Uutisia Britanniasta

En argumentoinut vaan kysyin että hyväksytkö valehtelun EU:n agendan edistämiseksi, sinä vastasit että et.
Ei, ensi väitit mielipiteestäni. Anna ystävällisesti minun määritellä oma mielipiteeni.

Ja sen jälkeen kysit, johon vastasin suoraan ja kysymystäsi laajemmin.

Eiköhän tämä ole vähäksi aikaa tässä.
Lisäksi on syytä muistaa, ettei Brexit-äänestys ollut sitova vaan neuvoa-antava.
Muuten; Leave-puoli sai juuri tuomion. Olivat ylittäneet roimasti kampanjalle sallitun maksimibudjetin.
Pikku puhallus tuomareitten ja lakimiesten toimesta, ovat selkeesti todenneet että ”hei, me tienataan tällä”. Daily Mailin artikkeli sen takia, että löytyy epäiltyjen nimet. Löysin toiseltakin sivulta mutta siellä ei ollut nimiä.

Judges in the DOCK: Three immigration judges and six lawyers appear in court over plot to 'scam legal aid system out of £12.6million' - as one of accused slams 'racist witch hunt'
Three judges and six other lawyers arrested over an alleged plot to scam £12.6million from the legal aid system have appeared in court.

Part-time immigration judges Kareena Maciel and Rasib Ghaffar along with part-time civil judge Razi Shah are accused of making claims in excess of £12.6m.

The others charged are legal clerk Gazi Khan, barrister Shahid Rashid and solicitors Joseph Ameyaw-Kyeremeh, Azhar Khan, Lloyd Moody and Samira Bashir.

During today's court hearing, Gazi Khan stood up and claimed the case was a 'racist witch hunt'.

Maciel, 46, and Ghaffar, 48, both of South Woodford, Shah, of Windsor, Berkshire, and Ameyaw-Kyeremeh, 67, of Croydon, all deny one count of conspiracy to commit an offence of fraud by false representation.

Gazi Khan, 49, of Isleworth, west London, Rashid, 57, of Langley, Berkshire, denies three counts of the same charge.

Azhar Khan, 46, of Pinner, Middlesex, denies one count of fraud by false representation and one count of conspiracy to commit an offence of fraud by false representation.

Moody, 48, of Surbiton, Surrey, denies two counts of fraud by false representation. Bashir, 46, of Slough, faces one count of fraud by false representation.

All nine were bailed and will appear at Southwark Crown Court for a plea and trial preparation hearing on 14 August.
Viranomaisten sanotaan tunnistaneen Novichok -hyökkäyksen tekijät ja vähemmän yllättäen epäillyt ovat venäläisiä.
"Investigators believe they have identified the suspected perpetrators of the Novichok attack through CCTV and have cross-checked this with records of people who entered the country around that time," a source with knowledge of the investigation told the Press Association.

"They (the investigators) are sure they (the suspects) are Russian."

The Met Police, who are leading the investigation, have declined to comment. The BBC has not been able to independently confirm the story.

Philip Ingram, a former British Army intelligence officer and chemical weapons expert, said the development supported his perception that this was a "professional attack" designed to send a "political message" - adding that it happened two weeks before the Russian election.

"My view is that the primary reason behind it was to send a message out to dissenters - and Sergei Skripal was chosen because he was based in Salisbury and that gave the Russians plausible deniability by saying, oh it must have leaked from Porton Down, because it's just up the road," he said.

An inquest into the death of Dawn Sturgess is due to open on Thursday.

Counter-terrorism detectives have revealed they found a small bottle containing Novichok at Mr Rowley's home in Muggleton Road, Amesbury.
They are trying to establish where the container, thought to be a bottle of perfume, originated from, and how Mr Rowley and Ms Sturgess first encountered it.

On Wednesday, international chemical weapons experts completed their investigations in Amesbury, where they sought to identify whether the substance which poisoned the couple was from the same batch used against the Skripals.

The risk to the public remains low, according to Public Health England.
Mike Wade, deputy director for health protection in the South West, said: "The advice remains - if you didn't drop it, then don't pick it up."
Viranomaisten sanotaan tunnistaneen Novichok -hyökkäyksen tekijät ja vähemmän yllättäen epäillyt ovat venäläisiä.

Voi olla että oli kuuluisa fakenews

Britain Dismisses News Report on Skripal Poisoners as 'Wild Speculation'

" I think this story belongs in the 'ill informed and wild speculation folder'" Ben Wallace said on Twitter, in response to the Press Association report.

edit:. Poistettu alkuperäinen Wallacen twiitti. En saa toimimaan....
twitteristä se löytyy jos haluaa kattoa.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Järkyttävä happoisku kaupassa Britanniassa: Kolmevuotiaan pojan kasvoille heitettiin happoa
Tänään klo 13:21

Poliisi etsii kolmea miestä.
Muun muassa Sky News kertoo, että kolmevuotias poika loukkaantui vakavasti happoiskussa Worcesterissa Isossa-Britanniassa.

- Pojalla on vakavia vammoja kasvoissa ja kädessään.

Isku tapahtui paikallisessa kaupassa. Poliisi etsii kolmea miestä, joiden kuvat se on julkaissut.
RIAT 18 - uutisia:
Kapteeni Lauri Mäkisen lentämä Hornet-soololentoesitys palkittiin näytöksessä parhaan yksittäisen esityslennon (best individual flying display) Sir Douglas Bader Trophy -palkinnolla.


Esityksen katseltuani voi todeta sen olevan hieno, mutta kysyisin alan asiantuntijoilta, mikä erotti sen kilpailijoistaan, kun parhaaksi valittiin?

Opetelkaa uimaan.
Ei saa antaa pelolle valtaa.

Hapossa on kiva uida.