Uutisia Yhdysvalloista

Obamalla näyttää olevan todellisia vaikeuksia asennoitua suhteissaan muslimeihin ja syytöksiin heidän harjoittamaansa terrorismiin. Hän nikotteli pitkään lausunnoissaan Kaliforniassa suoritetusta massamurhasta, jossa – isänsä kiihko-islamistiksi luonnehtima – 28-vuotias Syed Rizman Farook ja hänen 27-vuotias vaimonsa Tashteen Malik murhasivat rynnäkkökivääreillään 14 ihmistä ja haavoittivat 17. Heillä on 6-vuoden ikäinen tyttölapsi, joka menetti molemmat vanhempansa tulitaistelussa poliisin kanssa, joka käytiin 10 km:n päässä murhapaikasta.

FBI, joka massamurhaa tutkii, oli alussa yhtälailla neuvoton. Obama vannoi Valkoisessa Talossa, että FBI tutkii asiaa pohjaan saakka. CNN sanoi uutis-lähetyksessään poliisilähteisiin viitaten, että murhaajapariskunta oli radikalisoitunut, mutta totesi heidän olleen yhteyksissä sekä puhelimen että sosiaalisen internetin kautta useamman kuin yhden kansainvälisestä terrorismista epäillyn kanssa.

Presidentti Obama selitti journalisteille: ”On mahdollista, että se liittyi terroristiin, mutta emme tiedä. On myös mahdollista, että se liittyi epäselvyyteen työpaikalla.”

Farook on USA:n kansalainen, hän syntyi Illinoisissa Pakistanista muuttaneille vanhemmille. Hänen vaimonsa Malik syntyi Pakistanissa, mutta asui Saudi Arabiassa jossa hän tapasi tulevan miehensä. Saudit vahvistavat, että Farook vieraili Saudi-Arabiassa. Barnardinon poliisi vahvistaa, että haavoittuneita oli 21.

ALLNEWSPIPELINE.com kertoo, että massamurhat ja ihmisten surmaaminen ovat lisääntyneet yli 700 % presidentti Obaman aikana Bushin presidenttikauden jälkeen.

Artikkelissa huomautetaan, että heti hyökkäyksen tapahduttua, Obama painotti asemyynnin rajoittamista ja aseitten takavarikointia. Tämä on antanut aiheen joillekin olettaa, että Kalifornian massamurha oli järjestetty ns, ”false flag” tapaus, jolla pyritään edistämään Obaman suosittamaa lakia ase-omistuksen rajoittamisesta. Artikkelissa muistutetaan, että USA on kaikkein suurin aseviejä maailmassa, ja että Obaman pyrkiessä rajoittamaan aseitten omistusta USA:ssa, hän vie aseita Syyrian kapinallisille, ja että ne joutuvat usein vääriin käsiin ja käytetään venäläisiä vastaan.

Artikkelissa todetaan, että länsimedia, kuten Daily Mail, rekisteröi syylliset” länsi-maisiksi valkoisiksi miehiksi”, mutta joutui myöhemmin tunnustamaan heidät pariskunnaksi, jolla oli Lähi-Idän tausta. Heillä oli runsas aseistus ja luodinkestävät suojavarustukset, mikä osoittaa heidän varustautuneen hyvin tehtäväänsä.


O´dumba kerkesi jo vaatimaan tiukempia aselakeja tuon tapauksen johdosta.
Kun muslimi syyllistyy väkivaltarikokseen, kyse on yksilön teosta eikä sen perusteella saa tuomita kaikkia muslimeja.

Aseväkivaltatapauksissa taas kaikki aseenomistajat jakavat syyllisyyden ja heitä pitäisi rangaista kollektiivisesti.

Kun muslimiterroristi toteuttaa terroristi-iskun laittomilla sotilasaseilla, syyllinen on lainkuuliainen, lakeja ja määräyksiä pilkulleen noudattava aseharrastaja.

Tuntuu olevan yleismaailmallinen trendi tämä hulluus.

No shit, Sherloc...


Liberty President Calls for an Armed Christian Campus

Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. urged students, staff and faculty at his Christian school to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon on campus to counter any copycat attack like the deadly rampage in California just days ago.

"Let's teach them a lesson if they ever show up here," Falwell told an estimated 10,000 of the campus community at convocation Friday in Lynchburg. While Falwell's call to arms was applauded, his remarks also seemed to target Muslims.

"I've always thought if more good people had concealed carry permits, then we could end those Muslims before they walked in .," Falwell said. The final words of his statement could not be clearly heard on a videotape of the remarks.

However, Falwell told The Associated Press on Saturday he was specifically referring to Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, the husband and wife who shot and killed 14 people at a holiday party in San Bernardino on Wednesday.

Falwell's remarks generated a sharp rebuke from Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who called the comments "reckless."

"My administration is committed to making Virginia an open and welcoming Commonwealth, while also ensuring the safety of all of our citizens," McAuliffe said in a statement issued late Saturday. "Mr. Falwell's rash and repugnant comments detract from both of those crucial goals."

Falwell also said he believed the campus needed to be prepared in the face of the increasing frequency of mass killings. He cited, for example, the 2007 massacre of 32 people at Virginia Tech, the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history, and less than 100 miles southwest of Liberty.

"What if just one of those students or one of those faculty members had a concealed permit and was carrying a weapon when the shooter walked into Virginia Tech? Countless lives could have been saved," he said.

Falwell's message is apparently being heeded. He said more than 100 people had asked Liberty police about a free class to obtain a permit to carry a concealed weapon.

Liberty was founded by Jerry Falwell Sr., who was among the nation's first conservative cultural warriors. The Moral Majority founder's barbed commentary on contemporary matters such as gay Americans made him a reviled figure to some and a pioneering conservative crusader to others.

Following the San Bernardino shootings, which left 14 dead, Falwell said he began carrying a .25-caliber handgun in his back pocket. He said he's had a permit for more than year.

During his address Friday, Falwell mentioned the weapon and reached around seemingly to fetch it.

"Is it illegal to pull it out? I don't know," he said, laughing, drawing some hoots from the audience.

Asked if he was concerned by the prospect of thousands of armed young people on campus, Falwell said Virginia has a minimum age of 21 for a carry-conceal permit. He said that meant only older students would be armed.

More than 14,000 students are enrolled at Liberty.

Falwell said he had also reached out to a first responder in San Bernardino to see if the school could offer scholarship assistance to his children.

Falwell's remarks were first reported by the News & Advance (http://bit.ly/1Na9kYd).



Liberty University link to Convocation address: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hjsr8qt3erj7wo5/Jerry—ConvoComments—2015—12—04.mp4?dl=0


Follow Steve Szkotak at http://twitter.com/sszkotakap. His work can be found at http://bigstory.ap.org/content/steve-szkotak
Ulkomaat 7.12.2015

Obama: Kalifornian isku oli terrorismia
Yhdysvaltain presidentti Barack Obama piti harvinaisen televisiopuheen sunnuntaina.

Kalifornian iskut olivat terrorismia, Obama sanoi harvinaisessa televisiopuheessa sunnuntai-iltana.

Obaman mukaan hyökkäyksen tehnyt pariskunta oli radikalisoitunut, mutta todisteita siitä, että hyökkäystä olisi ohjailtu ulkomailta, ei ole.

Puheessaan Obama kertoi myös, että Yhdysvaltojen strategia Irakissa tai Syyriassa ei tule muuttumaan. Yhdysvallat tulee Obaman mukaan välttelemään pitkään ja kalliiseen maasotaan ajautumista alueella. Suurten maajoukkojen sijaan Yhdysvallat käyttää jatkossakin lentoiskuja ja erikoisjoukkoja Isisin nujertamiseksi.

Obama korosti myös, että Isisin vastainen taistelu ei tarkoita Yhdysvaltojen ja islamin välistä taistelua. Samalla Obama vetosi amerikkalaisten yhtenäisyyden puolesta.

– Emme saa kääntyä toisiamme vastaan, Obama sanoi.

Presidenttikausiensa aikana Obama on pitänyt Valkoisen talon virkahuoneessaan televisioidun puheen vain kaksi kertaa aikaisemmin.


Jaahas, Obamakin myöntää ettei syyllinen ollutkaan itseladattava puoliautomaattinen rynnäkkökivääri...
Muslims are our friends, neighbors and sports heroes: Obama interrupts Sunday night TV to preach tolerance and gun control and pledges no ground war against the 'thugs' of ISIS and their 'cult of death'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-Office-address-presidency.html#ixzz3tbeerOnx

Daily Mail on vahan roskalehti Briteissa mutta netissa maailman suosituin englanninkielinen uutisportaali talla hetkalla, erityisesti yhdysvaltalaisten lukujoiden ansiosta... kommenttiosuus tasta POTUS:n lausunnosta kertoo kaiken oleellisen:


Pitiko vetaytya Irakista vain koska ei muka saatu nyhjattya jotain 'Force Protection Agreementia'?? Tulos: ISIS, ja katastrofi Suomelle, (Ruotsi nyt oli jo disaster zone...) mutta siis MILLOIN TAMA SELITTELY JA MUZZIEN PUOLESTA ANTEEKSIPYYTELY OIKEIN LOPPUU?? MILLOIN VAADITAAN ETTA KAYTTAYTYKAA NYT SAATANA NORMAALISTI, ALKAAKA KEHDATKO VAITTAA ETTA VELI/ SISKO/ ISA/ SETA/ TATI/ IMAAMI EI MUKA III-KI-NA AA-VIS-TA-NUT YH-TAAN MI-TAAN MIS-SAAN VAI-HEES-SA?!? Vitun paviaanit!

Vitsi etta palaa lyhyiden unien jalkeen heti herne naihin uutisiin, enka ole viela edes avannut suomalaislehtien 'tulkintoja' eilisen Suomen Itsenaisyyspaivan 'tapahtumista'...

ps. sorry Modet. pls alkaa antako taas bannia, hommasinhan teille kuvat niista kolmesta huivispedesta siina valkoisessa pakussa, jossa maailman oudoin NRA-latka etufeississa!? Thanks!

Obama acknowledges California attack was act of terrorism, confident US military will defeat extremists

Obama implored Americans to not turn against Muslims at home, saying ISIS was driven by a desire to spark a war between the West and Islam. However, he also called on Muslims in the U.S. and around the world to take up the cause of fighting extremism.

The spread of radical Islam, Obama said, is "a real problem that Muslims most confront without excuse." And he said that Muslims in America must not be treated differently.

"If we do that we lose," Obama said.

FBI:n suorittamaa tutkintaa vaikeuttaa Obaman ja Valkoisen talon politiikka.

FBI San Bernardino Investigation Stymied by White House Politics

Sources indicate heated tension between President Obama and FBI Director James Comey about the nature of the San Bernardino mass shooting, which left 14 civilians dead. Although the FBI believed that it was an act of terrorism from the beginning, immense political pressure was brought down on investigators to avoid using the term “terrorism,” with Obama stating that, “It is possible that this is terrorist-related, but we don’t know…It is also possible that this was workplace-related.”

A SOFREP source affirmed that after the shooting, Obama held a meeting in the Oval Office with his National Security Council, the attorney general, and the directors of the DHS, FBI, and NSA, in which a directive was given to downplay the terrorism angle. Such meetings are not held for mass shootings. Besides that, SIGINT aircraft like the ones the U.S. military flies over Africa (programs such as Creek Sand and Aztec Archer previously detailed on SOFREP) and Afghanistan don’t slurp up data from the skies over California unless the government is actively searching for other members of a terrorist cell. The same was done after the Boston bombings and the attempted Times Square bombing.

If the San Bernardino killings are linked to terrorism, especially if they were directed or even inspired by ISIS, then the administration will come under immense pressure to “do something” in Syria. It has previously sought a minimalist strategy focused on not overly committing U.S. ground troops to the fight. Beyond this, it was clear early on that this was an act of terrorism. The two suspects, Tashfeen Malik and Sayad Farook, are radicalized Muslims who had pledged allegiance to ISIS on social media.

The FBI’s Los Angeles field office and local police are scared of losing any and all credibility by not declaring the shootings an act of terrorism, especially considering another recent incident in which they were made to look as if they were hiding information from the public. In the face of relevations about Farook having contact with ISIS, Al-Nusra, and Al-Shabaab, the FBI was finally forced to make an announcement that they were pursuing a terrorism investigation, whether the White House liked it or not.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch simply announced that the Department of Justice would prosecute people for anti-Muslim rhetoric. Former DIA chief Michael Flynn has also recently gone on the record to say that Obama is downplaying domestic terrorism angle because it doesn’t fit his reelection narrative claiming al-Qaeda was on the run. “I think that they did not meet a narrative the White House needed,” he said, referencing the rise of ISIS.

The FBI is said to be frightened of crossing the White House’s party line while they attempt to investigate the San Bernardino shootings. After 9/11, and the more recent attacks in Paris, law enforcement officials served warrants, investigated known associates, and did what they needed to do to gather evidence and make arrests. Now, the FBI is afraid of investigating the mosque Farook attended, as Obama’s priority seems to be avoiding anti-Muslim backlash. All Director Comey can do is plead with the White House to allow his agents to properly investigate the crime.

It is also worth noting that the FBI cannot access the suspects’ phone logs due to the expiration of bulk collection warrants that came in the aftermath of the Edward Snowden scandal. The warrant expired four days prior to the San Bernardino attack.

Finally, last night, President Obama made a direct appeal to the American public in an address from the Oval Office, in which he directly called the San Bernardino killings an act of terrorism. There was no further patience for labeling the incident anything else. Much of the president’s speech was on target. He told Americans that one of the biggest mistakes we could make is categorizing the war against ISIS as a war against Islam, that committing to a large ground force in Iraq and Syria would be a strategic mistake, and that we should take a closer look at how terrorists are allowed to obtain U.S. visas.

Obama also rightly called on Congress to authorize military action against ISIS, as the American campaign has thus far taken place under the auspices of the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), which was enacted following 9/11. This congressional authorization would give further legitimacy to the strategy Obama has been pursuing in Syria and Iraq, using air strikes, special operations teams, and local partners to defeat ISIS.

Obama then veered far off course, stating that Americans who are placed on the “no fly” list should not be able to purchase a firearm. Individuals placed on the “no fly” terrorist watch list are not allowed to board an airplane in the United States, and the list itself has come under intense criticism over the years as almost anyone can be placed on it for little reason. Less than one percent of the people requested to be put on the no fly list are rejected, and there is no clear path to be taken off the list. Stripping Americans of their constitutional right to bear arms without due process is simply illegal.

However, Obama’s most egregious, and dangerous, gaffe came when he stated that at the moment there is no intelligence indicating that the San Bernadino shooters received direction or funding from terrorist organizations overseas. While Obama made this statement on television last night, the Department of Defense and Special Operations Command’s Threat Finance Agency has concluded that Malik and Farook most likely received funding from terrorists abroad. With this in mind, the Threat Finance Agency has issued alerts to the appropriate banking institutions to flag financial transitions from specific banks accounts.

For the moment, America will continue to live with Islamic terrorism, a problem Obama described as a cancer with no clear cure.
Kaveri puhuu suunsa puhtaaksi! :D

Lieutenant Colonel Calls Obama “A Total Pussy” On Live TV
first published on December 7, 2015 by Will
Retired United States Army lieutenant colonel Ralph Peters called President Obama “a total pussy” during a live television interview regarding the President’s Oval Office address he gave to the American people last night on the topics of terrorism, Syria, and gun control.

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Ja sama alus kotimaan uutisissa.


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