Uutisia Yhdysvalloista

Usan uusi lentotukialus. Järkyttävän hintainen vehje. Se tekee siitä todella himotun kohteen,koska yhden laivan menetys vastaa koko usan afganistanin operaation menetyksiä ja enemmänkin. Taloudellinen puoli vastaa koko telakkateollisuuden vuoden rahoitusta. Upottaahan se pitää hinnalla millä hyvänsä. Niin tai näin hieno se on. Onko tuollainen Megaship järkevä vaihtoehto. Juttua aiheesta : http://uk.businessinsider.com/navy-captain-us-should-rethink-aircraft-carriers-2015-4?r=US


Obama piti 20. kesäkuuta 2015 puheen Yhdysvaltojen kaupunginjohtajien vuosikokouksessa. Obama sanoi, että 2013 aseväkivalta tappoi 11 000 amerikkalaista. Tarkistin asian ja ilmeisesti asia todellakin on näin. Euroopan unionissa vastaava luku on vain 1 000 vuodessa. Onkohan tämä se paha karma.

Yhdysvaltojen väkiluku on 318 miljoonaa. Euroopan unionin väkiluku on 503 miljoonaa.


"Jos sinulla on ristiriita ideologian ja todellisuuden välillä, valitse todellisuus"

"Ei ole väliä kuka olet tai mistä tulet, onnistut, jos yrität"

Barack Obama puheessaan Yhdysvaltojen kaupunginjohtajien vuosikokouksessa 20. kesäkuuta 2015.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Usan uusi lentotukialus. Järkyttävän hintainen vehje. Se tekee siitä todella himotun kohteen,koska yhden laivan menetys vastaa koko usan afganistanin operaation menetyksiä ja enemmänkin. Taloudellinen puoli vastaa koko telakkateollisuuden vuoden rahoitusta. Upottaahan se pitää hinnalla millä hyvänsä. Niin tai näin hieno se on. Onko tuollainen Megaship järkevä vaihtoehto. Juttua aiheesta : http://uk.businessinsider.com/navy-captain-us-should-rethink-aircraft-carriers-2015-4?r=US

Lueskelin tuon takaa löytyvää koko juttua aiheesta. Siellä silmiin sattui mielenkiintoinen tiedonjyvä liittyen Horneteihin:
In the past 14 years of combat operations, in which Navy aircraft have flown tens of thousands of sorties, we have learned a number of things. First, nearly 80 percent of a Hornet’s 9,000-flight-hour lifetime is spent maintaining the flight qualifications of its pilots. Second, if we factor in the life-cycle costs of the aircraft — including the cost of buying it, maintaining it, fueling it, and training its pilots — and then divide that cost by the number of bombs dropped in combat, we arrive at an average cost per bomb of nearly $8 million. This is seven times the cost of a Tomahawk precision-strike cruise missile.

Eli pommien pudottelu lentokoneista on nykyisin erittäin kallista touhua, kun sitä vertaa saman touhun tekemiseen risteilyohjuksin, joiden käyttö on luonnollisesti tappioita välttävälle maalle paljon turvallisempi vaihtoehto.
Usan uusi lentotukialus. Järkyttävän hintainen vehje. Se tekee siitä todella himotun kohteen,koska yhden laivan menetys vastaa koko usan afganistanin operaation menetyksiä ja enemmänkin. Taloudellinen puoli vastaa koko telakkateollisuuden vuoden rahoitusta. Upottaahan se pitää hinnalla millä hyvänsä. Niin tai näin hieno se on. Onko tuollainen Megaship järkevä vaihtoehto. Juttua aiheesta : http://uk.businessinsider.com/navy-captain-us-should-rethink-aircraft-carriers-2015-4?r=US


Ja meille halutaan isompia aluksia, kannattaisin sukellusveneitäkin ennemmin.
pikkuhiljaa laitetaan painetta nykyiselle pressalle mitä on tullut puuhasteltua , kuka on ollut osallisena mihinkin jne varsinkin kun on kyse presidenttiehdokkaasta tulevissa vaaleissa mutta tuskin koskaan paljastuu esim tämän touhun kokonaiskuva...


Exclusive: The Arming of Benghazi

By Catherine Herridge, Pamela Browne

Published June 27, 2015
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The United States supported the secret supply of weapons to Libyan rebels while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State according to federal court documents obtained by Fox News.

In a sworn declaration to the District Court of Arizona May 5th 2015, a career CIA officer David Manners said, "It was then, and remains now, my opinion that the United States did participate, directly or indirectly, in the supply of weapons to the Libyan Transitional National Council." The timing matters because in the Spring of 2011 the Libyan opposition was not formally recognized, and the direct supply of arms was not authorized. At that time, the CIA Director was David Petraeus. (DAVID MANNERS DOCUMENT HERE)

Manners testified before a grand jury investigating American defense contractor Marc Turi who faces trial this September on two counts that he allegedly violated the arms control export act by making false statements.

Turi and his company Turi Defense Group are at the center of an ongoing federal investigation over the source and user of weapons defined in court documents as "end user" or "end use" flowing into Libya as Moammar Qaddafi's regime was collapsing in 2011.

"It was then, and remains now, my opinion that the United States did participate, directly or indirectly, in the supply of weapons to the Libyan Transitional National Council."

- Sworn Federal Court Declaration by CIA Veteran David Manners

In "United States of America v. Marc Turi and Turi Defense Group," Manners identifies himself as having 18 years experience as an intelligence officer with the Central Intelligence Agency or CIA, with foreign postings as Chief of Station in Prague, Czechoslovakia and in Amman, Jordan. Manners also stated he was “the executive assistant to the Deputy Director of the National Security Agency."

Manners’ declaration supports statements made exclusively to FOX News by Turi about what President Obama's team and members of Congress knew about weapons flowing into the region during the chaotic Arab Spring of 2011.

"When this equipment landed in Libya, half went one way, and the half went the other way," Turi said, emphasizing that poor oversight, allowed individuals hostile to the United States to get arms. "The half that went the other way is the half that ended up in Syria."

As part of Fox's ongoing investigation of the 2012 terrorist attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens, Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, as well as former Navy Seals Ty Woods and Glen Doherty, Turi spoke exclusively to FOX Senior Executive Producer Pamela Browne. The investigation premiered on "FOX Files" on the FOX BUSINESS NETWORK.

Turi was one of several thousand US arms contractors licensed by the State Department to sell and move weapons around the world. He's been a go to guy for the US government, most recently in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"I got involved in this business in the 1990s," Turi explained. "I've been involved in all type of operations, regarding transportation, logistics, and liaising with those foreign governments."

Turi admits to a criminal history. He told Fox that in the late 1980's, he stole a computer, his roommate's car, and wrote bad checks including one for $100,000 dollars. Through court records, Fox News verified he was arrested, convicted, and served time in an Arizona jail.

"In my youth, I made some very very bad mistakes...I was discharged from the United States Navy other under than honorable conditions...and I've been fighting ever since to get that honor back." (TURI DISCHARGE DOCUMENT HERE)

Licensed arms contractors require painstaking compliance in order to obtain the necessary approvals set by strict US government regulations. While Hillary Clinton served as President Obama's Secretary of State, American arms dealers were awarded a record number of export licenses to sell sophisticated weapons, military parts and technology internationally.

"That's actually been a huge, policy position, of the Obama Administration," Celina Realuyo, a professor of national security at the Perry Center at the National Defense University explained to FOX. Realuyo has served two presidents with expertise in tracking down money and weaponry used in what are called "dark networks" that can channel weapons to criminal and designated foreign terrorist organizations.

More than 86-thousand licenses with a value of $44.3 billion dollars were granted in 2011... a surge of more than $10 billion dollars from the previous year.

In the spring of 2011, Turi says his high level contacts both inside and outside of the US government, encouraged him to explore options to arm the Libyan opposition as they tried to overthrow then Libyan dictator Moammar Qaddafi. He says his associates included David Manners, a former intelligence officer with the CIA who stated his expertise to the court as an expert with knowledge of "authorized covert arms transfers."

Turi provided documents and email exchanges with high level members of Congress as well as military, and State Department employees which are currently being reviewed by Fox News.

"The half that went the other way is the half that ended up in Syria."

- Defense Contractor Marc Turi

Turi said, "That's where I came up with this "zero footprint" Arab supply chain whereby, our foreign ally supplies another, Arab country." In this case, the US would supply conventional weapons to a US ally-Qatar, who would inturn supply them to Libya, as a kind of workaround.

"If you want to limit the exposure to the US government, what you simply do is outsource it to your allies," Turi said, describing the practice. "The partners-the Qataris, and the Emiratis did exactly what they were contracted to do." Turi told Fox he never supplied any weapons to Qatar, and it was in the hands of the US government and the State Department's Bureau of Political and Military Affairs which was headed by a key Clinton aide, Andrew Shapiro. Mr. Shapiro was responsible to oversee the export control process at the State Department.

March 2011 was a busy time for Hillary Clinton. Even today, congressional investigators doubt they have all of the emails from her personal server when she was Secretary of State. On the 14th, along with Chris Stevens, who was then the number two man in Libya serving as the embassy's Deputy Chief of Mission, Clinton met with Libya's Mustafa Jibril in Paris-- a senior member of the TNC. The next day, Secretary Clinton met with Egypt's new foreign minister Nabil el Arabi in Cairo and walked through Tahrir Square with her senior adviser Huma Abedin. At the same time, Turi's proposal, a 267-million dollar contract, was working its way through US government channels.

"My application was submitted on the 12th," Turi said his contacts gave the proposal to the then Secretary of State. "...through their relationship with the TNC, then provided that application information to Mrs. Clinton via the TNC council when she was in Cairo. That's what was told to me...and emailed. "

Turi provided Fox News with emails he exchanged - in early April 2011 - with Chris Stevens to alert him to the proposed weapons deal. The emails were previously cited by the New York Times, but Fox News is now making the message traffic public. (CHRIS STEVENS EMAIL DOCUMENT HERE)

Stevens replied with a "thank you " and wrote "I'll keep it in mind and share it with my colleagues in Washington."

As FOX Chief Intelligence Correspondent Catherine Herridge first reported, it was a heavily redacted email released to the Benghazi Committee last month that clearly states that on April 8, 2011, a day after the Turi/Stevens exchange, Secretary Clinton was interested in arming the rebels using contractors:

"FYI. The idea of using private security experts to arm the opposition should be considered," Clinton wrote. Significantly, the State Department released emails blacked out this line, but the version given to the Benghazi Select Committee was complete. (CLINTON EMAIL DOCUMENT HERE)

In May 2011, Turi got a brokering approval from the State Department for Qatar. In July, his Arizona home was raided by federal agents.

"They came in the full body armor, and weapons and, they take my computers and my cell phones and that was it. That was the last time I saw them. And they've been chasing me all over the world for the past three years, speaking to associates of mine all over the United States and looking into my records and my past."

His attorney Jean-Jacques Cabou told Fox in a series of emails that his client had a track record working for the "US government through the Central Intelligence Agency" and the government case is an “epic fishing expedition." Adding his client"...neither lied on any application nor did he do anything other than support U.S. foreign policy and interests in the Middle East."

Turi believes his "zero footprint" idea was stolen out from under him, and now he is being blamed for a program that went off the rails.

Such are the stakes in this case, that the Justice Department National Security Division is involved, and recently requested that some proceedings remain secret under CIPA, the Classified Information Procedures Act. The Federal Judge wrote on June 16 "the government can seek protection under CIPA 4 in this case only by complying with Ninth Circuit law by making a formal claim of privilege, lodged by the head of the department which has actual control over the discoverable information."

In his sworn declaration to the court, Manners said his grand jury testimony on covert arms transfers was cut off by the government lawyer. "As a result of the Assistant United States Attorney's actions, I believe that (a) the grand jury never received a full and complete picture of authorized covert arms transfers and their relevance to the present case. "

"At some point, I may be that internet video excuse," Turi said, referring to statements where then Secretary of Clinton and members of the Obama Administration wrongly blamed an obscure anti-Islam video for the 2012 terrorist attack that killed four Americans. "I don't know. But, it's really strange that the US government would invest three years, a multi-year investigation, fly all over the world interviewing people, for an application."

Catherine Herridge is an award-winning Chief Intelligence correspondent for FOX News Channel (FNC) based in Washington, D.C. She covers intelligence, the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security. Herridge joined FNC in 1996 as a London-based correspondent.

Hillarya hiilostetaan joka suunnalta :)


Calls for Hillary Clinton to allow a third party to examine her private server grew louder Friday following revelations that she had withheld more than a dozen Benghazi-related emails from the State Department.

"Secretary Clinton's failure to turn over all Benghazi and Libya documents is the reason why we have been calling for an independent, third party review of her server," Rep. Lynn Westmoreland, R-Ga., a member of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, told the Washington Examiner.

"Her unusual email arrangement with herself allowed for Secretary Clinton to pick and choose which emails she deemed work related, and now we know that she failed to be honest and forthcoming with those emails to both the Select Committee and the State Department that were subpoenaed," Westmoreland added.

A State Department spokesman said Friday the agency had no plans to launch a probe of Clinton's private server, on which she hosted both her personal and work-related emails.


Benghazista ja tuosta yo. vampyyristä voip käydä kysymässä vaikka ar15.comissa. Tullee aika äkkiä selväksi että kuka teki ja mitä ja kuka jätti tekemättä.
Pahalta näyttää että USA ei saakaan vielä ensimmäistä naispresidenttiä kun alkaa luurankoja löytymään.
Pahalta näyttää että USA ei saakaan vielä ensimmäistä naispresidenttiä kun alkaa luurankoja löytymään.

jep jep...siellä on kova siivous-buumi menossa. Jokainen pressaehdokas penkoo "huusholiaan" ja yrittää päästä eroon/peitellä "villakoirista ja luurangoista" joita on vuosien mittaan kertynyt kaappeihin ja nurkkiin...mutta nykyaikana on niin vaikeeta päästä eroon mistään mitä on tehnyt...lähes kaikesta mitä on tehnyt/sanonut/kirjoittanut on jotain jossakin jäljellä, minkä joku kaivaa esiin... varsinkin noin "media-sexyjen" ihmisten toiminnasta varmasti...
SpaceX vastatuulessa:
"SpaceX laukaisi Falcon 9 -rakettinsa tänään Suomen aikaa kello 17.21 Floridan Cape Canaveralista.
Miehittämätön raketti räjähti ilmassa parin minuutin kuluttua laukaisusta noin 44 kilometrin korkeudessa.
Falcon 9 -kantoraketin oli määrä viedä Dragon-aluksella 1,8 tonnia rahtia Kansainväliselle avaruusasemalle ISS:lle. Kyse oli seitsemännestä Dragonin lennosta ISS:lle. Huhtikuussa venäläisten rakettikuljetus ISS:lle epäonnistui.
Jännitys sunnuntaina kohdistui alun perin myös kantoraketin ensimmäisen vaiheen haluttuun tuomiseen takaisin. Raketin oli määrä laskeutua lavettilaivalle, joka odotti Atlantin valtamerellä. Kahdella ensimmäisellä kerralla itse laskeutuminen päättyi räjähdykseen.
Rakettien saaminen uudelleen käytettäviksi on SpaceX:n perustajalle Elon Muskille äärimmäisen tärkeää kuluista huolimatta. Musk haluaa ihmisen asumaan Marsiin ja katsoo, että uudelleen käytettävät raketit ovat yksi asian tuhansista edellytyksistä."
http://www.verkkouutiset.fi/ulkomaat/vidfalcon dragon iss ocisly-37997
Ja eikun seuraavaa lastia ISS:lle kasaamaan..
Ilman maahanmuuttoa, Ruotsilla olisi varaa rakentaa näitä 2 kpl vuodessa.

Tarkoitat siis että maahanmuutto maksaa Ruotsille 208 000 000 000 eli 208 miljardia kruunua vuodessa?

Kun tuo tukialus maksaa 13 miljardia dollaria. Kertaa sen 8;lla saa summan kruunuissa.
hyvä video..kannattaa katsoa ja kuunnella...


Purple Heart veteran with PTSD denied bus ride over service dog
Veteran with service dog denied bus ride

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A United States veteran who served four combat tours and was awarded a Purple Heart was denied a ride on a New Jersey bus due to his service dog.

Daniel Wright, who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder after serving 11 years in the Marines and Army, says the driver of a New Jersey Transit bus slammed the door on him and pit bull Tank, his registered service dog, when they tried to board last week.

“I was just trying to come home from school,” Wright, a retired staff sergeant, told “Fox & Friends” Monday.

Wright said the driver told him “no dogs on the bus,” and said he was afraid of the dog and that Tank needed a muzzle before he could ride. Despite Wright showing Tank’s collar and vest, which say US Army Service Dog, the driver slammed the door closed.

Wright said the driver’s attitude is borne of the fact that most people don’t think of pit bulls as service dogs, and favor retrievers for the role.

"He's a good dog."

- Staff Sgt. Daniel Wright

“They think those are the only dogs that can be service dogs,” he said.

But “he’s a good dog,” Wright said of Tank, who serves as an extension of the veteran’s left arm – pushing elevator buttons, opening the refrigerator door and even retrieving water bottles from the fridge. And the father of two says Tank is good with his sons and would never hurt them.

Wright has had nine surgeries on his left shoulder to date.

He says a NJ Transit official called him to apologize for the mistreatment, and told him the offending bus driver will be disciplined.

NJ Transit officials told WABC they are investigating Wright's complaint and issued a statement that, in part, reads, "Service animals are permitted on board all of our modes: bus, rail, light rail, and Access Link, and we take our responsibility to comply with the Americans with Disabilities act very seriously."

Following the bus shutout, another Route 1 bus driver did stop for Wright and allowed Tank to board -- after Wright showed his military ID.

Wright said service dogs are not exclusively for those who are blind or deaf, and he wants to bring awareness to the needs of veterans, many of whom are “out here with service animals,” he told WABC.

Dodiiii... :confused:

"Now we are going to have to ask other countries, much less financially stable countries than America, to loan us their ships so that we can base our Marines on their ships. It's almost embarrassing."


Marines weighing having members hitch rides on foreign warships

Shortages may cause US Marines to use foreign warships

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The Marines are weighing whether to have members hitch a ride on foreign warships, citing a shortage of U.S. Navy vessels due to recent budget cuts -- raising bipartisan security concerns about the leverage this could give other countries.

A key concern is whether a warship from a host nation could deny Marines permission to come ashore.

"Ceding our amphibious ships to other countries -- it's almost silly and I can't believe it is even an option for the Navy," said Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., who served as a Marine in Iraq. "Now we are going to have to ask other countries, much less financially stable countries than America, to loan us their ships so that we can base our Marines on their ships. It's almost embarrassing."

The Navy currently has 30 amphibious transport ships to carry Marines, but estimates it would need 38 to cope with rising crises across North Africa. It won't reach that number until 2028 under current budget constraints.

"We are a maritime nation, and we communicate across the world through our sea services, and ... the size of the Navy right now is way too low," said former Sen. Jim Webb, a Democrat who is weighing a presidential run. Webb was a decorated Marine infantry officer in Vietnam and was appointed Navy secretary under President Ronald Reagan.

"It was 568 ships when I resigned as Secretary of the Navy. It's down to about 280 right now," he said.

Since 1775, the U.S. Marine Corps has prided itself on being a self-reliant expeditionary force from the sea. Currently, there are thousands of Marines deployed on U.S. warships around the world who are ready to go ashore at a moment's notice.

In recent years, there have been situations -- like the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi -- that made clear that quick reaction forces were not close enough to be able to help. In the wake of Benghazi, the Marines set up a land-based hub in Rota, Spain, but even that is thought to be too far from certain sites in North Africa.

"We don't know when a crisis will come, or where it will occur, but an initiative that increases the interoperability of maritime forces will prove of enormous benefit in the years to come," Lt. Col. Gregory P. DeMarco, Marine Forces regional planner for Europe and Africa, said in a statement defending the latest proposal.

The current plan would place about 100 Marines onboard allied warships, along with three or four Osprey tilt rotor aircraft.

No decision has yet been made by the Marines, who are currently considering the proposal.

Jennifer Griffin currently serves as a national security correspondent for FOX News Channel . She joined FNC in October 1999 as a Jerusalem-based correspondent.