Uutisia Yhdysvalloista

Hieno tarina miehellä.:salut:


Tämä kuva kyynelehtivästä sotilaasta lähti huimasti viraaliksi - taustalla upea tarina
8 tuntia ja 52 minuuttia sitten

West Pointin sotilasakatemian valmistujaisissa liikuttunut sotilas liikutti maailmaa.

  • eb5f9e55c048b1cf4403a02783b479b30f2ea3c101c211689795af2687c50952

    Haitilaistaustaisen sotilasakatemiasta valmistuneen kyyneleet ovat koskettaneet.

    (U.S. Army photo Staff Sgt Vito T. Bryant)
Valokuvassa seisoo sotilaan juhlapuvussa asennossa 950 muun sotilasakatemiasta valmistuvan joukossa Alix Schoelcher Idrache. Kyyneleet valuvat vuolaana hänen poskillaan ja ilme kertoo kaiken.

USA:n armeijan valokuvaaja Vito T. Bryantinkuva julkaistiin West Pointin Facebook-sivulla tiistaina. Washington Post kertoootoksen lähteneen viraaliksi lähes saman tien.

Idrachen tarina onkin koskettava. Hän tuli USA:an rutiköyhistä oloista Haitin Port-au-Princesta seitsemän vuotta sitten osaamatta juuri englantia, ansaitsi kansalaisuuden ja värväytyi kahdeksi vuodeksi kansalliskaartiin ennen sotilaseliitin West Pointin läpi uurastamistaan.

"Heräsin aamulla ja näin kasvoni kaikkialla Facebookissa ja sen mukana lukuisia uskomattomia kommentteja saavutuksistani. Olen nöyrä ja shokeerattu samaan aikaan. Kiitos mahdollisuudesta amerikkalaiseen unelmaan ja Jumala suojelkoon Amerikkaa, maailman suurinta maata", Alix itse kirjoitti Facebookiin.

Idrache kertoi kyynelehtineensä kolmen asian takia.

Hän muisti taustansa Haitista tulleena "enkä koskaan kuvitellut että tällainen kunnia eräänä päivänä lankeaisi minulle". Toiseksi hän mietti samalla paikalla valan vannoneita sotilaita, kuten miehiä, jotka vapauttivat Euroopan fasismista. Kolmantena nuorimies kertoo ajatelleensa omaa tulevaisuuttaan lentäjänä - "siellä mistä tulen ei kasva lentäjiä".

"Isäni sanoi aina: 'koulutus on ainoa lahja jonka voin aina antaa sinulle, koska minulla ei ole mitään materiaalista annettavaa'", Alix Idrache toteaa armeijan nettijutussa.

tää on jo todella huono uutinen:


"Yhdysvalloissa on todettu maan ensimmäinen kaikille tunnetuille antibiooteille vastustuskykyinen bakteeritapaus. Aiemmin samaa bakteeria on tavattu Kiinassa ja Intiassa."

tämä on yksi suurimmista uhkista ihmisille/valtioille mitä maa päällään kantaa, mutta kuinka vähän varoja tämän ongelman selvittämiseen kuitenkin sijoitetaan..?
Onko lentotukialuksien aika ohitse?
Kiinan uusi merimaaliohjus lentää kauemmaksi kuin lentotukialuksen koneet.


Tuossa on yksi syy siihen, miksi jenkit ovat kehittämässä uutta pitkän matkan häive-pommaria.

Pitää kuitenkin muistaa, että satojen kilometrien päästä on hankala paikallistaa tukialuksen sijainti. Tätähän jenkit jo harjoittelivat Japania vastaan 2MS ja NL kylmän sodan aikana.
Liittyen Obaman Japanian vieralailuun josta on myös uutisoitu: miten Obama ei aio pyytää anteeksi Japanilta tiputettuja ydinpommeja...?

Minusta tämä kirjoitus on aika hyvä :solthum:

Mikä siinä anteeksipyynnössä on niin vaikeaa ?
27.5.2016 12:54 Janne Suuronen

"Mikä siinä on niin vaikeaa? Valtiojohtajien anteeksipyynnöt ovat harvinaisia"-pohtii Yleisradio artikkelissaan.

Kysynkin Yleltä: Mikä siinä on niin vaikeaa mainita Talvisota esimerkkinä, mistä Venäjän kuuluisi esittää Suomelle anteeksipyyntö ja korvata parhaansa mukaan tekemänsä vääryys (palauttaa anastamansa maat). [Sivulauseena: Väärin tekemisen myöntämisen, anteeksipyynnön ja anastetun maan palauttamisen jälkeen eväät luottamukseen Venäjän johtoa kohtaan nousisivat aivan toiselle tasolle; konkreettiset teot kääntäisivät jopa allekirjoittaneen kannalle, ettei Suomen NATO-jäsenyyttä tarvita, eikä ole hyvä ratkaisu.]

Yleisradion maailman johtajien anteeksipyyntöjä pohtiva artikkeli kirjoitettiin Barack Obaman Hiroshima-vierailun yhteydessä. Maailmassa on tapahtunut paljon pahaa, joten miksi juuri tämä atomipommin tiputtaminen nostetaan aina tikun nokkaan ? Tänään tietysti Obaman Hiroshima-vierailun vuoksi, mutta Hiroshimaan ja Nagasakiin pudotettuja pommeja näkee käytettävän keskusteluissa argumenttinä muulloinkin. Mitä vasemmistolaisempi ajattelija, sitä useammin.

Pohjimmiltaan taustalla on mielikuvapolitiikan luomista USA:ta vastaan. Kamppailu ihmisten sieluista. Ei koske pelkästään Yleisradiota, vaan laajempikin ilmiö kylmän sodan ajoilta.

Atomipommi luo tunnetasolla kauhukuvan. Vaikka lopultakin kyseessä on vain kemiallis-fysikaalinen ilmiö siinä, missä vaikkapa TNT:n nopeasti tapahtuva palaminenkin. Atomipommin laukeamisen kemiallis-fysikaalinen ilmiö yksittäisenä tapahtumana on muita ilmiöitä voimakkaampi, mutta siltikin vähäisempi kuin muut tapahtumat yhteen laskettuna hieman pidemmällä ajanjuoksulla.

Kun valtio A hyökkää aseellisesti valtiota B vastaan, niin pitääkö hyökkäyksen kohteeksi joutuneen valtion B johdon myöhemmin pyytää anteeksi:
1) Takaisin ammuttua luotia, energiasisältö 2kJ
2) Takaisin ammuttuja luoteja, energiasisältö 10mrd x 2kJ
3) Takaisin ammuttua tykinammusta, energiasisältö 1GJ
4) Takaisin ammuttuja tykinammuksia, energiasisältö 10milj x 1GJ
5) Sodan lopettamiseksi pudotettua pommia, energiasisältö 10GJ
6) Sodan lopettamiseksi kaikkia pudotettuja pommeja, energiasisältö 0,1milj x 1GJ = 100TJ
7) Sodan lopettamiseksi pudotettua atomipommia, energiasisältö 100TJ

Mihin vedetään raja ja miksi juuri siihen ? [ "Mutta kun se suuri yliluonnollista lähentelevä atomipommi" ]

Mikä juuri atomipommin pudottamisesta teki erityisen pahan ? Toisessa maailmansodassa vaikkapa Dresden ja Tokio tuhottiin palopommein laajemmalta alueelta, kuin mitä atomipommit tuhosivat. Vielä toisen maailmansodan aikana Neuvostoliitolla ei ollut pommein tehtäviin joukkotuhoihin teknologisia ja/tai taloudellisia eväitä, mutta maa kyllä hoiti samaan lopputulokseen johtavan ihmisten massatuhoamisen muilla menetelmin. Japani hyökkääjänä oli yksistään Kiinassa aiheuttanut satakertaiset tuhot kahteen atomipommiin verrattuna.

Hieman toisesta näkökulmasta voi myös spekuloida ja tarkastella ydinasetta pelotteena. Olisiko ydinpelotteella sama merkitys, mikäli niitä ei olisi kertaakaan käytetty ? Vai voisiko ehkä jopa olla mahdollista, että 1950-luvulla suurvaltojen olisi käyty pienimuotoinen ydinsota ilman Hiroshiman ja Nagasakin esimerkkejä. Varmaa vastausta tähän menneen ajan spekulaatioon ei ole.

Itseni on vaikeuksia erotella atomipommin sodassa käyttämistä mistään muusta siviileihin tapahtuneesta sotarikoksesta. Siviilien tappaminen on mielestäni aina samanlainen sotarikos. Tapahtui tappaminen millä aseella hyvänsä. Ja sotarikoksiin syyllistyivät kaikki toiseen maailmansotaan sotilaallisesti osallistuneet valtiot; Suomen ja vaikkapa Romanian kaltaiset pienet valtiot ehkä vähäisemmässä määrin.

[ Hiroshimalla ja Nagasakilla oli WWII:n aikana Japanille myös sotilaallista merkitystä, mikä on hyvä tiedostaa, mutta millä mielestäni ei tässä ole suurta painoarvoa ]

Noh, kyllähän maailmaan sanoja mahtuu. Myös anteeksipyyntöjä. Mutta myös tietoista suurvaltojen välistä mielikuvapolitiikkaa, kuten kylmän sodan ajan rauhanohjusten puolustajia seuranneet hyvin muistavat.

Ei kun putkeen just menee. Tästähän siellä kenraalit/amiraalit varoitteli senaattoreita jo ainakin 5 vuotta sitten. Ei tullut tilausvaltuuksia, niin tuli fighter gap.

Tuo tilanne on tosiaan tässä jo vähän aikaa kehittynyt. Mutta onko myös Navyn puolella ollut tilausvaje? Eikö ne primäärisyyt tilanteelle ole olleet kovempi käyttö ja F-35 myöhästyminen?

Tuohan johti siihen, että perinteiset Hornetit on nyt laitettu eliniän pidennykseen ja ovat ruuhkauttaneet varikot. Tämä johtaa siihen, että Super Hornetin tunteja käytetään myös enemmän, ja jo nyt on nähtävillä, että varikoiden pullonkaula ei riitä, kun myös ensimmäiset Super-Hornetit tulevat 6.000 tunnin eliniän pidennykseen alkaen ensi vuodesta.


Boeingilla nähdäänkin, että ainoa tapa, miten Navy pääsee tilanteesta lävitse on tilata uusia Super Hornetteja.


The Super Hornet executive says that while the navy has a nearer term need for 24-36 aircraft, Boeing’s analysis suggests that “about 100” more aircraft will be needed long-term.

Ja Boeing ehdottaa edelleen, että konetta voisi helposti viedä lähes Advanced Super Hornet tasolle, toteuttamalla jo päätettyjen päivitysten lisäksi vielä seuraavat.
Upgrades that have not yet been adopted by the Pentagon include an enhanced engine, conformal fuel tanks and an open architecture cockpit with a 48cm (19in) wide-area display.
Tuo tilanne on tosiaan tässä jo vähän aikaa kehittynyt. Mutta onko myös Navyn puolella ollut tilausvaje? Eikö ne primäärisyyt tilanteelle ole olleet kovempi käyttö ja F-35 myöhästyminen?
Nehän ne syyt ovat. Siksi tilauksia olisikin pitänyt pistää tulemaan jo pari vuotta sitten, että korvaavat rungot olisivat ehtineet valmistua. Sitä myös ehdotettiin monta kertaa.
Yhdysvalloissa tapahtuu nyt kummia! Saman päivänä tippuu sekä ilmavoimien että laivaston taitolentoryhmistä F-16 ja F/A-18. Noh, sellaista sattuu.

In bizarre coincidence, a Blue Angels F-18 and a Thunderbirds F-16 crash on same day

By Thomas Gibbons-Neff June 2 at 4:51 PM

A Navy Blue Angel F-18 taxis, left, and two Air Force Thunderbird F-16s perform in flight. (Photos courtesy of U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force)
A U.S. Navy Blue Angel crashed shortly after takeoff, killing the pilot, during an air show practice on Thursday in Smyrna, Tenn., a Navy official said.

According to Navy spokeswoman Cmdr. Jeanette Groeneveld, the F/A-18 single-seat jet crashed while in formation. The Navy has notified the pilot’s next of kin and will not release the name or aircraft number for 24 hours.

The F/A-18 crashed at approximately 4:01 p.m. eastern time. According to Groenveld, the cause of the crash was unclear and the Navy has opened an investigation into the incident.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the team right now,” Groenveld said.

Images posted to social media show a smoke cloud and fireball rising from a residential neighborhood.

PHOTOS: Reports of Blue Angels jet crashes in Smyrna. pic.twitter.com/77iUz9WBPc

— NewsChannel 5 (@NC5) June 2, 2016

The F-18 crashed just hours after a separate incident in Colorado Springs where an F-16 crashed after flying over the Air Force Academy’s graduation ceremony where President Obama was in attendance.

The F-16 was a part of the Air Force’s demonstration squadron, the Thunderbirds. The pilot ejected safely.

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It is extremely rare for two aircraft from two demonstration squadrons to crash on the same day. Both groups are comprised of the best pilots their respective services have to offer.

After the crash, the pilot met briefly with Obama before the president left Colorado in Air Force One from Peterson Air Force base.

The president thanked the pilot for his service, according to a White House press pool report.

First responders were sent to the scene of the crash, and the pilot is currently undergoing a medical evaluation out of precaution, according to Peterson Air Force Base spokesman Robb Lingley. Pictures online show the aircraft mostly intact laying upright in a field. Lingley added that the Air Force would be conducting a “thorough investigation” into the crash and currently could not determine its cause.

Obama meets with pilot from crashed Thunderbird
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President Obama met with the pilot of a U.S. Air Force Thunderbird jet shortly after the plane crashed following a flyover at the U.S. Air Force Academy. (AP)

Tuore Miss USA on armeijan upseeri

Maanantai 6.6.2016 klo 08.43

26-vuotias, 177-senttinen Barber liittyi armeijaan jo 17-vuotiaana. (AOP)
Myöhään sunnuntai-iltana Miss USA:ksi valittu Deshauna Barber edusti pääkaupunkia Washingtonia.

Barber tulee sotilasperheestä. Äiti, isä ja sisarukset ovat kaikki sotilaita. Isä palveli Irakissa vuoden 2001 syyskuun 11. päivän terrori-iskujen jälkeen.

-Tämä on perheellämme veressä. Olemme isänmaallisia ja haluamme palvella maatamme, kertoi Barber yhdessä haastattelussa kisan aikana.

Barber haluaa olla roolimalli ja muuttaa ennakkokäsityksiä.

-Olen oppinut, että vaikka olen kaunis, pystyn ansaitsemaan muiden ihmisten kunnioituksen, ulkonäöstäni huolimatta, sanoi Barber valintansa jälkeen.

Barberin mukaan sukupuoli ei rajoita uramahdollisuuksia Amerikan armeijassa.

-Ihmiset mieltävät, että kauneus käy käsi kädessä heikkouden kanssa. Mutta muut ovat oppineet hyvin nopeasti, että minä olen vahva.

26-vuotias Barber komentaa armeijassa logistiikkayksikköä.

Deshauna Barber edusti pääkaupunkia Washingtonia, joka on oma osavaltionsa District of Columbia. (AOP)
[email protected]
Tuore Miss USA on armeijan upseeri

Maanantai 6.6.2016 klo 08.43

26-vuotias, 177-senttinen Barber liittyi armeijaan jo 17-vuotiaana. (AOP)
Myöhään sunnuntai-iltana Miss USA:ksi valittu Deshauna Barber edusti pääkaupunkia Washingtonia.

Barber tulee sotilasperheestä. Äiti, isä ja sisarukset ovat kaikki sotilaita. Isä palveli Irakissa vuoden 2001 syyskuun 11. päivän terrori-iskujen jälkeen.

-Tämä on perheellämme veressä. Olemme isänmaallisia ja haluamme palvella maatamme, kertoi Barber yhdessä haastattelussa kisan aikana.

Barber haluaa olla roolimalli ja muuttaa ennakkokäsityksiä.

-Olen oppinut, että vaikka olen kaunis, pystyn ansaitsemaan muiden ihmisten kunnioituksen, ulkonäöstäni huolimatta, sanoi Barber valintansa jälkeen.

Barberin mukaan sukupuoli ei rajoita uramahdollisuuksia Amerikan armeijassa.

-Ihmiset mieltävät, että kauneus käy käsi kädessä heikkouden kanssa. Mutta muut ovat oppineet hyvin nopeasti, että minä olen vahva.

26-vuotias Barber komentaa armeijassa logistiikkayksikköä.

Deshauna Barber edusti pääkaupunkia Washingtonia, joka on oma osavaltionsa District of Columbia. (AOP)
[email protected]

Tulee mieleen Julmahuvin sketsi "Vaikka olenkin nainen olen myös poliisi" ja tässä tapauksessa "vaikka olenkin kaunis ja miss- USA niin olen sotilas" ... :D
GPS-häirintää testataan?
Yhdysvaltain ilmailuhallinto FAA on varoittanut, että maan asevoimien tekemä salainen koe todennäköisesti aiheuttaa katkoksia gps-paikannuksen toimintaan, kirjoittaa Gizmodo.

Virallisesti testeistä ilmoitti FAA, mutta testialue kohdistuu Yhdysvaltain laivaston suureen ilma-aseisiin keskittyvään laitokseen, joka sijaitsee noin 240 km päässä Los Angelesin pohjoispuolella Mojaven aavikolla.

Gps-paikannukseen saattaa aiheutua katkoksia kuuden tunnin ajan jokaisen testipäivän aikana kello 9.30 – 15.30 välillä. Testien on määrä tapahtua kuutena kesäkuun eri päivänä ja ne kohdistuvat pääasiassa Yhdysvaltojen lounaisosaan.

Testialueen säde on pisimmillään 505 merimailia eli noin 935 kilometriä. Mahdollinen häirintä kohdistuu sitä korkeammalle, mitä kauempana ollaan testialueen keskipisteestä. Kaukaisimmassa pisteessä se kohdistuu noin 12 kilometriä merenpinnan yläpuolelle.

Alimmillaankin häirintä osuu yli 15 metrin korkeudelle, eli siitä on tuskin haittaa maanpinnalla liikkuville kulkuneuvoille.

Gizmodo otti yhteyttä testialueen keskipisteessä sijaitsevaan laivaston laitokseen, mutta laivasto oli vaitonainen testin suhteen eikä antanut siitä tarkempia tietoja.

IL seuraa: Yhdysvaltain historian pahin joukkoampuminen

Sunnuntai 12.6.2016 klo 17.53

Ampujan isä: Poikani tuli vihaiseksi, kun näki kahden miehen suutelevan Miamissa.

Klo 18.38 Auttamishaluiset ihmiset jonottavat verenluovutuspaikoille.
People are lining up to donate blood for Orlando shooting victims, some banks ”overloaded" https://t.co/fxkXbXogs7 pic.twitter.com/Yvik91GK02

— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) 12. kesäkuuta 2016 Klo 18.35 Ampujan isä: olemme shokissa, niinkuin koko maa. Tällä ei ole mitään tekemistä uskonnon kanssa.
Isän mukaan poika tuli vihaiseksi, kun näki kahden miehen suutelevan muutama kuukausi sitten Miamissa. Isä uskoo, että tämä aiheutti hyökkäyksen homoklubille.

Klo 18.27 Isisiin yhdistetyllä Twitter-tilillä on julkaistu kuva, jonka väitetään esittävän Omar Mateenia, epäiltyä ampujaa. Klo 18.10 Orlandoon on julistettu hätätila. Klo 18.08 Poliisi sai osuman kypäräänsä. Orlandon poliisin mukaan Kevlar-kypärä pelasti hengen.
Pulse shooting: In hail of gunfire in which suspect was killed, OPD officer was hit. Kevlar helmet saved his life. pic.twitter.com/MAb0jGi7r4

— Orlando Police (@OrlandoPolice) 12. kesäkuuta 2016 Klo 18.06 Viranomaisten mukaan ampumiset näyttäisivät olevan ideologisesti motivoituneita, joskaan ei ole tiedossa, oliko ampuja jonkin ääriliikkeen jäsen. Klo 18.01 Ampujan isä pyytää anteeksi. "Poikani tuli vihaiseksi, kun näki kahden miehen suutelevan Miamissa.
Last night's Orlando nightclub shooting is the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history https://t.co/TIecc3V2qY

— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) 12. kesäkuuta 2016
Klo 17.49 Orlandolaisessa yökerhossa tapahtuneessa ampumisessa on kuollut 50 ihmistä, kertoo Orlandon pormestari. Lisäksi yli 53 on haavoittunut.

Poliisin mukaan kyseessä on Yhdysvaltain historian pahin joukkoampuminen.

Homobaariin tehtyä hyökkäystä tutkitaan terroritekona. Poliisi tutkii, onko kyse Yhdysvaltain sisäisestä vai ulkomaisesta terrorismista. FBI:n mukaan ampuja saattoi olla kallistunut ääri-islamismiin.

Yhdysvaltalaiskanavien mukaan ampuja olisi tunnistettu floridalaismieheksi, jonka vanhemmat ovat kotoisin Afganistanista. Ampuja kuoli, kun poliisi rynnäköi baariin.

Poliisi Pulse-yökerhon ulkopuolella. (AP)

Orlando, Florida (CNN)A gay nightclub here was the scene early Sunday of the worst terror attack in U.S. history since 9/11.

* 50 people were killed inside the Pulse club and at least 53 people were injured, police say.
* The gunman was Omar Mateen of Ft. Pierce, Florida, a law enforcement source told CNN.
* Orlando police shot and killed Mateen.
"It appears he was organized and well-prepared," Orlando Police Chief John Mina said early Sunday. The shooter had an assault-type weapon, a handgun and "some type of (other) device on him."
There has been no claim of responsibility for the attack on jihadi forums, but ISIS sympathizers have reacted by praising the attack on pro-Islamic State forums.
Officials, aided by the FBI, warned that a lengthy investigation was ahead, given the number of victims and the scope of the violence.
Our hearts break for the victims and families of this horrific act of violence. We stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ community in #Orlando.

— GLAAD (@glaad) June 12, 2016
"There's blood everywhere," U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson told reporters. "There's an enormous amount of evidence to be collected."
It's just shocking," said Christopher Hansen, who was inside Pulse when he heard gunshots, "just one after another after another."
"It could have lasted a whole song," he said.
Hansen was getting a drink at the bar about 2 a.m. when he "just saw bodies going down."
Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer said he had declared a state of emergency for the city and has requested the governor do the same for the state.
Before Sunday, the deadliest shootings in U.S. history were at Virginia Tech in 2007 and Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, with 32 and 27 killed.

Orlando nightclub shooting: Omar Mateen was gunman, officials say

(CNN)Omar Saddiqui Mateen was the gunman who opened fire at a gay nightclub in Orlando, killing at least 50 people, two law enforcement officials told CNN.

The 29-year-old suspect was known to the FBI, the officials said -- one of hundreds of people on the agency's radar suspected of being ISIS sympathizers, according to two law enforcement officials.
There was no indication he was plotting to carry out an attack, the officials said. Investigators haven't found evidence yet to show that the attack was tied to ISIS, according to the officials.
Mateen, who was killed by police, is from Fort Pierce, Florida, the officials said.
The gunman was armed with a handgun, an assault rifle and an unknown number of rounds, Orlando Police Chief John Mina told reporters.
Private security guard
A law enforcement source told CNN that Mateen worked as a private security guard. He rented a car and drove to Orlando to carry out the attack, the source said.
FBI teams and local law enforcement are working to clear Mateen's apartment, a federal law enforcement source said.
Agents are going through the apartment with bomb squads and investigating the materials there, the source said.
Police are also in the process of clearing the suspect's vehicle, a van outside the nightclub, Orlando Police Chief John Mina said.
Radical 'leanings'?
While sources revealed some details about the suspect Sunday morning, authorities said they weren't yet ready to release the suspect's name officially.
In response to a question to whether the shooter may have had a connection to radical Islamic terrorism, FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Ronald Hopper said investigators are "looking into all angles right now."
"We do have suggestions that that individual may have leanings toward that particular ideology but we can't say definitively," Hopper said.
Asked later by reporters why authorities were quick to point to terrorism rather than a hate crime, Hopper said more details would be revealed later.
"Early on, when we had possible identification made, we run everything to ground, whether it winds up being the actual individual or not. And so, as I mentioned earlier, I can't say exactly who the suspect or deceased shooter is. Once we're able to do that, once the notification is made, then more details will be able to be shared, most likely from our counterterrorism division up at FBI headquarters," Hopper said.

Orlando Pulse Club shooting: Live updates after 50 killed in America's worst mass shooting as gunman storms gay nightclub

Florida resident Omar Mateen has been named as the killer who stormed at the Pulse Club in Orlando, Florida, spraying dance floor with bullets

A gunman has stormed a gay nightclub in Florida and killed 50 people.

Witnesses say the lone gunmen, named as Omar Mateen, began firing inside the Pulse Club in Orlando shortly after 2am.

The club was packed with revellers enjoying a night out when the gunmen opened fire.

Police say about 42 people were also injured during the attack.

Read below for live updates.

Key Events So Far

    • 1 hour ago First picture of gunman Omar Mateen
    • 2 hours ago Police say 50 people killed in nightclub attack
    • 2 hours ago ISIS celebrate attack which left 20 dead
    • 3 hours ago See the heartbreaking text messages clubber sent to mum whil...
    • 5 hours ago Police say 20 people killed in nightclub shooting
Gunman 'specifically targeted gay club'

Omar Mateen is thought to have specifically targeted the gay club after seeing two men kissing in another city.

Speaking to NBC, the suspect’s dad, Mir Seddique, apologised for his son’s deadly actions.

He said: “We are saying we are apologising for the whole incident.

“We were not aware of the actions he was taking. We are in shock like the whole of the country.

“This had nothing to do with religion.”

He added that he believed Mateene carried out the killings after seeing two gay men kissing in Miami two months ago.


Omar Mateen is thought to have specifically targeted gays
'This is clearly an act of terror'

Florida Governor Rick Scott says today’s mass shooting was ‘clearly an act of terror’.

Scott addressed reporters after a gunman slaughtered 50 people at the Pulse club in Orlando.

His comments followed Senator Bill Nelson’s comments that he believe that attack was linked to ISIS.

Senator in Florida says attack linked to ISIS

A senior senator from Florida has said he believed the attack was linked to ISIS.

Bill Nelson told journalists he thought Mateen was linked to the terror group.

Police said earlier they were investigating links to Islamist extremism.

Killer's parents originally from Afghanistan

It is believed that Mateen’s parents are originally from Afghanistan.

In two pictures , the killer can be seen wearing New York Police Department (NYPD) tops.


Omar Mateen
The NYPD has said he had no association with their department and the tops can be bought in shops.

You can read more about Mateen here.

Heartbreaking pictures from outside police headquarters

These heartbreaking pictures show witnesses to the killings as well as friends and relatives grieving near the police headquarters.

Police are keen to speak to anybody who was in the club last night.


Demetrice Naulings sobs outside the Orlando Police Headquarters
A state of emergency has now been declared in Orlando.


Friends and family members embrace outside the Orlando Police Headquarters
16:05 key event
First picture of gunman Omar Mateen

This is the first picture of the gunman who killed 50 people inside a Florida nightclub.

Omar Mateen stormed into Pulse nightclub and began firing into revellers.

His dad has apologised for his son’s actions.


Omar Mateen

15:58 breaking news
Killer's dad says 'we are in shock like the rest of the country'

The dad of Omar Mateen has apologised for his son’s actions.

NBC News spoke to the killer’s dad who said he believed he carried out the killings because he saw two gay men kissing in Miami two months ago.

His dad said: “We are saying we are apologising for the whole incident.

“We were not aware of the actions he was taking.

“We are in shock like the whole of the country.

“This had nothing to do with religion.”

'We are dealing with something we never imagined'

The mayor of Orlando has said ‘we are dealing with something we never imagined.”

He confirmed a state of emergency had been issued in the city.

He said the identification process of the victims will take some time.

Medics in Orlando request blood donations

This is the scene at the moment as police update the media on the killings.

Medics in Orlando are requesting blood donations as they treat dozens of people injured in the attack.

Mayor of Orlando declares state of emergency

The mayor of Orlando has also declared a state of emergency following the mass shooting.

Police say the focus of the investigation will now be on identifying the victims and notifying their families.

The killer has been named as Omar Mateen.

15:26 key event
Police say 50 people killed in nightclub attack

Police have now confirmed that 50 people have been killed by just one gunman in the attack.

It is thought to be the worst ever mass shooting in US history.

We will bring you more updates from the press conference as we get them.

Watch police press conference live

Police will shortly hold another press conference on the murders.

It comes after the gunman was named as Omar Mateen.

You can watch the press conference here.

Florida resident Omar Mateen has been named as the killer who stormed at the Pulse Club in Orlando, Florida, spraying dance floor with bullets
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US Presidential candidates express sadness

The US presidential candidates have both responded to the attack.

Democratic hopeful Hilary Clinton posted this message on Twitter.

Her rival for the White House, Donald Trump, also expressed his sadness.

Suspect 'not on terrorism watchlist'

Mateen was 29 and was a US citizen.

The BBC reports that he was not on a terrorism watchlist.

However, it is thought he was being investigated over an unrelated crime.

14:47 breaking news
Attacker named as Omar Mateen

The attacker has now been named as Omar Mateen.

He is believed to live in Port St. Lucie.

It comes as ISIS have been celebrating the attack on social media accounts.

14:45 key event
ISIS celebrate attack which left 20 dead

ISIS have been celebrating the attack on Twitter.

It comes as police investigate possible links to Islamist extremism.

You can read more here.

Pictures show scene outside club

This is the scene close to the club now.

Police have locked the road down and a huge number of emergency service vehicles are on the scene.


Police lock down Orange Avenue around Pulse nightclub
The FBI has said it is carrying out a thorough investigation into the killings.

The motive for the attack is not yet known.


Local TV helicopter images of the Pulse club shooting

13:42 key event
See the heartbreaking text messages clubber sent to mum while hiding from killer

Heartbreaking text messages sent from a clubber to their mum while hiding from the killer have now emerged.

The victim was hiding in the toilets of The Pulse Club in Orlando while the gunman slaughtered about twenty people.

A mum - who is still not sure if her child has survived - received messages from her child.

The victim says “Mommy, I love you” before adding “I’m gonna die”.

Click here to read the text messages.

Suspect carrying assault rifle, handgun and unidentified device

Police say their decision to storm the club saved about 30 lives.

Orlando Police Chief John Mina said: “At ... 0500 hours this morning, the decision was made to rescue hostages that were in there.

“Our officers exchanged gunfire with the suspect. The suspect is dead.”

The suspect was carrying an assault-type rifle and a handgun as well as an unidentified “device” on him, Mina said.

Police rescued thirty people from inside club

Police have said they rescued about thirty people during the hostage situation.

This tweet shows the numbers involved in the horrific mass killing.

Gunman took hostages inside club forcing SWAT team to enter

Police also confirmed during the press conference that the gunman took hostages inside the club.

Armed cops arrived at the club following reports of gunshots.

But a gun battle began and the attacker took a number of hostages.

Police then made the decision to send in SWAT team to rescue the hostages.

Gunman was 'organised and well-prepared'

The FBI has said the gunman was “organised and well-prepared”.

Police say 320 people were inside the nightclub when the gunman entered and opened fire.

At least nine police officers were involved in the shooting of the suspect.

One was shot but was saved thanks to his Kevlar helmet.

See full police press conference on mass shooting

This video shows the full police press conference which was held recently.

Police have called it a “domestic terror event”.

They say SWAT teams entered the building and shot dead the gunman.

Florida resident Omar Mateen has been named as the killer who stormed at the Pulse Club in Orlando, Florida, spraying dance floor with bullets
Florida resident Omar Mateen has been named as the killer who stormed at the Pulse Club in Orlando, Florida, spraying dance floor with bullets

12:33 key event
Police say 20 people killed in nightclub shooting

It has now emerged that 20 people are thought to have been killed inside the club.

Orlando Police said the gunman was not from the area and have described it as a domestic terror incident.

Police officers killed the gunman during a firefight.

12:27 breaking news
Several people killed and 42 injured - police

Police say several people have been killed and about 42 people injured.

The FBI is now investigating the motives of the attack.

The identity of the gunman has not yet been revealed.


Shocked clubbers are seen leaving the nightclub following the attack
12:20 breaking news
Multiple people dead inside club, say police

Police have now confirmed that a number of people have been killed inside the club.

In a press conference they say “multiple people” were shot dead.

Police also described it as a “domestic terror incident”.

Hospitals in Orlando placed in lockdown

A number of hospitals in Orlando were placed on lockdown following the shooting.

Many of the victims were taken to Orlando Regional Medical Center.

ClickOrlando.com reported that it was only allowing “essential workers” into the building.

The Arnold Palmer Hospital and Winnie Palmer Hospital were also placed in lockdown.

11:55 key event
"It was just 'bang, bang, bang'"

This video shows a clubber describing the horrific scenes when the gunman opened fire.

The man told how there was blood everywhere following the mass shooting.

He told the Orlando Sentinel: “I just heard the continuous bang of the gun.

It was just ‘bang,bang, bang’ and constant screaming.

Florida resident Omar Mateen has been named as the killer who stormed at the Pulse Club in Orlando, Florida, spraying dance floor with bullets

“I know that the guy next to me was shot and I thought I could feel liquid but it was blood.

“I then looked around and everybody was falling and dropping and screaming.

“I crawled out and I know that when you hear the banging you are not shot.

“I just know that it was very scary and very emotional. It was not an experience I want to go through again.”

Nightclub shooting follows death of singer Christina Grimmie

The shooting happened just a day after a man thought to be a deranged fan fatally shot singer Christina Grimmie.

The Voice contestant was killed while signing autographs from fans following the gig in Orlando.

Her brother tackled the gunman to the ground before the killer shot himself.

11:13 key event
Police confirm 'mass casualty' situation

Police have also confirmed there are ‘mass casualties’ following the shooting.

Eyewitnesses said the gunman entered the club and began firing into the crowd.

The club was packed with people shortly after 2am when the attack started.

11:06 breaking news
Police confirm gunman is dead

The gunman who launched the attack into the nightclub is dead, police have confirmed.

Orlando Police wrote on Twitter to say: “The shooter inside the club is dead.”

It is not yet known how many people have been injured or whether anyone has been killed.

Pictures show chaotic scenes outside club

These pictures show the scene outside the club.

A huge number of emergency service crews can be seen.


The scene outside the Pulse Nightclub after the shooting
Police were called to the club shortly after 2am.

Just an hour later, the bomb squad and hazardous material team were also called to the club, the Orlando Sentinel reported.


Emergency service crews can be seen helping clubbers

'Four of us are hiding in the club'

It is still not known if the incident is over or whether police are still hunting for attackers.

One clubber tweeted to say he was hiding with some other clubbers.

He wrote: “Four of us still hiding. Lights are off in club.

“Cops are here but haven’t got us yet.”

10:30 breaking news
Police carry out controlled explosion outside club

Police have confirmed they have carried out a controlled explosion outside of the club.

Orlando Police tweeted to confirm it carried out the blast.

Reports from clubbers suggested an attacker had a bomb with some suggesting an attacker had a suicide jacket.

Clubber describes terrifying scene

Another person in the club has described the terrifying scene.

Ramses Tinoco was also in the club and wrote on Facebook about the horror.

He said: “I’m so emotions [sic] now I have vivid memories in my mind of all this I’m so devastated.

“I have bruises all over me from crawling out fighting for my life and my friends!”

'Up to 20 people dead'

Some reports suggest a number of people have been killed.

One friend of a clubber wrote on Facebook that up to 20 people could be dead, although this is unconfirmed.

Erickson Robledo said on Facebook: “My friend is there. He almost got shot.

“He is ok. But he just told me that there could be over 20 dead people. He even help people to get out while they were bleeding.”

Police are expected to hold a press conference shortly where they will update the media.

Clubber describes fleeing in terror

Eyewitness Rosie Feba was in the club with her girlfriend.

She described the moment the shooting happened and said as she ran out of the club she saw a man who had been shot.

Speaking to the Orlando Sentinal, she said: “Everyone was getting on the floor.

I told her [girlfriend] I didn’t think it was real, I thought it was just part of the music, until I saw fire coming out of his gun.”

More than one attacker stormed club, say reports

It is now believed that more than one attacker launched the attack.

Eyewitnesses say a number of hostages are inside the club and unconfirmed reports say one attacker has a bomb.


Police outside the nightclub following the attack
These pictures show police at the scene.

The club was reported to be packed when the gunmen stormed the building and began shooting.


A man crouches down as shots are fired
Video shows police in gunfight outside club

This footage shows police appearing to be involved in a gunfight outside the club.

Dozens of police officers can be seen with shots clearly heard above the sirens.

A press conference is expected soon to update people on the incident, which is described as ongoing.

Florida resident Omar Mateen has been named as the killer who stormed at the Pulse Club in Orlando, Florida, spraying dance floor with bullets

Eyewitness describes terror
Ricardo Negron Almodovar was in the club.

He wrote on Facebook: “I was there. Shooter opened fire @ around 2:00am. People on the dance floor and bar got down on the floor and some of us who were near the bar and back exit managed to go out through the outdoor area and just ran.

“I am safely home and hoping everyone gets home safely as well :( .”

'Get out of club and keep running'

The club warned revellers on its social media pages to get out of the club.

It wrote on Facebook: “Get out of the club and keep running.”

It is not yet known how many people have been left injured.

09:14 key event
Gunman storms gay nightclub

An attacker has stormed a gay nightclub in Florida and is reported to have taken hostages.

The shooting happened at the Pulse Club in Orlando causing people to flee in terror.

Eyewitnesses say the attacker stormed the club before shooting about 20 people.

The gunman is feared to have shot towards the crowd, with about 100 people inside.

Stewart Moore, a local journalist, said the attacker is still inside the club and is feared to be wearing a bomb, the BBC reported.

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