Uutisia Venäjältä

Kadyrovin mukaan tsetseenien erikoijoukkojen kouluun hyökättiin droonilla ja yhden talon katto syttyi tuleen.

Kadyrov reports drone attack on Chechen special forces university​

GROZNY, October 29. /TASS/. The Russian Special Forces University in Chechnya was attacked by an unmanned aerial vehicle. This was reported by the head of the republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, on his Telegram channel.

"Today at 06:30 in the morning in Gudermes, as a result of an unmanned aerial attack, the roof of an empty building on the territory of the Russian Special Forces University caught fire," he wrote, specifying that no one was hurt. The fire was extinguished.

According to the head of Chechnya, investigators are conducting an investigation, during which they will identify those involved in the crime. "The activities of the RUS have not been suspended, all services are operating as usual," Kadyrov added.

The Russian Special Forces University is located in Gudermes and is a multifunctional complex of 95 buildings and structures equipped with the latest special information technology solutions. The university covers such areas as fire, special tactical, airborne, mountain training, as well as training of bodyguards and military journalists.

Since the beginning of the SVO, more than 19 thousand volunteers have been trained at its base for deployment to the SVO zone. Accelerated combat training courses have been developed for them, covering tactics, physical and medical training, psychological stability and much more.
Moskovalaisilta kyselty että mitä pitäisi tehdä sodan lopettamiseksi. Ei tämä lammaslauma mitään mielenosoituksia järjestä. Eikä ole aikeissa nousta tsaaria vastaan. Tyypillinen vastaus on, ettei tehdä mitään. Apaattisina vain odotellaan ja katsellaan mitä tapahtuu. Lienee ollut sota-aikana aika samanlaista natsi-Saksassakin. Osa kiihkoilee ja kannattaa sotaa, osa ei halua ottaa kantaa mihinkään poliittiseen asiaan ja toivoo ettei se sota osuisi omalle kohdalle.

Krimillä 10-vuotiaan tytön kerrotaan julkaisseen sosiaalisessa mediassa videon joka halventaa Venäjän armeijaa ja Venäjän lippua. Sisäministeriö epäilee tytön äidin syyllistyneen rikokseen tämän epäonnistuttua lapsen kasvattamisessa.

Mother of schoolgirl who discredited Russian Armed Forces brought to justice in Crimea​

SIMFEROPOL, October 30. /TASS/. Police have brought to administrative responsibility the mother of a 10-year-old schoolgirl from the city of Saki in Crimea, who recorded and published a video in which the girl discredits the Russian army and desecrates the Russian flag. This was reported on the website of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As specified by the department, the video was discovered during monitoring of social networks. "The police identified the author of the video - a 10-year-old student of one of the schools in the city of Saki," the report says.

Due to the age of the schoolgirl, her 38-year-old mother will be brought to administrative responsibility; an administrative protocol has been drawn up under Article 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (failure of parents or other legal representatives of minors to fulfill their obligations to support and educate minors), the Ministry of Internal Affairs said.

Police officers will transfer the case materials to the Saki Juvenile Administrative Commission.
Moskovalaisessa sotilasyliopistossa kenraalimajuri liukastui toimistossaan ja puukotti itseään vatsaan kädessään olleella veitsellä.

A leading military scientist was stabbed in an accident in Moscow​

A well-known military scientist, former head of one of the departments of the Russian National Guard, Major General Yuri Martsenyuk was stabbed in an accident in the center of Moscow. Fortunately, the threat to life has passed, and now the condition of the 63-year-old military leader does not cause concern.

As MK learned, the emergency occurred on Tuesday in the building of the Alexander Nevsky Military University in Bogoyavlensky Lane, where Martsenyuk now works. Until recently, he held the position of head of the Military Scientific Directorate of the Russian National Guard, but in recent years he has been fully focused on scientific activities. The major general slipped on the wet floor in his office and fell on a knife, which at that moment he was holding. As a result, the man was wounded in the stomach.

Martsenyuk was taken to the hospital - there were concerns that internal organs were affected. Fortunately, the worst predictions were not confirmed, the officer's life is no longer in danger.

Yuri Martsenyuk was the initiator of the creation of a military-scientific unit within the structure of the Russian Guard, which began to coordinate the work of military scientists and brought scientific developments in the field of weapons to a new level.
Njormal katastrof ryssälässä, kaasuräjähdys kerrostalossa, kaksi kuollut ja seitsemän loukkaantunut. Vauriot rakennukselle näyttävät siltä, että syksyn vesi/lumisade tulee sisään ja jos lämmitysjärjestelmä on vaurioitunut niin tuosta joutuu kaikki asukkaat muuttamaan jonnekin muualle odottamaan sitten sen talon räjähdystä.

Ettei olisi vesijohto...

Moskovassa mahdollisuus haisevaan suihkuun:

Yleensä Venäjällä kaikki on paskaa paitsi kusi. Mutta tässä ovat molemmat elementit läsnä.
Duumaedustaja kertoi vapauden tarkoittavan hieman eri asioita Venäjällä ja lännessä. Lännessä vapaus tarkoittaa yksilön vapauksia mutta Venäjällä valtion vakautta, Venäjällä yksilönvapaudet nähdään kaaoksena.

The State Duma pointed out the difference in understanding of freedom in Russia and the West​

The words of the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban that in Russia, unlike the West, the issue of preserving the integrity of the state, and not the freedoms of citizens, is at the center of political thought, may be partly true, noted State Duma deputy Svetlana Zhurova in a conversation with Lenta.ru. She explained that Russian and Western societies have slightly different understandings of the concept of freedom.

Earlier, Orban considered the inability of European politicians to understand Russia an "intellectual problem." The thought of Western leaders, according to him, revolves around ensuring the freedoms of citizens while maintaining well-being, while Russian politicians focus on preserving the integrity of a large country.

"Of course, the issue of freedom is also on our agenda. But the problem is that, as they used to say: "we have as much freedom as you can carry." For some reason, freedom is perceived as chaos in our country, maybe that's what Orban meant. And when freedom is perceived as permissiveness, then this, naturally, also poses a threat to the integrity of the state. Considering that the country is large and multinational, this is really difficult,” the politician noted.

According to Zhurova, Russia and the West have slightly different understandings of freedom. And considering the Russian perception of freedom, the integrity of the state really comes to the forefront of the country's interests.

“Integrity, values — this is extremely important. This is an aspect that has affected many current political events, so there is some truth in Orban’s words,” the deputy concluded.

Earlier, Orban also said that US presidential candidate Donald Trump is capable of reaching an agreement with Russia on peace in Ukraine. He explained that Trump is the one who is capable of understanding Moscow.
Jotain hyödyllistäkin tietoa Venäjältä? Tässä on Moskovan valtionyliopiston, Itä-Suomen yliopiston ja Karolinskan tutkijoiden paperi.
This feature was used by the native population of Russia and Finland a long time ago. For example, milk souring could be prevented if a frog was placed into the milk vessel. Also, it was believed that frogs were living only in wells with clean water.
Jotain hyödyllistäkin tietoa Venäjältä? Tässä on Moskovan valtionyliopiston, Itä-Suomen yliopiston ja Karolinskan tutkijoiden paperi.

Katso liite: 107466
Holotniekka. Karjalaismummoni tästä muinoin puhui.
Duumaedustaja kertoi vapauden tarkoittavan hieman eri asioita Venäjällä ja lännessä. Lännessä vapaus tarkoittaa yksilön vapauksia mutta Venäjällä valtion vakautta, Venäjällä yksilönvapaudet nähdään kaaoksena.

Olipa virkistävän rehellistä.
Venäjällä ei ole yksilön vapauksia jotka olisivat itsestään selvyyksiä, vaan "vapaudet" joustavat tarpeen mukaan.
Satusetä Sergei kertoo NATO:n aikovan käydä puolustussotaa alueistaan Etelä-Kiinan merellä. Lavrovin mukaan anglo-sakseille ei riitä vain länsi vaan NATO lisää painetta Kiinalle, Pohjois-Korealle ja Venäjälle jotka ovat aina perusteneet yhteistyön tasa-arvolle ja yhteisille eduille.

Lavrov: NATO plans "defensive battles" thousands of miles from its borders​

Moscow, November 4. /TASS/. NATO members set out to conduct the so-called defensive battles far from their territories, in the space of the Asia-Pacific region (Asia-Pacific region). This is the path "to nowhere", said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov at the International Scientific and Fantastic Symposium "Creating the Future".

"The West, first of all, is always not enough for the Anglo-Saxons. The war that they unleashed against Russia in Europe. In July, at the Summit in Washington, the leaders of NATO countries solved claims to the dominant role of the Alliance not only in the Euro-Atlantic, but also in the Asia-Pacific region If you read the NATO declaration, it turns out that to protect the territory of its members, this “defensive” alliance intended to conduct these “defensive” battles in the South China Sea and in the Taiwanese, a thousand miles from its shores, ”said Minister.

According to Lavrov, all sane observers understands "that this is the path to nowhere." "However, the Americans purposefully introduce the NATO military infrastructure in the Pacific Board, without hiding the task of increasing pressure on China, the DPRK, Russia," he continued. "At the same time, ASEANOCENCITIC architecture of regional security and cooperation in Southeast Asia, which has been built on the basis of equal rights for decades , accounting for mutual interests and consensus. "

The Russian Foreign Minister drew attention to the processes, during which, to replace the opened mechanisms of the United States created around the ASEAN and their allies, "the so -called alliance of small geometry such as Aukus, Quad, various four and three with the involvement of Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand ". "They are also trying to drag out some ASEAN members with an eye on the collapse of this association in order to eliminate the competitor of block pro -Western configurations," Lavrov emphasized.

TASS is an informational partner of the International Scientific and Fantastic Symposium "Creating the Future".
Ryssälässä on vinkeä tuo sähköjärjestelmä, tulee noin kolmasosa sekunnin pätkinä. Taitaa tehdä eetvarttia elektronisille laitteille, valot sinänsä pärjää mutta pistorasioihin on kytketty paljon muutakin laitteita jotka saattavat vähän kärsiä tästä.

Jäi Igorilla lumiketjujen asentaminen vähän viimetinkaan. Liikkuvaan maaliin siinä on kyllä enemmän haastetta.

Putin puhui diplomaateille ja kertoi Venäjän olevan valmis molempia osapuolia hyödyttävään yhteistyöhön kaikkien maiden kanssa joka perustuu tasa-arvoon, sekaantumattomuuteen muiden maiden sisäisiin asioihin ja kansainvälisen lain tiukkaan noudattamiseen. Vova on huumorimiehiä.

Putin: Russia open to mutually beneficial cooperation with all​

MOSCOW, November 5. /TASS/. Moscow remains open to equal and mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries, Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized at the ceremony of presenting credentials by foreign ambassadors in the Kremlin.

Russia, he noted, "is open to mutually beneficial cooperation with all states without exception on the principles of equality, non-interference in internal affairs and strict observance of international law."
Rostovin ja Tambovin alueen kuvernöörit menivät vaihtoon. Ainakin toisen luona on ilmeisesti ollut FSB:n ratsia. Putlerin pitää järjestellä nappuloita pelilaudalla uuteen uskoon.
