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Assignment to the Swedish Armed Forces to submit supplementary budgetary documentation for 2021
By 24 July 2020, the Armed Forces must submit a supplementary budget base for 2021 and adjust its budget base according to the direction specified in the assignment.
The assignment includes that the Armed Forces will adjust its budget base with, inter alia:
- The ability to fire indirectly is to be strengthened by establishing a division artillery battalion with fire pipe artillery. The artillery training is placed in Kristinehamn / Villingsberg. Establishment will start in the period 2021-2025 and reach full capacity before 2030.
- On the basis of military strategic motives, a new regiment will be established in Östersund during the period 2026-2030. The regiment will be responsible for training one to two local defense shooting battalions.
- Twelve new tube artillery pieces will be procured for the Divisional Artillery Battalion during the period 2026-2030.
- Heavy coastal missile capability shall be maintained during the period 2021-2025 and until the agreed compensation system has been deployed in the period 2026-2030.
- Preparatory work regarding the future combat aviation capability and the next generation of combat aviation will begin during the defense decision period 2021-2025. Preparations can include: include studies, technology development and demonstrator activities in collaboration with one or more international partners.
- The increased need for staff requires a step-by-step increase in basic training volumes. As with the Swedish Defense Forces' budget base for 2021, 8,000 full-time undergraduates must be trained annually by 2025.
- No reductions should be made for the following areas:
- renovation and modification of tanks 122 and tanks 90
- Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (TUAV).
land conductivity.
- sales of personal equipment systems.
new surface battleships 1 and 2.
- lifetime extension of the mine clearance ship Koster.
- half-time modification of the grub diving vessels Spårö / Sturkö.
- helicopter 14.
Försvarsmakten ska senast den 24 juli 2020 inkomma med ett kompletterande budgetunderlag för 2021 och justera sitt budgetunderlag enligt inriktning...