Uutisia Yhdysvalloista

New Yorkissa tapahtuu.
Shooting erupted in the Greenville neighbourhood, which is just across the Hudson River from New York City.

A motive for the incident has not yet been established. Authorities say they do not believe it was a terror attack.

Local media report the shooting began at a shop where two suspects had barricaded themselves in.
New Yorkissa tapahtuu.

Mafialta yritettiin viedä aseita?

Authorities identified the police officer who died as Joseph Seals, 39, who was part of a state-wide programme to confiscate illegal weaponry.
Speaking to reporters, Jersey City Police Chief Mike Kelly said Mr Seals was a "leading police officer in removing guns from the street".
Ei varsinainen uutinen, mutta mutta.
Yhdysvalloissa pitää hampurilaisravitoloissakin olla turvalasi

Pentagon on huolestunut venäjä-mielisyyden leviämisestä.
WASHINGTON - Russian efforts to weaken the West through a relentless campaign of information warfare may be starting to pay off, cracking a key bastion of the U.S. line of defense: the military.

While most Americans still see Moscow as a key U.S. adversary, new polling suggests that view is changing, most notably among the households of military members.

The second annual Reagan National Defense Survey, completed in late October, found nearly half of armed services households questioned, 46%, said they viewed Russia as ally.

Overall, the survey found 28% of Americans identified Russia as an ally, up from 19% the previous year.

Kenelle tuo on "kauhuskenario"? Onko joku ruvennut rakentamaan tuota putkea eikä vaadi maksua kuin vasta sitten, kun putki on käytössä?
Kenelle tuo on "kauhuskenario"? Onko joku ruvennut rakentamaan tuota putkea eikä vaadi maksua kuin vasta sitten, kun putki on käytössä?

Kauhuskenaario Venäjälle.
Kenelle tuo on "kauhuskenario"? Onko joku ruvennut rakentamaan tuota putkea eikä vaadi maksua kuin vasta sitten, kun putki on käytössä?

Sekoittaahaan tuo varmaan jonkin verran suunnitelmia Euroopassa. Ja olisiko amerikkalaisilla "oma lehmä ojassa". Varmaan haluaisivat kaupasta isomman osan.
Ja voihan se venäjää "vähän" ahdistaa.

venäläisellä laadulla tehty putken loppupätkäkin kuulostaa lupaavalta. Tikittävä ympäristökatastrofi.
Viimeksi muokattu:
The Republican pardoned a convicted child rapist as well as a convicted murderer whose brother raised money for Mr Bevin's election campaign.

Mr Bevin was defeated by Democrat Andy Beshear in November after a contentious election.

The flurry of pardons sent shockwaves through the state's legal system.

State prosecutors told local media they had not been consulted on Mr Bevin's decision, and families of the victims were not notified in advance.

"I'm a big believer in second chances," Mr Bevin said in a statement to the Washington Post newspaper. "I think this is a nation that was founded on the concept of redemption and second chances and new pages in life."

Mr Bevin's spate of pardons includes Dayton Jones, convicted of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy, Brett Whitaker, convicted of killing a pastor and his wife while drink-driving, and a woman who was sentenced to life in prison for throwing her newborn in the trash after giving birth in a flea market outhouse.

He also pardoned a man who was sentenced to 23 years in prison last year for raping a 9-year-old child.

The extensive list includes Patrick Brian Baker, convicted in 2017 of reckless homicide, robbery, impersonating a police officer and tampering with evidence linked to a 2014 home invasion that resulted in the death of Donald Mills.

Mr Baker's brother and sister-in-law held a political fundraiser for Mr Bevin last year, raising $21,500 (£16,100) and donating an additional $4,000 to his campaign at the same event, first reported by the local Courier Journal newspaper.
Venäläiset kruisailemassa jenkkien rannikolla tiedustelupaatilla ilman valoja eikä vastaa radiokutsuihin.

"Russian spy ship off US coast operating in 'unsafe manner,' officials say
Updated 0554 GMT (1354 HKT) December 17, 2019

Washington (CNN)

A Russian spy-ship has returned to international waters off the southeastern coast of the United States and is operating in what two US officials told CNN is an "unsafe manner."
The Viktor Leonov, a Russian surveillance ship, has been sailing off the coast of South Carolina and Florida in the last few days, one official told CNN, adding that the ship's actions were determined to be unsafe because it is not using running lights in low visibility weather and it is not responding to hails from commercial vessels attempting to establish its position in order to help avoid potential accidents.

The official said the Vishnya-class spy ship was also engaged in "other erratic maneuvers."
A US Coast Guard official told CNN that the Coast Guard was broadcasting a "Marine Safety Information Bulletin" to alert mariners in the area to the Russian ship's presence and its behavior.

Increased military presence
A defense official told CNN that the US Navy's USS Mahan, an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, was operating close to the Russian ship. The Viktor Leonov regularly patrols in international waters along the eastern coast of the US, having done so every year since 2015. The Russian vessel also routinely operates in the Caribbean, including Cuba and Trinidad and Tobago.

The Russian ship's presence off the US coast comes as the US Navy's Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer the USS Ross visited Constanta, Romania, Monday for what the Navy called "a scheduled port visit," part of the US effort to bolster its presence in the Black Sea and support regional partners such as NATO ally Romania.

Russia has boosted its military presence in that area since it seized Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and it regularly shadows American warships while they operate in the Black Sea.
"Crimea has really more or less, according to our civil society folks, has become an armed camp," the US State Department's Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Rob Destro, told reporters Monday as he discussed "the militarization of Crimea."

Tensions between Moscow and Washington remain high. Just days ago Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited the White House and repeatedly raised Russian concerns about the US potentially dismantling the last remaining nuclear arms treaty between the two powers, a move that could reignite a US-Russia arms race."
What's True
The act of setting fire to an LGBT rainbow flag in Ames, Iowa, in June 2019 did ultimately result in Adolfo Martinez receiving a total sentence of 16 years in prison.

What's False
Several news articles failed to mention that Martinez' sentence would not have been nearly so long if he had not already been convicted of two previous felonies and treated as an "habitual offender," in keeping with Iowa state law. In that circumstance, his criminal history tripled the maximum available sentence for arson from five years to 15 years.
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Viharikos ja 16 vuotta lusimista.

Mielestäni aika overit tuomiot.
Toivottavasti laki on kaikille lipunpolttajille/viharikkojille sama.

Iowa man sentenced to 16 years for after setting Pride flag on fire

Silloin 1989 kun joku protestantti Dallasissa poltti Yhdysvaltain lipun, ja tuota edelsi ihan kunnon mellakka saman poppoon voimin, Supreme Court päätyi 5-4 siihen että kyseessä oli 1. Amendmentin suojelema puheen/mielipiteen vapaus. Näin sitä samaa lakia luetaan eri tavoin eri aikoina.

(Olin silloin teinisällinä jenkeissä kesää ja tuo oli tapetilla. Fiksuin kommentti mitä kuulin oli että jos haluaa protestoida lipun edustamien arvojen ryvettymistä vastaan, miksi polttaa se, miksei pestä se tai jotain? Tämä oli virginialaiselta hepulta jonka takapihalla oli vanha bussi jossa oli kodin ainoa telkkari ja jonka katolla loppuillasta oli tapana kaikkien vieraiden surffata, koska jousitus oli jo sopivassa kuosissa, joten tuosta ameriikan reissusta jäi kaikin puolin hieman psykedeelinen kuva, mutta tuon kontroverssin muistan hyvin. MOT.)
