Uutisia Yhdysvalloista

Kovan onnen mies tämä Spencer Stone - tulla nyt puukotetuksi kahdesti parin kuukauden sisällä kahdella eri mantereella!


Ranskan junahyökkäyksen sankaria puukotettiin Kaliforniassa
Ulkomaat 8.10.2015 18:25 Päivitetty: 8.10.2015 18:48
Verna Vuoripuro

Helsingin Sanomat


Spencer Stone tervehti ihmisiä kunniamerkin jakotilaisuudessa Sacramentossa Kaliforniassa syyskuussa.

Ranskassa elokuussa junassa ammuskelleen hyökkääjän taltuttanutta Spencer Stonea on puukotettu Kaliforniassa Sacramentossa, kertoo uutiskanava CBS.

Yhdysvaltain ilmavoimissa palvelevaa Stonea puukotettiin CBS:n mukaan viime yönä useita kertoja erään baarin edustalla. Iskut osuivat ainakin Stonen sydämeen ja vasempaan keuhkoon.

Ilmavoimat kertoo uutiskanava NBC:n mukaan, että 25-vuotias Stone on elossa ja hänen tilansa on vakaa.

Stone taltutti elokuun lopulla yhdessä ystäviensä kanssa ampujan, joka oli noussut Brysselissä Pariisiin matkalla olleeseen junaan.

Stone sai silloin ampujan kanssa painiessaan viillon niskaansa ja hänen peukalonsa lähes leikkautui irti. Ampuja ehti haavoittaa muutamaa matkustajaa.

Kolmikko hakkasi ja kuristi ampujaa, kunnes tämä oli tiedoton. Heitä tuli auttamaan myös britti Chris Norman ja muutamia ranskalaisia.

Miehen taltuttaneita matkustajia kiittivät ainakin Yhdysvaltain presidentti Barack Obama ja Britannian pääministeri David Cameron. Ranskan presidentti François Hollande kutsui heidät kylään Élysée-palatsiin.
Snowdenin manttelinperijä on vuotanut lastin asiakirjoja liittyen UAV:eihin ja niiden käyttöön kohteiden hengen ottamiseen.


The Drone Papers

"The Intercept has obtained a cache of secret documents detailing the inner workings of the U.S. military’s assassination program in Afghanistan, Yemen, and Somalia. The documents, provided by a whistleblower, offer an unprecedented glimpse into Obama’s drone wars."
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Handgun makers compete to supply Army with new handgun


Sept. 29, 2015: A member of the 139th Military Police Company kneels with his holstered 9mm Beretta M9 during a qualifying exercise at a small arms range in Fort Stewart, Ga. (AP Photo/Stephen B. Morton)

FORT STEWART, Ga. – Firearms manufacturers are competing for a rare chance to sell the U.S. Army a new handgun that would replace its current Cold War-era model, and they must meet a lengthy list of requirements to win the lucrative deal.

The Army wants an easier-to-shoot handgun that can inflict more damage on enemies, and the contract will be worth up to $580 million. The winning gun-maker also gets a tacit stamp of approval that could attract sales from other military forces and boost its popularity in the civilian firearms market.

The Army's main handgun — the M9 — is a 9mm semi-automatic intended as a last-ditch, defensive weapon. It was first issued in 1985, and critics say it's too bulky for small-handed shooters. Troops who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan complain it's not as hard-hitting as they would like. And it can't easily accommodate the accessories now common in the civilian firearms market, such as swappable gun-sights or gun-mounted lights.

"It's a little one size-fits-most, and not everybody is one size," said Rodney Briggs, a firearms instructor and former military policeman in the Army National Guard. He carried the M9 during two tours of duty in Iraq. "It's been around for a really, really long time, and it's just old and outdated."

The M9 — and eventually, its successor — is generally carried by soldiers with duties that would make it impractical to lug around a rifle or carbine. That group includes senior officers, tankers, pilots, or those assigned to team-operated weapons.

Rather than tweaking its M9, manufactured by Beretta USA Corp., the Army decided it would be more economical to replace both the M9 and the smaller M11 with the new gun. The new weapon will likely be adopted by other services, too.

"If you're driving an old, beat-up Chevy, you're spending more money than you'd spend on a new car payment," said Daryl Easlick, a civilian who works at Fort Benning in Georgia and develops weapons meant for up-close fighting.

The Army has a lengthy list of requirements. Among them, it wants a handgun with an adjustable grip that can easily fit large or small hands. That way, shooters don't have to adjust their grip mid-fight to operate hard-to-reach buttons or levers.

"I have to overlap my hands" around the M9's fat grip, said Pfc. Elizabeth Reabuck, a member of the Army's 139th Military Police Company, which was training recently with the M9 on a firearms range at Fort Stewart. "If I had to shoot one-handed with this thing, it wouldn't go very well."

The gun should accommodate sights that make it easier to shoot in low light. It should have a rail on which soldiers can easily attach additional equipment, like infrared pointers. The military also wants a gun that can be equipped with a suppressor, which muffles the sound of gunshots.

A 2006 survey found that 58 percent of soldiers who returned from combat reported being satisfied with the M9 pistol, a low score compared with the 75 percent satisfaction rating for the M16 rifle and 89 percent for the M4 carbine. Roughly a quarter of soldiers said they wanted a weapon that used a bigger bullet that could more easily stop an enemy.

Like some of those in the survey, Sgt. Gary Tillery said he would ideally like a more powerful handgun. Between his time in the Marines and the Army, Tillery served four tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan and was deployed to Qatar.

"I own several handguns, and I prefer a higher caliber. I like the stopping power," said Tillery, who was also qualifying at the Fort Stewart range. "I've seen people take a few hits and keep coming. If I have to draw my gun and use it, I want them to stop immediately."

The Army is letting manufacturers decide the optimal type of ammunition. Until recently, the Army usually limited soldiers to use jacketed ball ammunition, which was considered acceptable under rules of war dating back a century. Ball ammunition leaves a cleaner wound and may improve survival. Recent guidance from Army lawyers opens the door to soldiers firing a 9mm round that expands or fragments, causing more damage to the body.

Under federal rules, the Army is not naming the manufacturers who have expressed interest in offering a gun. Companies will deliver their proposed guns to Army officials in January. The Army will then select up to three finalists and put the weapons through more testing, including evaluations from soldiers. The first soldiers would receive it for official use in 2019.

Smith & Wesson Holding Corp., a Springfield, Massachusetts-based company famous for its revolvers, has partnered with military contractor General Dynamics Ordinance and Tactical Systems to offer a gun based off its M&P handguns, which are already used by police agencies.

Beretta, which is moving its U.S. manufacturing from Maryland to Tennessee, Beretta offered the Army an improved version of the existing M9 design before the service announced its open search for a new gun. The company now intends to enter a new pistol called the APX into the competition. The new gun is a major engineering departure from the M9. It has a polymer frame like more recent handguns and can meet the Army's other requirements. Finding the right design is a balancing act for engineers.

"You have to be very lethal, very accurate, yet you must be a combat pistol that is very durable and reliable in all situations," said Gabriele de Plano, vice president of military marketing and sales for Beretta USA.
Olikos tätä muuten mainittu. Republikaanien ykkösmies, Edustajainhuoneen puheenjohtaja John Boehner eroaa. Syynä republikaanien sisäinen kinastelu yhteistyöstä Obaman kanssa (Tea Party).


Edustajainhuoneen puhemies Boehner eroaa
Yhdysvaltain republikaanien sisäinen valtataistelu kärjistyy. Boehner eroaa tehtävästään lokakuun lopussa.

Koska veitsien ostamiseen tulee kielto...?


Illinois Army vet, 75, saves 16 kids from knife-wielding teen reportedly plotting mass murder


Oct. 15, 2015: James Vernon, 75, sits at his home in Morton, Ill. (AP)

A former Army vet is recovering from stab wounds after putting himself between 16 terrified children and a knife-wielding teen determined to kill at an Illinois public library this week.

“He actually ran into the room yelling, ‘I’m going to kill some people!’” James Vernon told the Pekin Daily Times Thursday.

Vernon, 75-- a retired Caterpillar technology worker and Army vet—is recovering from surgery at his home in Morton, Illinois. He was leading a chess club meeting with local kids at the Morton library Tuesday afternoon when Dustin Brown, 19, burst into the room holding a knife in each hand and threatening the children.

“I failed my mission to kill everyone,” Brown told police Thursday, according to a prosecutor’s court affidavit that accompanied formal charges, including attempted murder.

Vernon described the two knives as “hunting types” with “fixed blades about 5 inches” long.

The 16 frightened children – ranging in age from 7 to 13-- scurried under tables in the library’s conference room as Vernon stood in front of Brown.

Brown appeared angry as he focused his attention on the children. Vernon kept his cool and distracted Brown to give the kids a chance to escape.

“I tried to talk to him. I tried to settle him down,” Vernon told the Pekin Daily Times. “I didn’t, but I did deflect his attention” from the kids “and calmed him a bit. I asked him if he was from Morton, did he go to high school. I asked what his problem was. He said his life sucks. That’s a quote.”

As Vernon spoke, he inched closer to Brown. “He backed away when I’d get closer.” With a few steps, Vernon put himself between Brown and the conference room door.

“I gave them the cue to get the heck out of there, and, boy, they did that! Quick, like rabbits,” Vernon said.

After all the children fled, the knife-fight training Vernon learned in the Army five decades ago kicked in. Brown slashed from the right towards Vernon, who blocked the blade with his left hand.

“I should have hit his wrist. That’s how you’re trained, but it’s been half a century,” Vernon recalled. “First rule of combat: Be fast and vigorous,” said Vernon, who never served in combat.

The veteran’s medium build was enough to overcome Brown. “I grabbed him and threw... Somehow he wound up on a table” with the knife in his left hand pinned under his body, Vernon said. “I hit him on the (right) collarbone with my closed hand” until Brown dropped that knife.

Vernon said he was “bleeding pretty good,” but managed to hold Brown until a library employee removed the knives and helped to keep Brown pinned until police and paramedics arrived.

At the time of the incident, Brown was free on bond while facing prosecution charges of possessing child pornography. He told police he’d been planning for two weeks to kill people and then himself, according to an affidavit.

Had he brought a gun instead, “It would’ve been a different story,” Vernon said.

Brown was ordered held on $800,000 bond pending a Nov. 5 court appearance. He’s charged with attempted murder, armed violence, aggravated battery to a person over age 60, and burglary for entering the library with intent to commit a crime.

Vernon won his “90 seconds of combat” with Brown, “but I felt like I lost the war,” he chuckled. His injuries include two cut arteries and a tendon on his left hand from blocking Brown’s knife swipe.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Trump puhu asiaa...

Donald Trump ISIS:n vastaisesta taistelusta: Ehdottomasti suljen moskeijoita, passit pois
http://www.verkkouutiset.fi/ulkomaat/moskeijat trump-42326

Republikaanien presidenttikisaa selvästi johtava liikemies ei huolisi ISIS-taistelijoita takaisin Yhdysvaltoihin.

Fox Business Networkin haastattelussa Donald Trump kertoi strategiastaan niin sanotun islamilaisen valtion kukistamiseksi.

Trumpille lueteltiin Britannian hallituksen esityksiä uusiksi ISIS:n vastaisiksi toimenpiteiksi kuten passien takavarikoimista taistelemaan lähteneiltä ihmisiltä.

– Ehdottomasti, hyvä, hyvä, Trump totesi väliin.

Ehdokasehdokkaalta kysyttiin, tekisikö hän saman ja sulkisi moskeijoita Amerikassa.

– Tekisin sen. Ehdottomasti. Se olisi hienoa, Donald Trump vastasi.

– Tiedän että siellä (Britanniassa) on paljon esityksiä. Jos lähdet ulos (maasta), lähdet taistelemaan ISIS:iin, et voi tulla takaisin.

Kun Trumpille huomautettiin uskonnonvapaudesta, hän vastasi pyöreämmin, että asia riippuu moskeijasta. Hän sanoi passien takavarikoinnista puhutun jo kaksi vuotta "mutta kuten tavallista poliitikot eivät saa siitä yhteisymmärrystä".

– On uskomatonta että joku voi tulla tästä maasta tai Englannista tai muualta ja taistella ISIS:n puolesta ja sitten palata maahamme. Jos he haluavat taistella ISIS:n puolesta, hyvä, he eivät palaa maahamme jos minusta tulee presidentti



Deputies estimate that they've seized between 7,000 and 10,000 stolen guns from a house and warehouse near Pageland. Deputies have arrested Brent Nicholson in connection to the stolen goods.

Chesterfield County Sheriff Jay Brooks says the seized guns, ammunition, and hundreds of other items were all found on a single property off of Highway 9 outside of Pageland city limits.

Brooks says the guns alone filled one tractor trailer and ammunition filled another.

Nicholson was arrested and charged with trafficking opium and heroin, earlier in the week in Union County. Deputies reportedly went to serve him with a subpoena Friday and noticed what appeared to be stolen goods in his front yard.

The deputies say they wrote out the reports for the stolen property just days before.

The raid started Friday night, according to SLED. It's reportedly part of an ongoing investigation involving multiple jurisdictions that could have ties to counties in North Carolina as well. Sheriffs from other jurisdictions were there as well as SLED and ATF.

"None of us have ever seen anything anywhere close to this," Brooks said. "No telling how many break-ins this will held wrap up."

Over 100 law enforcement officials were on the scene Friday and Saturday. Brooks says 20 agents will be sifting through the evidence "piece by piece" starting Monday. Their goal will be to eventually find the rightful owners. Deputies estimate that 99 percent of the seized goods are stolen.

Brooks says Nicholson lived at the home where the items were found. It is believed that other people stole the guns for him.

When asked what Nicholson was doing with so many guns, Brooks said, "(he) looks like a gun hoarder to be honest with you." Deputies have found no evidence that he ever sold any of the guns.

"You know he just had 7,000 guns," Brooks said. "99.9 percent are hunting rifles and shot guns."

Brooks called the items found a "menagerie" of stolen property which also includes 150 chainsaws, 4-wheelers, and taxidermy supplies.

Nicholson and his father ran a liquor store in Pageland, but according to Brooks it's been on his radar for a long time in connection to cases of stolen property.

Warrants were also drawn up for his fathers home, their liquor store, and a farm that Nicholson owned.

Rusty Fender told WBTV he had lived next to Nicholson his entire life and never suspected the hoarding of weapons.

"He's always been a good cat, but you know, people do things," said Fender.

Fender said the discovery of the weapons had scared him and, explained that the recent investigation has raised a lot of questions.

"What was you thinking? Why was you collecting that many firearms? What was you planning on doing with them? I mean was you planning on starting a riot?" questioned Fender.

Fender said he can't remember a bigger event happening near Pageland during his years living in the area. He explained that ultimately he is happy the weapons have been seized.

"I don't understand why he done the things he done, but I'm glad it's off the streets."

Kiva "kokoelma" rosmolla ollut. :D
Trump: Olisivatpa Saddam ja Gaddafi yhä vallassa

Republikaanien presidenttiehdokkuutta Yhdysvalloissa tavoitteleva Donald Trump puhui sunnuntaina CNN:n haastattelussa.

Maailma olisi parempi paikka jos Irakin ja Libyan diktaattorit Saddam Hussein ja Muammar Gaddafi olisivat edelleen vallassa, arvioi Trump.

Trump sanoi CNN:n haastattelussa, että Lähi-idän tilanne "räjähti" presidentti Barack Obaman ja entisen ulkoministerin, demokraattien pääehdokkaan Hillary Clintonin käsiin.

Saddam teloitettiin 2006 ja Gaddafi tapettiin vallankaappauksen jälkeen 2011. Trumpin mukaan Saddam oli "kaamea tyyppi", mutta Irakin tilanne oli hänen aikaansa parempi kuin nyt.

Trump sanoi, että presidenttinä hän keskittyisi vahvistamaan Yhdysvaltojen puolustusta.

- Me elämme keskiaikaa. Elämme uskomattoman vaarallisessa ja kamalassa maailmassa. Trumpin oppi on yksinkertainen. Se on voimaa, Trump sanoi.



Jaahas, euromedia on puolensa valinnut ja Trumpista leivotaan seuraavaa suurta saatanaa, tomppelia ja idioottia.

Rupesin ihmettelemään tätä touhua jo 80-luvulla, kun Ronald Regan valitiin ensimmäiselle kaudelleen niin Suomestakin löytyi porukkaa jotka olivat melkein ranteet auki koska ihmiskunnan tuhoava ydinsota alkaa ihan justiinsa! Sarah Palininsta euromedia on tehnyt aivottomaa bimboa kuvaavan olkinuken, G.W.Bush oli, jos euromediaa on uskominen, nippa nappa oikeustoimikelpoinen.

Obama taas pystyi virkaanastujaiskaudellaan kävelemään vetten päällä ja muuttamaan veden viiniksi. Eero Heinäluoma ei meinannut housoissaan pysyä Obama-paidassaan ja jurpilainen hoki yes we caniaan kuin järkensä menettänyt.

Ensi vuodesta tulee mielenkiintoinen, roolit on näköjään jo jaettu ja mielenkiintoista nähdä millä tavalla jenkit tällä kertaa äänestävät euromedian mielestä väärin. Pistän jo popcornit tulemaan.
On muuten fantastista huomata, että baikalin paheksutut teesit hajoitetuista valtioista saavat tukea kenties tulevalta Usan presidentiltä.

Minä en ole aikoihin enää uskonut eurooppalaiseen käsitykseen amerikoista. Amerikoista kerrotaan niin paljon vääristeltyä tarinaa, että oikein itku pääsee, kun joku oikaisee opittuja ja totuttuja teemoja ja huomaa, että kasvittu, mullehan on suorastaan valehdeltu ns. omien toimesta. Yhdysvallat ei ole mikään enkeli, mutta ei sen tässä maailmassa tarvitse ollakaan. Jostain syystä Usalla on joku kyky korjata virheitään ja hoitaa asioita uudestaan. Se voi jopa myöntää virheensä. Harva valtio Telluksella toimii siten.
"Yhdysvallat on huolissaan siitä, että Venäjän laivastoa liikkuu turhan aktiivisesti lähellä merenalaisia internet-kaapeleita, kirjoittaa The New York Times.
Lehden mukaan maan puolustusministeriössä ollaan huolissaan siitä, että Venäjä saattaa konfliktitilanteessa jopa katkaista meren alla kulkevia nettikaapaleita ja siten aiheuttaa suurta vahinkoa mannertenvälisille viestintäyhteyksille.
Aiemmin huoli on ollut lähinnä, että Venäjä käyttää kaapeleita viestiliikenteen salakuunteluun.
Nyt suurempi huoli on, että Venäjä voisi katkaista valokaapeleita meren alla sellaisissa paikoissa, missä niitä olisi kaikkein vaikeinta korjata. Tämä katkaisi huippunopeat viestintäyhteydet, joiden varaan länsimaiden hallitukset ja taloudet nojaavat.
"Liikehdinnän taso on samanlaista kuin mitä näimme kylmän sodan aikana", eurooppalaisdiplomaatti sanoo lehdelle.
Muun muassa Norja on tilanteesta niin huolissaan, että se on pyytänyt naapureitaan auttamaan seuraamaan Venäjän sukellusveneitä."
USA:n vahvuus on sen kyky keksiä itsensä aina uudelleen ja uudelleen. Yritteliäisyyden, kekseliäisyyden ja optimismin yhdistelmä lisättynä itsenäisyyden ja riippumattomuuden ihanteeseen sekä terveeseen epäluuloon auktoriteetteja ja ideologioita kohtaan on mahtava voima.

Samoista lähteistä kumpuavat tietysti ne negatiivisetkin piirteet mutta paljon olisi euromarisijoilla oppia haettavissa uudelta mantereelta. Toivottavasti saavat vapaakauppasopimuksen pikaisesti kasaan niin uudet tuulet saattaisivat päästä puhaltamaan vanhallakin mantereella.