Forces of unmanned systems
In accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine dated June 10, 2024, Colonel Vadym Sukharevskyi was appointed commander of the Unmanned Systems Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
. Mutta vaikka ei olisi, niin luultavasti alkaa olla Suomessa aika monella naama muistissa.. Niin monella että nokkaan tulee joka päivä, jos Suomeen palaa.
OT: Tuohon on kyllä pakko todeta että niin paljon kuin netissä uhotaan eri foorumeilla miten vaikkapa erilaiset rikolliset "saa linnassa sitten päivittäin turpaansa" niin näinhän ei todellisuudessa juurikaan käy pois lukien joku yksittäistapaus joka nyt todennäköisesti kerjää kuokkaansa ihan itse ilman juuri siitä rikoksesta johtuvaa taustaakin. Siksi luulen että se rajoittuu siihen että teinit räjäyttää postilaatikon joka uuden vuoden aatto ja joku tunnettu kylähullu näyttää keskisormea mutta siihen se nettiuho tosielämässä yleensä jää. Mikä oikeastaan hyvä asia sikäli että se on tuomioistuinten tehtävä tuomita eikä asioita maassamme hoideta ville-veronmaksajan oman käden oikeudella kuten kehitysmaissa.
USA:lta myös tulossa yksi Patriot patteri lisää Ukrainalle.

Lähiaikoina pitäisi siis tulla 3 Patriotia (Hollanti (kokoaminen kesken), Saksa ja USA, yksi SAMP/T Italiasta, IRIS-T Saksasta, Mistraleja Virosta sekä niitä Skynexejä toimitetaan käsittääkseni aina kun toimituskokoinen erä valmistuu. Ukrainan itse ostamia Nasamsejakin pitäisi ymmärtääkseni vuoden loppuun mennessä tulla toimitukseen.
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