Uutisia Israelista

Taas joku pahoittanut mielensä:


Yleisradion Lähi-idän kirjeenvaihtaja joutui eilen maanantaina Israelissa asiattomaan turvatarkastukseen. Akkreditoitunut toimittaja oli menossa seuraamaan Jerusalemissa Yhdysvaltojen varapresidentti Mike Pencen vierailua.

Toimittajanainen ohjattiin pääministeri Benjamin Netanjahun toimistolla verhon taakse. Naista kuulusteltiin ja hänet tutkittiin metallinpaljastimella.

Turvallisuusviranomaiset vaativat toimittajaa riisumaan rintaliivinsä, mistä hän kieltäytyi. Naista ei päästetty lehdistötilaisuuteen.

Itteltä aikoinaan otettiin kalsareistakin räjähdysaine-swabbi, joten voi voi.

Tämäkin on aika hauska: Yle on reagoinut tapaukseen kaikin käytettävissä olevin keinoin, mutta ei avaa toimenpiteitä julkisesti.

Yleisradio tehostaa ensi talvena Lähi-idän uutisseurantaa. Uudeksi kirjeenvaihtajaksi Jerusalemiin, Israeliin on valittu Aishi Zidan, 31. Hän työskentelee tällä hetkellä Ylen ulkomaantoimittajana.


Taas joku pahoittanut mielensä:
Yleisradion Lähi-idän kirjeenvaihtaja joutui eilen maanantaina Israelissa asiattomaan turvatarkastukseen.

Voi kyynel sentään. Yleisradion todennäköisesti poliittinen toimittaja ja Israel. Miten paljon lienee ulissut asiattomasti twiitterissä siitä miten Yhdysvalloissa on ikävä hallinto.

editointia: se olikin hän, no en ole seurannut mitä twiitterissä
Porukka kuvittelee, että Israelissa on sama lainsäädäntö kuin Suomessa. Etninen profilointi on arkipäivää ja takuuvarmasti pääset turvatarkastukseen jos näytät hieman jihadistilta. Palestiinalaistausta varmasti aiheutti tuon turvatarkastuksen, ymmärrettävistä syistä.
Jos haluatte katsoa hieman israelilaista kulttuuria Israelin arabien katsantokannasta, niin mikään ei ole niin hyvä kuin Avoda Aravit (Arab Labour, slangisanonta jostain mikä on tehty huonosti) :D On yksi Israelin suosituimmista komediasarjoista.

Israelin sotilaat nokkapokassa toisiaan vastaan.

Camp Ariel Sharon: Dozens of IDF soldiers brawl leaving 9 wounded
Soldiers from the IDF's 20th and 13th training bases exchanged blows near Camp Ariel Sharon's mess hall today. A moderately injured soldier was transported along with several others to the hospital for medical treatment. Jan 26, 2018, 2:00PM Judith Abramson

9 IDF soldiers wounded in brawl Photo Credit: Yossi Zamir/Flash90

At least 9 IDF soldiers were injured during a fistfight at Camp Ariel Sharon in the Negev Desert. The brawl occurred outside of the mess hall, when IDF Technology and Maintenance Corps soldiers from the 20th Training Base and IDF Military Police soldiers from the 13th Training Base began exchanging blows.

At least one of the soldiers sustained moderate injuries and was transported to the hospital along with seven other soldiers for medical treatment. According to eye witnesses, some of the soldiers were hit on their heads with tools found by other soldiers.
The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit stated that the circumstances behind the incident are being investigated, while the unit commanders will discipline the soldiers based on their involvement in the event.

Täytyy myöntää, että mulla ei ollut ihan tällainen mielikuva Gazasta.

Al-Jazeera TV Report on Boom in Gaza Consumer Enterprises
Al-Jazeera took a look at the booming consumer economy of Gaza in a recent episode of its "Economy and the People" show. Footage from shopping malls, restaurants, and tourist resorts shows that business is thriving. According to the investors and businessmen interviewed, this type of project is attractive because of the promise of quick profits and the low risks involved, but they cited the closure of the border crossings as a major factor impeding development and pinned their hopes on Fatah-Hamas reconciliation, which would lead to an amelioration of the circumstances in Gaza and to rising profits. The report aired on November 26, 2017
Israel harjoittelee jenkkien kanssa kahden rintaman ohjushyökkäyksen torjuntaa.

Major American-Israeli military drill to take place next week
Next week, a major military drill will be conducted across Israel by IDF and American troops. The exercise simulates massive simultaneous rocket attacks from the southern and northern fronts and comes at a time when the tensions between Israel and Hezbollah are relatively high. Feb 1, 2018, 3:00PM Becca Noy


The drill in 2014 Photo Credit: US Embassy Tel Aviv/Flash 90

US forces have arrived in Israel ahead of a major joint military drill with the IDF next week. Juniper Cobra is a five-day military exercise that simulates massive simultaneous rocket attacks on Israel from the southern and northern fronts, the Channel 10 News agency reported on Wednesday.

The biennial Israeli-American drill was first held in Israel in 2001. Over 3,000 US and Israeli soldiers participated in the previous 2016 drill.
Next week’s exercise is set to take place at a time when the tensions between Israel and the Lebanon-based Hezbollah terrorist group are high. Earlier this week, Hezbollah sent a threat to Israel, stating that if the Israeli Defense Ministry does not stop building the barrier wall along the Lebanese border, it will fire rockets at Israel.
On Wednesday, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman addressed the possibility of an escalation along Israel’s northern border. Lieberman explained that “all options are open” but that Israel must prepare for a ground campaign. “There is no going forward and backward. We will go forward as quickly as possible,” the defense minister said. “Unlike the 2006 Lebanon War, there cannot be images of Beirut’s residents at the beach while [people] in Tel Aviv sit in shelters. If [people] in Israel sit in shelters during the next war, all of Beirut will be in shelters.”

Israel hyökkäilee salaisesti ISIS:iä vastaan Siinailla.

Israel operates against ISIS terrorists inside Egypt, report says
A New York Times report claimed Israel has been operating to defeat ISIS in Egypt for over two years with the approval of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. According to the report, Israel has sent unmarked aircraft that frequently conducted airstrikes in the Sinai Peninsula.
Feb 3, 2018, 6:00PMAvital Zippel

Israeli fighter jet (archive) Israeli Air Force/Wikimedia Commons
Israel has carried out a covert campaign against ISIS in Egypt, a report in the New York Times claimed on Saturday. As ISIS militants and Islamists spread in the Sinai desert since 2015, unmarked Israeli aircraft conducted over 100 airstrikes within Egypt, the Times said.
The report cited current and former UK and US officials involved in Middle East policy as sources, all speaking on the condition of anonymity. The frequent airstrikes were allegedly carried out with the approval of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and with full cooperation between the two countries. Furthermore, the US officials said Israel’s covert campaign has played a major role in enabling Egypt’s military to gain an upper hand against terrorists in the Sinai Peninsula.
Both Israel and Egypt allegedly sought to conceal the operation, as the two countries maintain a fragile and fraught relationship. In order to avoid detection, the Israeli aircraft reportedly flew circuitous routes in an attempt to create the impression that they were based in Egypt.
Spokesmen for the Israeli and Egyptian militaries declined to comment. The Egyptian Foreign Ministry also declined to address the report.
As previously reported by JOL, president el-Sisi declared in November that he has instructed the Egyptian authorities to use “all the force necessary” to defeat the terrorist groups in Sinai within three months. “This isn’t logical,” el-Sisi said during a speech, referring to the spread of terrorism in the region. “Within three months, we will fight with all our might and achieve security.”


The Israel Police said Sunday there is sufficient evidence to indict Welfare and Labor Minister Haim Katz and other senior Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) officials on corruption charges.

Olisikohan Suomessakin hieman tarvetta...
Hamasin Gazan johtaja povaa sotaa lähiaikoina.

Hamas Gaza chief orders highest security alert over fear of imminent war with Israel
According to Arabic-language reports, the political leader of Hamas in Gaza has ordered most of the terrorist group's headquarters in Gaza evacuated over fear that Israel plans to launch a military conflict within coming days.
Feb 4, 2018, 3:00PM Omri Ariel

Photo credit: Abed Rahim Khatib, Flash 90

Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza, reportedly believes war with Israel is likely to erupt within the next few days.

According to the London-based Arabic-language newspaper Al-Hayat, Sinwar has ordered Hamas headquarters in Gaza evacuated and has declared the highest level of security alert.
Sinwar's moves come amid reports of multiple upcoming military exercises set to be conducted by Israel along its southern border, including the joint US-Israel Juniper Cobra exercise.
Tensions between Israel and Hamas have significantly increased over the past month, following US President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and his administration's decision to withhold $65 million in funding to UNRWA.
On Saturday, JOL reported that Israeli security officials had told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the rapidly-worsening humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip might prompt Hamas to initiate a military conflict even though it is not interested in one.

Sitten toinen juttu, vaikka onkin vakava, niin yksi lause piti naurattamaan:


In an effort to calm growing tensions, the Shin Bet security agency is initiating “gentle conversations” with far-right activists who have been demanding a harsher military response to the Palestinian terror attacks that left two West Bank rabbis dead within the span of a month.

Jotenkin kiinnostaisi millaisia nämä mukavat keskustelut ovat... :D
Kauan on jo soppa Netan ympärillä kiehunut. Syytteen voi kai nostaa vain oikeuskansleri vai oliko se oikeusministeri.
Kauan on jo soppa Netan ympärillä kiehunut. Syytteen voi kai nostaa vain oikeuskansleri vai oliko se oikeusministeri.

Oikeuskansleri eli Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit. Aika lailla samoin kuin Suomessa, homma menee sitten valtakunnansyyttäjälle.