Uutisia Israelista

Sandaalit jäi... Olikohan jihadistien pommi räjähtänyt kyydissä...

Palestinians claim Israel eliminated PIJ members; IDF denies report
According to the Palestinian media, Israel eliminated two Palestinian Islamic Jihad members in an airstrike on Tuesday afternoon. The IDF has denied the report: “No attack by the IDF was carried out in the Gaza Strip.” Dec 12, 2017, 3:30PM Becca Noy/Daniel Gilenson

PIJ terrorists eliminated Photo credit: Channel 2 News

As the tensions along Israel’s border with Gaza continue to rise, Palestinian media outlets claimed on Tuesday that two Palestinian Islamic Jihad members were eliminated in an Israeli airstrike. The IDF has denied the reports of Israeli involvement.
According to the Palestinian reports, the two members, Hussein Ghazi and Usama Sultan, were on a motorcycle in the Beit Lahia area when they were eliminated. However, it was not immediately confirmed that this incident was an elimination. “Contrary to the Palestinian reports, no attack by the IDF was carried out in the Gaza Strip,” the IDF spokesperson said in a statement.
Yesterday, several rockets were fired from Gaza toward Israeli territory. The last rocket was fired at around 11:30 PM toward Ashkelon. An Iron Dome battery intercepted the rocket over the city. In response to the rocket fire, IDF tanks and Israeli Air Force fighter jets targeted Hamas posts in northern Gaza.

Jos olisi ollut ilmaisku, niin epäilisin että tuo niiden motskari olisi pienemmissä osissa - jihadistit eliminoivat itse itsensä...
Jos olisi ollut ilmaisku, niin epäilisin että tuo niiden motskari olisi pienemmissä osissa - jihadistit eliminoivat itse itsensä...

Jonkinlainen kraaterikin kuuluisi asiaan, joskaan sen puutetta ei oikeastaan voi todeta tuon kuvan perusteella.

Mutta veikkaan, että kohta siellä aletaan jälleen valittamaan DIME aseiden käytöstä.
Israel kostanee pian Gazassa.

2 rockets fired from Gaza intercepted by Iron Dome
The rocket fire towards Israel continues this evening, while the Iron Dome system intercepted 2 rockets, a third landed in an open field and a fourth landed within Gaza’s territory. Israel stated that if the rocket fire does not stop, it will dramatically toughen its responses. Dec 13, 2017, 10:00PM Judith Abramson

A Red Alert rocket siren was sounded this evening (Wednesday) within towns along the Gaza border, Sderot and Ashqelon Beach Regional Council. A 30-year-old man was slightly injured while running towards the bomb shelters. According to initial reports, the Iron Dome system intercepted two of the rockets fired.
Shortly afterwards, an additional rocket landed within the Gaza Strip and another exploded in an open field within the Eshkol Regional Council. Due to the location of the rocket landing, the Red Alert rocket siren was not sounded.


A shot of the footage from the Iron Dome interception Photo Credit: Assaf Houri/Channel 2 News

An Israeli defense official stated today that if the rocket fire from Gaza does not stop, the IDF will dramatically toughen its response. The Israeli security establishment is already prepared for a significant increase in its responses towards the rocket fire and also, for the day that the rocket fire will come to an end. “If nothing changes, we won’t maintain our measured responses,” a senior-level Israeli defense official stated.

"The maximum use of force is in no way incompatible with the simultaneous use of the intellect."
-Carl v. Clausewitz
Vaikka Israel ei ole mikään mukavuuden huippumaa ja demokratian kehto, niin siellä huippupoliitikotkin saavat linnaa:


A former tourism minister from the Yisrael Beytenu party began his 15-month prison term on Sunday on breach of trust charges.

Stas Misezhnikov arrived early Sunday morning at Hermon Prison, after pleading guilty as part of a plea deal. He was also fined NIS 70,000 (just under $20,000) as part of the agreement with prosecutors.

Tässä voisi olla Suomessa miettimistä..kun ollaan "vähiten korruptoitunut maa" :rolleyes::poop:
Mamasin raketti osiu oman jäsenen taloon. Lisää tällaista!

Terrorists launched rocket at Israel from Gaza, hit home of Hamas member
Yesterday, a terrorist organization accidentally fired a rocket into the home of a Gazan resident, who turned out to be the brother of Hamas Spokesperson Mushir al-Masri. Dec 16, 2017, 12:00PM Daniel Gilenson


Rocket launch from Gaza Photo credit: Reuters/ Channel 2 News

Yesterday (Friday), a terrorist organization attempted to launch a rocket from Gaza into Israel but the rocket accidentally hit the home of the brother of Hamas Spokesperson Mushir al-Masri.
"They are singlehandedly destroying the future of Gaza's residents," IDF Major General Yoav (Poli) Mordechai wrote on Facebook. "A rocket that was launched a short time ago from Gaza hit a house in Beit Hanoun."
"This is not the first time that the terrorist organizations launch rockets at the Gazan residents themselves," he added. "Only last week, a classroom was destroyed in a public school in Beit Hanoun and tonight, in another unfortunate incident, the home of another family was badly damaged."

Avoda Aravit! :D
Kappas, omat koirat purivat!

Israel eroaa UNESCO:sta. USA on jo lähettänyt eroilmoituksen aikaisemmin.

Israel on lähettänyt virallisen ilmoituksen, jonka mukaan se eroaa YK:n kasvatus- tiede- ja kulttuurijärjestöstä Unescosta.

Asiasta kertoi Unescon pääsihteeri Audrey Azoulay.

Israel perustelee päätöstään järjestön "jatkuvilla hyökkäyksillä Israelin valtiota vastaan". Ero astuu voimaan vuoden 2018 lopussa.
Sotilasta nettivideolla läimäytellyt teini sai syytteet Israelissa – 16-vuotias palestiinalaistyttö on monille vastarinnan symboli
Ahed Tamimi on ollut mukana israelilaismiehitystä vastustavissa protesteissa, ja monet palestiinalaiset pitävät häntä sankarina. Israel puolestaan syyttää tytön perheen käyttävän häntä pelinappulana provokaatioissa.


Israelissa maanantaina syytteitä saanut palestiinalaistyttö Ahed Tamimi saapui viime viikolla oikeussaliin vartijoiden saattelemana. (KUVA: AMMAR AWAD / REUTERS)
Anu-Elina Ervasti HS
Julkaistu: 1.1. 21:49
ISRAELISSA 16-vuotias palestiinalaistyttö joutuu sotilastuomioistuimen eteen sen jälkeen, kun hänestä kuvattu video levisi sosiaalisessa mediassa joulukuussa. Ahed Tamimille luettiin maanantaina syytteet yhteensä 12 eri rikoksesta, kertoo Israelin armeija uutistoimistojen mukaan.

Tamimi pidätettiin joulukuun lopulla sen jälkeen, kun hänestä Länsirannalla kuvattu video oli levinnyt sosiaalisessa mediassa. Videolla tyttö läimäytteli ja potki kahta israelilaista sotilasta.

Joulukuun puolessavälissä kuvatulla videolla näkyy, kuinka Tamimi ja hänen serkkunsa kehottavat sotilaita häipymään. Perheen mukaan video kuvattiin heidän kotitalonsa pihalla Nabi Salehin kylässä.

Tämän jälkeen Tamimi tönii, läimäyttelee ja potkii sotilaita samalla, kun hänen paikalle tullut äitinsä yrittää mennä väliin ja työntää sotilasta poispäin.

TAMIMI on tällä hetkellä vangittuna. Hänen saamansa syytteet koskevat uutistoimisto Reutersin mukaan muun muassa törkeää pahoinpitelyä ja virkatehtävässä olevan sotilaan häiritsemistä.

Syytteissä viitataan uutistoimistojen mukaan myös aiempiin tapauksiin, joissa Tamimi on muun muassa häirinnyt ja uhkaillut sotilaita, heitellyt kiviä sekä osallistunut armeijan mellakoiksi luonnehtimiin mielenosoituksiin.

Myös videolla näkyviä äitiä ja serkkua vastaan on nostettu syytteitä. Äitiä, jonka kerrotaan ladanneen videon Facebookiin, syytetään muun muassa ”terrori-iskuihin kannustamisesta”, AFP kertoo. Sekä Ahed Tamimia että hänen äitiään aiotaan pitää vangittuna ainakin tammikuun 8. päivään asti, jolloin tapauksessa järjestetään uusi kuuleminen.

AIEMMIN Tamimi on ollut mukana myös muissa israelilaismiehitystä vastustavissa protesteissa. Runsaasti julkisuutta on saanut esimerkiksi valokuva, jossa hän heristi yhdeksänvuotiaana nyrkkiään israelilaiselle sotilaalle. Kuvan julkaisun jälkeen Turkin presidentti Recep Tayyip Erdoğan kutsui hänet AFP:n mukaan tapaamiseen vuonna 2012.

Palestiinalaisista moni pitää Tamimia sankarina, ja pidätyksen jälkeen hän on saanut runsaasti kannustavaa palautetta sosiaalisessa mediassa. Hänen vapauttamisekseen on myös järjestetty mielenosoituksia.

”Koska Ahedista tuli jonkinlainen vastarinnan symboli, haluttiin löytää keino, jonka avulla hänet voitaisiin pitää vangittuna pitkään”, perheen asianajaja Gaby Laskyuskoo AFP:n mukaan. Hänen mukaansa on ”outoa”, että syytteet koskevat myös menneitä tapauksia.

Israel puolestaan syyttää tytön perheen käyttävän häntä pelinappulana provokaatioissa, joiden tarkoitus on saada julkisuutta. Israelissa on Reutersin mukaan keskusteltu myös muun muassa siitä, osoittivatko videolla näkyvät sotilaat asiaan kuuluvaa itsehillintää vai olisivatko kovemmat otteet olleet tarpeen.

SOTILAAN pahoinpitelystä voidaan Reutersin mukaan tuomita jopa 10 vuoden vankeusrangaistukseen. Koska Tamimi on alaikäinen, näin ankara tuomio olisi kuitenkin epätodennäköinen.

Tamimin asianajaja ei maanantaina osannut kommentoida tarkkaan mahdollisen rangaistuksen ankaruutta, mutta pelkäsi pitkää tuomiota. Uutistoimisto Reutersin mukaan hän uskoo, että osa syytteistä hylätään. Osaan syyttäjät saattavat silti ainakin vaatia ankarinta mahdollista rangaistusta.
Veren kaivaminen nenästä, osa 278:

Rocket fired from Gaza falls in southern Israel, no casualties or damage reported
A rocket launched from the Gaza Strip fell in southern Israel on Monday evening. The rocket exploded in open territory and no casualties or damage was reported. Security forces are arriving at the area to discard of the remains.Jan 1, 2018, 10:30PMAvital Zippel


Iron Dome intercepting a rocket (archive). Photo Credit: EPA

A rocket was launched from the northern Gaza Strip and exploded in open territory near a southern Israeli town on Monday evening. No casualties or damage was reported.
The Red Alert siren did not go off. Security forces are arriving at the area of the explosion to discard of the remains and there are currently no special instructions for civilians.
Tensions along the Gaza border have been escalating recently. On Friday, three rockets were fired into Israel from the Gaza Strip. Two of them were intercepted by the Iron Dome system and the third landed on top of a building in an Israeli town; no casualties were reported.
In response to the rocket fire, IDF tanks and Israeli Air Force fighter jets attacked Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip. In in an interview with Israel News Company on Saturday, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that Salafist extremists in Gaza receive support, money and ideology from global jihad extremists and Iran, and are attempting to drag Israel into “an all-out battle in the Gaza Strip.”
In a statement on Friday, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said: “The very serious firing on Friday proved again that Iran, through rogue terror organizations and extremists, is working to deteriorate the regional situation.”


@TomTom Google Chromella linkin liittäminen onnistuu. Firefoxilla ei.
US gives nod to Israel targeting of Iranian military chief in Syria: Report
Qassem Soleimani, head of the Quds Force and mastermind of Iran's clandestine foreign military exploits, is a target of Israel, say reports

Amandla Thomas-Johnson
Monday 1 January 2018 14:55 UTC
Last update: Tuesday 2 January 2018 14:27 UTC

The US has given Israel the green light to assassinate General Qassem Soleimani, commander of an elite Iranian military unit and mastermind behind Tehran's military operations across the Middle East, Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida reported on Monday.

Al-Jarida quoted an unnamed source in Jerusalem who said that the two allies have made a quiet agreement after deciding that Soleimani is a “threat to the two countries’ interests in the region".

According to the same source, the Americans thwarted an Israeli attempt to kill Soleimani three years ago near Damascus, warning the Iranians about the plan.

That incident "sparked a sharp disagreement between the Israeli and American security and intelligence apparatuses".

Israeli daily Haaretz has described Al-Jarida as an Israeli mouthpiece.

Mahan Abedin, an analyst of Iranian politics, told MEE that the "deal appears to make sense" if seen within a context of increased American aggression toward Iran and Israel's willingness "to go after Iranian assets".

"Even before Trump’s arrival, the CIA has become a lot more aggressive towards Iran and have gone as far as to appoint Mike D'Andrea - dubbed 'Ayatollah Mike' - who has form in having an aggressive attitude toward Iran, to head their Iran department.

"The problem they have is that they don’t have a good record at penetrating Iranian state structures," Abedin added.

"The Israelis, on the other hand, are prepared to do things Americans aren't prepared to do," Abedin said, referring to the assassinations of a number of Iranian nuclear scientists in Iran, and Iranian military figures abroad, allegedly by Israel.

"It doesn’t surprise me the Israelis planned to assassinate Soleimani three years ago and are prepared to do so now."

The Al-Jarida report also claimed to identify, for the first time, Iran's number two in Syria after Soleimani, as Mohammad Reza Falahzadeh, nicknamed "Abu Bakr".

Falahzadeh, a military commander, has been given wide powers to operate in Syria and also joined the Iranian delegation at the Astana conference aimed at settling the Syrian conflict, according to the report.

The revelation of Falahzadeh's identity will present a breakthrough for Syrian opposition forces which are interested in targeting Iran's chain of command in Syria.

Since 2015, there have been several reports that Soleimani was wounded in Syria, though these have never been confirmed by Iran.

He is thought to be behind the Syrian government's resurgence during the siege of Aleppo and had been a point man for the Russian-Iranian axis that has turned the war in Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad’s favour.

Several weeks ago, CIA chief Mike Pompeo said that he had written to Soleimani over fears that Iranian forces might attack American troops in Iraq. He didn't specify when he sent the letter.

“What we were communicating to him in that letter was that we will hold he and Iran accountable for any attacks on American interests in Iraq by forces that are under their control,” Pompeo said during a discussion at the annual Reagan National Defence Forum in southern California.

Al-Jarida's report comes days after Israeli Channel 10 news reported that Israel and the US had signed a cooperation agreement on how to deal with Iran.

US national security adviser HR McMaster and his Israeli counterpart, Meir Ben-Shabbat, reportedly led negotiations that ended in the 12 December agreement signed at the White House.

According to Channel 10, the agreement will translate Trump's decertification of the Iranian nuclear deal into action by appointing three working groups.

One group will be responsible for countering Iran's nuclear programme, another will aim to check Tehran's influence in the region - most notably its links with Hezbollah - and the third will focus on Tehran's expanding ballistic missile programme.

Trump, who has repeatedly voiced his disapproval of the landmark 2015 nuclear deal, fell short of scrapping it in October, leaving its fate for Congress to decide. But he warned that he was launching a new strategy to deal with Iran’s “fanatical regime".

“We will not continue down a path whose predictable conclusion is more violence, more terror and the very real threat of Iran’s nuclear breakout,” Trump said in October.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long been an opponent of the deal even before it was ratified and had unsuccessfully lobbied then US president Barack Obama to stop it being passed.

The Israeli ministry of foreign affairs and the US State Department have not responded to questions at the time of publication.

Suleimanin lupaama apu Hamasille on varmaan vaikuttanut USA:n suhtautumiseen kaverin kohtaloon.

Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar: Qassem Soleimani Contacted Us, Pledged to Place IRGC Capabilities at Our Disposal
In a recent speech in Gaza, Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar said that Qassem Soleimani, Commander of the IRGC's Qods Force, had contacted the commanders of the Al-Qassam Brigades and the Al-Quds Brigades and had said: "We place all our capabilities at your disposal in the battle for the defense of Jerusalem." According to Sinwar, Soleimani set no conditions to this pledge. Sinwar's speech was broadcast by Mayadeen TV on December 25.
Viimeksi muokattu:
IDF:n esikuntapäällikkö toppuuttelee Gazan hyökkäyksen lietsojia.

IDF Chief of Staff says calls for maximum military response in Gaza are ‘irresponsible’
In a speech on Tuesday morning, IDF Chief of General Staff Gadi Eizenkot addressed the challenges awaiting the IDF and the current situation on Israel’s fronts. Eizenkot said groups “under an Iranian umbrella” are operating in Gaza and along Israeli borders and warned against “irresponsible” declarations calling for a full military response in the Gaza Strip. Jan 2, 2018, 11:00AM Avital Zippel


Gadi Eizenkot Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

IDF Chief of General Staff Gadi Eizenkot addressed the tensions with Gaza in a speech on Tuesday morning concerning the challenges that await the IDF in the upcoming year. Eizenkot said that declarations calling for the IDF to attack at full throttle in response to rocket fire from Gaza are irresponsible.
Eizenkot clarified that Gaza is a densely populated area that is filled with Iranian-sponsored rogue terror groups who are attempting to drag Israel into a military campaign in the Gaza Strip. The Chief of Staff said the IDF only attacks terror targets and has only ever done so. “We do not accept the launch of a sole rocket. We respond in varying intensity,” Said Eizenkot. “We are on high alert.”
During his speech, Eizenkot said that the IDF has the best tools in its arsenal to be used if needed. However, the general clarified that Gaza is experiencing difficult times, with a rapidly-worsening humanitarian crisis and unemployment rates of 47% that is deterring Hamas from escalation. It is also causing Hamas to work towards a reconciliation with the Palestinian Authority.


Rocket launched from Gaza (archive) Photo Credit: EPA

With regards to the situation in the West Bank, Eizenkot said that Israel has successfully stabilized the region without causing further escalation. “We knew how to separate between terror and the population,” said Eizenkot, explaining that around 70 thousand Palestinians from the West Bank worked within Israel in 2017. Eizenkot also adressed Iran and said that all of Israel’s fronts are “under an Iranian umbrella.” The regime is sponsoring Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen, among others, Eizenkot said.

Suomalaiset turistit oli onnistuneet räjäyttämään asuntonsa Istaelissa. Kaasu ja alkkomaahooli kun ei oikein sovi asiaan keskenään. Kuulin naiselta, valitettavasti ei linkkiä.


The Indian corporation TATA will adapt the Israeli Watergen water program implementing air into water, striving to help the water crisis in the region. The deal, which has the opportunity to bring billions to Israeli society, was signed this week as a part of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to India.


The Indian corporation TATA will adapt the Israeli Watergen water program implementing air into water, striving to help the water crisis in the region. The deal, which has the opportunity to bring billions to Israeli society, was signed this week as a part of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to India.

Jahas, epäilen perinteistä intialaista keikausta, tuote kopioidaan ja sopimus puretaan pikaisesti...
Israelin puolustusministeri halusi hyökätä Irakiin Persian lahden sodan aikana 1991.

Revealed: Israel’s defense minister wanted to counterattack Saddam in 1991
In a rare tape that was released Thursday by the IDF Archives, Dan Shomron, who was the IDF chief of staff during the 1991 Gulf War, is heard revealing that the defense minister at the time wanted to attack Saddam Hussein in retaliation for the missiles that he fired at Israel. Jan 18, 2018, 6:00PM Becca Noy

Arens and Barak Photo Credit: The Israeli Defense Ministry’s IDF Archives

The Israeli Defense Ministry’s IDF Archives released newly declassified records the Frist Gulf War on Thursday, marking 27 years since the 1991 conflict. The records include a tape in which then-IDF Chief of Staff Dan Shomron revealed that Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Arens had a plan to attack Saddam Hussein.

“I had some tensions with Arens,” Shomron is heard saying in the recording. “I presented him the plan of the air force commander on Saturday morning, after the first missile attack. Arens called [US Defense Secretary Dick] Cheney and told him- ‘move your planes, we want to attack in western Iraq.’” Shomron added that he was against the idea of an attack because he thought that such a move would ruin the work being carried out by the international coalition, which included various Arab states.
In a different recording, Arens, who is now 92 years old, recalled his trip to the US with Deputy IDF Chief of Staff Ehud Barak during the war. In Washington, the two met with US President George H. W. Bush and Arens informed the American leader that the Patriot missiles have failed to intercept the Iraqi Scud missiles.
“The next missile could be chemical, we can’t wait any longer and I’m asking that you coordinate with us and we will launch an operation,” Arens said that he told Bush. “Bush was really angry. ‘What, you can do what we can’t?’ he said. I didn’t want to be a jerk and tell him, ‘Yes, yes, we can.’”


Damage caused by Iraqi Scud missiles Photo Credit: The Israeli Defense Ministry’s IDF Archives

Arens added that in a different discussion with senior US officials, he was told: “If you want to launch an operation, we will just pull out of the region and you guys can do whatever you want.”

Shabbat Shalom!

Kaverit ottaneet komennon "lepo" aika kirjaimellisesti... :D

Taas joku pahoittanut mielensä:


Yleisradion Lähi-idän kirjeenvaihtaja joutui eilen maanantaina Israelissa asiattomaan turvatarkastukseen. Akkreditoitunut toimittaja oli menossa seuraamaan Jerusalemissa Yhdysvaltojen varapresidentti Mike Pencen vierailua.

Toimittajanainen ohjattiin pääministeri Benjamin Netanjahun toimistolla verhon taakse. Naista kuulusteltiin ja hänet tutkittiin metallinpaljastimella.

Turvallisuusviranomaiset vaativat toimittajaa riisumaan rintaliivinsä, mistä hän kieltäytyi. Naista ei päästetty lehdistötilaisuuteen.

Itteltä aikoinaan otettiin kalsareistakin räjähdysaine-swabbi, joten voi voi.

Tämäkin on aika hauska: Yle on reagoinut tapaukseen kaikin käytettävissä olevin keinoin, mutta ei avaa toimenpiteitä julkisesti.