Ukrainan sodan videot.

Company tactical training of "Azov" fighters
Application form for joining the "Azov" brigade:

The number of the recruiting center is +38 073 033 4308

Video from company tactical exercises of fighters of the special purpose brigade "Azov".

Donations for Azov:




00:00 I'm going to interesting places
00:40 The military asked to publish 5% of all prisoners
01:52 Location #1
02:52 Prisoners of the "Dmitry and Vladimir" program
04:00 What divisions, brigades and battalions were captured?
05:21 Turning captives to their relatives
08:10 Location #2
08:30 Prisoners on the program "Dmitry and Vladimir"
09:11 What divisions, brigades and battalions were captured?
12:16 Location #3
12:50 Prisoners on the program "Dmitry and Vladimir"
13:22 What divisions, brigades and battalions were captured?
14:48 Why didn't they collect their 200s? There was an order
17:00 Thanks to all the defense forces!

The authors of the video are journalists Vladimir Zolkin and Dmitry Karpenko.They have been engaged in professional journalistic activities for more than 4 years and have a valid journalist's certificate.
☝️ The purpose of these videos is to document events during the military conflict between Ukraine and Russia. For academic purposes, to conduct voluntary interviews with captive Russian servicemen and to reveal briefly the story of their lives.
Dubattu englanniksi.

INTERVIEW WITH PRISONERS. Creepy stories of prisoners. | @Zolkin Volodymyr​

INTERVIEW WITH PRISONERS. Creepy stories of prisonersConversation with a prisoner of war and a call to relativesRussian army in Ukraine. Captured, wounded soldiers and officers of the RF Armed Forces.

All participants in the video gave their voluntary consent to filming and publishing materials with them on the Internet, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 152.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and also, in accordance with Article 307 of the Civil Code of Ukraine.This video is for informational purposes only, and in no way calls for any actions or conclusions.
How American infantry fighting vehicles save infantry on the battlefield
Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, provided by the United States to support Ukraine in the war with Russia, have been taking an active part in the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the southern part of the front - in the Zaporizhzhia region. These BMPs are used by 47 separate mechanized brigades during the advance in the area of the settlement of Blagodatne. During the offensive, the equipment was repeatedly damaged - from mine explosions, shrapnel and tank hits, as well as from anti-tank missile systems. Radio Liberty correspondents were shown and told about their work by the repairmen of the unit - at the end of July, they evacuated eight dozen units of armored vehicles from the battlefield - as they say, most of them manage to be returned to service. The most common damage is precisely from detonations on anti-tank mines, from which the Bradley is well protected. One of the mechanics-drivers of the American armored car has already encountered explosions twice: once there was a paratrooper inside, another time – medics with the wounded. How the Ukrainian military respond to these BMPs and what needs to be repaired - in a report by Radio Liberty.

Tässä on hyvä englannin kielinen tekstitys.
"More difficult than the Bakhmut direction": the Russians are advancing on Liman / hromadske
"The most difficult section is where we are now. Even more difficult than the Bakhmut direction," says tank platoon commander Volodymyr (Veres) Naumets.
At the age of 24, he has already visited the most difficult routes, but here - on Lymansky, - he says, very intensively, since the Russians went on the offensive.
"They want to get better lines of defense, to advance to have a more advantageous position, as well as to withdraw our reserves from the Bakhmut direction, the Zaporizhia direction, but our guys are standing firm," the young commander explains.
Here, his 63rd mechanized brigade holds Serebryan Forestry. According to Veres, it is difficult for tanks to fight in the forest - they have to clear it first. But, says Veres, the offensive was expected here, because in other directions the Russians are on the defensive.
Veres studied economics. Although he graduated from the military department, he sat in a tank for the first time during the invasion. And history seems to be repeating itself. His grandfather Vasyl Naumets went to World War II at the age of 20, Volodymyr at 22. His grandfather finished the war as a tank company commander, Veres is currently a platoon commander.
"Life turned out so that I had to take this burden on myself and carry out tasks," Volodymyr says modestly about how to be a commander at the age of 24.

Commander of the fire group "Rapunzel"
Rapunzel is the commander of the mobile fire group as part of the 115th separate brigade of the Territorial Defense. Her unit shoots down Iranian shahedis and other enemy air targets flying at Ukrainian cities. The girl comes from a military family, three men from her family are currently at the front, so "the choice of profession was always obvious for her."
How dangerous are the Shaheds and how long does it take for the unit to deploy and go into battle, are they preparing for attacks on infrastructure in the fall, how do subordinates perceive a female commander and does she go to the shelter herself during an alarm, about this and other things - in our interview.
The Story of the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade. Breakthrough in Zaporizhia
The history of this unit defending its homeland spans more than a century. Since the start of the full-scale invasion, they faced the enemy on the hottest frontiers: in Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, and near Bakhmut. The brigade has been commended by Volodymyr Zelenskyy at least half a dozen times, and President Biden quoted one of its soldiers in his speech. Now, they continue to liberate their homeland. This is the story of the 128th separate mountain assault brigade.
Dubattu englanniksi.
Treatment with captured military personnel of the aggressor country in Ukraine
Organizers: Media center Ukraine - Ukrinform.Participants: Andriy Yusov - GUR MO; Petro Yatsenko - Coordinating Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War; Vitaly Matvienko is the spokesperson of the "I want to live" project.
AVDIIVKA FRONTLINE: "Omega" NGU artillery, scout operations, and enemy’s command posts elimination
Avdiivka: a town located just 20 kilometers away from the invaders' command hubs in Donetsk. A 15-minute drive by car. Avdiivka itself was a stronghold of Ukrainian forces during the whole 8 years, intermittently enduring shelling. However, with the onset of a full-scale invasion, the city is relentlessly bombarded, disregarding the presence of over 3000 locals. The enemy aims to turn the city into a combat zone, hindered by the tall buildings, which are dwindling by the day.
This sector remains under the control of the Ukrainian Defense Forces, with the specialized unit of the National Guard «Omega» actively engaged.

#Omega #War #Ukraine

The soldiers of «Omega» say that they've got used to enemy's statements, claiming that the city is nearly surrounded and that Ukrainian forces won't be able to break their defensive line.

Prior to the full-scale invasion, this was the base for Ukrainian troops, serving as the closest point to Donetsk. Today it stands as one of the most challenging sections of the front because the enemies were entrenching and preparing themselves for 9 years. Hence, Ukrainian military personnel now realize that holding the line and even driving out the enemy require not just strength, but also cunning and ingenuity.

Today, the enemy is persistently trying to advance towards the city, yet they remain distant, not approaching closer than 6 kilometers with their vehicles. Currently the occupiers are trying to advance solely with infantry, which our scouts spot and swiftly neutralize. As a result, a few enemy soldiers with raised hands make it to our positions. The enemy who hasn't surrendered and attempted to storm our positions is cut off from their logistical hubs. We witness them digging in and come out twice a day to drink water from puddles. Invaders can't feel safe in this sector.

War embraces progress. When we can't outnumber the enemy, we surpass them with technology.

Learn more about the Avdiivka sector in our special report.
ENEMY INFANTRY DO NOT HIDE. Battalion K-2. Soledar-Siversk.
We demonstrate the operation of various caliber artillery - from automatic grenade launchers to heavy brigade. Enemy infantry in various parts of our area of responsibility should not feel at ease and we are jointly pursuing this goal.
Englannin kielinen tekstitys.
TERRA unit: FPV kamikaze destroy the enemy in the direction of Bakhmut.
00:00 - 00:35 - Intro.
00:36 - 01:24 - TERRA needs help.
01:25 - 03:41 - Damage to BMP by cumulative ammunition.
03:42 - 06:36 - The enemy infantry was hit by a high-explosive munition through the window of the house.
06:37 - 07:22 - Damage to the Urals by fragmentation ammunition.

542 days of the war and today we work with FPV kamikaze drones, we use high-explosive munitions against infantry and munitions against vehicles. The day turned out to be productive, they hit BMP, flew into the window of a house with enemy infantry, hit the Urals.
We continue to work towards the approaching victory of Ukrainian weapons.
Hyvä englannin kielinen tekstitys
Corporal of the Legion from Donetsk - the hero of the assault group R.U.G. 59th Brigade "Monk"
00:00 Announcement
01:00 Who is "Monk"
01:44 Why did you choose the infantry?
04:40 The most important thing for an infantryman
05:25 About the selection of fighters
06:20 About the first battle
07:20 The most difficult assault
13:20 Battle for Kislytsia and 15 prisoners
19:50 Injury
24:08 Donetsk in 2014
26:32 French Foreign Legion
29:40 on February 24, 2022

This is an updated version of the interview with "The Monk". The old YouTube decided to close it for recommendations and set the mark 18+, which significantly reduces views, and I would like people like "Monk" to be seen and heard by as many people as possible.

#Brave1 Piranha-Tech anti-drone gun
EW devices and anti-drone guns are one of the main areas of work of the defense tech platform of Brave1 projects. One of the participants is the manufacturer of the Piranha-Tech anti-drone complex.

The Ukrainian military already uses it to protect against Russian reconnaissance copters and FPV drones.

The product works as a five-band portable complex for dome and directional protection.

Hyvä englannin kielinen tekstitys.
A day with "ghost hunters". This is what our anti-drone fighters call themselves
A day with "ghost hunters".
That's what our anti-drone workers call themselves, because that's what their work looks like at first glance. Kinder, Lazar, and Opel shoot down enemy drones with the anti-drone cannon. During the day, they walk several tens of kilometers and feel like real hunters.
#uda #arey #antidrone
The "Bat" agrodron mines the enemy's paths at night. Thank you for the quality work!

Zaporozhye Front Aerial reconnaissance finds targets with drones and adjusts fire: "Two tanks - 4 million euros"
"We need technical means that will deprive the enemy of the will to go to war," says a former specialist in attracting foreign investments, and now an aerial scout with the call sign "Doc". At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, he, as a private soldier, joined the Ukrainian Volunteer Army. Took part in battles for Kyiv Oblast. And later, he created a separate service of unmanned aerial vehicles of the UDA. What brought the successful entrepreneur to aerial reconnaissance and what is its importance for modern warfare - he told in an interview with Radio Liberty.

How Ukraine's Naval Drones are suppressing Russian Navy
Ukraine is pushing the boundaries of naval technology, stepping up its game in the realm of naval drones to safeguard its interests in the Black Sea. This strategy is a countermeasure against potential Russian aggression, offering real-time intelligence, surveillance, and heightened offensive capabilities. A prime example of Ukraine's advancements is the MAGURA V5. This maritime drone, showcased at the prestigious International Defense Industry Fair in Istanbul, boasts an 18-foot hydrodynamic hull with a width of 4.9 feet, specifically designed to ensure optimal stealth and maneuverability in challenging maritime environments.

But Ukraine's innovation doesn't stop there. Introducing the Toloka TLK-150, a cutting-edge underwater unmanned vehicle (UUV). This remarkable drone operates just beneath the water's surface, revealing only a minimal part of its periscope-like communications mast, making detection and interception by adversaries an intricate challenge. The brainchild of BRAVE1, the Ukrainian government's defense technology coordination platform, this UUV is currently in its prototype phase. However, expectations are high, with production set to commence soon.

Disclaimer: The video contains footage of various naval drones, some of which are included for illustrative purposes only, to help viewers better visualize the concept. Not all drones shown are directly associated with the discussed Ukrainian models. Viewer discretion is advised in drawing direct associations.
American-Ukrainian veteran bridge: exchange of experience
Speakers: George Chewning — American veteran, executive director of the American-Ukrainian Veterans Bridge, former White House innovation officer; William Attig is an American veteran, executive director of the Union Veteran Council, a member of the American-Ukrainian Veteran Bridge; Dennis DJ Skelton is an American veteran, co-founder of Paradox Sports, member of the American-Ukrainian Veteran Bridge; Cory Bythrow — chief of staff of the American Federation of Public Employees, member of the American-Ukrainian Veterans Bridge; Lindsay Church is an American veteran, co-founder and executive director of Minority Veterans of America, strategic advisor of the American-Ukrainian Veterans Bridge; Volodymyr Laguta - Ukrainian veteran, active military serviceman, colonel, chairman of the board of the Civil Union "Movement of Veterans of Ukraine"; Dmytro Shatrovskyi is a Ukrainian veteran, active military serviceman, head of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Veterans Brotherhood"; Kateryna Pryimak is a veteran, deputy head of the NGO "Women's Veteran Movement".
These Ukrainian 'Navy SEAL' special forces cause havoc for Russia | Russia Ukraine update
These Ukrainian 'Navy SEAL' special forces cause havoc for Russia | Russia Ukraine update.

It was a pitch-black night in early August when the team of Ukrainian commandos struck.

Up to seven boats packed with dozens of men stormed the Russian side of the Dnipro River, lit up the night sky with gunfire, and took 16 men including a senior officer prisoner.

And then they disappeared back into the night from which they came - or perhaps not.

What seemed to be a simple raid has since been touted as a mini-breakthrough of Russian lines that could have big implications for Ukraine’s counter-offensive.

And it is hardly the first. In fact, Kyiv’s men have been waging a 10-month clandestine campaign for control over the watery frontline that may, at last, be bearing fruit.

This is how daring Ukrainian soldiers have brought terror and death to the Russian bank, why British help may be key to winning the campaign, and what that all means for the war.

This is the inside story of the battle for the Dnipro River.

In Russia, something often "bangs" and flies somewhere. While the war is going on, the Ukrainian military will not tell all the details, but unofficially: "we understand everything." Sabotage in the deep rear of the enemy is one of the main tasks of the secret special unit "Stugna"

Fighters of the special unit "Stugna" were among the first to force the left bank of the Kherson region on four inflatable boats in winter, destroying the personnel and command post of the Russians.

In this video:
✅forcing the left bank of the Kherson region on four inflatable boats in winter
How much can you buy a Russian traitor for?
✅how to shoot down an enemy plane with a Stinger, thanks to a lesson from YouTube
✅ how Mujahed died and the last operations with him
✅how the Wagnerites hid in rat holes and covered themselves with tr*pam*
✅ close combats in Bakhmut, sabotage behind enemy lines, ran 38 kilometers on foot
✅how were they looking for collaborators who signed contracts with the Russian army

00:00 What is the video about?
02:40 What does the special unit "Stugna" do
04:50 How they broke into the LEFT Bank on four inflatable boats in winter
09:20 How the command post of the Russians and their personnel were destroyed
12:00 Cries of "who are these f***ers" were heard - the Russians did not understand that such a thing was possible
13:30 The commander clearly said before the operation that we could die, so I said goodbye to my wife
15:20 The day before, Vano was lying down and thinking: "Am I going to drown or not?"
7:00 p.m. Leo: "Half a second and either I'm left without legs or there's no boat"
23:00 We leave Balu on the MAX PRO armored personnel carrier
24:54 MAX PRO was hit by hail, but the guys inside survived
30:10 How much is MAX PRO and its repair
31:14 Wilson's story of how the Russian SU was shot down with a Stinger
34:00 Russian pilots are not fools
36:40 The Russians understood where they were being attacked and covered them with artillery: I had a burnt face, shrapnel in my temple, broken fingers
37:00 The helmet was completely torn from the RPG, but saved a life
37:40 How to learn to shoot a Stinger at a plane from YouTube
40:30 How they visited the addresses of collaborators who signed contracts with the Russian army in Mykolaiv
41:25 Wilson "champion of injuries": still shrapnel in his legs
43:10 What is the biggest risk in sabotage operations?
46:00 "Chances of survival - zero"
47:30 Sabotage in Russia
50:18 The bodies left during the assaults are still lying there
51:00 Russians are ready to sabotage for three pennies without having any sympathy for Ukraine
52:40 Dronepark "Stugni" : Matris and Mavik
56:50 What is the complexity of the drone operator's work?
59:00 They lost the drone, but knocked out the tank
01:01:40 Charity collection for the Matris drone for the "Stugna" unit
1:04:45 We take a collaborator and it turns out to be a grandfather or grandmother who no longer deserve mercy
1:07:40 How the prisoners were taken and they told them that they had taken a loan for the wedding
1:09:00 We fed the prisoners, and they in Russia told us how bad we were
1:10:00 In Bakhmut, 200ti and mud are mixed
1:12:00 The Wagnerites pretended to be corpses and hid in rat holes
1:13:19 How scared the two beavers were
01:14:05 Acquaintance with Mujahideen and joint operations
01:15:15 How they were the first to help Mujahideen and how he died
01:17:00 It's hard to be a Hero all the time
01:19:00 Memories of Da Vinci
01:20:17 School textbooks should be written about Ukrainian Heroes
01:22:00 The most difficult thing for a commander is to call parents and inform them that their children have died
01:23:00 About life, pain, joy, fear and courage
"FORTRESS". Part 1. "Good morning, Bakhmut!" A documentary film about the work of the SSO in Bakhmut
March 2023. The outbreak of the bloodiest battle in history since World War II - the defense of the city of Bakhmut. Two journalists of the Military Television - Oleksandr Solovyi and Yehor Troshkin - go to Bakhmut together with servicemen (Leva group) of the Special Operations Forces. For ten days, they will record the daily life and combat work of special forces. What was and how did the city live in March-April 2023? How do SSOs work in the conditions of urban battles? At what cost did the Ukrainian defenders manage to keep Bakhmut and why was it necessary? About all this and much more - in the four-part documentary film "Fortress".

In the first part of the film, there is an entry into the city "on the road of death", the first night in Bakhmut, the work of aerial scouts and work planning for the following days.