Ukrainan sodan videot.

From the front to partner childbirth
Victoria is 23 years old, her husband Yura decided to join the ranks of the Armed Forces in the first week of the full-scale invasion. In the summer of 2022, Yurko was on duty in the Sumy region, 4 km from the Russian border. Victoria went there for 4 months, hoping to conceive a child. Each of their meetings could be the last, so Victoria was very upset and resentful of her body when she failed to get pregnant. Now they are expecting a baby. Yurko continues his service, while Victoria is waiting for her husband to return and is preparing for childbirth herself. See their story in the film by Sashka Brama

Attack drones and EW - how Ukraine competes with the Russians at the front
Increasingly, FPV drones are used for warfare. Zelensky announced the need for a million drones for the next year. With their help, you can remotely determine the positions of enemies. safely and successfully hit them and save the lives of the military. Suspilne Novosti spoke with drone pilots on the front lines about the effectiveness of attack drones, whether there is an advantage in drones under the Russians, and whether the state and volunteers close the need for FPV drones.

00:00 — How FPV drones work
04:04 — The results of the drones
04:50 — Using the Baba Yaga drone
10:12 a.m. — The influence of the Russian REB
11:58 — Are drones and ammunition enough?

What is the firing range of the legendary American Browning machine gun? Is he really one of the best machine guns in the Armed Forces? What maintenance does this weapon require and why do machine gunners like to name their equipment? Junior Sergeant Volodymyr Kravchuk visited the positions of the 47th OMBr "Magura", talked with his colleague, a machine gunner, and is ready to answer these questions.

In this video, you will see spectacular shots of shooting from a Browning machine gun and learn all the secrets of using this weapon from a true fan of his business. Including how many cartridges should be prepared before leaving for combat, how to shoot it from a closed firing position, how to prepare a machine gun position for combat.
Krimin sillasta puhetta. Englannin kielinen automaattikäännös näyttäisi toimivan melko hyvin.

SBU special operations: Crimean bridge. Encore
The Russians try to intimidate the Ukrainians with rocket attacks, but the rage against the enemy makes us even more united and strong.

And this film is precisely about a legitimate response to terror.

The SBU has two successful impressions of the bridge: the first – in October 2022 with the help of a truck with explosives, the second – in July 2023 with Sea Baby marine drones.

"There will be many surprises in the future. And not only regarding the Crimean bridge. The bridge is doomed," SBU Head Vasyl Malyuk emphasized in the film.

See the film for more details on how the SBU attacked the Crimean Bridge.
Hyvä englannin kielinen tekstitys.
The people of Azov transfuse blood during the assault
For a long time in Ukraine, blood transfusions were performed only by doctors. The war makes its adjustments. The impossibility of evacuation and long distances to full-fledged medical care have a direct impact on the lives of soldiers.

Ukrainian troops are modernizing and moving to Western standards. One of them is blood transfusion by combat medics.

Last year, thanks to the efforts of Ukrainian medics and volunteers, it was possible to obtain the permission of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for combat medics who have undergone appropriate training to administer blood transfusions on their own.

As early as 2019, Azov residents introduced the use of blood into the training program for combat medics, successfully used this knowledge for the first time in the defense of Mariupol, and now, in the battles in the Kremin forests, doctors of the 12th special purpose brigade "Azov" of NSU use tens of liters of blood every month, saving life of soldiers

In this video, you will see the first blood transfusion recorded on action cameras in the trenches during the assault, and you will also hear the story of the brigade medics about the details of the process: from the training of the personnel to the return of the soldier to the formation.

"Azov" was one of the first to start donating blood during the evacuation stages and helps with the training of other medics of the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

All this would not be possible without blood donors.

"Omega is working." A film about special forces of the National Guard of Ukraine
You know nothing about them. You do not see their faces and insignia. But you know for sure that they are. They have the best equipment, the most modern equipment, and the most rigorous training. They are special forces of the National Guard of Ukraine. They are Omega. This film is about those who already at the age of 30 can have the rank of colonel. But despite the epaulettes, he goes into the "gray zone" and destroys the enemy.
Author Bohdan Pilenko.

Centromega NGU "Omega" on FACEBOOK -
"Bahmut. The road of life"
This film tells how snipers of the Special Operations Center "A" of the SBU fought for the "Road of Life" near Bakhmut in the spring of 2023.

Our special forces, together with the Defense Forces, held this important logistical artery for a long time in order to gain time for the regrouping of troops and prevent the enemy from advancing deep into Ukraine.

"Our Defense Forces did everything possible and impossible to hold the Bakhmut fortress. The Special Operations Center "A" of the CBU actively worked together with them. As part of small tactical groups, our snipers covered the military in that direction," said the Head of the SBU, Vasyl Malyuk.

Special forces also performed counter-sniper, counter-sabotage work and adjusted fire for the Armed Forces near Bakhmut.
"The den of the enemy. Liquidation"
This film tells about a unique sabotage operation of the SBU to eliminate the Russian headquarters in Polissia. It was she who initiated the liberation of Kyiv Oblast from the occupiers.

"This was the first such sabotage work using artillery forces. The successful, high-quality sabotage practice of the SBU together with the artillerymen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is an example of the fact that together we are a force. It contributed to the defense of Kyiv region. We repelled the enemy, and he was forced to retreat," SBU Head Vasyl Malyuk said in the film.

The headquarters housed the leadership of the Russian troops, and a large amount of equipment, ammunition, and fuel was stored nearby. This logistics and management center became the target of the Security Service.

Raid in the lair of the invaders

🔥 Raid on the occupiers' lair - the scouts inflicted another loss on the enemy

😎 In connection with the increasing number of cases of sabotage by the Russians and for the sake of protecting Ukrainian civilians who live in communities near the state border and suffer from attacks by the aggressor, the soldiers of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine implemented a set of special actions.

🔎 According to the obtained intelligence, the top leadership of the occupying army of the Russian Federation planned an inspection of the Russian positions in the Graivoron district of the Belgorod region due to dissatisfaction and complaints of the personnel there about poor service conditions.

⚡️ Before the arrival of the Moscow "inspectors", the ordinary invaders got into trouble - they began to carry out active engineering work.
In order to inflict losses on the enemy and worsen his morale and psychological state, special officers of the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine planned and carried out a special operation.

💥 During the execution of the task, the scouts mined the only road used by the invaders in the specified area, and also attacked a Russian platoon stronghold.

✔️ As a result of the fire raid using small arms and mortars, as well as the detonation of Ukrainian mines, the enemy suffered losses. The number of eliminated and wounded occupiers is being specified.

🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!

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Englannin kielisellä tekstityksellä
The Gathering Storm (3rd Assault Brigade in action near Bakhmut)
A war documentary/after-action review about the combat operations the 2nd Infantry Assault Battalion, 3rd Separate Assault Brigade, near Bakhmut in winter-spring of 2023.Commanding officers, from Vlad "Datsyk" (the commander of the "Decepticons" platoon) all the way up to the Company and the Battalion-level 'brass', share their impressions of the battles they have been through.Note: You may have already seen this documentary when it first came out in March 2023, but you would have had to suffer through the machine-generated 'wall-to-wall' subtitles. This is a new, more concise translation, with human-friendly subtitles.

Aiheena elso, dronet ja vastatoimet. Automaattikäännös englanniksi toimii hyvin.
ABOUT MODERN REB/REP in the lens of @FaktyICTVchannel


KIRILL RINNE: Tarinoita Ukrainasta, KRAKEN-erikoisjoukot & Putinin patjan turmelu
Kirill Rinne on mielettömän monimuotoisella kokemuskattauksella varustettu idän kaupan konkari sekä Suomi-Ukraina Maanpuolustusyhdistyksen puheenjohtaja.

(00:00) Ote autovaras-tarinasta
(01:08) Intro
(02:18) Putinin punkan penistäminen
(10:00) HAVU-kelloista -15% koodilla HK15
(11:10) "Venäläinen sotalaiva, mene kyrvälle!"
(13:40) Kirillin elämästä & idän kaupasta
(26:00) Hauska takkajuttu (eli tuhopoltto)
(29:00) Suhde Ukrainaan, 2014 ja ensimmäinen projekti
(33:50) Krakenin alku & erikoisjoukkojen varustaminen
(44:50) Tarkka-ampuja -pariskunta, tykistö & pizzaperjantai
(53:00) Mitä kalustoa tarvitaan?
(01:04:20) SINÄ VOIT TUKEA!
(01:14:00) Kraken-haavoittuneet Ukrainasta Suomeen & Valtion vastaus
(01:39:00) Suomalaiset taistelijat Ukrainassa
(01:44:30) Suomalaisveteraanien kokemuksen arvo
(01:45:00) Suomalaistaistelijoiden valmistautuminen Suomessa
(01:51:50) Uudet suomalaiset aseinnovaatiot & vienti ulkomaille
(02:02:00) Elääkö Prigozin?
(02:05:55) Autovaras, kalashnikovit & poliisikuulustelu
(02:02:00) Elääkö Prigozin?
(02:22:50) Verkkokaupasta löytyvän sotasaaliin hankinta
(02:27:00) Mitä ymmärrämme väärin Ukrainan sodasta?
(02:41:00) Haavoittuneiden & kaatuneiden suomalaisten kotiuttamisen ongelmat
(02:27:00) Mitä ymmärrämme väärin Ukrainan sodasta?
(02:46:00) Suomi-Ukraina Maanpuolustusyhdistys
Näyttäisi, että viime aikoina youtube videoiden automaattikäännös ukrainasta englanniksi on parantunut ihan huomattavasti. Olisikohan keinoäly syypää tähän parannukseen. Katselin muutamaa vanhempaa videota, joissa muistelisin käännöksien olleen melko surkeita ja nyt niin paljon parempi, että niitten katsominenon paljon mielekkäämpää. Laitan tähän postaukseen kolme GUR:n vanhempaa dokumenttia uusinta kierroksena. Aiheina Käärmesaari, Khersonin takaisin valtaus sekä Azovstalin helikopterioperaatiot.

Air raid on Azovstal. Sky
The first tape from Artem Shevchenko's documentary trilogy "Military intelligence of Ukraine: on the sea, in the sky, on the ground". The film reveals unknown details of the unique airborne special operation of the GUR in Mariupol surrounded by the enemy. 7 sorties to the city of Mary: each one like the last.

"Sea. Battle for Snake Island"
The second work from Artem Shevchenko's documentary series "Military intelligence of Ukraine: on the sea, in the sky, on the ground" is dedicated to the deoccupation of Zmiiny Island, which is strategically important for security in the Black Sea

"Kharkiv counteroffensive. Earth"
Documentary film from the trilogy "Military intelligence of Ukraine: on the sea, in the sky, on the ground" authored by Artem Shevchenko
"Combat medics. Death will wait"
A unique unit of combat medics works in the Special Operations Center "A" of the Security Service of Ukraine. They saved the lives of hundreds of Ukrainian defenders on the front line. And this film is about their titanic struggle with death.

"These are real special forces. They perform their tasks in the immediate vicinity of the contact line. 10-15 kilometers from the front line, they perform complex surgical interventions and bring our brothers back from the other world. These are doctors from God," says SBU Head Vasyl Malyuk in the film.

You will learn the stories of soldiers who, after being wounded, had almost zero chances, but survived precisely thanks to the combat medics of TsSO "A" of the SBU.
"Dronarnya" - Ukrainian volunteer engineers create modern attack and reconnaissance drones for the Armed Forces.
Thank you for watching this movie. Please like, comment, this will help promote this video and subscribe to the channel.
Please help share this video so other volunteers and military know where else to order UAVs.

You can leave an application to the laboratory for the manufacture of a drone or a reset system using this link:

You can learn more about the technical characteristics of the "Banderyk" reconnaissance drone here:

You can learn more about the technical characteristics of the "Banderik" strike drone here:

Donation for the development of the laboratory:

We thank our friends, the volunteer association "NEZLAMNI Ukrainians", who support people after the occupation. Our soldiers with food, medicines, personal hygiene products, clothes and protection.

DOP/postproduction - Denys Zamakhovskyi
instagram: @zamakhovskyi @seeyouproduction

Drones are an effective weapon that has changed modern warfare
The war that Russia has unleashed in Ukraine has long been, without exaggeration, called the war of drones.
Such a number of different unmanned systems have not been used in any war. Around the clock, drone operators perform various combat tasks: from conducting reconnaissance to destroying the enemy.
Drones strike more accurately than artillery, and also allow the Ukrainian military to save their lives. Border guards Maksym and Ihor are sure of this, and together with their comrades, they perform tasks on one of the sections of the state border with the aggressor country.
"Currently, drones have become an integral part of the war," says Maxim, the head of the unmanned unit of the border guards.
"For us, this field began to develop almost with the beginning of the war, for the enemy - much earlier. They were preparing for this, developing this direction. But during our participation in hostilities, we have already reached such a state that we can claim that we are not inferior to them in any way, we are even advanced in terms of the effective use of unmanned systems," says the military man.
On the border, depending on the weather, the military of the unmanned unit works around the clock. They conduct aerial reconnaissance, search for new places of enemy service, bases, shelters, etc. During the execution of tasks, they support interaction with the same units of other components of the Defense Forces.
"For the enemy, drone operators are the number one target, as they say, a 'fat target'," Maksym continues, - why? Because drones cause a lot of problems for the enemy. For us, the main thing is to complete the task and return alive."
The border guard says that his greatest desire is to destroy all those who came to our land with war.
"Most of my relatives live in Russia. My father is a Russian who is actively involved in volunteering, helping units of the Defense Forces. It is very unfortunate that the Russians have invaded our territory, are destroying our people, children, and women. My heart is very sad because of this. I have a personal grudge against them. Therefore, the more I "double-cross" them, the better it will be for me, for my family, and in general for the whole of Ukraine," concludes Maksym.
Maksym's brother-in-law Igor claims that Ukrainian drone operators are much stronger than the enemy.
"Although we have only recently begun to develop drone reconnaissance, we are much stronger than the enemy, because we have something to protect and we are simply moving towards our goal - the liberation of the Ukrainian land from the unclean. Nothing will stop us. The enemy does not understand all the power and return that he can get from us. No matter how much training they do there, they are no match for our drone operators. Our people will replace their ten or even twenty people, because we are better in this matter," assures the border guard Ihor.
Igor says that UAVs have now occupied a very serious niche on the battlefield and have already begun to play a significant role on the way to our Victory.
See the video for details on the work of border drone operators.

From a pigeon to a war falcon. Training of aerial scouts of the Marines of Bilinkov.
Nyt on hieman älykkäämpi drone. Operaattori valitsee kohteen kosketusnäytöltä ja ilmeisesti drone osaa pitää kohteen tähtäimessä sekä lentää siihen omin nokkinensa.
Edit: kyseessä on ilmeisesti Warmate drone

Soldiers-reconnaissance fried 2 Russian "shells"
On January 6, 2024, another special operation of the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine took place, aimed at weakening the aggressor state of Russia.

As part of a complex mission implemented with the assistance of the United24 platform, operators of Ukrainian military intelligence struck the positions of Russian air defense in the territory of the Belgorod region.

As a result of the fire damage, 2 Russian anti-aircraft missile and gun complexes "pantsyr s1" were put out of order.

The cost of one such ZRGK is approximately 10-15 million dollars.

Glory to Ukraine!


Exclusive footage and history of the defeat of enemy tank columns near Vugledar in January - February 2023.
On January 24, 2023, the Russian army attempted a major ground offensive on Vugledar and lost at least 130 armored vehicles in a few weeks. As a result of a series of attacks, the elite 155th and 40th brigades of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Federation were defeated by the forces of 72 OMBr, 35 OBrMP and 55 separate artillery brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. World military analysts call these events one of the biggest tank defeats since World War II. We obtained exclusive video of these events and sought out those behind the stunning results.
The Butusov PLUS team expresses its gratitude to the 72nd OMBr named after Black Zaporozhians for assistance in the preparation of the film and provided video materials.


Story of Ukraine's Special Forces Operator. Life, Training, Special Operations on the Frontline
In the war in Ukraine, the latest military technologies and weaponry are being used. Ukrainians themselves have already proven to be outstanding warriors. But what does the work of the world's best military professionals look like from the inside? We show in our 'Profession: warrior' project. Today, our hero is one of the deadliest warriors in Ukraine, a Special Forces operator, who carries out the most challenging tasks on the front lines and behind enemy lines.
Viimeksi muokattu:
We can place a shield against Russian drones over the entire front line in a month - Magyar
Robert Brovdi (call sign "Magyar"), the commander of the separate aerial reconnaissance group "Birds of Magyar" on Kyiv24 about the role of FPV drones today at the front.

Antidrone elso juttua.
Part 1. About tactical (trench) REB. Not a technical video, everything is in the public domain. Advice.
I am quite often asked how to choose among the manufacturers of electronic devices for our boys. Therefore, I recorded a small, non-technical video. Some thoughts and advice. Next will be more technical.

War between Ukraine and Russia: First Сyberwar in History. Episode 1
Hundreds of information operations, thousands of cyberattacks and millions of bots with fake news are the components of the real war between Ukraine and Russia, unfolding in cyberspace. This confrontation has already been named the First cyberwar in history. One of the main actors of Ukrainian cyber security tells what are the primary targets of Russians’ attacks and how it can affect not only Ukrainians but the entire world.
Ei niin nuoria miehiä enää. Tähän on tehty hyvä englannin kielinen tekstitys.
"It is easier for them to attack here, because the border is nearby." Mortars in the Kupyan direction / hromadske
"It's easier for them here, because security is closer to Russia, and ours cannot use international aid on their territory. It turns out that the logistics nodes are protected, it is easier for them to supply weapons and advance on the Kupyanskyi and Lymanskyi directions," explains a soldier from the 68th separate hunting brigade.

Currently, the 68th defends the Kupyan direction, where the Russians continue to press.

"We recaptured several of their positions, so now they want to recapture them, but we are holding," the military said.

How mortars of the 68th work - in the hromadske video.

"CRAB" ACS DISRUPTS ANY PLANS OF THE ENEMY: one of the best ACS in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine
The 26th Artillery Brigade named after Roman Dashkevich is armed with Polish Krab self-propelled artillery installations. These are modern and effective self-propelled guns with a maximum firing range of 40 kilometers. They can effectively destroy not only enemy equipment and manpower, but also enemy artillery.

In this story, Serhiy Lipko talked with the crew of the Krab self-propelled guns and went on a live shooting. Gunners working on this installation destroyed many targets and worked on the occupiers, including high-precision M982 Excalibur shells, which hit targets with an error of 5-7 meters.

We are Army TV. Our team consists of military personnel, volunteers and mobilized, who have been fighting since the first days of the war in different directions and in different units. Most of us have combat experience. Before the Russian invasion, we worked as directors, cameramen, presenters, and editors. Now we combine military service with media work.

We are constantly on the collision course. The studio of the channel, from which the online streams take place, is also located near the front.

The path to the Third Assault: training abroad, takmed, firing and a march-throw in honor of the UNR army
The third film in the series about the path recruits go through to become fighters of the Third Assault Brigade. In the video - the stories of the recruits Optimist, Mrak and Chech, who are going through the next stage of combat training in order to join the ranks of the combat unit.

In addition to training within the KMB, the recruits attended training in France and Great Britain. They share their impressions of training, discipline and atmosphere in the recruiting center and overseas training.

"The Third assault unit has a much more humane attitude towards its soldiers, there are no delays, there is no such thing as: "do because you have to" or "accordingly". For example, takmed is important, we are being chased for it. The individual skills of the shooter are really important, they are chasing us. To fight with snow under the ruler or with fallen leaves - there is no such thing here," Chech explains.

Mrak states that there is strict discipline in the recruiting center of the Third Assault Division, but this already bears fruit during training together with the combat unit.

The film includes footage from exercises abroad, where recruits train to fight in trenches and storm a building, shoot in the forest, conduct tactical medicine training during training with the 1st Assault Battalion of the 3rd OShBr, and lectures on theory. There are also video fragments of how recruits take a military oath and perform a 40-kilometer march-throw dedicated to the Winter Campaign of the UNR Army. How recruits are trained in the Third Assault Unit - see in this video.

00:00 start
02:30 Prayer for Ukraine
04:10 "20 strong people are needed"
05:00 More responsibility for future commanders
06:20 Oath of a warrior of the 3rd OShBr
07:30 Studying in France
10:00 "Without a reliable commander, the whole team can die"
10:40 "What awaits us does not scare me at all"
11:30 "I thought it would be more difficult"
12:10 "We have to earn the right to wear long hair"
12:50 Recruit center VS study in France
14:10 "The entire command is people from the military"
3:40 p.m. "The Third Assault Force has a much more humane attitude towards its soldiers"
16:30 "You will know medicine better than professional surgeons"
18:45 "By the time we go to the front line, we will be prepared as much as possible"
19:30 Thank you for science!
20:40 "The goal is to save the lives of fellow citizens, and that's all..."
21:30 Cleaning of weapons
22:40 "This is exactly the atmosphere that inspired me"
23:20 "Friendly team, delicious food, shower, warmth: what more could you wish for?"
24:10 Where should the turnstile be?
24:40 When does a recruit receive a brigade chevron?
25:30 "The main thing is to prohibit yourself with reason"
26:40 Prayer for Ukraine
27:50 "Traditionally, 10 from the floor on the cams!"
Azov, zrd Separate Assault Brigade, KRAKEN, Magyar Birds, Da Vinci Wolves. TOP-5 Ukrainian Units
🇺🇦 5 Ukrainian Super-Units:

00:00 intro
00:15 3rd Seperate Assault Brigade
04:15 Magyar Birds
07:20 Da Vinci Wolves
11:00 KRAKEN Unit
14:35 Azov Brigade

The work of medics from the very first rank of a combat medic on the front line, a doctor on the staff, a surgeon in the operating room depends on whether a fighter will live. At the same time, they risk their own lives. The painstaking work of the brigade's medics saves lives, allows soldiers to preserve their limbs and health. Very important work that allows us to choose our victory together.

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Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦

The platoon commander of the 5th OShBr, with the call sign Agron, collects the "harvests" of orcs🧌
The platoon leader, with the call sign Agron, collects "harvests" of orcs🧌 at a distance of two and a half kilometers without leaving the dugout. How does he do it? Lifehack from the 5th separate Kyiv assault brigade.

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Youtuben uudistunut automaattikäännös englanniksi toimii melko hyvin.
BREAKED INTO FRIENDS: unique shots of FPV drones from the positions of the Serebryan Forest / @dobrik_live
Can kamikaze FPV drones stop enemy assaults? As practice shows - yes. But this happens under many conditions and processes, which is exactly what I show in the video. How the battle and the army are managed. An interesting tactic used by the Russian infantry in offensive operations. During the day, three enemy assault groups were stopped. During the offensive operation, the occupiers received about 30 wounded soldiers, some of them are no longer there. On our side, the advantage was the heroism of the infantry, who were the first to enter the battle, as well as the powerful support of the FPV drones, which inflicted accurate fire damage on the advancing groups of the enemy and artillery. Unique shots from advanced positions of the Serebryan forest in the Luhansk region.

5 SAF SOLDIERS DESTROYED 12 RUSSIAN TANKS: anti-tankers talked about their work
Anti-tankers of the 66th separate mechanized brigade talked about their work. These soldiers work to destroy Russian armored vehicles, and sometimes infantry. For this, they use anti-tank missile complexes (ATRKs), such as Javelin, Stugna, Kornet and others.

In this video, you will see impressive footage of the destruction of an elite Russian T-90 tank, learn what motivates these soldiers to work so efficiently, and hear a bunch of real stories.

Kunnollinen englannin kielinen tekstitys.
"Fighters say - it's easy for us, and people think - why help them." Runa, Sergey Hnezdilov / ++ podcast
"The main thing for me, if God forbid I die, that it should be sharp. So that there would be no such thing - torn off arms, legs, flesh," says Runa. The girl has been serving for 6 years, all full-time — at the position. She talks about her everyday life in the army on Instagram ( and TikTok (
How did she join the army? What does he do in the brigade? Why did you cry? What do the wives of her friends write to her about? Why does she keep her blog, what are the dumbest questions asked by civilians and which stars did not respond to her requests for help? What annoys her in the army? And who does she despise?

About Mariupol, rear support, your biggest fear, is there love in the army. And also - what the mobilization should be: "There are a lot of just big boars walking around and they are not at all interested in what is happening there."

Watch and listen to the "++ podcast" — a conversation between serviceman Serhii Hnezdilov and servicewoman Runa of the 56th brigade.

00:00 - introduction of the guest
01:19 - why did Runa decide to join the army and how did she get into the 56th brigade
03:34 - "when everything started to just buzz around, we realized then that the war had begun"
04:18 — is it difficult to be a woman in the army?
06:23 — with whom Rooney is more comfortable in the team: with boys or with girls
07:38 — how to move on when brothers die
07:54 - "when I buried our sister Oksana... I came and said that I will not go to any more funerals"
09:03 - "it's easier for me to talk to my comrades than to call someone from civilians"
09:28 — about the evacuation of the wounded from Pisky
10:44 - can all civilians understand what war is
11:01 — about the hospital in Kremenchuk: "the doctors were shocked and said goodbye: we don't want to be driven anymore"
13:36 — "we have many losses, very many"
14:52 — about mobilization: "I'm in favor of some kind of replacement"
15:28 — "a lot of just big boars are walking around and they are not at all interested in what is happening there"
17:24 - whom Runa despises
19:01 - about relations in the unit
21:46 — "one of the projectiles flew right into his hole where he lived... his whole head was pierced directly, the lenses of his eyes were boiled"
23:05 — "then I just returned to the position, climbed into the hole and just cried"
24:13 — "the wives of my friends write to me very often"
25:09 — about the most annoying thing in the army
26:55 — "instead of going to work, we sit because we have to prepare acts"
27:19 — is love possible in the army?
29:47 — "the commander told me that we are opening a meeting for the battalion, you will lead it; I ask how much there is, and he says one million two hundred"
30:02 — "now rear support has become very weak"
31:12 — "Andrii Khlyvniuk, we still communicate, he recently wrote to me"
32:03 - "there are no FPV drones arriving at the positions since these anti-drones have been standing"
33:01 — what are the dumbest questions civilians have asked Rooney during TikTok streams
36:16 — "once it was funny that I started the broadcast, and we started shelling"
37:23 — "the most important thing for me, if God forbid I die, so that it was sharp, so that there was no such thing - torn off arms, legs, flesh"
38:37 — "when I arrived for the evacuation, I didn't even know that it was him - all blood and all"
40:21 — would Runa sign the contract if she knew in advance what these years in the army would be like
41:36 — whether he will leave the army after the end of the war
42:31 - "I now feel and I know that there is a benefit from me"
43:12 — "I want to visit such an atmosphere where there are fewer people, where there are only animals, nature"
44:02 - about his dream, life and service in Mariupol: "a lot of memories, I hope we will bring him back"
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Kunnollinen englannin kielinen tekstitys
"Holiday - when we burned the tank": how the military celebrates the New Year / hromadske
In a few hours - New Year's Eve. Commanders Ecolog and Molodiy pack sweets and gifts for subordinates. This is the only attribute that here, in the dugouts two kilometers from the Russian positions, indicates the Christmas holidays. In addition, the daily military routine continues. UAV pilots from the Svoboda National Guard battalion attach a projectile to the drone, and it flies to Russian positions.
"The holiday is when we threw a grenade, the dude was torn apart. A holiday is when we sleep a tank or a "motoliga", but it doesn't feel like that," answers the chief sergeant of the strike drone company Molodiy to the question of whether holidays are felt on the front line.
Meanwhile, the Russians begin to "congratulate" ahead of time: at 11:00 p.m., the person on duty on the walkie-talkie warns of the arrival of "hail" and phosphorus.
"Relatives are at home, we are here. There is nothing to be happy about - only the goals that have been hit," sighs the Dutchman, whose wife and little son are waiting for him at home. And for the next new year, he dreams of only one thing - to be a good and reliable father.
The military wants civilians to "not lose heart, believe in victory and make efforts for it."
"And be ready to join the army, because the need for this does not disappear. Not everyone understood at the same time, but everyone needs to prepare, says Ekolog, deputy commander of the strike drone company. — For good to win, all good people must gather and defeat all evil. We are exactly these people."

Bravo. Once More Unto the Breach
This is a story of the long battle over the urban-type settlement of Novoselivske of the Luhansk Oblast in which the Bravo company of the 1st Battalion of the International Legion took part. Extensive shelling and non-stop assault by the russians left the place completely in shambles. But even among the flaming ruins there were those who stood strong.

The Armed Forces use kamikaze drones with "machine vision" with which they destroy the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile defense system
A combat drone under the control of professional fighters of the 5th OSHBr disassembles the enemy position.
A combat drone 🤖 under the control of professional fighters of the 5th OShBr disassembles the enemy's 🐷 position.
The fantastic future has already arrived⚡
What we read about in books and watched fascinatingly in movies is embodied in the latest developments of our inventors and helps our fighters on the battlefield💪

Premiere! #1 What's in a sniper's backpack | Pure anger
We are starting a series of stories dedicated to the project of the "Come Back Alive" Foundation for snipers "Pure Anger". In the stories, we will gradually talk about the equipment and devices that 100 snipers will receive in order to shoot at a distance of more than 2000 meters.

In the first video, we talk about a backpack, a tripod and a bipod, which are necessary for an accurate shot.

So why was this equipment chosen, says "Viter" - sniping consultant of the "Return Alive" Foundation

TANKER OF THE ARMY OF THE ZSU AT BAKHMUT: T-64 crew holding back Russian assaults
Tankers of the 42nd separate mechanized brigade restrain the enemy, who is intensifying his assaults in the direction of Bakhmut. Junior Lieutenant Serhii Lipko spoke with the crew of the T-64 tank.

In this video, the soldiers of the Armed Forces will tell what tactics the occupiers follow and how the work of our tankers breaks the plans of the Russians.
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👆 You can learn more about the collection for Pure Wrath by following the link 👆

The guest of ICTV for the telethon "Edynia news" is the call sign Atom.

A sniper from one of the units of the Armed Forces told Vadym Karpiak about the mega-gathering for snipers of the Armed Forces. Together with the Come Back Alive fund, the snipers plan to raise 220 million hryvnias for Pure Wrath. This amount will provide 500 groups of snipers.

"Helping Ukraine, I want to take revenge on Russia" is the story of a combat medic of the International Legion
Keti Leshkasheli was a doctor in one of the clinics in Berlin, and now she is a combat medic, saving lives on the front line. For almost 2 years, Katya, a Georgian by nationality, has been serving in the ranks of the International Legion. What prompted a Georgian citizen to leave a prestigious job in Europe and radically change her life in order to save the military under fire, defending the independence of Ukraine? See more in the video.

RELEASED THE TRUTH about the war! 🔥Sturmovik 3 OSHBr TOHA, Yanina Sokolova
"Guys from the cinema are just dust compared to my brothers!". This is what Yanina Sokolova, who had the opportunity to talk with, says the deputy commander of the 3rd OShBr company, Anton Radko, call sign "TOHA".
Professional athlete, master of sports, coach. He was wounded during the assault. After five operations and with the third group of disability, he returned to the army.
19-year-old mortar gunner Valya — Bakhmut 204th battalion 241st brigade of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
What is Valentina, a 19-year-old girl, thinking about? 60, 82 or 120?
These are mortar calibers of revenge... For a loved one, maiden happiness, the Motherland.
Valya "Kuzya" has mastered a formidable weapon. Destroy the enemy near Bakhmut in the artillery unit of the legendary "Witch".
What does she think about mortars, women in the army and "mommy flowers" who are at home while she is fighting?

How the mortar of the 204th battalion of the 241st Obr of the TRO of the Armed Forces of Ukraine works in the direction of Bakhmut - in the material of TRO MEDIA.

Shaun Pinner - Captured by Russians After Fighting in Mariupol, he was Tormented, Beaten and Starved
Shaun Pinner is a former British soldier and Ukrainian Marine. He has written an extraordinary first-hand account of the war in Ukraine, his capture, imprisonment, and torture by the Russian invaders. Shaun was a retired and decorated British soldier, living peacefully in Mariupol with his Ukrainian family. But the full-scale war began, and after fighting alongside Ukrainian army colleagues, he found himself imprisoned in Russian-occupied Ukraine, and embarking on an unexpected and unimaginable fight for survival. After the horrors of frontline fighting, Shaun had to survive his capture by Russian soldiers, and his removal to a Black Site – an off-grid FSB prison operating outside all human rights conventions – where he was subjected to a campaign of torture by Putin's secret police.

Tähän löytyy kunnollinen englannin kielinen tekstitys
Offensive operators: how soldiers of the 47th OMBr hunt enemies and adjust artillery
In the new issue, we introduce a team of guys from a company of attack UAVs, who destroy enemies with precise targeting. Young, but already experienced and professional soldiers, with infantry and intelligence behind them, Izyum, Avdiivka, Bakhmut, Orikhov, Robotine. Motivated, emotional, with a sense of humor - Andrii and Bertych, the heroes of the first part, are in the frame today. They tell and show how they knocked out the occupiers during the offensive on Zaporozhye, reveal the principles of success of UAV operators and share their experience:

00:15 meeting with Andrii
02:30 meeting with Bertych
08:22 how the crew works
13:04 about the role of Maviks in the war
13:44 how they destroyed a pack of orcs
20:05 emotions from work
20:35 very gambling fighters
22:01 about preparing for work
23:50 cartoon UAV operators
25:49 about the importance of volunteer help
26:14 what a UAV operator should be
29:51 about underestimating the enemy
30:17 our infantry are gods of war