Uutisia Yhdysvalloista

Tapped out? Shell ending Arctic offshore oil exploration after test well disappoints

May 12, 2015: The Shell Oil Company's drilling rig Polar Pioneer is shown in Port Angeles, Washington. (REUTERS/Jason Redmond)

Royal Dutch Shell said early Monday that it was ceasing offshore oil and gas exploration in Arctic waters after a test well yielded unsatisfactory amounts of oil and gas.

The announcement was a huge blow to Shell, which was counting on offshore drilling in Alaska to help it drive future revenue and had poured billions in investment and years of work into the exploratory well. Environmentalists, however, had tried repeatedly to block the project, and welcome the news.

A statement from the company's headquarters in The Hague said Shell was ending exploration off Alaska "for the forseeable future" after what it called "a clearly disappointing exploration outcome."

Shell said it had found indications of oil and gas in the well in the Chukchi Sea, about 80 miles off Alaska's northwest coast. However, the petroleum was not in quantities sufficient to warrant additional exploration in that portion of the basin, the company added.

"Shell continues to see important exploration potential in the basin, and the area is likely to ultimately be of strategic importance to Alaska and the U.S.," said Marvin Odum, president of Shell USA, in the announcement.

The decision reflects the results of the exploratory well in the Burger J lease, the high costs associated with Alaska offshore drilling and the challenging and unpredictable federal regulatory environment in offshore Alaska, the company said.

Shell has spent upward of $7 billion on Arctic offshore development in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas.

Monday was Shell's final day to drill this year in petroleum-bearing rock under its federal permit. Regulators required Shell to stop a month before sea ice is expected to re-form in the lease area.

The company reached a depth of 6,800 feet with the exploratory well drilling in about 150 feet of water.

Environmental groups oppose Arctic offshore drilling and say industrial activity and more greenhouse gases will harm polar bears, walrus and ice seals. Over the summer, protesters in kayaks unsuccessfully tried to block Arctic-bound Shell vessels in Seattle and Portland, Oregon.

Margaret Williams of the World Wildlife Fund in Anchorage, called the news stunning.

"That's incredible. That's huge," she told the Associated Press. "All along the conservation community has been pointing to the challenging and unpredictable environmental conditions. We always thought the risk was tremendously great."

"Polar bears, Alaska's Arctic and our climate just caught a huge break," said Miyoko Sakashita, oceans program director for the Center for Biological Diversity, in a statement. "Here's hoping Shell leaves the Arctic forever."

The U.S. Geological Survey estimates U.S. Arctic waters in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas contain 26 billion barrels or more of recoverable oil in total. Shell officials had called the Chukchi basin "a potential game-changer," a vast untapped reservoir that could add to America's energy supply for 50 years.

Shell had planned at least one more year of exploration with up to six wells drilled.

A transition to production could have taken a decade or longer.

Shell had the strong backing of Alaska officials and business leaders who want a new source of crude oil filling the trans-Alaska pipeline, now running at less than one-quarter capacity.

Charles Ebinger, senior fellow for the Brookings Institution Energy Security and Climate Initiative, said in an interview that a successful well by Shell would have been "a terribly big deal," opening an area that U.S. officials say contains 15 billion barrels of oil.

While oil prices have dropped significantly in recent years and nations have pushed for cleaner energy sources, analysts predict that the world between 2030 and 2040 will need another 10 million barrels a day to meet growing demand, especially in developing countries, Ebinger said.

"Areas like the Arctic are one of the areas that, if we're going to be able to do this, we need to examine," he said.

Shell in 2012 sent drill rigs to the Chukchi and Beaufort seas but was not allowed to drill into oil-bearing rock because the containment dome had been damaged in testing.

The company's vessels suffered serious setbacks getting to and from the Arctic.

One drill vessel broke loose from its towline in the Gulf of Alaska and ran aground near Kodiak Island. Owners of the leased Noble Discoverer, which drilled in the Chukchi and is back this year, pleaded guilty to eight felony maritime safety counts and paid a $12.2 million fine.

That was proof of Shell's Arctic incompetence, critics said.

Odum called drilling off Alaska's coast the most scrutinized and analyzed oil and gas project in the world and said he was confident Shell could drill safely.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Obama YK:ssa, ilmeisesti hieman turhautunut hänkin (boldattu keskeltä tekstiä):
"Yhdysvaltain presidentti Barack Obama tarjosi Venäjälle yhteistyötä Syyrian kriisin ratkaisemisessa, mutta kertoi Venäjälle myös suoraan että sekä sen politiikka Ukrainassa että sisäpolitiikka ovat tuhoon tuomittua.
– Sisäinen sorto ja ulkoinen uhittelu ovat merkkejä heikkoudesta, vaikka se saattaa näyttää voimalta. Yhdysvallat ei voi katsoa sivusta Ukrainaa, kun siellä tapahtuu jotain joka voi tapahtua kaikille tässä salissa. Aluevaltauksilla ei osoiteta voimaa eikä niillä voiteta mitään, Obama sanoi YK:n yleiskokoukselle.
– Valta tulee ihmisistä. Diktatuurit eivät kestä ja niistä tulee huomisen romahtajia, hän jatkoi.
Obama viittasi myös Venäjän sisäiseen kehitykseen ja mediaan.
– Valheet eivät kestä, hän tiivisti.
– Maailma on nähnyt tämän ennenkin, tietää sen ja takaisin ei voi mennä.
Obama kuitenkin korosti myös yhteistyön mahdollisuutta.
– Diplomatiassa on oltava realisti, vaikka se tuntuu joskus turhauttavalta. Olemme valmiita yhteistyöhön Venäjän kanssa Syyriassa.
Obaman mukaan Syyyrian nykyhallinto on kuitenkin kestämätön.
Yliajalle menneessä puheessaan Obama mainitsi epätavallisen suoraan myös muita maita, joiden kanssa on voitava tehdä yhteistyötä, kuten Kiinan, Etelä-Kiinan meren aluekiistoista huolimatta ja Iranin, jolle olisi sisäisesti hyväksi lopettaa tuki sijaistaistelijoille lähialueilla.
Yhdysvaltain omasta politiikasta ja sen virheistä Obama nosti esiin Irakin ja myös Libyan, josta hän sanoi Yhdysvaltain jättäneen työn kesken, kun on syntynyt valtatyhjiö jonka väkivalta on täyttänyt.
Osa puhetta käsitteli Kuubaa. Obaman mukaan Yhdysvaltain politiikka on 50 vuoden ajan ollut virheellistä ja tuloksetonta.
– Syntymävuotenani lippu laskettiin siellä alas ja nyt se on nostettu ylös uudestaan."
CIA Achieves Key Milestone in Agency-Wide Modernization Initiative

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) today achieved a key milestone under the Agency’s ongoing modernization initiative, a comprehensive effort launched in March 2015 to ensure that CIA is fully optimized to meet current and future challenges.

For the first time in more than 50 years (since 1963), a new directorate officially began operations today at CIA. The new Directorate for Digital Innovation (DDI), which is designed to accelerate the infusion of advanced digital and cyber capabilities across the Agency, is now functioning and joins four other existing directorates at CIA – the Directorate of Analysis, the Directorate of Operations, the Directorate of Science & Technology, and the Directorate of Support.

In addition, ten new Mission Centers officially began operations today at CIA. These new centers harness the full range of CIA’s operational, analytic, support, technical and digital capabilities to address the nation’s most pressing national security problems.

“Today, we mark a key milestone on the Modernization journey that we started almost seven months ago. Nevertheless, the Modernization effort is about much more than changing the way CIA is organized; it is about how we work together every day to bring the best of the Agency to the challenges we face. This kind of change will take time,” said CIA Director John O. Brennan. “With our Agency’s new structure in place, we will follow through in the coming weeks and months by acting on critical feedback from the workforce and focusing on fundamentals.”

CIA launched its modernization plan earlier this year to address two fundamental shifts in the national security landscape: the marked increase in the range, diversity, complexity, and immediacy of issues confronting policymakers today, and the unprecedented pace and impact of technological advancement. Drawing on the recommendations of an internal, 90-day review and input from all levels of the Agency, the CIA modernization blueprint calls for changes along four key lines:

•CIA must invest in its people by enhancing its talent and leadership development:
•CIA must embrace and leverage the digital revolution as well as innovate across its missions;
•CIA must modernize the way it does business, including making decisions at lower levels;
•CIA must better integrate its capabilities to bring the best of the Agency to all mission areas.

Over the past seven months, officers across CIA have been working to implement changes in these areas, including creating a new DDI, creating ten new Mission Centers, and making other improvements.

New Directorate for Digital Innovation:

In addition to spreading advanced digital and cyber capabilities across CIA, the new DDI will create a strategic framework to manage CIA’s digital architecture and talent, enhancing the capabilities of CIA’s existing directorates and new Mission Centers.

The DDI will leverage technological advancements in the digital domain and drive cycles of digital innovation by cultivating conditions for natural innovation to occur and by scaling such advancements more broadly to other mission areas.

The new directorate will also oversee the career development of the Agency’s digital and cyber experts, who will have the opportunity to acquire new skills and expand their tradecraft at pace with changing global and technological changes.

New Mission Centers:

The ten new Mission Centers that began operations today will work closely with all Agency elements to help meet current and future national security challenges. The centers will serve as locations to integrate capabilities and bring the full range of CIA’s operational, analytic, support, technical and digital skillsets to bear against the nation’s most pressing national security problems.

The new Mission Centers are not tethered to any single directorate and will work with all CIA elements to further enhance integration and interoperability. They are organized to take full advantage of CIA officers and elements that have the expertise and capabilities to execute mission. The new Mission Centers, which address four functional areas and six geographic regions, are:

•Mission Center for Africa
•Mission Center for Counterintelligence
•Mission Center for Counterterrorism
•Mission Center for East Asia and Pacific
•Mission Center for Europe and Eurasia
•Mission Center for Global Issues
•Mission Center for Near East
•Mission Center for South and Central Asia
•Mission Center for Weapons and Counterproliferation
•Mission Center for Western Hemisphere

Other Modernization Efforts:

The creation of these new structures comes on the heels of other developments in the modernization plan. On 1 June 2015, CIA stood up its Talent Center of Excellence to consolidate and improve the recruitment, management, training and leadership development of CIA’s workforce. CIA also formally established a new Executive Secretariat on 1 June 2015 to help streamline and enhance executive support functions in the Agency. Over the coming weeks and months, CIA will continue to implement changes along the lines spelled out in the modernization blueprint, including a continued focus on talent development at CIA and other critical initiatives.

Mediat: Oregonin ampuja tunnistettiin – ”Vihainen nuori mies”

Vai että "vihainen nuori mies? " Näin Suomessa...mutta mitä kertoo ulkomaan mediat? Eli taaskaan ei ole uskonnolla (Islam) mitään tekemistä asian kanssa vaan syyllinen on aselaki...?

'Filled with hate': Witnesses say Oregon gunman targeted Christians in community college shooting


Oregon shooting: Gunman dead after college rampage


The gunman, while reloading his handgun, ordered the students to stand up if they were Christians, Boylan told her family.

"And they would stand up and he said, 'Good, because you're a Christian, you're going to see God in just about one second,'" Boylan's father, Stacy, told CNN, relaying her account.

"And then he shot and killed them."
Viimeksi muokattu:
Haavoittuneen oppilaan karmaiseva kuvaus 26-vuotiaan ampujan toiminnasta: ”Nouskaa ylös, jos olette kristittyjä

Niille, jotka nousivat ylös ampujalla oli hyytävä viesti.

– Hyvä, koska olet kristitty, tulet näkemään Jumalan noin sekunnin päästä. Sitten hän ampui heidät, Stacy Boylan kertoo tyttärensä kuvailleen tapahtumasarjaa koulun sisällä.
.....Jos tällä kaverilla olisi ollut ase niin lopputulos olisi ollut ihan toisenlainen.....

Family says courageous Army vet wounded trying to block gunman from classroom



This undated photo, shows Christopher Mintz, who told family members he was shot five times while attempting to prevent Umpqua Community College shooter Chris Harper Mercer from entering a classroom. (Facebook)

An Army veteran suffered five gunshot wounds and two broken legs as he tried to prevent the gunman from entering a classroom at the Oregon community college where at least nine people were killed Thursday, family members told multiple media outlets.

The Daily Beast reported that Chris Mintz, 30, had enrolled at Umpqua Community College with the goal of becoming a fitness trainer. Prior to that, Mintz had served in the Army for over a decade after graduating from his North Carolina high school in 2003.

Mintz's aunt, Wanda, told Q13Fox that her nephew tried to block the classroom door, but was shot three times by the gunman, 26-year-old Christopher Harper Mercer. She added that after Mintz hit the floor, he looked at the gunman and said, "It's my son's birthday, it's my son's birthday." The gunman then shot him two more times.

Mintz has one son, Tyrik, who turned six years old on Thursday.

The Winston-Salem Journal reported Mintz was hit in the abdomen, upper back, left hand, and once in each leg. An orthopedic surgeon also determined that both Mintz's legs were broken.

"He could have very easily died," Wanda Mintz said. "I really think that if he wasn't such a strong, young guy, he may have died."

None of the five shots that hit Mintz struck any vital organs, and he is expected to recover.

"His vital signs are OK. He's going to have to learn to walk again," cousin Ariana Earnhardt told Q13Fox, "but he walked away with his life and that's more than so many other people did."
Viimeksi muokattu:
Usassa on ollut joukkosurma melkein joka päivä tänä vuonna. Olikohan luku bauttiarallaa 270 kpl. Jos sen suhteuttaa väkiluvun verroin Suomeen, se tarkoittaisi samaa, jos Suomessa olisi ollut noin viisi tapahtumaa tänä vuonna. Mitäpä sanotte?
Usassa on ollut joukkosurma melkein joka päivä tänä vuonna. Olikohan luku bauttiarallaa 270 kpl. Jos sen suhteuttaa väkiluvun verroin Suomeen, se tarkoittaisi samaa, jos Suomessa olisi ollut noin viisi tapahtumaa tänä vuonna. Mitäpä sanotte?

ei se ainakaan aseiden määrästä ole kiinni ..eli kysymys on muusta.
Usassa on ollut joukkosurma melkein joka päivä tänä vuonna. Olikohan luku bauttiarallaa 270 kpl. Jos sen suhteuttaa väkiluvun verroin Suomeen, se tarkoittaisi samaa, jos Suomessa olisi ollut noin viisi tapahtumaa tänä vuonna. Mitäpä sanotte?
Ei nyt sentään joka päivä joukkosurmia tehdä, väkivaltaa kyllä, mutta muistakaa maassa on suuri huumeongelma ja rikollisjengejä joka lähtöön.
Suurinosa Yhdysvalloista on yhtä rauhallisia paikkoja kuin mikä tahansa Europpalainen pikkukaupunki.
The day Christians were martyred on American soil


Kristen Sterner, left, and Carrissa Welding, both students at Umpqua Community College, embrace each other during a candlelight vigil for those killed during a shooting at the college, Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015, in Roseburg, Ore. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)

Life or death was determined by the answer to a single question: are you a Christian?

That was the question asked by an anti-Christian gunman who stormed into a classroom at Oregon’s Umpqua Community College.

Click here to join Todd’s American Dispatch – a must-read for Conservatives!

Eyewitnesses say the shooter targeted Christians.

Christians were martyred for their faith, on American soil, a fact mostly ignored by most of the Mainstream Media and the White House.

Kortney Moore was inside the classroom. She told the Roseburg News-Review that the shooter ordered students to get on the ground -- and then told them to stand up and state their religion.

“And they would stand up and he said, ‘Good, because you’re a Christian, you’re going to see God in just about one second,” Stacy Boylan said in a televised report. “And then he shot and killed them.”

His 18-year-old daughter was struck in the back by a bullet – that traveled down her spine. She survived. Miss Moore, too, survived.

Davis Jaques, publisher of the Roseburg Beacon News, said he received a text message from a student who said she was inside the classroom.

“The shooter was lining people up and asking if they were Christians,” the message read. “If they said yes, then they were shot in the head. If they said no or didn’t answer, they were shot in the leg.”

Christians were martyred for their faith -- on American soil -- a fact mostly ignored by most of the Mainstream Media and the White House.

The New York Times only mentioned that the gunman inquired about people’s “religions” and one cable television news channel opined that the shooter’s motive was unclear.

President Obama’s behavior in the aftermath of the massacre was quite frankly unpresidential. Instead of calling for religious tolerance -- he delivered an unhinged tirade on gun control.

“Somebody somewhere will comment and say Obama politicized this issue,” the president said. “Well, this is something we should politicize.”

But I reckon it’s politically incorrect to address the persecution of Christians.

That could explain why the White House has expressed less than passionate outrage over the near-genocide of Christians in the Middle East. And that could also explain why his administration has failed to secure the release of an American pastor being tortured in an Iranian jail.

These days “lambs being led to the slaughter” is not exactly a politically correct narrative.

Franklin Graham eloquently memorialized the fallen on his Facebook page and reminded us that Christians are being persecuted around the world.

“The bold souls at Umpqua Community College who stood up to say they were followers of Jesus Christ were heinously gunned down with no mercy,” Graham wrote. “Jesus said, ‘If they hate you, remember they hated me before they hated you.’”

I cannot even begin to imagine the courage it took for our fellow believers to take a stand -- knowing that to do so -- would require the ultimate sacrifice.

But their families can take comfort in knowing that after they took their last breath on Earth, they took their first breath in Heaven.

Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary, heard on hundreds of radio stations. His latest book is "God Less America: Real Stories From the Front Lines of the Attack on Traditional Values." Follow Todd on Twitter@ToddStarnes and find him on Facebook.
Todennäköisin ampuma-aseella tehdyn henkirikoksen uhri on FBI:n tekemän selvityksen mukaan parikymppinen miespuolinen jengiläinen jonka kuolema liittyy tavalla tai toisella jengien keskinäisiin välienselvittelyihin. Vastaavasti Suomessa henkirikoksen uhri ja tekijä ovat molemmat todennäköisesti miespuolisia päihdeongelmallisia ja rikoksen tapahtuessa vahvasti päihtyneitä.

USA:n asekulttuurin toinen puoli jota euromedia kieltäytyy tunnustamasta olevan edes olemassa ovat tapaukset joissa aseistautunut siviili estää oma-aloitteisesti joukkosurman. Näitäkin tapahtuu säännöllisesti.


Obaman ja muiden kukkahattutätien ajama aselakien tiukennus lopettaisi nämä armed citizen stops shooter -tapaukset muuttamalla koko maan gun free zoneksi jossa viirupäiset massamurhaajat saavat temmeltää vapaasti. Vai noudattaisivatkohan rikolliset ja mieleltään järkkyneet asekieltoja?

Todennäköisin ampuma-aseella tehdyn henkirikoksen uhri on FBI:n tekemän selvityksen mukaan parikymppinen miespuolinen jengiläinen jonka kuolema liittyy tavalla tai toisella jengien keskinäisiin välienselvittelyihin. Vastaavasti Suomessa henkirikoksen uhri ja tekijä ovat molemmat todennäköisesti miespuolisia päihdeongelmallisia ja rikoksen tapahtuessa vahvasti päihtyneitä.

USA:n asekulttuurin toinen puoli jota euromedia kieltäytyy tunnustamasta olevan edes olemassa ovat tapaukset joissa aseistautunut siviili estää oma-aloitteisesti joukkosurman. Näitäkin tapahtuu säännöllisesti.


Obaman ja muiden kukkahattutätien ajama aselakien tiukennus lopettaisi nämä armed citizen stops shooter -tapaukset muuttamalla koko maan gun free zoneksi jossa viirupäiset massamurhaajat saavat temmeltää vapaasti. Vai noudattaisivatkohan rikolliset ja mieleltään järkkyneet asekieltoja?


Lisäksi Suomessa nuo kuvaamasi tapot tehdään pääosin muulla kuin ampuma-aseella.
Kukaan ei kuitenkaan ole ehdottanut erilaisten veitsien ja työkalujen myynnin rajoittamista.

Oregon college shooting: Donald Trump invokes vigilante movie Death Wish



Donald Trump aseenkanto-oikeudesta: Oregonin ammuskelua olisi voitu rajoittaa koulujen aseilla

Yhdysvaltain presidenttikilvassa republikaanien ehdokkaista suosituin, miljardööri Donald Trump puolusti oikeutta kantaa asetta kampanjatilaisuudessaan Nashvillessa lauantaina.

– Olen erittäin, erittäin suuri aseenkantoluvan kannattaja. On yksinkertaisesti kyse itsepuolustuksesta, hän sanoi.

Donald Trump kritisoi alueita, joilla aseiden kanto ei ole sallittua. Trumpin mukaan Oregonissa aiemmin tällä viikolla tilanne olisi ollut paljon parempi, jos opettajilla tai jollain muilla olisi ollut mukanaan aseita.

Oregonin kouluammuskelussa kuoli yhdeksän ja haavoittui yhdeksän Umpqua Community Collegen oppilasta.

Donald Trump huomautti, että mielenterveyspalveluiden parantaminen auttaisi ehkäisemään tulevia vastaavanlaisia ammuskeluja.

– Monet osavaltiot ja kaupungit sulkevat mielenterveyspalveluitaan rahanpuutteen vuoksi. Meidän täytyy keskittyä mielenterveyspalveluihin enemmän.

Trump varoitti, että mitä tahansa tehdäänkin, aina tulee olemaan ongelmia ja siksi ei ole järkeä rajoittaa tuliaseiden hallussapitoa.

– Ei se johdu aseista. Se johtuu ihmisistä, sairaista ihmisistä, hän sanoi.

Argentiinan presidentti Christina Fernandez de Kirchner esítti syytöksen YK:n areenalla puhuessaan, että presidentti Barack Obama syyllistyi valtio-petokseen vaatiessaan, että Argentiinan tulee toimittaa uraania Iranille vuonna 2010. Obaman agenttina toimi Gary Samone, joka toimi Valkoisen Talon koordinaattorina asevalvonnan ja ydinaseiden levittämisen estämis-neuvotteluissa. Hän vastusti USA:n ja Iranin välistä ydinsopimusta.

San Francisco's Last Gun Store Closing Doors for Good

The only gun store in San Francisco is shuttering for good, saying it can no longer operate in the city's political climate of increased gun control regulations and vocal opposition to its business.

"It's with tremendous sadness and regret that I have to announce we are closing our shop," High Bridge Arms manager Steve Alcairo announced in a Facebook post on Sept. 11. "It has been a long and difficult ride, but a great pleasure to be your last San Francisco gun shop."

Alcairo said the breaking point came this summer when a local politician proposed a law that would require High Bridge Arms to video record every gun sale and submit a weekly report of ammunition sales to the police. If passed, the law would join several local gun control ordinances on the books in a city still scarred by the 1993 murder of eight in a downtown high-rise and the 1978 assassination of Mayor George Moscone and gay rights activist Harvey Milk.

"I'm not doing that to our customers. Enough is enough," Alcairo said. "Buying a gun is a constitutionally protected right. Our customers shouldn't be treated like they're doing something wrong."

The announcement prompted an outpouring of sympathy and anger online from gun enthusiasts — and a steady stream of customers eager to take advantage of going-out-of-business prices.

The new rifles lining the store's walls are quickly dwindling, and the handguns in the glass cases are going fast. So are T-shirts that boast in English and Chinese that High Bridge is "The Last San Francisco Gun Store."

For years, the High Bridge Arms weathered mounting restrictions imposed by local lawmakers and voters, who passed a handgun ban in 2005 that a judge later struck down. The gun store increasingly stood out in the gentrifying Bernal Heights neighborhood of hot restaurants, trendy bars and a chic marijuana dispensary, while weathering organized campaigns calling for its closure.

High Bridge will close Oct. 31, Alcairo said.

Supervisor Mark Farrell said he introduced the latest bill to help police combat violent crime in the city. "Anything that makes San Francisco safer, I support," he said.

Farrell said the bill hasn't been voted on, and he doesn't understand why the store is closing now. He said it was "comical" that the High Bridge is blaming its closure on a proposed law still months away from taking effect.

Alcairo said news coverage of the bill's introduction in July slowed sales considerably because customers wrongly believed their purchases would be recorded and turned over to police. He said he had to lay off three clerks and that sales slumped throughout the summer. The store's summer slump comes amid an overall gun sales surge in the state, according to CaliforniaDepartment of Justice statistics.

The California DOJ reported 931,000 guns sold last year— three times the number sold in 2004 and the second highest annual number since the department began keeping sales records in 1991.

In the end, Alcairo said, he and the High Bridge Arms owner tired of the continued opposition and mountains of paperwork required by the San Francisco Police Department, state Department of Justice and the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Alcairo grew up near the store and says he is angry and disappointed with San Francisco.

"This is the city that defended gay marriage and fights for unpopular causes like medical marijuana," he said. "Where's my support?"

Champion pistol shooter Bob Chow opened the store in 1952, four years after competing for the United States in the summer Olympics in London. Chow sold the store to Andy Takahashi in 1988. Chow died in 2003. Takahashi, who also owns the building that houses the store, declined to comment.

Alcairo said the owner shouldn't have a problem attracting another type of business in economically booming San Francisco.

The quirky city fixture attracted gun enthusiasts from around the world, many posing in photos with Alcairo and his pistol-packing clerks. Alcairo said professional athletes would visit the store when playing in San Francisco for the novelty of buying a weapon — and a T-shirt — from the city's last gun store.

"High Bridge has always taken care of me," said Chris Cheng, a San Francisco resident who calls it "my home store." Cheng won a $100,000 cash prize and a professional marksman contract after winning the History Channel's "Top Shot" competition.

"It's always been a challenge for the store to do business in San Francisco," Cheng said.

Are mass shootings preventable? These countries have tried


2013: Australia's lesson in gun control 05:55
Story highlights

    • In the wake of the Oregon shootings, President Obama has again called for gun law changes
    • Other countries, including the UK, Australia, Finland and Norway have changed gun laws following mass shootings
    • The risk of dying by gunshot in Australia fell by more than 50% following a significant change in gun laws
(CNN)In the wake of yet another gun-related spate of violence in the U.S., opponents of the country's gun laws are once again beseeching the public to back some restrictions on gun ownership.

On Thursday, U.S. President Barack Obama -- who has addressed the country at least 14 times on nine different shooting attacks in his seven years in office -- pushed for a change in gun laws when he spoke to reporters about the shooting.


America's long history with guns 02:32
"Somehow this has become routine. The reporting is routine. My response here at this podium ends up being routine, the conversation in the aftermath of it. We've become numb to this," he said.

"Our thoughts and prayers are not enough. It's not enough. It does not capture the heartache and grief and anger that we should feel, and it does nothing to prevent this carnage from being inflicted someplace else in America -- next week, or a couple months from now."

OPINION: Why we're still debating guns in 2015

Proponents of the Second Amendment deny that tightening gun laws will lead to a drop in mass shootings. But, following similar tragedies in the UK, Finland, Norway and Australia, widespread gun law changes have been implemented, often with dramatic results.


In one of his first acts as leader, Prime Minister John Howard announced major reforms to Australia's gun control laws just 12 days after 35 people died at the hands of a lone gunman wielding a military-style semi-automatic rifle at a popular tourist spot in Tasmania on April 28, 1996.

READ: Why change is possible

In the wave of public revulsion against what became known as the Port Arthur massacre, the move for stricter gun controls was led by Howard, who had taken office just seven weeks earlier.

He took his anti-gun campaign around the country, at one stage addressing a hostile pro-gun rally wearing a bullet-proof vest. He also oversaw a successful gun "buy-back" scheme that took some 650,000 guns out of circulation.

High-caliber rifles and shotguns were banned, licensing was tightened and remaining firearms were registered to uniform national standards -- an accomplishment regarded by many in the country as Howard's enduring legacy.


How Sydney siege sparked Australian debate 02:37
Australia has been compared to the United States for its "frontier mentality." But unlike the U.S., there is no constitutional right to bear arms and gun ownership is markedly lower.

In the years after the Port Arthur massacre, the risk of dying by gunshot in Australia fell by more than 50% -- and stayed there. A 2012 study by Andrew Leigh of Australian National University and Christine Neill of Wilfrid Laurier University also found the buyback led to a drop in firearm suicide rates of almost 80% in the following decade.

United Kingdom

On August 19, 1987, 27-year-old Michael Ryan went on a bloody rampage for several hours in the southern English town of Hungerford, Berkshire armed with a pistol, hand grenade and an automatic rifle, murdering 16 people and wounded over a dozen others.

In the wake of the Hungerford massacre, Britain introduced new legislation -- Firearms (Amendment) Act 1988 -- making registration mandatory for owning shotguns and banning semi-automatic and pump-action weapons.

READ: Past massacres tightened UK gun laws

Nine years later, 43-year-old Thomas Hamilton burst into a school in the town of Dunblane in central Scotland and embarked on a terrifying shooting spree that left 16 five and six-year-old children and their teacher dead.

The following year, a new law was passed effectively banning the private ownership of all handguns in the UK, following a highly successful public campaign in the months after Dunblane that included a petition being handed to the government with almost 750,000 signatures.


How '96 UK school shooting changed laws 04:47
However, Britain was shaken by another massacre in June 2010 when a lone gunman, named as Derrick Byrd, killed 12 people and injured almost 30 others after a near four-hour shooting spree in rural Cumbria, northern England. The body of the 52-year-old taxi driver was found alongside two powerful rifles, one equipped with a telescopic sight.

The tragedy again raised questions about the effectiveness of Britain's gun laws after it was revealed Byrd was licensed to carry firearms. The licensing application process involves being vetted by police as well as the applicant's doctor to assess their fitness to own a weapon.


On November 7, 2007, a teenager opened fire with a handgun at his high school in the southern Finnish town of Tuusula, killing eight people before fatally turning the gun on himself. Some 69 shells and more than 320 unused bullets were found at the scene.

Auvinen, who had no criminal record, obtained a license for the weapon the previous month and regularly practiced sharp-shooting as a hobby at a local range, police said.

The following year, the country was numbed by news of another mass shooting. Over the course of 90 minutes, 10 people were fatally shot as Matti Juhani Saari, wearing a ski mask and black fatigues, rampaged through a campus at Kauhajoki city's School of Hospitality in southwestern Finland.

Following the shootings, the Finnish government moved to issue new guidelines on the use of firearms, particularly handguns and revolvers. New applicants for handgun licenses are now required to show they've been active members of a gun club for one year and be vetted by their doctor and police.


How the 'gun culture' impacts politics 04:04
The minimum age for purchasing licenses of short barrel weapons has been raised to 20 and 18 for hunting rifles. Permits are now valid for a period of five years before being reviewed.

In 2013, 59,324 gun permits were issued, a 30% decline on 2007 when 85,409 permits were granted, according to Finnish media.

July 22, 2011 will live long in the memory of all Norwegians after the carnage that unfolded that day.

After detonating a bomb outside the prime minister's office in Oslo, killing eight people, Anders Behring Breivik took a ferry to Utoya Island and embarked on a shooting spree that took the lives of another 69 people attending a youth camp.

Authorities said Breivik roamed the island shooting at campers. He was later jailed for 21 years.

Despite ownership and the type of ammunition permitted for use being tightly regulated, an independent report criticized Norway's gun controls as "inadequate." It called for a total ban on semi-automatic weapons of the type Breivik purchased with relative ease.

Like Finland, Norway has a high number of guns in circulation with hunting a national pastime.According to the "Small Arms Survey 2007: Guns and the City," there are almost 32 firearms per 100 people in Norway. This compares to 88.82 per 100 in the United States.

This story is an updated and edited version of a story published by CNN in 2012.
Kova äijä.


Mies torjui harmaakarhun hyökkäyksen tunkemalla käsivartensa sen kurkkuun
Chase Dellwo sai pari sataa tikkiä päähänsä ja kasvoihinsa, mustan silmän ja syviä haavoja oikeaan jalkaansa karhun hyökkäyksessä.

Tämä harmaakarhu on kuvattu Kicking horse -vuoren lähistöllä Kanadassa syksyllä 2004. Kuva: Kicking horse mountain resort / EPA
Mies selvisi hengissä harmaakarhun raatelusta Choteaussa Montanassa Yhdysvalloissa lauantaina, sanomalehti The Great Falls Tribune kertoo. Mies muisti aikakauslehdestä lukemansa vinkin ja työnsi käsivartensa hyökkäävän karhun kurkkuun.

26-vuotias Chase Dellwo oli metsästämässä jousella veljensä kanssa. Hän huomasi harmaakarhun vasta, kun oli metrin päässä siitä. Karhu oli ollut nukkumassa. Se ei ilmeisesti ollut kuullut eikä haistanut Dellwon lähestymistä kovan tuulen vuoksi.

Dellwo kertoo, että hän ehti ottaa vain pari askelta taaksepäin ja kohottaa jousensa, ennen kuin karhu hyökkäsi. Hän ei ehtinyt virittää joustaan, kun karhu jo kaatoi hänet maahan ja puri häntä päähän.

– Se päästi irti, mutta oli vielä päälläni ja päästi kovimman karjaisun, jonka koskaan olen kuullut, Chase Dellwo kuvailee The Great Falls Tribunessa.

Sen jälkeen karhu puri Dellwoa jalkaan ja nakkasi hänet ilmaan. Kun se lähti tulemaan uudestaan kohti, Dellwo muisti aikakauslehdestä lukemansa jutun.

– Muistin artikkelin, jonka isoäitini antoi minulle kauan sitten. Siinä kerrottiin, että isoilla eläimillä on huono oksennusrefleksi. Joten työnsin käsivarteni sen kurkkuun.

Kikka toimi, ja karhu lähti matkoihinsa. Dellwo liittyi veljensä seuraan, ja tämä ajoi hänet sairaalaan. Sairaalassa Dellwo sai pari sataa tikkiä päähänsä ja kasvoihinsa, mustan silmän ja syviä haavoja oikeaan jalkaansa.

– Haluan kaikkien tietävän, ettei se ollut karhun syy. Se oli yhtä peloissaan kuin minäkin.