Uutisia Yhdysvalloista

Jos jätkä saa innoituksensa ISISlta ja suorittaa ns. viharikoksen, niin miten se eroaa terrorismista? ISIS ja muutamat muut orgaanit nimenomaan ja selvästi ovat hakeneet keinon, jossa vaikutetaan jo kohteen sisällä oleviin ihmisiin, jotka suorittavat tekonsa.....tämä sama nähtiin Pariisissa ei niin kauan sitten, eikö niin? Ennemmin pässi sarvensa pudottaa kuin terroristit keinonsa.

Terrorismiksi itse tämän laskisin, mutta terrorismin määrittely on todella vaikeaa. USA:ssa teko lasketaan helpommin terrorismiksi jos se tehdään pommilla, ampuminen on usein viharikos. Amerikassa terrorismi myös usein koetaan jonkun muun kuin valkoisen tai kristityn tekemäksi, se tulee ulkopuolelta. Tekijä tuomitaan varmemmin jos syytteet tulevat murhista kuin terrorismista.

syyllinen löytyi ja se on NRA


ja tämän kuvan tietenkin löysin hesarista.
Näistä tavallisista emojeista tuli hetkessä Orlandon tragedian symboli ja suuri lohtu ympäri maailmaa



Kannattaa muuten verrata tykkäyksien määrää nois trumpin viesteis ja hesariin hehkuttamiin
syyllinen löytyi ja se on NRA


ja tämän kuvan tietenkin löysin hesarista.
Näistä tavallisista emojeista tuli hetkessä Orlandon tragedian symboli ja suuri lohtu ympäri maailmaa



Kannattaa muuten verrata tykkäyksien määrää nois trumpin viesteis ja hesariin hehkuttamiin


.... ja sekin vielä että miksi piiperöiden pitää nimenomaan LÄNSIMAISSA alkaa selitellä ja näytellä noita "emojeita"???? Menisivät saatana tuonne lähi-itään mistä KAIKKI ongelmat ovat kotoisin ja alkaisivat siellä selittelemään heimojohtajille länsimaista suvaitsevaisuutta. Haluasin nähdä ne otsikot kun suvakit tulee maitojunalla takaisin ... päät kainalossa ....
Näissä rauhanuskontoa julistavissa maissa voi päästä hengestään suht helposti...
Kuinkahan meillä on selvillä kyseisen uskontokunnan edustajien psyyke ja moraalikäsitykset. Palikkatestin tekeminen varmasti olisi rasismia yms... mutta tavalliselta suomalaiselta pulliaiselta se vaaditaan elämän aikana monessa eri työ/lupa vastaavassa vaiheessa.

Jos monet ihmettelee $hillaryn kantaa, sekä bushi jr. saudien kohdalla ja öljymaiden kohdalla. Sen lauluja laulat, kenen leipää syöt jne...

Vaikka en Trumpin kaikista kommenteista pidäkkään ja ole yhtä mieltä, niin tuntuu eniten järkeä ja vähiten rahan tuomaa taakkaa olevan herralla. Länsimaailma näyttää vieläkin nukkuvan ruususen unta(putinin klikki, islam, ylenpaattinen ahneus) jossa pahaa ei ole ja kaikki haluavat vain meidän kanssa hyvää. Ei siinä, että kaikkialla halutaan pahaa, mutta hieman voisi hieraista silmiä ja tarvittaessa laseja tässä kumbaajaa-hurmoksessa puolin ja toisin.
Huvittavinta on hypetys AR15 kivääristä, vaikka ampuja käytti Sig Sauer MCX kivääriä. Eikä ole todellakaan sieltä halvimmasta päästä jenkeissä. 2000-2200$.

'It's an insult': Disbelief of Dr. Petit who was forced to listen to wife being raped and killed and his daughters burned alive as Connecticut court overturns killer's execution because it's 'cruel'
  • Steve Hayes was convicted on 16 counts, including murder, in 2010
  • He was put on death row, but in 2012 Connecticut revoked its death penalty
  • And in 2015 he and ten others had their death sentences commuted
  • Now he's been sentenced to six life sentences plus 106 years in prison
  • In 2007 Hayes and Joshua Komisarjevsky invaded the Petit home
  • Dr. William Petit was tied up in his basement while Hayes raped his wife
  • He then strangled her to death while Komisarjevsky raped Michaela, 11
  • Michaela and sister Hayley, 17, were tied to beds while the house burned
  • Dr. Petit managed to escape to a neighbor's home but his daughters died
  • Komisarjevsky and nine others on death row have yet to be re-sentenced
By James Wilkinson For Dailymail.com

Published: 02:47 GMT, 16 June 2016 | Updated: 07:40 GMT, 16 June 2016
The Connecticut man who lost his wife and daughters in a brutal home invasion in 2007 said Wednesday it was 'sad' one of the killers had his death sentence revoked to comply with new state laws.

Dr. William Petit was tied up in the basement of his New Haven home during the July 23, 2007 attack. He could only listen as his wife was raped and murdered by Steven Hayes. Petit managed to flee to a neighbor's home as his daughters perished in the fire Hayes lit.

'It is a very sad day when a prolonged trial and decision and sentencing by a jury that took 4.5 months to seat is overturned by a legislature that ignores the wishes of the people of CT,' he said in a tweet on Wednesday.



Commuted: Steve Hayes (pictured left in 2007, right in undated prison photo) was sentenced to death in 2010, but because Connecticut repealed the death sentence, he and ten others are having their sentences changed


Victims: Dr. William Petit (left) said it's an 'insult' that Hayes, who raped and murdered his wife Jennifer Hawke-Petit (right) and killed daughters Michaela (center-bottom), 11, and Hayley (center-top), 17, won't be executed


Horror: Hayes and friend Joshua Komisarjevsky raided the Petits' home (pictured after the invasion) in July 2007. They tied Petit up in the basement, then Hayes raped Hawke-Petit before strangling her to death


Bound: This evidence photo shows the bed that Jennifer Hawke-Petit was tied to at one point, and the scarf used to bind her. The yellow numbered sign is a police evidence marker


Tragic: Wolfe-Petit was taken to a bank to withdraw money for the robbers before her murder, while her daughters were tied to their beds. She told the cashier to call the police, but they arrived too late


Bedroom: Komisarjevsky raped Michaela, who was tied to this bed, then left her here when the house was set on fire. Michaela died still tied to the bed, though it's not known exactly what caused her death

He added: 'The insult is compounded by a Supreme Court that rules on not one but 2 cases based on personal opinions and politics and not the law.'

Hayes was sentenced to death in 2010 after being convicted of murder, first-degree kidnapping, first-degree sexual assault and 13 other counts, The New Haven Register reported.

Co-defendant Joshua Komisarjevsky was also sentenced to death in 2011.

But in 2012 the Connecticut House of Representatives voted to repeal capital punishment, stopping it from being handed out in future cases.

Originally, the 11 people on death row - including Hayes and Komisarjevsky - were still to face execution.

But in August last year that was deemed to be 'cruel and unusual punishment' and their death sentences were commuted.

Hayes's trial, which ended Wednesday is the first in a series deciding what will be done with those men. Komisarjevsky and the other nine men who were on death row have yet to face theirs.

Petit and his family declined to make a statement in court, saying they had already said what needed to be said during the trial, as did Hayes and his public defender Thomas Ullmann.

Superior Court judge Jon C. Blue concluded: 'With the gravity of these crimes and the depravity of your character, nothing more needs to be said.'

He then handed down six consecutive sentences of life without possibility of parole, followed by a total of 106 years for Hayes's crimes.

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Hayes and Komisarjevsky committed their crimes in July 2007, when a home-invasion robbery spiraled into a nightmarish litany of rape, child abuse and murder.

The pair forced their way into Petit's home and beat him badly with a baseball bat before tying him up in the basement of his house, which he shared with his wife Jennifer Hawke-Petit, 48, and their daughters Hayley, 17, and Michaela, 11.

The pair demanded money from Petit, then 50, and ransacked his home - but when they found a banking book with $30,000 in it, they changed their mind.

Instead, they decided they would take Hawke-Petit to a bank, and force her to withdraw $15,000. She did, and told the teller what was happening.

But the police did not arrive in time for what happened next.


Burned: This is the bed Hayley was tied to when the house was set on fire. She freed herself but died of smoke inhalation in the corridor outside


Injury: Petit, who managed to escape the basement and crawl to a neighbor's home, was so badly injured that at first his neighbor didn't recognize him


Inferno: The fire was so intense in the Petit living room that the only part to survive intact was the fireplace


Unrecognizable: The kitchen was burned beyond recognition, with only a few pots and pans left in the incinerated kitchen cabinets

Once back home, Hayes raped Hawke-Petit, then strangled her to death. Petit, still tied up in the basement, could only listen.

When he heard one of the men say that it 'it will all be over soon,' Petit realized that they were all going to be killed and managed to break the bonds on his hands - but not those on his feet - and crawl to his neighbor's house.

The doctor was to bloodied and disfigured by his beating that his neighbor of 18 years didn't even recognize him at first.

As Petit was crawling to safety, his daughters were suffering. They had been tied to their beds, with pillowcases placed over their heads.

Komisarjevsky raped 11-year-old Michaela - he later told authorities he thought she was 16 or 17 - and then Hayes splashed gasoline around the house and set it ablaze.

Hayley was able to free herself, but died in the hallway due to the superheated fumes. Michaela's body was found on her bed. It could not be determined how she died.

The suspects then fled the house, ramming through a police barricade with the Petits' vehicle, before being apprehended.

Facing the prospect of execution in 2013, Hayes told The New Haven Register: 'Death for me will be a welcome relief and I hope it will bring some peace and comfort to those who I have hurt so much.'

Speaking outside the court Wednesday, Ullmann said he was delighted by the result.



Accomplice: Komisarjevsky (left in 2007, right in undated court pic) will be re-sentenced at a later date. Hayes, meanwhile, had initially welcomed the death sentence, and converted to Judaism while in prison


Memories: This Easter post by Petit was made in the memory of his deceased family

'It’s a relief for many of us lawyers who have worked on this for so long, to see the elimination of this barbaric punishment [the death penalty] from our laws.'

He added that the only person killed against their will by the state in recent decades was serial killer Michael Ross in 2005 - and he had in fact requested execution.

'So the state never achieved getting somebody executed against their will,' he said. 'It was an incredibly failed criminal justice policy. The costs to the state were enormous. This money could have been used for victims and treatment programs.'

He added that Hayes had converted to Judaism while in court, and that he had to be talked out of suicide several times.

Since the deaths of his daughters and wife in 2007, Petit has remarried. He and his wife Christine had a son, William Petit III, in 2013.

But he has said he will never come to terms with the loss of his first family.

A Tweet from Easter shows an image of Michaela, Hayley and Hawke-Petit looking down from Heaven, with the message: 'Easter 2016 / Gone but not forgotten.'

In May he began a run for state legislature, the Hartford Courant reported.

Connecticut is the 19th state to remove the death penalty from its books.
oe Biden: Ban ‘Civilian Ownership’ Of ‘Assault Weapons’

by AWR Hawkins17 Jun 20163,840

Vice President Joe Biden called Friday for a ban on “civilian ownership” of “assault weapons” and “high capacity” magazines.

He called for the ban after a WhiteHouse.gov petition for an “assault weapons” ban garnered more than 185,000 signatures. And that sounds like a lot of signatures, but it is a small proportion of the population of the United States, now 320,000,000.

According to ABC News, “Biden says Congress should renew the expired assault weapons ban.”

Biden also said Congress should expand background checks to cover all sales–private and retail.

He did not mention that the Orlando attacker bought his guns at retail, also passed a background check to acquire them, and also submitted to a waiting period for a handgun before taking it home.

Biden also wants a ban on “high capacity” magazines and he wants persons “terror watch lists” to be barred from buying guns, although many of those people have never been convicted of a crime.

Breitbart News previously reported that Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is pushing for a watch list comprised of persons who used to be on watch lists. They, too, would be banned from purchasing guns.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at [email protected].


Exclusive Video: Veteran Forcibly Dragged from Air Force Ceremony for Mentioning God

First Liberty/screenshot

by Breitbart News20 Jun 20162

When a veteran started offering traditional remarks at a military flag-folding ceremony, several uniformed airmen assaulted him, dragging him out of the room because his remarks mentioned God. Now First Liberty Institute lawyers representing retired Senior Master Sergeant Oscar Rodriguez are demanding that the U.S. Air Force apologize and punish those responsible or face a federal civil-rights lawsuit.

For countless years, service members have given the “flag-folding speech” at military and civic events, including retirement ceremonies. Traditionally, this speech explains the colors, symbols, and history of the flag.

The flag-folding speech also contains several religious references, including, “Let us pray that God will reflect with admiration the willingness of one nation in her attempts to rid the world of tyranny, oppression, and misery. It is this one nation under God that we call, with honor, the United States of America.”

The speech closes with, “God bless our flag. God bless our troops. God bless America.”

In 2005, the Pentagon changed the speech to remove all references to the divine, substituting additional historical facts such as Neil Armstrong’s planting of an American flag on the moon in 1969. But many service members prefer the traditional speech and desire that version given at their own retirement celebrations.

Rodriguez retired from the Air Force in 2013 after 33 years of service to his nation. He has a clear and distinctive voice and is frequently asked to deliver the flag-folding speech at retirement ceremonies.

On April 3, 2016, Master Sergeant Charles Roberson was retiring from active duty. Roberson had heard Rodriguez give his stirring rendition of the traditional flag-folding speech and asked Rodriguez if he would give that speech at Roberson’s retirement celebration at Travis Air Force Base where Roberson served in the 749th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron.

According to a demand letter sent by First Liberty Institute on Sunday, when the squadron’s commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Michael Sovitsky, learned that Rodriguez would give the traditional speech mentioning God, he expressed his opposition and allegedly tried to block it. As Roberson explained in a video interview seen for the first time on Breitbart News, Roberson asked Rodriguez to press forward.

When the event went forward as planned, another video first obtained by Breitbart News — the one of the retirement ceremony itself — shows Rodriguez taking his position and beginning his flag-folding speech. Four uniformed airmen surround him, forcibly seize him, and roughly drag him out of the room, as he continues shouting out his speech over the heads of his assailants.

The service members were not military police and had no lawful authority to arrest or detain any person, especially a private citizen like Rodriguez. Air Force personnel then expelled Rodriguez from the base entirely.

Rodriguez then retained First Liberty Institute — the largest law firm in the United States exclusively dedicated to protecting religious liberty — as his legal counsel. First Liberty is representing Rodriguez entirely free of charge.

“It was one of the most humiliating experiences of my life,” Rodriguez says. “To have the Air Force assault me and drag me out of a retirement ceremony simply because my speech included the word ‘God’ is something I never expected from our military.”

“Mr. Rodriguez has a constitutional right to free speech and religious expression, even on a military base,” added Mike Berry, director of military affairs for First Liberty. “The military broke the law and abused its power. We expect the Air Force to hold those responsible accountable, and allow Mr. Rodriguez to continue honoring the flag and other veterans who have sacrificed for our country.”

On Sunday, First Liberty sent a letter to the U.S. Air Force and the commander of Travis Air Force Base, demanding that the Air Force: (1) issue a formal written apology to Rodriguez, (2) an admission that Air Force personnel violated his civil rights, (3) a written promise that Rodriguez is welcome to return to the base and engage in legally protected speech, and (4) “Punitive action against those determined to be responsible for violating Mr. Rodriguez’s constitutional rights.”

The letter also lists the various federal laws and provisions of the U.S. Constitution that the airmen — acting as government agents — allegedly violated by their actions, including the First Amendment, Fourth Amendment, and Fifth Amendment of the Bill of Rights. First Liberty Institute is giving the Air Force seven days to meet these demands and apologize to Rodriguez, or these lawyers will file a federal civil-rights lawsuit in U.S. district court to seek justice for this 33-year Air Force veteran.

First Liberty Institute has set up a website showing the videos and legal documents. First Liberty has also set up a separate website, www.standwithoscar.com, where Americans can sign a letter expressing their support.

Speaking exclusively with Breitbart News over the weekend, Berry further added, Americans should be outraged at seeing uniformed military personnel drag away a decorated veteran who is honoring his friend, simply because he invoked God’s blessing with traditional remarks.”

“The Constitution condemns such authoritarian censorship,” he declared.
Kansallinen kivääriyhdistys on se, joka jenkeissä määrää? "Jotain mätää Tanskan maalla" (Shakespeare)

Kiristykset aselakeihin kaatuivat jälleen USA:n senaatissa

Yhdysvalloissa senaatti on odotetusti jälleen torjunut joukon esityksiä, jotka olisivat kiristäneet maan aselainsäädäntöä.

Republikaanienemmistöisen senaatin käsiteltävänä oli yhteensä neljä esitystä, kaksi kummankin puolueen edustajilta.

Demokraatit esittivät, että aseiden ostaminen kiellettäisiin ihmisiltä, jotka ovat FBI:n terroriepäiltyjen listalla tai lentokieltolistalla. Lisäksi demokraatit vaativat laajempia taustaselvityksiä niille, jotka ostavat aseita asenäyttelyistä tai netistä.

Republikaanit esittivät, että FBI:n terroriepäiltyjen listalla oleville ihmisille pitäisi asettaa kolmen vuorokauden odotusaika aseostoille. Republikaanien mukaan viranomaiset ehtisivät silloin tarvittaessa hakea oikeudelta ostokieltoa. Toinen esitys koski taustaselvitysjärjestelmän kehittämistä.

Vaalit kiristävät jännitteitä entisestään

Vaalien alla riitaisten puolueiden on tavallistakin vaikeampaa saavuttaa yhteisymmärrystä mistään. Republikaanit tyrmäsivät demokraattien esittämät rajoitukset liian tiukkoina. Demokraattien mukaan republikaanien esitykset olivat taasen aivan riittämättömiä.

Republikaaneilla on senaatissa 54–46-ylivoima. Esitykset olisivat tarvinneet taakseen vähintään 60 edustajaa edetäkseen.

Vaatimukset aselakien kiristämiseksi kiihtyivät jälleen toissaviikkoisen Orlandon joukkomurhan jälkeen. Omar Mateen tappoi 49 ihmistä yökerhossa laillisesti hankkimillaan aseilla. Hän oli ollut aiemmin Yhdysvaltojen liittovaltion poliisin FBI:n terroriepäiltyjen listalla.

Orlandon joukkoampuminen oli Yhdysvaltojen historian pahin. Aselakien kiristyksiä on yritetty ajaa läpi senaatista aiempienkin joukkoampumisten jälkeen, mutta turhaan.

– Tänään senaatti käänsi selkänsä aseväkivallan uhreille niin Orlandossa, San Bernardinossa, Newtownissa kuin Chicagon kaduillakin, sanoi demokraattien kärkisenaattoreihin kuuluva Dick Durbin äänestysten jälkeen.

Kansallinen kivääriyhdistys on se, joka jenkeissä määrää? "Jotain mätää Tanskan maalla" (Shakespeare)

Kiristykset aselakeihin kaatuivat jälleen USA:n senaatissa

Yhdysvalloissa senaatti on odotetusti jälleen torjunut joukon esityksiä, jotka olisivat kiristäneet maan aselainsäädäntöä.

Republikaanienemmistöisen senaatin käsiteltävänä oli yhteensä neljä esitystä, kaksi kummankin puolueen edustajilta.

Demokraatit esittivät, että aseiden ostaminen kiellettäisiin ihmisiltä, jotka ovat FBI:n terroriepäiltyjen listalla tai lentokieltolistalla. Lisäksi demokraatit vaativat laajempia taustaselvityksiä niille, jotka ostavat aseita asenäyttelyistä tai netistä.

Republikaanit esittivät, että FBI:n terroriepäiltyjen listalla oleville ihmisille pitäisi asettaa kolmen vuorokauden odotusaika aseostoille. Republikaanien mukaan viranomaiset ehtisivät silloin tarvittaessa hakea oikeudelta ostokieltoa. Toinen esitys koski taustaselvitysjärjestelmän kehittämistä.


Noinhan se aina menee. Tuossa maassa aseenkanto-oikeus on pyhä asia ja siihen suhtaudutaan enemmän velvollisuutena kuin pelkkänä oikeutena.
Näin Isänmaallisessa oikeusvaltiossa toimitaan :salut:

Vietnam War helicopter pilot to receive Medal of Honor 49 years after saving wounded soldiers

Published June 21, 2016
Associated Press
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This 1969 photo shows Charles Kettles with an Army UH-1H helicopter in Vietnam (U.S. Army)

WASHINGTON – Some five decades after he led a platoon credited with rescuing dozens of soldiers pinned down by enemy fire, a Vietnam War veteran will be awarded the nation's highest military honor for valor, the White House announced on Tuesday.

In May 1967, Army Maj. Charles Kettles led several helicopter trips to help evacuate wounded soldiers near the district of Duc Pho. He returned to the landing zone without additional aerial support to rescue stranded soldiers pinned down by enemy fire. The White House says Kettles helped save the lives of 40 soldiers.

Kettles retired from the Army in 1978 as a lieutenant colonel. He resides in Ypsilanti, Michigan, with his wife, Ann.

The Army said next month's White House ceremony is the culmination of an effort that began in 2012.

William Vollano of the Veterans History Project launched a formal campaign to upgrade Kettles' Distinguished Service Cross to the Medal of Honor.

As part of that review, several men from his company and the 101st Airborne Division sent letters validating Kettles' actions. Lawmakers also got involved. Longtime Democratic Rep. John Dingell of Michigan sent a letter to the Pentagon asking for reconsideration so that Kettles could be awarded the Medal of Honor.

Then, after Defense Secretary Ashton Carter determined that Kettles' actions merited the nation's highest military honor, Rep. Debbie Dingell and Sens. Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow, all of Michigan, introduced legislation waiving a time limitation for the award and paving the way for Obama to make the final decision.

The Army also announced that Kettles will be inducted into the Pentagon's Hall of Heroes on July 19, one day after the White House ceremony.

The Army said that despite a heavily damaged helicopter, Kettles was relentless in his efforts to ensure that every soldier was extracted.

On one particular flight out of the landing zone, a machine gun sprayed the helicopter Kettles was flying, but "Maj. Kettles coaxed the helicopter and managed to fly us back to base camp," said Roland J. Scheck, an Army specialist who was serving as a door-gunner on Kettles' crew.

"Kettles personifies the Army's `Warrior Ethos' - never leave any soldier behind," said Secretary of the Army Eric K. Fanning.
tää oli aika kova temppu...


South Pole rescue flight of 2 sick American workers arrives in Chile

A plane carrying two ailing passengers from the South Pole arrives safely in Chile late Wednesday, according to a statement from the National Science Foundation.

The American workers arrived in the southern Chilean city of Punta Arenas. They made a stop earlier at a British station on the edge of Antarctica.

The National Science Foundation, which runs the Amundsen-Scott station, would not identify the workers, who are employees of Lockheed Martin, nor their medical conditions.

The foundation said initially that one worker needed medical attention, but NSF spokesman Peter West confirmed two people were airlifted. Normally planes don't use the polar outpost from February to October because of the dangers of flying in the pitch dark and cold.

The Twin Otter's crew -- a pilot, co-pilot, flight engineer and medical worker -- arrived at the frigid research station Tuesday before resting for several hours as temperatures dropped below minus 70 degrees.

Before they left, there were 48 people — 39 men and nine women — at the station for the winter.

Steve Barnet, who works with a University of Wisconsin astronomy team at the polar station but is in the U.S., now, lauded the rescue crew.

"The courage of the pilots to make the flight in extremely harsh conditions is incredible and inspiring," Barnet wrote in an email.

The extreme cold affects a lot of things on planes, including fuel, which needs to be warmed before takeoff, batteries and hydraulics, according to West. The Twin Otter can fly in temperatures as low as minus 103 degrees (minus 75 degrees Celsius), he said.

"The air and Antarctica are unforgiving environments and punishes any slackness very hard," said Tim Stockings, operations director for the British Antarctic Survey. "If you are complacent it will bite you."

"Things can change very quickly down there" with ice from clouds, high winds and snow, he said.

There have been three emergency evacuations from the Amundsen-Scott station since 1999. That first flight, which was done in Antarctic spring with slightly better conditions, rescued the station's doctor, Jerri Nielsen, who had breast cancer and had been treating herself. Rescues were done in 2001 and 2003, both for gallbladder problems.

Scientists have had a station at the South Pole since 1956. It does astronomy, physics and environmental science with telescopes, seismographs and instruments that monitor the atmosphere. The foundation runs two other science stations in Antarctica.

Fox News’ Greg Palkot and the Associated Press contributed to this report.
Kaikenlaista ääriryhmää sitä Amerikan Yhdysvalloissa asustaa. :confused:


Teksasilainen ekstremistiporukka uhoaa varustautuvansa täyttä häkää maata uhkaavan islamistien kansannousun varalle. Tarkoitus on uhoamisen perusteella ampua muslimeita sian vereen ja pekonin rasvaan dipatuilla luodeilla. Ryhmän mukaan tämä varmistaa sen, että muslimit päätyvät "suoraan helvettiin."
Kaikenlaista ääriryhmää sitä Amerikan Yhdysvalloissa asustaa. :confused:


Teksasilainen ekstremistiporukka uhoaa varustautuvansa täyttä häkää maata uhkaavan islamistien kansannousun varalle. Tarkoitus on uhoamisen perusteella ampua muslimeita sian vereen ja pekonin rasvaan dipatuilla luodeilla. Ryhmän mukaan tämä varmistaa sen, että muslimit päätyvät "suoraan helvettiin."

No jenkkeihin mahtuu monemoista porukkaa, mutta tuohan on ihan normaalia Islamisti-vihollisen spykolokista moraalin murentamista :cool:...samaa tekevät Kurdien nais- sotilaat ISIS:tä vastaan taistellessaan...
No jenkkeihin mahtuu monemoista porukkaa, mutta tuohan on ihan normaalia Islamisti-vihollisen spykolokista moraalin murentamista :cool:...samaa tekevät Kurdien nais- sotilaat ISIS:tä vastaan taistellessaan...

Minusta tuo on lapsellista ja vastenmielistä uhoamista. Aivan yhtä kuvottavaa ja vähä-älyistä kuin nuo ääri-islamistienkin väkivaltafantasiat. Sitten jos nuo teksasilaiset vielä ryhtyvät sanoista tekoihin niin alentuvat samalle tasolle ISIS-saastan kanssa.