Ukrainan sodan videot.

Pitkä ja vähän sellainen ”kaikki mitä olet halunnut tietää dronella pommittamisesta” video.

Calculation of UAVs in advanced positions
They flew with the calculation of UAVs, caught orks, found out that they were being dropped from drones, said hello to propagandists, detected enemy equipment among residential buildings. All this and a little more - in this video.

00:00 Introduction
00:24 Departure of drones
03:45 What is dropped from drones?
05:20 Drones and wind
06:08 How many resets can one drone make?
06:47 Why does the charge fail?
07:32 We spy on orcs
08:25 "Where is it running?" What the thermal imager showed
09:02 To shoot or not to shoot
09:28 My comfortable sleeping place
09:54 Crude military humor)
10:17 We are going to the position: what we took with us
10:57 Arrived at the position
11:03 How camouflage nets are used
11:31 Thank you to the Lviv Academy of Arts
11:41 AM, 2 km away - pod@ry
12:15 How rich. "Just don't let it in!"
13:19 Thanks to Nikita's mother for the drone
13:38 We are preparing the drone for a warm meeting with the orcs
13:58 The fighter laments that he did little to disable the orcs
14:47 The drone is ready for launch
15:18 We are flying
15:47 "Lytun" and "Krypta" about the weather, clothes and NATO
17:40 "Hello Skabeeva!"
18:06 "Killing orcs is more fun in the summer"
18:35 How the Cossacks soaked the Orcs
20:44 Why capture orcs?
21:32 "Andryukha the tailor!"
22:17 "We are bored here, so we flew to Soledar"
23:45 Peculiarities of working with videos about the military
24:07 How orcs are destroyed
24:54 Why are the orcs breaking through?
27:24 Why Russia does not know its losses
28:04 "We don't want to kill!"
28:17 Are the Armed Forces shooting at houses?
28:56 Why are the Armed Forces retreating
30:14 "What's the fuss?"
30:22 In the dugout
30:46 "Zolkin, why didn't you dig in?"
32:39 "Zolkin, why aren't you in the "PRESSA" armor?
33:04 Hand warmers
33:22 We watch the orcs on the monitor
34:00 How an orc got tangled in a sheet
34:12 Let's go back to watching the orcs
34:47 "Maybe we'll fly to Soledar?"
35:19 We aim a projectile from a drone at the orcs
36:17 "There were 200 here"
36:48 Orcs have been discovered
38:21 Scout functions
39:17 Video of dropping a thermobaric grenade
40:38 We watch the orcs
41:07 About weather nuances
41:26 This is how they work!
41:44 Is it possible to fly drones at night?
42:33 We aim the projectile at the orcs
43:11 Reset!.. The pebble interfered
43:25 We fly to Soledar
44:25 The technique of roof racks among residential buildings
45:36 "This is for silent murder"
46:40 "Didn't the prisoners tell you that the drones attacked them?"
47:10 "Our sergeants independently decide to open fire"
48:16 I already know the name of the pink monster
48:24 We are going to the next position
49:10 KSP
49:30 A 3D printer prints parts for a drone
51:27 Video of successfully dropping a projectile into the orcs' dugout
52:03 Orcs and carols
52:17 We throw shells at the orcs
53:22 "It's just that Skiba turned out to be very accurate"
54:36 The one who said in the interview "I didn't give up"
55:14 Orc convulsions
55:38 A selection of videos of successful resets
57:02 Share this video, help our fighters

Real combat operations in a report from a hot spot.
I visited the brigade that holds the line of defense in the Bakhmut-Soledar direction, 500 m from the gray zone, signed a "gift" to the enemy, talked with the guys about support, about "Zhduns" and evasions from mobilization. Heard several funny, scary and incredible stories about everyday life in the war. All this is in the video.

00:00 Meeting with Nikita, press officer of the 10th brigade
01:04 We are waiting for the mortar commander to the sound of shelling
01:28 Getting to know "Aske"
01:48 "Aske" about his mortar
03:00 We are preparing to strike the enemy
05:48 "Shot!"
05:59 Shot in the rapid
06:17 We are preparing for the second shot
06:50 "Shot!"-2
06:55 Preparation for the third shot
07:19 "Shot!"-3
07:24 Shot-3 in the rapid
07:28 About the range of the shot
07:46 Adjusting the mortar
08:25 "Shot!"-4
08:32 Shot-4 in the rapid
08:39 Aiming the machine gun for the next shot
08:49 "Shot!"-5
08:55 Emotions of the author
09:19 The goal was achieved - a machine gun under camouflage
09:37 Target suppressed
09:53 "We are extinguishing Rusna, we extinguished it and we will extinguish it"
10:32 "We are fighting so that those who are behind us live a peaceful life"
11:04 Three fighters waiting for your comments)
12:18 "We invite you to join us!"
12:43 We show where we aimed from the mortar
13:39 "Let's keep the order!"
13:53 About the needs of the brigade
14:21 Photo with defenders
14:45 With Nikita on the way to Soledar
15:17 Getting to know the "Student" and his "Valkyrie"
16:22 We are clarifying the details of the units' work with Nikita
18:22 Why it is better to drive at dusk
18:51 "PAN" combat vehicle
21:06 We are signing a projectile for orcs
21:19 "You don't need to show the Russians - they're morons"
21:38 We shoot at the enemy with an RPG
21:55 We launch a projectile with a message
22:29 We are waiting for an "answer"
22:41 How the PVS night vision monocular works
24:33 "Malysh", "Maly" and "Mityai" from the 10th GSHB
26:20 What is happening in Soledar
27:24 "Did you take prisoners?"
30:01 About the "Zhduns"
31:39 Military stories
33:27 "Imagine the situation: you are in a trench - and a pod@r is climbing on you"
36:54 What does a soldier feel when he kills an enemy
37:34 About the well-known video from Odessa with the delay of the evader from mobilization
42:42 "Mobilization is not immediately into the trenches!"
45:16 "The enemy has slightly weakened the shelling"
46:27 About personal motivation
48:00 Address to civilians
48:33 Thanks to the volunteers
49:06 Three in a pickup truck against enemy landing forces
52:44 Here he is, "Ruzza's peace."

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(_The single reception center is addressed to surrender "I want to live"_)
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The authors of the video are journalists Vladimir Zolkin and Dmitry Karpenko.
They have been engaged in professional journalistic activity for more than 4 years and have a valid journalist's certificate.
☝️ The purpose of creating this video is to document the events taking place during the military conflict between Ukraine and Russia. For scientific purposes, conduct a voluntary interview with captured Russian soldiers and reveal a brief history of their lives.
Modern Ukrainian tank "Oplot"

Sought: Military training for the Ukraine I Bundeswehr
As part of the European Training Mission for Ukraine (#EUMAM), up to 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers are to be trained over the next two years, many of them in Germany. What does training on complex weapon systems like the Leopard 2 #main battle tank or the Marder infantry fighting vehicle look like? What previous knowledge do the Ukrainian soldiers have? How long does it take to truly understand a weapon system and use it effectively? What requirements are made of the German trainers during the training?
Colonel Heiko Diehl answers these and other questions in this episode of "Requested". Colonel Diehl is Chief of Staff of the Special Training Command and coordinates the training of Ukrainian armed forces in Germany.

00:00 Intro
0:53 Previous knowledge of Ukrainian soldiers
01:22 Which weapon systems are trained on?
01:46 What is important in training?
03:26 Duration of training
04:11 understanding of the weapon system
05:29 Maintenance and logistics
08:09 "Train the trainer"
08:44 Training of military leaders
10:11 International cooperation in training
12:39 Overcoming the language barrier
14:22 Ukrainians are highly motivated
15:08 Great commitment from the trainers

Ukrainian soldiers take part in a military exercise in Yorkshire training camp
Ukrainian soldiers take part in a military exercise at a military training camp in Yorkshire during a visit by defence ministers from the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) nations to see soldiers from the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the UK-led basic training programme, ahead of the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine on February 24.
Artillerymen of the 3rd OShbr are testing "three axes" from special friends: it will be dead
"We were given a target, we aim, we load - and here such a cannonade comes from all the bushes. The guys look on the tablet where it landed, and from the landing, how toothpicks fly out of the tree," - shares his impressions of working with the M777 howitzer, friend Nord. Today, in the episode "What's it like with us" with Viktor Rozov, we will show how the fighters of the 3rd OSHbr fire from these artillery systems at the occupiers.

M777 - long-range howitzers of 155 mm caliber, which were called "three axes" among the soldiers of the Armed Forces. Fire accuracy, good range and ease of use. This is how Ukrainian defenders characterize this type of weapon from foreign partners, which has already managed to work successfully on the front line.

The range of effective fire of the M777 with a conventional projectile is 24 km, with a jet projectile - 40 km.

"The advantage of getting an "axe" is that it has a lot of BC. And there will be a lot of BC - you can do a lot of work: help the infantry and just destroy the pi**ers," says Chula's friend.

Was it difficult to master the M777, about the nuances of working with this artillery system, how it differs from "Msta-B" and why Snow White and the seven dwarfs have to do with it - see in the new issue of our column.


00:00 if a squirrel lived there, it died
00:40 today we will work on p*dars with 3 axes
01:42 why is 3 axes more accurate?
02:10 have you already worked today, are there any results?
02:48 gun!
03:47 what are the distances to p*dars now?
04:44 what is better Excalibur?
05:02 What did you manage to work on?
05:30 what about BC?
06:05 do you know what exactly you destroyed?
06:30 conclusions

Ukrainian James Bond aka Chief spy of Ukraine. Kyrylo Budanov

Ukrainian Team Sends Drones Deep Into Russian-Controlled Territory By Night
RFE/RL's Roman Pahulych accompanied a Ukrainian drone crew as they sent up the army's Leleka-100 unmanned aerial vehicle into occupied territory. Vlad, Yevhen, and their crew say they have made 2,000 sorties since the war began, by day and night. Originally published at -
Antibodies - Bakhmut Fortress / Official video
Listen/download the track "Fortetsya Bakhmut":
Antitila concerts:

❗️ENG – first comment.

One projectile - one hit.
A new video from the band Antitila, shot right on the front lines in Bakhmut.

In the frame are real soldiers and real, non-staged work of Ukrainian artillery against enemy targets in the hottest spot in the world today - the city of Bakhmut.

In the manner characteristic of the Antibodies, who are not used to looking for easy ways to implement their own ideas, they again went to the front line and spent three days together with a howitzer calculation to shoot a new motivational video for all Ukrainian soldiers. Bakhmut became one of the symbols of this war. Both the song and the clip are dedicated to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the entire Ukrainian people, who are fiercely resisting the Russian invaders. The filming was agreed, coordinated and supported by the command of the ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The idea of the clip is that projectiles with quotes from the song written on them are sent by the unit in the direction of the enemy and destroy them, literally, with the words from the song.

For almost three days at sub-zero temperatures and under adverse weather conditions, the filming of the video work "Bakhmut Fortress" continued in real positions during the execution of combat missions near Bakhmut. Under the supervision of enemy reconnaissance vehicles, UAVs and the constant threat of hitting the positions with enemy cluster shells, lancets, as a result of the enemy's counter-battery fight.

In the frame is the combat unit 59 of the howitzer artillery division of the 45th separate artillery brigade.
In the clip, real hits on real enemy targets (accumulation of equipment, enemy BC) from a powerful gun provided by our partners, M777, popularly known as "Three Axes". One of the most accurate artillery installations in the world.
The shooting process began in advance. Together with the command, the defined positions were chosen and agreed upon, the targets were prepared. For the next two days, filming continued with simultaneous study of the area, the work of the unit and the destruction of the enemy.

Film crew consists of 4 people. Director – Viktor Skuratovskyi, operator – Serhiy Banderas, focus puller, camera mechanic Yuriy Konovalsky, producer, band director, musician and military man – Serhiy Vusyk.
Few people were ready to risk and go to such conditions, Antibodies, as always, brought more than 300 thousand dollars worth of equipment to the hottest place in the world, which was provided by the Patriot company, for which we are grateful that they were not afraid, because from there it could would not return.

"We have been looking for the idea of the clip for a long time. There were many valuable ones, but, unfortunately, in the conditions of the war, it was impossible to realize them. So we discussed alternative options with friends, in the end, the basis of the future scenario was proposed by director Kadym Tarasov. Viktor Skuratovskyi, Serhiy Vusyk together with the musicians of the band in a single creative team jointly refined the script and brought it to life. We shot the synchros already in Kyiv, at the Ice Stadium. This is a closed location, not for everyone, it seems that clips were not filmed there before, only expensive commercial projects. But the leadership of Lodovoy, having heard the song and the idea of the video, having learned why and by whom it is being made, gave permission for filming and all-round support. Also in the frame is the combat vehicle of the Maestro 130 bTRO medical unit, which was used on combat missions by the Antibodies. The main characters of the clip are not actors at all. And the real soldiers are 45 separate artillery brigades. There was no special casting. Until the last moment, until the film crew arrived on location, no one knew exactly who would be on them. This is a real unit that performed a combat mission while on combat duty. Serhii Vusyk and his team arrived at the location for the first time in their lives, met the boys, got to know each other and immediately started filming. Without decorations, without make-up, everything is as it really is - fuel oil, gunpowder, frost, weathered faces and rage," says Taras Topolya.

The cost of the clip is priceless. Some things will remain forever out of the picture.
With the aim of popularizing Ukrainian music abroad, getting acquainted with the heroic struggle of Ukraine, in particular the Ukrainian army. Antibodies will hold a number of concert events abroad. The first city is London. Also, together with the US embassy and the Ukrainian embassy in England, Antibodies will take part in important events dedicated to the anniversary of the war.

Author of the idea: Kadym Tarasov
Director: Viktor Skuratovskyi
Cinematographer: Serhii Banderas
Camera focus/mechanic: Yuriy Konovalskyi
Editing and post-production - Kadim Tarasov
The creative team is the band Antitila and Brothers.

Music: Serhiy Vusyk, Taras Topolya
Arrangement: Serhiy Vusyk, Maksym Syvolap
Words: Taras Topolya.
Compilation, mastering: Yevhen Don.

Follow ANTYTILA on:
Official Website:


Antibodies - Bakhmut Fortress / Backstage video
Happy Valentine's Day, from the soldiers of the 59th division, 45th brigade.
How was the shooting, impressions, greetings and wishes of our Heroes in the Backstage of the Bakhmut Fortress clip.

Backstage was created by Viktor Bezpalko, a senior soldier of the 45th Separate Artillery Brigade, in his spare time between combat shifts. It was his own initiative and sincere desire. Antibodies were not modified in any way.
Another confirmation that educated, talented men with higher educations serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Backstage filming and editing – Viktor Bezpalko.
Author of the clip idea: Kadim Tarasov
Director: Viktor Skuratovskyi
Cinematographer: Serhii Banderas
Camera focus/mechanic:
Yuriy Konovalskyi
Editing and post-production - Kadim Tarasov
The producer is Serhiy Vusyk
The creative team is the band Antitila and Brothers.
Music: Serhiy Vusyk, Taras Topolya
Arrangement: Serhiy Vusyk, Maksym Syvolap
Words: Taras Topolya.
Compilation, mastering: Yevhen Don.

#ANTYTILA #Bakhmut Fortress #BACKSTAGE
Hunting for worms

Defense forces training

Snipers of the Special Operations Center "A" of the SBU staged a night shooting of Russians in the east
Our special forces worked the occupiers in one of the hottest areas. After completing the task, the group of the Central Security Service "A" of the SBU returned without losses.

We are working towards complete Victory!
How Britain is training up Ukrainian troops in the UK
The UK has now reached its pledged target of training 10,000 Ukrainian troops in just six months, with 20,000 more to be trained this year. Future Ukrainian soldiers have been taught the skills they need to defend their homeland from Russia, in Britain. The troops have been learning the skills needed to help save their country, including techniques for entering buildings, moving through trees, and handling rough terrain.
Read more here 👉

Ukrainian soldiers take part in a military exercise in Yorkshire training camp
Ukrainian soldiers take part in a military exercise at a military training camp in Yorkshire during a visit by defence ministers from the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) nations to see soldiers from the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the UK-led basic training programme, ahead of the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

Ukrainian MG3 Team Engages Russian Positions In Kherson | Helmet Cam​

Helmet cam video footage from Ukraine shows a Ukrainian MG3 team engaging Russian forces across the Dnieper River back in autumn. The Russians got spotted by a drone and the men decided to engage their position with the belt fed machine gun on a distance. After they undloaded the entire belt they left their position because the Battle of Kherson was largely fought with artillery and a prolonged stay at the same position after the engagement increased the risk of being targeted by Russian artillery. Ukraine received at least 130 MG3 machine guns from Germany. The number of MG3s sent by other countries who also operate MG3 is unclear.
Help this squad to buy two PVS-14 night vision goggles:
This is how equipment turns into scrap
source: 72 OMBr named after Black Zaporozhets

One of the tens of thousands of spectacular hits on the account of the ZSU
Separate motorized infantry brigade of Mariupol

Spectacular video of BMP-2 operation of various units of the 93rd Kholodny Yar brigade
Currently, in the Bakhmut direction, armored groups play an important role in supporting the infantry. This is difficult and extremely risky work, because the crews usually fire at the enemy at close range.

source: 93rd OMBr Kholodny Yar
Ukraine War. 15 Minutes of Intense Fight. POV of Ukrainian Soldier. GoPro Helmet Footage
GoPro video of intense fight by ukrainians. GoPro helmet camera footage. Ukrainians are fighting for the piece of their land. Raid to russian trenches If you wonder, what was going on: At the begginin' I spotted an enemy at 20 meters distance and started the actions :) We were tryna get back our positions

POV of Trainings in Ukrainian Army
Suorittavan porukan omalta kanavalta.

The work of BPM-2 against the enemy in Bakhmut - spectacular shots
Spectacular video of BMP-2 operation of various units of the 93rd Kholodny Yar brigade.

Currently, in the Bakhmut direction, armored groups play an important role in supporting the infantry. This is difficult and extremely risky work, because the crews usually fire at the enemy at close range.

93 бригада Холодний Яр
93 Kholodny Yar brigade
Cabanomobiles - devices for launching surprises for the enemy from Kryvorizka TrO ZSU
Kryvyi Rih separate brigade of the Forces of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: repairmen of the "AREY" battalion restore weapons, including trophy ones, make "Kabanomobiles" - installations for launching "hail" and other surprises for the enemy. Support us and subscribe to our channel

Official page of TRO Media:

#terrodefense #territorial_defense #tro #ter_defense #tro_zsu

Sniper SSO of Ukraine near Bakhmut: -7 occupiers
This is how the enemy's futile attempt to accumulate on the front lines of its defense for a further assault on our positions looks like.

During reconnaissance in the direction of Bakhmut, operators of the SSO of Ukraine noticed the movement of the enemy. And they worked successfully against the enemy.

As a result, at least 7 Russian invaders were destroyed. Among them: a machine gunner, a radio operator, an observer with a night vision device and an assault group. Having suffered losses, the enemy retreated.

One battle of heroic liberation of Liman, which will remain in the memory of the brothers forever
One day...

Eternal memory and thanks to the glorious soldiers who gave their lives for their native land, for their people!

source: 66 separate mechanized brigade of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Burnt boats and destroyed cars
Burnt boats and destroyed cars. In the south of Ukraine near Kherson, soldiers of the SSO attack the logistics of the Russian occupiers with the help of drones.

Point strikes are aimed not only at the enemy's manpower, but also at the vehicles used to transport ammunition, provisions and personnel. This annoys the enemy quite a bit and forces him to look for new means and ways to supply. The costs of our soldiers are minimal: one grenade accurately dropped from a drone is enough to destroy one piece of equipment.

The UAV operator of the SSO unit of Ukraine shared footage of the destruction of equipment used by the enemy and told interesting details of his work.