Ukrainan sodan videot.

Inside Russian mortar duguts ten over by Ukrainian soldiers

Mykola "Abdula" Volokhov / hit for $6 million with FPV / Who is the sky of BAHMUTU? / What is the purpose of the TERRA channel?
You are on the "VIDDUSHIVDUSHU" channel, and today we have as a guest for an interview the commander of the Terra unit of the 3rd OSHBr Mykola "Abdula" Volokhov. Today we're going to talk about Bahmut's most brutal footage, Bahmut's progression, FPV drone destruction, achievements, TERRA's core, Terra's YouTube channel goal, and more. Enjoy!

00:00 START
00:35 The largest column you dismantled with FPV drones?
01:03 Do you compete with each other, who can destroy more equipment?
02:23 The hardest footage you've seen in Bakhmut?
04:45 Is it really possible to shoot down an FPV with a small weapon?
05:33 Can the average citizen help in the production of drones?
07:30 What percentage of hits from FPV drones is considered good?
08:33 Who is included in the backbone of TERRA?
10:07 Russians were unwound during knightly battles?
12:13 What was the last birthday present for you?
14:07 Who is the sky of Bakhmut?
14:43 Are there many FPVs of Ukrainian production at the front now?
16:04 Are you often asked to test drones?
19:27 What achievement are you proud of?
21:05 Do you have Volynyak in your arsenal?
22:06 What is the purpose of the YouTube channel Terra?
23:46 Is there promotion in Bakhmut?
24:48 Cases when things did not go according to plan?
History of the M2 Bradley crew of the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade
The M2 Bradley crew of the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade talks about their training, life before a full-scale invasion, combat work and plans for the future.

Call sign "Karatsupa", commander of the M2 Bradley vehicle of the 47th separate mechanized brigade Vasyl, gunner-operator of the M2 Bradley vehicle of the 47th separate mechanized brigade
Mechanic driver of the M2 Bradley machine of the 47th separate mechanized brigade.

Enemy "RAPIER" artillery gun was found (ENG SUBS)
War in Ukraine today

00:21 - Where did you get the grenade?
00:37 - Wow.
00:56 - There is a charged one in the tape!
01:07 - 9 full boxes.

He hid among the occupiers in Robotyn for a month, and THEN...
Maestro is a fighter of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, and he is the first Ukrainian military man who entered Robotyn. It was still on July 22, and we managed to get out of there on Independence Day.

How a military man got into an occupied village and harmed the enemy every day, fighting for his own life, see in the video.

Source: 47 separate mechanized brigade
Happy Military Intelligence Day of Ukraine!

Naev congratulated the scouts on their professional holiday
The success of our military operations largely depends on how well and quickly we can assess the operational situation, how deeply we understand the strategies of the occupiers in order to oppose them with our strength and capabilities.

Dear brothers, scout soldiers!
Thanks to your experience and ability to gather information, we are able not only to restrain the enemy, but also to effectively liberate the occupied territories.
Eternal honor to the fallen scouts who, at the cost of their own lives, thwarted the strategic plans of the Kremlin for the instant seizure of Ukraine.

Glory to the military intelligence of Ukraine!
Glory to Ukraine!

Together we will win!

Source: Official page of Lieutenant General Serhiy Naiev -

Happy Military Intelligence Day of Ukraine!
I work in the shadows.
My efforts are not always recognized.
You may never even know who I really am.
But know that I am always here to protect you and our country.
Soldiers of a separate assault brigade of the national police showed footage of the destruction of the occupiers

Direct contact. Soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces met the Russian invaders with fire in the Rabotino district

Take your time, pour normally! Soldiers of the 2nd assault company storm the trenches of the Russian invaders

Vakavasti haavoittuneen suomalaistaistelijan haastattelu ambulanssissa, matkalla sairaalaan. Osa 1​

Seuraava osa ilmestyy 9.9.

Vakavasti haavoittuneen suomalaistaistelijan haastattelu ambulanssissa, matkalla sairaalaan. Osa 2​

Tämä toinen osa haastattelusta on kuvattu ambulanssissa, jolla Jussi Nurmi ajoi tuhansia kilometrejä yhdessä Rakel Tasasen kanssa. He kävivät elokuun lopussa hakemassa Suomeen turvaan vakavasti haavoittuneen suomalaissotilaan, joka loukkaantui venäläisten sirpaleista ensimmäisessä taistelussaan Donetskin rintamalla. Siinä taistelussa sekä ryhmänjohtaja, että yksi sotilas menettivät henkensä ja useita muita sotilaita haavoittui.

Juttu Iltasanomissa:

Suurkiitokset tälle Sankarille, joka vakavista vammoistaan huolimatta oli erittäin huumorintajuinen ja jaksoi pilke silmäkulmassa kertoa vakavistakin asioista hyvin elävästi ja avoimesti - rohkea asenteensa ja halu palata riveihin heti paranemisen jälkeen on kunnioituksen arvoinen ja toivottavasti me nähdään tulevaisuudessa MPK:n kursseilla...

Lisäksi esitän Suomi-Ukraina Maanpuolustusyhdistyksen puolesta suurkiitokset Jussille ja Rakelille, jotka ovat sodan alusta asti auttaneet Ukrainan itsenäisyyden puolesta taistelevia suomalaisia ja urheita ukrainalaisia.

Evakuointi Suomeen oli todella tärkeää sekä haavoittuneen hoidon ja kuntoutuksen kannalta ja myös siksi, että yksi vuodepotilaan paikka vapautui Ukrainassa, missä niistä on tällä hetkellä huutava pula.

Sodan alusta lähtien Suomi-Ukraina Maanpuolustusyhdistys on tuonut lukuisia haavoittuneita sotilaita Ukrainasta Suomeen.

Kun jokaiselle Suomeen tulevalle ukrainalaissotilaalle hoidon luvannut edellinen hallitus ei pannut tikkuakaan ristiin tuodakseen heitä Suomeen, kävimme itse hakemassa bussilla toistakymmentä erikoisjoukkojen ukrainalaistaistelijaa Harkovasta saakka kesällä 2022.

Sen jälkeen yhdistyksemme jäsen Jussi Nurmi hankki kaksi ambulanssia. Toisen asemapaikka on Harkovassa ja sitä käytetään paikallisesti haavoittuneiden evakuointiin ja toisella hän ajaa Suomen ja Ukrainan väliä aina, kun kutsu käy. Suomi-Ukraina Maanpuolustusyhdistys osallistui tämän evakuointimatkan kustannuksiin yhdessä Proaidin kanssa, sekä järjesti polttoainetta Ukrainan päässä ja majoituksen Harkovassa.

Me pyrimme toiminnassamme siihen, että jokainen apua tarvitseva, haavoittunut, tai kaatunut suomalainen tuodaan takaisin kunniakkaasti ja turvallisesti. Matkat rahoitetaan joko omilla rahoilla, tai lahjoitusten avulla. Yhden reissun kokonaispituus vaihtelee haavoittuneiden sijaintipaikasta riippuen 4 ja 5000 km:n välillä, budjetti pelkästään polttoaineiden ja lauttalippujen osalta on yli kaksi tuhatta euroa ja aikaa menee noin viikko, minkä ambulanssin kuljettaja ja avustaja ovat pois varsinaisesta ansiotyöstään.

Valtiolta ei tule valitettavasti minkäänlaista tukea tähän tärkeään työhön - ainoastaan joskus soittavat ja pyytävät hakemaan sotilaan, joka on ottanut haavoittumisen jälkeen yhteyttä Suomen konsulaattiin Ukrainassa ja pyytänyt apua. Vaikka muutaman kerran ihmisiä on haettu nimenomaan viranomaisten pyynnöstä, he eivät ole kertaakaan edes ehdottaneet osallistuvansa millään tavalla kustannuksiin.

Koska Ukrainan sota pitkittyy ja haavoittuneita suomalaistaistelijoita tulee hyökkäysvaiheen takia varmasti entistä enemmän, pyydämme kaikkia heistä välittäviä suomalaisia tukemaan meidän ambulanssitoimintaa haluamallaan rahasummalla, koska valitettavasti omat rahat eivät tule sodan kiihtyessä mitenkään riittämään kaikkien haavoittuneiden suomalaisten evakuointiin. Suomen valtion taholta ei ole valitettavasti kuulunut mitään, vaikka ambulanssikuljetusten tukeminen edes jollakin tasolla on otettu esille kahden hallituspuolueen edustajien ja viranomaisten kanssa ja kaikki myöntävät, että asia on tärkeä ja sille pitäisi tehdä jotakin.

Ihmettä odotellessa toimintamme yritetään pitää kuitenkin pyörimässä omilla rahoilla ja niiden isänmaallisten auttajien turvin, jotka haluavat auttaa saamaan jokainen apua tarvitseva suomalaissotilas kotiin ja tukevat meidän työtä.

Auttamaan pääsette tästä linkistä:

Kaikki ambulanssikäyttöön tulevat varat tullaan käyttämään lyhentämättömänä matkakuluihin ja ambulanssien huoltoihin. Lisäksi toivomme saavamme sen verran tukea, että voimme maksaa myös ambulanssin kuljettajalle ja hänen avustajalle korvauksen ansionmenetyksestä, koska jokainen viikko jonka he ovat reissusta on työnteosta pois ja sodan kiihtyessä tarve ambulanssille tulee varmasti kasvamaan.

Kiitos oikein paljon kaikille niille hyväsydämisille ihmisille, jotka ovat olleet Suomi-Ukraina Maanpuolustusyhdistyksen toiminnan tukena! Teidän ansiosta olemme saaneet pelastettua satoja ihmishenkiä ja tehneet sotilaiden elämästä rintamalla edes vähän turvallisempaa lukuisten varustetoimitusten avulla, joista osa on viety rintamalle asti.
Ukrainian Intelligence Defense: Ukraine’s Most Secretive Operations
Almost everything about the Ukraine’s Intelligence Defense is classified. However, even what is known is impressive. They organize raids into the enemy’s deep rear, destroy strategic facilities, and conduct stunning information operations. They boldly seize Russian helicopters, reclaim Crimean lands, and train Russian agents for sabotage. This is the story of the Ukrainian Intelligence Defense…well, only what we can reveal.

Mind-blowing secret operations сonducted bу @DI_Ukraine
The episode incorporate footages from @ISLNDTVchannel

Abdullah PART 2 / Russian developments / WILL THE GOVERNMENT PROVIDE DRONES? / swarm of drones / unusual weapons
You are on the "VIDDUSHIVDUSHU" channel, and today we have the second part of the interview with the commander of the Terra unit in the 3rd OSHBr Mykola "Abdula" Volokhov. Today we will talk about the most unusual weapons, deliveries of lancets, whether the authorities have increased deliveries of drones, how drones reach Moscow, and much more. Enjoy!

00:00 START
01:12 What's the funniest thing you've filmed?
02:40 Are drones already changing the course of war?
03:38 Unusual use of drones?
06:21 Did the supply of drones from the state increase after the Russian news about the mass production of Lancets?
08:38 How do drones fly to Moscow?
09:04 How do you terrify the enemy?
11:12 Infantry to call drones for help?
12:58 Do you follow Russian developments?
14:44 Did drones shoot down drones?
16:38 Can Ukraine become a leader in drone production in the future?
17:54 Is the swarm of drones a myth?
19:57 How many infantrymen want to become drone operators?
21:19 Do the Russians have more FPV drones?
21:55 Is the initiative of Ukrainians related to a younger and more modern military
24:06 Do you have enough drones for now?
24:38 Where would you like to be instead of war?
How Skynex Annihilates Russian Drones in Ukraine
The Skynex air defense system, crafted by the German firm Rheinmetall, is engineered to safeguard crucial assets and structures from a diverse array of aerial dangers, including drones, helicopters, and traditional aircraft. Tailored especially for ultra-short-range aerial defense, the Skynex system uses the Advanced Hit Efficiency and Destruction (AHEAD) 35 mm programmable rounds. These rounds provide a more economical choice than missile-guided systems and are not affected by electronic disruptions during launch.

Based on the mission's specifics, up to four Revolver Guns Mk3 can be operational. These unmanned units pack both accuracy and high firepower, discharging up to 1000 rounds every minute. They're equipped with their own sensors, like tracking radar and cameras, and can autonomously tackle targets assigned by Skymaster. Their unique 35mm Ahead ammo ensures they can neutralize even minuscule threats.

Beyond the powerful Oerlikon Revolver Gun Mk3, the system can integrate the Oerlikon Twin Gun GDF009 TREO, surface-to-air missiles, electronic warfare tools, and future high-energy lasers. This diverse arsenal establishes a comprehensive defense barrier against various aerial threats, ensuring readiness against mass and swarm assaults in upcoming scenarios.
The system can counteract traditional aircraft, cruise missiles, varied-sized drones, and even ground-to-air missiles. Moreover, it can target mortars and artillery rockets within a 2.5-mile (4km) range.

Given its distinctive features, Skynex is primed to augment Ukraine's aerial defense strength, ensuring robust defense against challenges in short to ultra-short range airspace.

Tank Crews Are Up To: Behind the Scenes of Training and Combat Missions
Ukrainian tank crews at the front not only actively participate in hostilities. But they also train in any free time. Maneuvers are carried out at training grounds, involving those who do not yet have combat experience. For more - watch Anastasiia Volkova's exclusive report.

Automaattikäännös toimii hyvin, koska tähän on tehty ukrainan kielinen tekstitys.
"Saw corpses with fake tourniquets": who will be responsible for poor-quality harnesses at the front?
During the 9 years of war in Ukraine, the turnstiles did not pass any inspection. But they are the first helpers of the military on the battlefield when they are seriously injured. However, the reality is that one in four turnstiles can be fatal. Why is this happening and who is responsible for it? Yana Korniychuk is sorting it out.
SPECIAL OPERATION OF THE CENTURY|MI-8 PILOT, CAPTAIN, brought a helicopter for the DMD of Ukraine|
Today, our guest is a pilot who chose the side of good and arrived in Ukraine on military equipment from Russia. Maxim Germanovich Kuzminov, born on June 19, 1995, in Primorsky Krai, the city of Arsenyev. Today is August 24, Independence Day.

Our guest talks about his first arrival here on August 9. When asked what went wrong in the Russian army, Maxim points out that the morale and psychological state of soldiers have deteriorated significantly. Many people don't understand why they are here and what they are doing. They are not fighting for their homeland but for their own interests, including money and state benefits. The pilot also mentions economic problems in the country that force many young people to enlist in the army.

He explains that at the beginning of the war, no one understood what was happening, and it was a big surprise for everyone. Regarding the specific day of February 24, Russian officers and senior officials tried to influence the military's opinion through propaganda, making them support the war and concealing the true circumstances of the conflict. Servicemen were subjected to ideological processing and propaganda that supported the Kremlin's official position.

Maxim asserts that many military personnel were afraid to express their own opinions and were forced to support the official narrative. In the conversation with the combat pilot, the problems and realities faced by soldiers in the Russian army during the war are highlighted. Pilots have limited leave and dismissal options since contracts are almost irreversible, and they can be transferred to infantry.

Speaking about the situation with pilots, the interlocutor explains that many pilots fly without real combat protection and a sense of their role. They mention that most flights are limited in number, and it's just a formality. In reality, pilots don't pay attention to the accuracy of missile hits and non-target attacks as it doesn't matter to them.

It's evident that Russia has enough pilots, but there is a shortage of professionals with the right morals, psychological resilience, and training for combat actions. This situation arises due to the lack of proper selection and training of pilots.

The conversation also addresses the issue of air dominance. Despite the numerical advantage of Russian forces in terms of equipment and air assets, the guests wonder why Russian aircraft do not provide significant air cover in the Ukrainian war zone. The main factors include the psychological fear of possible losses and the lack of preparation of some young pilots.
Hyvä englannin kielinen tekstitys.
TERRA subdivision: Bakhmut direction. We work with bombs on infantry. The Russians are retreating.

!!!We are collecting: 50,000 USD!!!
On 100 FPV kamikaze drones near Bakhmut
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Assault infantrymen of the 47th brigade
- The infantry is the elite of the Ukrainian army. People who perform the most difficult tasks. People who fight. 95 percent of the burden of war is carried by the ordinary infantryman with a machine gun and a shovel.
- You can at least drop an atomic bomb on the trench, but until an infantryman gets there, it's worth nothing.

Machine gunner "Vano" and soldier "Siriy" from the 47th OMBr tell about everyday infantrymen, about training and combat experience, about storming enemy positions and about the importance of new technologies in supporting infantrymen.

47 separate mechanized brigade

Record holders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - this is how you can describe the anti-tank unit of the 81st brigade. These guys destroyed more than 50 units of enemy equipment. Olena Gavrilyuk will tell about personal records, the last enemy target and the conditions under which the anti-tank unit operates in the Luhansk region.
Life of the 3rd Seperate Assault Brigade: assault, rest, train, repeat
This is the life of the 3rd Seperate Assault Brigade, that is fighting tooth and nail for every inch of Ukrainian land. In this video, you will meet these brave and unwavering warriors and feel what it is like to live, as they call it, the “Life of the Spartans”.

Combat readiness of infantry 93 brigade
I present to you a video that I edited from video materials of Zheka "Vorot", 1st rifle battalion of the 93rd OMBr, when they were training!
You can also see the new chevron of the 1st rifle battalion of the 93rd brigade.
This video shows that we have something to fight for and the fighters of the 93rd brigade are the most professional!

The 93rd brigade has liberated many settlements since the beginning of the war and now we will liberate all our lands!

Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦
International Legion of Ukraine Volunteer | Hudson "Mongo" Sullivan | Ep. 232
Hudson was in law enforcement and contracting and decided to joined and fight in Ukraine against the Russians with the International Legion of Ukraine.

Edit: Lopussa puhuvat kirjoista ja Murphy mainitsee kirjan, joka on mahdollisesti suomalaisen kirjoittama. Kirja on Carolus Löfroosin The Foreigner Group. Jostain syystä kirjan linkkiä ei pysty linkkaamaan tähän.
Viimeksi muokattu:
How did the occupying platoon disappear? Bermuda rectangle. Day 1. Part 3. Battalion K-2. Soledar-Siversk
The next stage of the enemy's attack focused on open terrain, without cover. Gunners, infantry and snipers had already been sent there. The advanced group of stormtroopers was spotted right before the occupiers rushed to the forest, but it was precisely the fact that the firepower was moved to a specific area of concentrated fire in advance that made it possible to inflict maximum losses on the enemy. This "Bermuda rectangle" of the Ukrainian field was ready to accept the invaders. How exactly it happened - you will see in the video.
Nyt ollaan taas lähellä toisiaan.

@ab3army knocked out the Russians and replenished the exchange fund
The work of the 3rd company of the 2nd mechanized battalion of the 3rd OShBr @ab3army in the Bakhmut direction. Assault positions and close combat.

Losses on the part of the Russians are 12 - 200, 2 - 300. And three more - for exchange.
There could have been more prisoners, but only three accepted the offer to surrender and save their lives.

source: 3rd separate assault brigade

Viimeksi muokattu:
Assault of the forest strip through the eyes of the soldiers of the 3rd OShBr: full version
This is a full video of the assault of the enemy forest strip by the fighters of the 1st company of the 1st mechanized battalion of the Third Assault Brigade in the Bakhmut direction.
Stormtroopers need to capture enemy positions, and the occupiers must be taken prisoner or destroyed, if they refuse to lay down their arms.
"Surrender, this is our landing," shout the fighters and move forward, clearing the dugouts and holes in which the occupiers were holed up.

Soldiers of the Third Assault Division have to work under conditions of mortar fire, RPG fire and the work of enemy drones. The video shows the moment of destruction of one of these drones. You can hide from enemy fire only in a freshly cleared dugout, if it is nearby. In order to avoid injury or survive, you need a quick reaction, and sometimes just luck.

The operation of the Third Assault Brigade as part of the counteroffensive is in this video.

00:00 Start
00:40 "Working from Fort, fuck from the left!"
01:20 "Holy shit, this is our landing!!"
02:40 "P*dar throws grenades"
03:55 "This is our fucking landing, get out and surrender"
04:30 "We need to stretch, urgently and quickly!"
04:50 "Let's throw grenades at him!"
05:20 "Traffic ahead"
06:30 "I was sprinkled with a fucking bulletproof vest"
07:00 "P*dary is running over, at 12"
10:07 "Molfar I have a p*dar right in front of me"
Ukrainan sodan tykistön ammuksien ja tykistörakettien tuotannosta sekä tuotantokyvystä suhteessa kulutukseen molemmin puolin tuore, kohtuullisen hyvä video (mainoksia lukuunottamatta). Videon pituus 18 min, jossa välillä 2:15- 3:31 on turhan pitkä Warpath-pelin mainos. Muuten lienee asiaa.

Muutamia nostoja nopean katselun ja huonon muistin perusteella:
USA ja Eurooppa eivät kykene vastaamaan Ukrainan ammuskulutuksen toivemääriin. Eräänä ratkaisuna sekä ammuskulutukseen että putken kulumaan olisivat ohjautuvat ammukset /raketit, mutta ne ovat kalliita ja niiden tuotantomäärä/-kyky ei riitä. Esim. Lockheed:n mukaan Ukraina kuluttaa kuukaudessa lännen vuoden tuotannon joissakin pst-/it-ohjuksissa ja raketeissa.
Videolla arvioidaan, että Venäjä ampuu 400 000 ls/ kk =13 000 ls/pv, aiemmin enemmän (20 000...60 000) ls/pv, mutta kykenee valmistamaan tai huoltamaan vanhoista vain 1/3 osan siitä (6500 ls/pv), joten "toimivaa" varastoa varikoilta kulutetaan. Toimimattomia arvioidaan venäläisissä laukauksissa olevan 10...30 %, mikä on aika suuri osuus.

Videossa esitetään kulutusta myös aseen kannalta eli varaputkia ja muita aseen varaosia kaivataan, jos ammuskulutus jatkuu suurena. Samoin todetaan se, että pienellä panoksella (EFC< 1,0) putken laukausmäärät kasvavat verrattuna "täyspanos"-laukaukseen (EFC=1,0) ja EFC-kertoimen käyttö esitetään lyhyesti.

Arvelisin videon olevan hyvä yhteenveto aiheesta ja se esittää teknisiä asioita kohtuu ymmärrettävällä tavalla maallikollekkin.

Ohessa toinen, jo vanha (maaliskuu 2023) video Nexter:n ammustuotannosta, sorry jos toistoa. Siinä näkyy kuoren tarkastusta sekä täytön rtg-kuvaus, jolla varmistetaan täytön huokosettomuus. Kuoren tarkastuksen automatisointia on, mutta aika verkkainen tahti on linjalla. Jos tuhansia ammuksia pitäisi päivässä tuottaa tuohon tyyliin, niin useampi linja tarvitaan.

Nexter-video on mielenkiintoinen siinä mielessä, että siinä tehtäneen LU-211 ammusta, joka on jatkokehitys Suomen nykyisestä 155 "perusammuksesta" LU-111 fin. Erona on ainakin se, että LU-111 kuoressa on puristettu johtorengas ja LU-211 kuoreen johtorengas hitsataan.