Uutisia Japanista

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Japanilainen yliopisto perustaa ninjatutkimuksen laitoksen

Ninjatutkimuksen laitos suunnittelee muun muassa keräävänsä dataa ninjoista ja rohkaisevansa alan tutkijoita yhteistyöhön. Japanissa maan keskiosassa sijaitseva Mien yliopisto on perustamassa ninjatutkimuksen laitoksen. Laitoksen on määrä aloittaa toimintansa heinäkuussa. Laitoksen perustamiseen on vaikuttanut kasvava kiinnostus ninjoihin. Laitos suunnittelee muun muassa keräävänsä dataa ninjoista ja rohkaisevansa alan tutkijoita yhteistyöhön.

Yliopiston Japanin historian professorin Yuji Yamadan mukaan laitoksen on tarkoitus julkaista tutkimusta japanin kielen lisäksi myös englanniksi tavoittaakseen ulkomaisia tutkijoita ja faneja. Laitos perustetaan Igaan, joka sijaitsee noin 350 kilometriä lounaaseen maan pääkaupungista Tokiosta. Vuorien ympäröimä Igan kaupunki oli aikoinaan monien ninjojen koti.

Meneillään olevan ninjabuumin myötä esimerkiksi Aichin prefektuuri palkkasi viime vuonna kokopäiväisen ninjan edistämään turismia alueella, joka on tunnettu muun muassa historiallisesta Nagoyan linnastaan. Japanissa ninjoilla on vuosisatoja kestänyt historia. Ninjat olivat feodaalisessa Japanissa salamurhaajia ja vakoojia, jotka toimivat palkkasotureina. Ninjojen kulta-aika päättyi 1600-luvulle.

Tästä uutisesta ei voi olla tykkämättä!
Olin maaliskuussa kolme viikkoa treenaamassa Japanissa paikallista miekkailulajia ja sensei oli ihan aitoa samuraisukua. Kyllä siellä tämä vanhan koulukunnan nationalismi voi aika hyvin vielä :)

ps: tuli aika kylmää kyytiä.
Yhdysvaltain laivaston hävittäjä ja Filippiinien lipun alla purjehtiva konttialus törmäsivät Japanin etelärannikon lähettyvillä paikallista aikaa puoli kolmen aikaan lauantaiaamuna.
Seitsemän Yhdysvaltain laivaston jäsentä on kateissa laivaston hävittäjän ja konttialuksen törmäyksen jäljiltä, vahvistaa Japanin rannikkovartioston tiedottaja. Guardianin mukaan loukkaantuneiden määrästä ei ole vielä tietoa, mutta ainakin kolme ihmistä on tarvinnut sairaalahoitoa. Heidän joukossaan on myös Yhdysvaltojen laivaston hävittäjän komentajaBryce Benson.

Yhdysvaltain laivaston hävittäjä ja Filippiinien lipun alla purjehtiva konttialus törmäsivät Japanin etelärannikon lähettyvillä paikallista aikaa puoli kolmen aikaan lauantaiaamuna. Seitsemän Yhdysvaltain laivaston jäsentä on kateissa laivaston hävittäjän ja konttialuksen törmäyksen jäljiltä, vahvistaa Japanin rannikkovartioston tiedottaja. Guardianin mukaan loukkaantuneiden määrästä ei ole vielä tietoa, mutta ainakin kolme ihmistä on tarvinnut sairaalahoitoa. Heidän joukossaan on myös Yhdysvaltojen laivaston hävittäjän komentajaBryce Benson.
Amiraali Benson? :D

Japanissa ennätysmäärä turvapaikanhakijoita – vain kolme hakemusta hyväksyttiin alkuvuonna
Tiukkaa pakolaispolitiikkaa perustellaan väärinkäytösten estämisellä.

Ihmiset osoittivat mieltään Japanin tiukkaa pakolaispolitiikkaa vastaan Tokiossa maaliskuussa 2016. (KUVA: ALESSANDRO DI CIOMMO / NUR PHOTO)

Julkaistu: 3.10. 17:04 https://www.hs.fi/ulkomaat/art-2000005393655.html

JAPANI teki alkuvuonna 2017 kolme myönteistä turvapaikkapäätöstä, kertoo uutistoimisto Reuters. Turvapaikkaa haki samana aikana ennätysmäärä eli 8 561 ihmistä.

Vuonna 2016 vastaavana aikana myönteisiä päätöksiä tehtiin neljä, kertoo Japanin oikeusministeriö. Ihmisoikeusjärjestö Human Rights Watch on luonnehtinut Japanin politiikkaa ”hirveäksi”.

Japani on pitänyt pakolais- ja siirtolaispolitiikkansa erittäin tiukkana, vaikka sen väestö on ikärakenteeltaan maailman vanhimpia.

KANNATTAJAT perustelevat tiukkaa politiikkaa sillä, että turvapaikkojen hakeminen tekaistuin perustein on heidän mukaansa yleistynyt. Tähän olisi johtanut vuoden 2010 lainmuutos, joka sallii turvapaikanhakijoiden tehdä töitä tietyin edellytyksin.

”Sellaisten ihmisten määrä näyttää kasvaneen, jotka käyttävät turvapaikkaprosessia väärin”, sanoi Reutersin haastattelema oikeusministeriön virkamies Yasuhiro Hishida.

Väestömääriin (Suomi) suhteutettuna Japanista haki turvapaikkaa 340 henkilöä, joista se myönnettiin 0,12 henkilölle.

Rikkaus ja työvoiman tarve ei Japania kiinnosta. VAikka väestöpyrämidi on perseellään. Taitavat pirulaiset vain keksiä robotteja pyllyjen pyyhintään.
Kyllä se työvoima kiinnostaa, sitä ei vain virallisesti kutsuta maahanmuutoksi. Vähän vanhempi juttu (2014), alla pääasia: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2...terns-abused-labor-crisis-grows/#.WdSt2mhL9PY

Interns abused as labor crisis grows

HAKUSAN, ISHIKAWA PREF. – Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012, was a regular work day at Kameda Co., a family-owned apparel factory housed in rusting corrugated metal buildings in Hakusan, Ishikawa Prefecture. For three Chinese women, it was a day of escape.

At about 6:30 a.m., Ichiro Takahara, a union organizer, rolled up outside the dormitory where the women lived. Lu Xindi, Qian Juan and Jiang Cheng were waiting — they had been secretly plotting this move for months. Takahara drove them to a convenience store and then to the local labor standards office.

The story behind their flight began three years earlier and more than 1,440 km away in eastern China’s Jiangsu province. There, they signed up with a labor export company to work in Japan’s “foreign technical intern” program, which the government insists is designed to help workers from developing countries learn advanced technical skills.

In a lawsuit filed in a Japanese court, Lu, Qian and Jiang claim that rather than training them, Kameda forced them to work excessive hours at below minimum wage. In 2011, their busiest year, the women were working 16 hours a day, six days a week, with 15 minutes for lunch, according to the lawsuit and work records. For that, they were paid around ¥400 per hour, according to records reviewed by Reuters.

Other former interns have made similar allegations in dozens of lawsuits. Their case stands out because during the time that Lu, Qian and Jiang were working there, Kameda was putting pleats in Burberry clothes.

Japan is a key market for the British luxury brand, and most of what Burberry produces in Japan is sold here. Kameda was putting pleats in shirts and skirts that would later be sold under the Burberry Black line.

Burberry declined to allow Reuters to speak to any executives directly about the Kameda case. Through a public relations agency, it issued a statement saying Burberry had asked its Japanese licensing partner, Sanyo Shokai, to terminate its relationship with Kameda in late 2012 because Kameda was not complying with Burberry’s ethical standards.

The most recent government data show there are about 155,000 technical interns in Japan. Nearly 70 percent are from China, where some labor recruiters require payment of bonds worth thousands of dollars to work in Japan.

Interns toil in apparel and food factories, on farms and in metal-working shops.

In these workplaces, labor abuse is endemic: A 2012 investigation by labor inspectors found that 79 percent of the companies that employed interns were breaking labor laws.

Critics say foreign interns have become an exploited source of cheap labor in a country where, despite having the world’s most rapidly aging population, discussion of increased immigration is taboo.

Japan faces a worsening labor shortage, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s administration is planning a further expansion of the trainee program.

Muuten olet oikeassa, että Japania ei ole kiinnostanut pätkääkään.
Aina ihmetyttää tämä Japanilaisten päätös tehdä asioita vanhalla tavalla vaikka parempaakin on tarjolla. Toisaalta tykkäävät käyttää vielä nykyäänkin faksikoneita ja mennä jonottamaan pankkiin jotta saavat nostettua käteistä (kortilla maksaminen ei ole yleistä) joten kaiketi tuollainen asenne vaikuttaa muuhunkin yhteiskuntaan.
Japanin poliisi on pidättänyt 73-vuotiaan miehen epäiltynä siitä, että hän piti poikaansa puisessa häkissä yli 20 vuotta. Poika on nyt 42-vuotias.
Yoshitane Yamasaki kertoo lukinneensa pojan häkkiin, koska tämä kärsi mielenterveydellisistä ongelmista ja oli ajoittain väkivaltainen.
Häkki oli korkeudeltaan metrin ja se oli kaksi metriä leveä. Häkkiä pidettiin Yamasakin talon pihalla olevassa vajassa.
Japanissa merijalkaväki taas vahvuudessa.


SASEBO/TOKYO, Japan (Reuters) - Japan on Saturday activated its first marine unit since World War Two trained to counter invaders occupying Japanese islands along the edge of the East China Sea that Tokyo fears are vulnerable to attack by China.

Soldiers of Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF)'s Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade, Japan's first marine unit since World War Two, gather at a ceremony activating the brigade at JGSDF's Camp Ainoura in Sasebo, on the southwest island of Kyushu, Japan April 7, 2018. REUTERS/Issei Kato
In a ceremony held at a military base near Sasebo on the southwest island of Kyushu, about 1,500 members of the Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade (ARDB) wearing camouflage lined up outside amid cold, windy weather.
“Given the increasingly difficult defense and security situation surrounding Japan, defense of our islands has become a critical mandate,” Tomohiro Yamamoto, vice defense minister, said in a speech.

The troops conducted a 20-minute mock public exercise recapturing a remote island from invaders.

Soldiers of Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF)'s Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade, Japan's first marine unit since World War Two, take part in a drill at JGSDF's Camp Ainoura in Sasebo, on the southwest island of Kyushu, Japan April 7, 2018. REUTERS/Issei Kato
The formation of the Japanese marine brigade is controversial because amphibious units can project military force and could, critics warn, be used to threaten Japan’s neighbors. In its post World War Two constitution Japan renounced the right to wage war.
The brigade is the latest component of a growing marine force that includes helicopter carriers, amphibious ships, Osprey tilt-rotor troop carriers and amphibious assault vehicles, meant to deter China as it pushes for easier access to the Western Pacific.
China, which dominates the South China Sea, is outpacing Japan in defense spending. In 2018, Beijing which claims a group of uninhabited islets in the East China Sea controlled by Tokyo, will spend 1.11 trillion yuan ($176.56 billion) on its armed forces, more than three times as much as Japan.

The activation of the 2,100 strong ARDB takes Japan a step closer to creating a force similar to a U.S. Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) able to plan and execute operations at sea far from its home base.
“They’ve already demonstrated the ability to put together an ad hoc MEU. But to have a solid, standing MEU capability requires concerted effort,” Grant Newsham, a research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies.
“If Japan put its mind to it, within a year or year and a half it could have a reasonable capability.”

Slideshow (9 Images)
Newsham, who helped train Japan’s first amphibious troops as a U.S. Marine Corps colonel liaison officer assigned to the Ground Self Defense Force (GSDF), said Japan still needs a joint navy-army amphibious headquarters to coordinate operations as well as more amphibious ships to carry troops and equipment.
Japanese military planners are already mulling some of those additions. Its Air Self Defense Force (ASDF) wants to acquire F-35Bs to operate from its Izumo and Ise helicopter carriers, or from islands along the East China Sea, sources have told Reuters.
The United States last month deployed its F-35Bs for their first at-sea operations aboard the USS Wasp amphibious assault ship, which is based in Sasebo. The Kyushu port is also home to Japan’s Ise and close to the ARDB’s base.

Separately the GSDF may acquire small amphibious ships up to a 100 meters (328.08 ft) long to transport troops and equipment between islands and from ship to shore, two sources familiar with the discussion said. Japanese ground forces have not operated their own ships since World War Two.
“The idea is to bring forces and gear on large ships to the main Okinawa island and then disperse them to other islands on smaller vessels,” said one of the sources, who asked not to be identified because they are not authorized to talk to the media.
Reporting by Tim Kelly; Editing by Michael Perry
Linkki: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2...rs-imperial-japanese-armys-unit-731-released/

Names of 3,607 members of Imperial Japanese Army’s notorious Unit 731 released by national archives

KYOTO – The National Archives of Japan has disclosed the names of 3,607 members of the Imperial Japanese Army’s notorious Unit 731, which conducted germ warfare and other biological experiments mainly on prisoners in China before and during World War II, according to a researcher.

Katsuo Nishiyama, professor emeritus of Shiga University of Medical Science and head of the group that requested the disclosure, told The Japan Times on Monday that “it is the first time that almost all of the real names and addresses of the unit’s members have been unveiled as a definitive and official document.”

The history of secretive Unit 731 had long been concealed. Its commander, Lt. Gen. Shiro Ishii, and others received immunity from prosecution by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East after giving the United States its data on germ warfare.

The list, dated Jan. 1, 1945, includes names, ranks and personal information — such as addresses and family members — of 52 surgeons, 49 engineers, 38 nurses and 1,117 combat medics, mainly those attached to the headquarters of the unit, which was officially known as the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army.

Nishiyama announced the disclosure of the list at a news conference Saturday in Kyoto.

The unit, which was established in 1936 to develop biological weapons, conducted research mostly using Chinese and Koreans who had been arrested on espionage charges. The research included infecting prisoners with germs before performing live vivisections on them, and deliberately causing frostbite to observe the process of necrosis.

A request to the national archives to disclose the list was first filed by a group led by Nishiyama in 2015. Initially, the released list was mostly blacked out. But almost all of the names and ranks of the members were declassified in January after negotiations. Personal information on some individuals remains secret.

A group led by Nishiyama plans to urge Kyoto University to determine the legitimacy of a university degree conferred on one of the medical officers in the unit, arguing his dissertation may have been based on experiments performed on living people.

The group has been collecting signatures to back its request.

Unit 731 was involved in research on more than 20 types of bacteria including anthrax, smallpox and botulinum. About 3,000 people worked at its headquarters in the suburbs of Harbin in what was then Manchuria. Historians believe that more than 3,000 people died in the human experiments.

A U.S. Army report dated May 5, 1982, stated that the desire of various U.S. committees to keep the information on the experiments out of the public domain as well as the hands of the former Soviet Union, also factored into the decision not to prosecute Ishii.

Although much of the information regarding the unit has been kept under wraps in the 70-plus years since the end of the war, Nishiyama said he hoped “the disclosure of the official documents will help in shedding more light on the unit and its history.”

When asked about the social impact he hoped the disclosure would have, he replied that he “personally believes that Unit 731 has a collective responsibility to account for its war crimes, and that those crimes must be atoned for as a way of showing that those crimes will never be repeated.”

The citizens’ group he leads is making a petition to have Kyoto University determine the legitimacy of a university degree conferred on a medical officer in the unit.

To support its case, the group’s website draws on examples of suspected human experimentation that were disguised as experiments on monkeys. One example refers to a “monkey” that “complained of headache, fever, and lost appetite” — circumstantial evidence that indicates the experiments were conducted on humans instead.

“Kyoto University has not made independent efforts to verify or atone for its role in wartime research. We hope that our petition will precipitate further verification by Kyoto University to look into the legitimacy of the dissertation,” Nishiyama added.The Kwantung Army was part of the Imperial Japanese Army and stationed in northeastern China, which was under Japanese control.
EU solmii vapaakauppasopimuksen Japanin kanssa: Japanilaisautot voivat halventua, suomalaisten puutuotteiden vienti helpottua

Suomen olisi ollut helpompi tämäkin sopimus saada ilman EU:ta mutta hittoako väliä politiikalla jos Hilux vain halpenee.

Suomen olisi ollut helpompi tämäkin sopimus saada ilman EU:ta mutta hittoako väliä politiikalla jos Hilux vain halpenee.

Toisaalta EU:lla on huomattavasti enemmän painoarvoa taloudessa ja siten sopimuksissa, joten EU:lla on enemmän vipuvartta saada sopimus haluamansa näköiseksi.