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Police: Concealed carry license holder kills armed gunman

A patron with a concealed carry permit shot a would-be robber at a business in Chicago. (Google Street View)

CHICAGO – An armed man attempting to rob a neighborhood store was shot and killed by a customer who had a concealed carry license, Chicago police said Sunday.

A masked man, later identified as 55-year-old Reginald Gildersleeve, walked into the store and currency exchange about 7 p.m. Saturday on the city's southwest side, displayed a handgun and announced a robbery to an employee, police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said. The gunman next pointed his weapon at another employee and forced her to the back of the store.

The armed customer then fatally shot the man multiple times, according to theChicago Sun-Times. Gildersleeve was pronounced dead on the scene at 7:10 p.m., according to police and the Cook County medical examiner's office. He had an extensive criminal history, including prior arrests for robbery, the Sun-Times reported. Gildersleeve was set to have an autopsy performed on Sunday, according to the Chicago Tribune.

"We're looking at it as a self-defense issue at this point"

- Anthony Guglielmi, police spokesman

It wasn't immediately clear whether the customer, who has not been identified, will face charges. Guglielmi said the case is under review by local prosecutors, but the preliminary details suggest that the customer was not at fault.

"We're looking at it as a self-defense issue at this point," he said.

Last month, a Michigan woman with a concealed carry license shot at shoplifters fleeing a Detroit-area Home Depot store, flattening a tire of their SUV. No one was hurt, and the suspected shoplifters were arrested several days later. The woman faces up to 90 days in jail after pleading no contest to a charge of reckless discharge of a firearm. Two other shootings in which citizens fired at lawbreakers or potential lawbreakers also happened in September in Michigan.

"It's a slippery slope" when it comes to the question of whether citizens who are licensed to carry guns should intervene in dangerous situations, if at all, Guglielmi said.

"You have situations like this," he said, referring to the foiled Chicago robbery in which no one else was hurt. "And you have situations that end tragically. The department is not going to advocate for what people should or shouldn't do."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Police: Concealed carry license holder kills armed gunman

A patron with a concealed carry permit shot a would-be robber at a business in Chicago. (Google Street View)

CHICAGO – An armed man attempting to rob a neighborhood store was shot and killed by a customer who had a concealed carry license, Chicago police said Sunday.

A masked man, later identified as 55-year-old Reginald Gildersleeve, walked into the store and currency exchange about 7 p.m. Saturday on the city's southwest side, displayed a handgun and announced a robbery to an employee, police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said. The gunman next pointed his weapon at another employee and forced her to the back of the store.

The armed customer then fatally shot the man multiple times, according to theChicago Sun-Times. Gildersleeve was pronounced dead on the scene at 7:10 p.m., according to police and the Cook County medical examiner's office. He had an extensive criminal history, including prior arrests for robbery, the Sun-Times reported. Gildersleeve was set to have an autopsy performed on Sunday, according to the Chicago Tribune.

"We're looking at it as a self-defense issue at this point"

- Anthony Guglielmi, police spokesman

It wasn't immediately clear whether the customer, who has not been identified, will face charges. Guglielmi said the case is under review by local prosecutors, but the preliminary details suggest that the customer was not at fault.

"We're looking at it as a self-defense issue at this point," he said.

Last month, a Michigan woman with a concealed carry license shot at shoplifters fleeing a Detroit-area Home Depot store, flattening a tire of their SUV. No one was hurt, and the suspected shoplifters were arrested several days later. The woman faces up to 90 days in jail after pleading no contest to a charge of reckless discharge of a firearm. Two other shootings in which citizens fired at lawbreakers or potential lawbreakers also happened in September in Michigan.

"It's a slippery slope" when it comes to the question of whether citizens who are licensed to carry guns should intervene in dangerous situations, if at all, Guglielmi said.

"You have situations like this," he said, referring to the foiled Chicago robbery in which no one else was hurt. "And you have situations that end tragically. The department is not going to advocate for what people should or shouldn't do."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Busse, jenkeissä tapahtuu noita keissejä aika monta vuodessa: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_violence_in_the_United_States . Aiotko raportoida miten monesta?

Kehottaisin arvioimaan, että miten jokainen tapaus liittyy Suomen maanpuolustukseen, ennen postausta.

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Nyt menee yli hilseen..?

Miten kaikki nämä ulkomaan/kotimaan uutis- säikeet ym muut maailman tapahtumien säikeet noin niiku yleisesti liittyvät suomen maanpuolustustukseen?

Mitä tulee tähän laittamani juttuun/linkkiin lähinnä siksi että tässä tulee esiin miten USA:ssa saa/voi kansalainen puolustaa itseään verrattuna Suomeen..

Pitääkö siis lopettaa uutsilinkkien laittaminen vai lopetatteko kaikki muut säikeet jotka eivät maanpuolustukseen liity?
Viimeksi muokattu:
Nyt menee yli hilseen..?

Miten kaikki nämä ulkomaan uutis- säikeet ym muut maailman tapahtumiin liittyvät säikeet noin niiku yleisesti suomen maanpuolustustukseen?

Tämä laittamani juttu lähinnä siksi että siinä tulee esiin miten USA:ssa saa/voi kansalainen puolustaa itseään verrattuna Suomeen..

Jos katsot tämänkin ketjun edellistä sivua, niin siinä on lähinnä siihen liittyviä muilta kirjoittajilta. Jos huomaat viestin, joka ei mielestäsi kuulu foorumille, voit raportoida siitä.

Koetan siis saada palautettua vähän uomilleen tätä ketjua. Yksittäinen uutinen, ei niin väliä, mutta jos samasta teemasta tulee paljon, niin siinä vaiheessa puutun.

Hyvä, lue vain tarkasti edellinen viestini. Eli, lisäät jatkossa postaukseen omat taustoitukset / pohdinnat / saatteet ennen linkitettyä uutista.
Jos katsot tämänkin ketjun edellistä sivua, niin siinä on lähinnä siihen liittyviä muilta kirjoittajilta. Jos huomaat viestin, joka ei mielestäsi kuulu foorumille, voit raportoida siitä.

Koetan siis saada palautettua vähän uomilleen tätä ketjua. Yksittäinen uutinen, ei niin väliä, mutta jos samasta teemasta tulee paljon, niin siinä vaiheessa puutun.

Hyvä, lue vain tarkasti edellinen viestini. Eli, lisäät jatkossa postaukseen omat taustoitukset / pohdinnat / saatteet ennen linkitettyä uutista.

Koetan toimia kuten ohjeistat. Kiitos
43miljoonaa dollaria maksanut bensa asema afgoissa. hmmmm

We hear a lot about government contractors ripping off the government. Well, this is a prime example: A gas station in Afghanistan costing the U.S. taxpayer $43 million that should only have cost $500,000.

If you’d like to visit, it’s located in Sheberghan, Afghanistan and was built in 2012 to show that compressed natural gas could be used in cars in that region effectively.

John Sopko, head of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction said:

“[The Pentagon] charged the American taxpayers $43 million for what is likely to be the world’s most expensive gas station.”

The Department of Defense has been unable to respond to the claims…Figures!


From Reuters:

The U.S. Department of Defense spent nearly $43 million on a gas station in northern Afghanistan and has been unable to explain why it cost so much, a U.S. special inspector reported on Monday.

The Pentagon “charged the American taxpayers $43 million for what is likely to be the world’s most expensive gas station,” said John Sopko, head of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, a congressionally mandated body. The amount was spent between 2011 and 2014 on construction and initial implementation of the station.

The gas station in Sheberghan, Afghanistan opened in 2012 and was created to show that compressed natural gas could be used in Afghanistan in cars effectively.

Read more at Reuters

Do you think this sort of overspending is rampant or is this an isolated case? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Kivoja liittolaisia. Linkissä listaus selkäänpuukottamisista.

Green on Blue: The allies who attack U.S. troops while their guard is down
by Blake Stilwell - Nov 9, 2015 6:50:32 pm http://www.wearethemighty.com/artic...e=watm-facebook-fan-page&utm_content&utm_term

A Jordanian police officer shot five people, including two U.S. security trainers, at the King Abdullah Training Center in Amman, Jordan on November 9th. Though not the dictionary definition of a “Green-on-Blue” attack, it does show a rise in these types of insider attacks against U.S. personnel. A Green on Blue attack is how NATO describes attacks on NATO and Coalition forces in Afghanistan by Afghan security forces. It’s important to remember that U.S. and Jordan have a long history of cooperation that predates 1991’s Operation Desert Storm.

U.S. Marines and British airmen with 51st Squadron, Royal Air Force Regiment, search a building for threats as part of Exercise Eager Lion at the King Abdullah Special Operations Training Center in Amman, Jordan, May 15, 2015. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Sean Searfus)

Green on Blue attacks, by their nature, are difficult to predict. They are damaging to morale, unit cohesion, and international relations. They sap public support for training missions from the people of the United States and cause a loss of credibility for U.S. allies. As the U.S. begins to increase its presence in Iraq to combat ISIS, the shift in Green on Blue tactics is troubling, considering the already-strained U.S. training missions in Iraq.

There are 91 incidents of Green on Blue attack in the Afghan War so far, with 148 Coalition troops killed and 186 wounded. 15% of all Coalition casualties in Afghanistan were Green on Blue attacks in 2012. Security measures were put in place to ensure NATO forces have overwatch when these attacks are likely to occur. The Long War Journal blog keeps a tally on Green on Blue attacks.
Suvaitsevaisuuskasvatusta Amerikan malliin.


samaa toimintaa kuin suomessa /euroopassa...! Miksi ...?


Koululasten vanhempien on vaikea uskoa, että USA:n kouluissa toteutetaan jo osittain islamin vaatimaa opetusjärjestelmää. Aamurukoukset on jo poistettu, samoin rukoukset ennen aterioita. Kristillisiä symboleja poistetaan. Musiikkiesityksiä siivotaan, ettei niillä vain voitaisi pahoittaa muslimin mieltä. Samaan aikaan kuitenkin kristittyjen ja muitten uskontokuntien tuntemuksilla ei ole mitään väliä, niitä ei tarvitse huomioida.
Kalifornian Huntington Beach koulujen vanhemmat ovat nousseet jaloilleen vaatien selitystä, miksi islamin sotalauluja vaaditaan opetettaviksi lapsille heidän kouluissaan? Spring View koulun seitsemännen asteen opettaja poikkesi virallisesta opetusohjelmasta ja opetti oppilaitaan laulamaan laulun ”Tämä on minun taistelu-lauluni”. Yksi lasten vanhempi Nicole Negron sai tiedon vahingossa hänen poikansa tuodessa kotiin esitteen, jossa laulun sanat ja melodia esiintyivät. ”Miten me voimme taistella tuota vastaan, kun emme tiedä, mitä kouluissa tapahtuu”, hän valitti. Opettaja selitti koulun valtuuskunnan kokouksessa, että häntä miellytti laulun tarttuva poljento, minkä vuoksi hän halusi opettaa sen oppilailleen.

Laulun sanoissa kerrotaan:

Kuten hiekkamyrsky erämaassa lähettää kamelit liikkeelle,
kuten yksi usko voi avata sydämen, heillä voi olla vain yksi jumala
mutta he voivat saada aikaan räjähdyksen.

Kaikki nämä asiat heidän on sanottava islam – Allahimme on liikkeellä
He opettavat heitä äänekkäästi tänään, kuuletko heidän äänensä tänään?
Tämä on heidän taistelulaulunsa, levitä islamin laulua nyt, todista, että heidän
laulunsa on oikea.

"Los Angelesin kaupungin itäpuolella on käynnissä aseellinen välikohtaus.

San Bernardinon kaupungissa asemies tulittaa ihmisiä. Paikallisen palokunnan mukaan ainakin 20 ihmistä on saanut osuman.

Toistaiseksi ei tiedetä, onvatko uhrit kuolleet.

Asemiestä ei ole vielä saatu kiinni."

Yhtään näitä tapauksia ei tarvittaisi, etenkään näinä aseidenvastaisena aikana.
20 kuollut jo ammuskelussa jenkeissä.
Saa nähdä mihin taas liittyy, ampujia 1-3kpl

'20 victims' in California shooting
Image copyrightAP
Police are attending a shooting at a social services facility in California.

The San Bernardino Fire Department tweeted that it was responding to a "20 victim shooting incident" and it was working to clear the scene.

It is still a "very active scene" and police are trying to secure the building, said a spokeswoman from the San Bernardino Police Department.

There may be up to three gunmen she said, and they were heavily armed and possibly wearing body armour.

She did not confirm the number of victims.

A local reporter tweeted that people are being evacuated from the Inland Regional Center, a non-profit medical and health organisation.
Piti mennä USA ketjuun, pyysin modeja siirtämään