Uutisia Britanniasta

Kellään hajua mistä kyse?

Normimeininkiä. Pojat olivat yrittäneet pakoon pitkällisen joyride session jälkeen, joten Birminghamin poliisi veti ne pussiin ja laittoi rautoihin. Vaikka Bham on isompi kuin Mikkeli, Savonlinna taikka Tampere niin meno ei ole hirveän erillainen tuolla keskellä valtiota. Seutu on täynnä normaalia työväkeä. Nuorille ja syrjäytyneille joyriding on hupia vaikka pampusta saisi, kunhan pääsee virkaihmiselle kettuilemaan. Ei ole hirveästi muuta tekemistä.
Normimeininkiä. Pojat olivat yrittäneet pakoon pitkällisen joyride session jälkeen, joten Birminghamin poliisi veti ne pussiin ja laittoi rautoihin. Vaikka Bham on isompi kuin Mikkeli, Savonlinna taikka Tampere niin meno ei ole hirveän erillainen tuolla keskellä valtiota. Seutu on täynnä normaalia työväkeä. Nuorille ja syrjäytyneille joyriding on hupia vaikka pampusta saisi, kunhan pääsee virkaihmiselle kettuilemaan. Ei ole hirveästi muuta tekemistä.
Tuolla ollaan jo kolmannessa polvessa työttömiä, seuraukset alkavat jossain vaiheessa näkyä...
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The foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has said that Moscow will pay a high price for using chemical weapons in the Salisbury novichok attack, after one of the two suspects was identified as a decorated Russian colonel.

Hunt said he had had a “frank exchange of views” with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, when they met at the United Nations general assembly on Thursday.

“It was pretty tough because it is not acceptable for Russia to instruct two GRU [Russian military intelligence] agents to use chemical weapons on British soil,” he said.

Russian officials and pro-Kremlin media have dismissed the claim, although a report in Russia’s Kommersant newspaper said people who knew the colonel in his home region of Amur had recognised him as the suspect as identified by British police.

One resident described him as a “very good, clever boy” and another said people in the village knew that the man was “in the secret service” and that his mother was worried about his assignments.

Speaking following his meeting with Lavrov in New York, Hunt said: “This is not just a spat between UK and Russia. We have a consensus in the UN since 1945 that people do not use chemical weapons and that is beginning to break down because of what they did in Salisbury and what they allowed to happen in Syria. It would be a tragedy for humanity if we go back on this international consensus.”

He added: “If you do this, the price will be too high ... In their quiet moments in the Kremlin they have already thought the price is too high.”

Asked whether the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, was directly responsible, Hunt said: “Most of us would asssume that things do not happen in Russia without his approval, but we chose our words carefully.”

On Wednesday a report by investigative journalists from Bellingcat and the Insider revealed that one of the suspects was Col Anatoliy Chepiga, a special forces veteran who travelled to Salisbury under the cover name Ruslan Boshirov.

British investigators also believe one of the two men accused of poisoning ex-spy Sergei Skripal is Chepiga, the Guardian understands.

The Kremlin said on Thursday that it would look into the claim. “Many people look alike, but I cannot tell you who this citizen who was pointed out in this investigation is,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. “We will check the lists of honourees.”

Asked about Putin’s remarks on the suspects, Peskov said: “The president said that these people were civilians. Thus, he voiced the information that he had received ... You and I know nothing about these people’s past, it is outside our [job] function.”

However, Maria Zakharovaa spokeswoman for the Russian foreign ministry, said the story was a fabrication. “There [is] no proof,” she wrote in an online post, “so they continue this information campaign, the main goal of which is to distract attention from the main question: what happened in Salisbury?”

Journalists from the two outlets responded by saying that was exactly what they were trying to find out.

“I read Maria Zakharova’s response, where she writes that our investigation into Salisbury is a fabrication, aiming to distract attention from what happened in Salisbury,” wrote Roman Dobrokhotov, the editor of the Insider, with sarcasm. “I thought [about that one] for a while.”

A British court has charged Boshirov and another man, identified publicly as Alexander Petrov, with attempting to murder Skripal by spraying the nerve agent novichok on the handle of his front door. Skripal, his daughter, and a police officer were admitted to hospital. Scotland Yard has said it believes that Petrov is an alias and that it knows the man’s true name.

The Russian daily Komsomolskaya Pravda, one of the country’s most popular tabloid newspapers, claimed that the journalists’ investigation into Chepiga was flawed. Citing an unnamed source in the Russian defence ministry, the paper said elements of the officer’s timeline appeared odd, including the amount of time he spent at a military academy and the address he listed at the time.

The source also said that Chepiga was too well educated by the military to be sent on the combat missions for which he was likely to have been awarded Hero of the Russian Federation, the country’s highest honour.

“The academy prepares military diplomats and attaches,” the paper said. “Officers who have finished this academy are a different kind of good, who won’t be sent to fulfil just any missions with speznaz [special forces] near the border with Ukraine.”

Chepiga received the award in December 2014, at a time when Russian military officers were active in Ukraine.

RT, the state-funded website formerly called Russia Today, interviewed Boshirov and Petrov earlier this month. In the interview, the two men presented themselves as travelling nutritional supplement salesmen on holiday in Salisbury. Margarita Simonyan, the television station’s editor, publicly speculated whether they were gay.

The station’s top brass have promoted the bizarre interview. It has already produced T-shirts with RT’s logo and Simonyan’s question from the interview: “Do you work for GRU?” Boshirov, during the interview, shot back: “Do you?”

On Thursday, Simonyan posted a meme floating around the internet. “Are you Chepiga?” she asks in a speech bubble. “Are you?” Chepiga, or Boshirov, replies.

Britanniassa miestä pidettiin vankina ulkovajassa 40 vuotta

Britanniassa viranomaiset ovat löytäneet miehen, jonka uskotaan eläneen 40 vuotta vankeudessa ulkovajassa. Asiasta kertovat muiden muassa BBC ja Guardian. Mies löytyi vihjesoiton perusteella vajasta Britannian keskiosissa Carlislen kaupungin pohjoispuolelta.

Tapaukseen liittyen on pidätetty 79-vuotias mies. Viranomaisten mukaan vajasta löydetyn 58-vuotiaan miehen uskotaan joutuneen tekemään palkatonta työtä 16–17-vuotiaasta saakka. Vajassa oli hänen lisäkseen vain tuoli ja likaisia vuodevaatteita.


Cumbria slavery probe: Man 'lived in shed for 40 years'


The man was said to be living in a shed containing just a chair and soiled bedding
A potential victim of modern slavery has been rescued after living in a shed for 40 years, according to the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority.

Officers found the 58-year-old British man with just a chair and soiled bedding during a raid at a residential site north of Carlisle on Wednesday.

He was taken away to be assessed by specialist medical staff.

A 79-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of modern slavery offences.

'Rabbit in headlights'
Martin Plimmer from the GLAA said: "The information that was given to us was that he had been kept in the shed for a period of 40 years.

"When we found him he was like a rabbit in headlights and very confused.

"He was just in the clothes he stood up in and where he was sleeping in the shed there was just a soiled duvet on the floor.

"There was no heating and it was very cold. It was conditions that no human being should live in."

Mr Plimmer said the man appeared to have been made to carry out unpaid work from the age of 16 or 17.

He said it was unclear whether the man had ever tried to leave.

"He has been traumatised for such a length of time that it will be a slow process to win back his trust," Mr Plimmer added.

He said the 79-year-old arrested man would be questioned in due course.

Mr Plimmer added: "In my long career I've never come across anyone who has been held as a slave potentially for 40 years and this, I think, could be the longest period of captivity that we have dealt with.

"It's an extremely sad and serious case."

The raid resulted from a call to a confidential helpline, Mr Plimmer said.

The operation was supported by the National Crime Agency and Cumbria Police.

Carlisle City Council's private sector housing team, which was investigating possible health and safety breaches, was also involved.
Britannia syyttää GRU:ta maailmanlaajuisista kyberhyökkäyksistä.


"Oct. 04 2018 - 09:10
Britain Accuses Russia's GRU Military Intelligence of Global Cyber Attacks

Britain accused Russian military intelligence on Thursday of directing a host of cyber attacks aimed at undermining Western democracies by sowing confusion in everything from sport to transport and the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

In a British assessment based on work by its National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), Russian military intelligence (GRU) was cast as a pernicious cyber aggressor which used a network of hackers to spread discord across the world.

GRU, Britain said, was almost certainly behind the BadRabbit and World Anti-Doping Agency attacks of 2017, the hack of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in 2016 and the theft of emails from a U.K.-based TV station in 2015.

"The GRU’s actions are reckless and indiscriminate: They try to undermine and interfere in elections in other countries," said British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt.
"Our message is clear — together with our allies, we will expose and respond to the GRU’s attempts to undermine international stability," Hunt said. Britain believes the Russian government is responsible for the attacks.

Though less well known than the Soviet Union's once mighty KGB, Russia's military intelligence service played a major role in some of the biggest events of the past century, from the Cuban missile crisis to the annexation of Crimea.

Russia cyber power?
Though commonly known by the acronym GRU, which stands for the Main Intelligence Directorate, its name was formally changed in 2010 to the Main Directorate of the General Staff (or just GU). Its old acronym — GRU — is still more widely used.

It has agents across the globe and answers directly to the chief of the general staff and the Russian defense minister. The GRU does not comment publicly on its actions. Its structure, staff numbers and financing are Russian state secrets.

The GRU traces its history back to the times of Ivan the Terrible, though it was founded as the Registration Directorate in 1918 after the Bolshevik Revolution. Vladimir Lenin insisted on its independence from other secret services.

British Prime Minister Theresa May has said GRU officers used a nerve agent to try to kill former double agent Sergei Skripal, who was found unconscious in the English city of Salisbury in March. Russia has repeatedly denied the charges.

After the Skripal poisoning, the West agreed with Britain's assessment that Russian military intelligence was to blame and launched the biggest expulsion of Russian spies working under diplomatic cover since the height of the Cold War.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, himself a former KGB spy, said on Wednesday that Skripal, a GRU officer who betrayed dozens of agents to Britain's MI6 foreign spy service, was a "scumbag" who had betrayed Russia.

Britain said the GRU was associated with a host of hackers including APT 28, Fancy Bear, Sofacy, Pawnstorm, Sednit, CyberCaliphate, Cyber Berkut, Voodoo Bear and BlackEnergy Actors.
"This pattern of behaviour demonstrates their desire to operate without regard to international law or established norms and to do so with a feeling of impunity and without consequences," Foreign Secretary Hunt said.

The United States sanctioned GRU officers including its chief, Igor Korobov, in 2016 and 2018 for attempted interference in the 2016 U.S. election and cyber attacks.
"Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU), a Russian military intelligence organization, knowingly engages in significant activities that undermine cybersecurity on behalf of the Russian government," the U.S. Treasury said in March."
Marks & Spencer myy hijab-pääliinaa lapsille kouluasusteeksi – kauppaketjulle sortosyytöksiä sosiaalisessa mediassa

Eilen klo 21:04

Yritykselle sataa kritiikkiä Twitterissä. Marks & Spencerin mukaan koulut ovat toivoneet hijabeita myytäväksi juuri kouluvaatteeksi.
Ikäkysymys on asia, joka on herättänyt yrityksen toiminnassa eniten kritiikkiä. Monen mielestä kolmivuotias ei ole valmis tekemään päätöstä siitä, haluaako hän pitää huivia vai ei.

Britannia saattaa jäädä tulliliittoon EU:n kanssa – Ratkaisisi myös ongelman Irlannin rajan kanssa
Lehden mukaan nyt kaavailtu sopimus pitää avoinna myös sen, että Britannia voisi solmia EU:n kanssa samanlaisen vapaakauppasopimuksen kuin Kanadan kanssa vuonna 2016 tehty sopimus.


Osaako joku selittää, miksi tuollaista sopimusta ei voitu saada aikaiseksi aikaisemmin, vai onko EU kiukutellut tuota vastaan ihan vain kostaakseen Briteille kun lähtivät EU:sta?
Osaako joku selittää, miksi tuollaista sopimusta ei voitu saada aikaiseksi aikaisemmin, vai onko EU kiukutellut tuota vastaan ihan vain kostaakseen Briteille kun lähtivät EU:sta?
Taisi olla toisinpäin, tulliliittokin oli osalle brittejä sitä EU:n säätelyä josta haluttiin eroon. Ilmeisesti Johnsonin ja Davisin lähtö hallituksesta mahdollistaa tulliliittoon jäämisen.
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Osaako joku selittää, miksi tuollaista sopimusta ei voitu saada aikaiseksi aikaisemmin, vai onko EU kiukutellut tuota vastaan ihan vain kostaakseen Briteille kun lähtivät EU:sta?
Tässähän on kyse vain väliaikaisesta ratkaisusta. Jos on tulliliitossa, ei voi solmia omia kauppasopimuksia.

Mallit ovat olleet tällaisia
(kuva brittiparlamentin sivuilta https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201719/cmselect/cmexeu/935/93504.htm )

Eli lopullinen sopimus on eri asia kuin mistä nyt neuvotellaan. Nyt neuvotellaan erosopimuksesta ja jatkoajasta jona britit muuttuvat sääntöjen vastaanottajiksi rajoitetuksia ajaksi.

Sen jälkeen on Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan solmittava pysyvämpi sopimus EU:n kanssa, tietenkin edellyttäen että Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta on vielä olemassa...
Osaako joku selittää, miksi tuollaista sopimusta ei voitu saada aikaiseksi aikaisemmin, vai onko EU kiukutellut tuota vastaan ihan vain kostaakseen Briteille kun lähtivät EU:sta?
Lisäksi Britit haluaa kirsikoita kakun päältä kun taas EU ei voi erotella toisistaan vapaata tavaroiden liikkumista, vapaata ihmisten liikkumista ja palveluiden sekä vapaata rahan liikkumista.

Ei niin, mutta Eu voi säätää halutessaan vaikka "rasistisen" lain jossa tummapintaiset ei pääse Eu:n lueelle. Tuo on vain halusta ja tahdosta kiinni. Sopimukset on pelkkää paperia.
Juu, ja kaasuttaa ne jotka on jo alueelle päässyt. Kyllähän britit ja hieman sivistyneemmällä tutkalla, saavat laittaa rajalleen millaisen muurin haluavat mutta kun Irlanti ei halua. Ja tähän ei ratkaisua löydy.