Venäjän asevoimien ja turvallisuuselinten suorittamat provokaatiot

The Dutch government expelled two alleged Russian spies this year after they were accused of planning to hack into a Swiss chemicals laboratory where novichok nerve agent samples from the Salisbury attack were analysed, it has emerged.

The men were arrested in The Hague this spring as part of an operation involving British, Swiss and Dutch intelligence agencies.

The Swiss daily newspaper Tages-Anzeiger reported that the men were carrying equipment that could be used to break into the Spiez laboratory’s IT network when they were seized.

Isabelle Graber, the head of communications at the Swiss intelligence service, the FIS, said in a statement issued to the Guardian: “The Swiss authorities are aware of the case of Russian spies discovered in The Hague and expelled from the same place.

“The Swiss Federal Intelligence Service (FIS) participated actively in this operation together with its Dutch and British partners. The FIS has thus contributed to the prevention of illegal actions against a critical Swiss infrastructure.”

Sergei Skripal, a former Russian military officer and double agent for MI6, and his daughter, Yulia, were poisoned in Salisbury on 4 March.

The Spiez laboratory, near Berne, subsequently confirmed a British claim that the Skripals had been exposed to the military-grade nerve agent novichok. The laboratory has also been investigating poison gas attacks by the Syrian regime backed by the Kremlin.

It is unclear why the two expelled men were in The Hague, which hosts the headquarters of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

The Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection said in June that the Spiez laboratory had been targeted by hackers said to be from the Russian government-affiliated group Sandworm. It is not clear whether the expulsion of the two spies from the Netherlands was linked.

The Sandworm hackers posed as the laboratory’s organising committee and circulated a document with instructions for a forthcoming conference on chemical weapons in September. They then targeted chemical weapons experts who had been invited to the conference and opened the document.

“Someone posed as the Spiez laboratory,” Kurt Münger, of the Federal Office for Civil Protection, said at the time. “We immediately informed the conference invitees that the document was not ours and pointed to the danger. The laboratory itself has not registered any outflow of data.”
Bellingcat uskoo tunnistaneensa Salisburyn myrkyttäjän todellisen henkilöllisyyden. Yllätys yllätys, GRU:n eversti olisi kyseessä.

Myrkkyiskusta epäilty mies, jonka poliisi oli nimennyt Ruslan Boširoviksi, on Bellingcat-ryhmän mukaan oikealta nimeltään Anatoliy Vladimirovitš Tšepiga.
Bellingcat-sivuston mukaan mies on Putininpalkitsema sotasankari ja Venäjän erikoisjoukkojen sotilas. Mies työskentelee Venäjän sotilastiedustelu GRU:lle.

Jos näin on, niin jotenkin uskomatonta, ettei tähän tunnistamiseen kyennyt britannian oma poliisi tai tiedustelu. Missä on James Bond?
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Bellingcatin mukaan tekijän korkea arvo ja etenkin Venäjän federaation sankarin arvonimi viittaa tehtävän tulleen korkeimmalta tasolta. Normaalisti tämänkaltaiseen tehtävään lähetetään korkeintaan kapteenin arvoinen herra. Putin on todennäköisesti tavannut tämän everstin sillä Venäjän federaation sankarin arvonimen jakaa tyypillisesti presidentti henkilökohtaisesti.
Bellingcat has contacted confidentially a former Russian military officer of similar rank as Colonel Chepiga, in order to receive a reaction to what we found. The source, speaking on condition of anonymity, expressed surprise that at least one of the operatives engaged in the operation in Salisbury had the rank of colonel. Even more surprising was the suspects’ prior award of the highest military recognition.

In our source’s words, an operation of this sort would have typically required a lower-ranked, “field operative” with a military rank of “no higher than captain.” The source further surmised that to send a highly decorated colonel back to a field job would be highly extraordinary, and would imply that “the job was ordered at the highest level.”
Jos näin on, niin jotenkin uskomatonta, ettei tähän tunnistamiseen kyennyt britannian oma poliisi tai tiedustelu. Missä on James Bond?
Ehkä heillä ei ole riittävästi todisteita. Bellingcat voi julkaista vähän epävarmemmalta pohjalta kuin Britannian viranomaiset.

Toiseksi Bellingcatilla voi olla pääsy sellaisiin resursseihin, joihin viranomaiset ei kykene. Ei pidä aliarvioida OSINT:in ja parviälyn voimaa.
Ehkä heillä ei ole riittävästi todisteita. Bellingcat voi julkaista vähän epävarmemmalta pohjalta kuin Britannian viranomaiset.

Toiseksi Bellingcatilla voi olla pääsy sellaisiin resursseihin, joihin viranomaiset ei kykene. Ei pidä aliarvioida OSINT:in ja parviälyn voimaa.

Toisaalta Theresa May vahvisti epäiltyjen GRU -taustan syyskuun alkupuolella parlamentille. Ajallinen yhteys Bellingcatin ulostuloon on mielestäni aika selvä, väistämättä tulee mieleen vähintään yhteistyö jos Bellingcat ei ole suoraan hopealautasella löydöksiään tutkijoille tarjoillut. Vai onko nämä sitten täysin toisistaan riippumattomat samansuuntaiset havainnot kuitenkin... tiedä häntä.
Tämä nyt ei ole varsinainen provokaatio, mutta harvinaista kyllä:

Saksan kuva tunnistuslennosta. Nato/@MattEichenlaub/

Venäjän pommittajat harvinaisella lennolla Suomenlahdella – Naton hävittäjät ilmaan

Kasperi Summanen | 27.09.2018 | 10:26- päivitetty 27.09.2018 | 12:11

Saksan ilmavoimat julkaisi kuvia tunnistetuista venäläiskoneista.

Baltian Naton ilmavalvontaa suorittavat saksalaishävittäjät hälytettiin tiistaina ilmaan tunnistamaan Suomenlahdella lentäneitä venäläisiä strategisia Tu-160-pommikoneita.

Saksan ilmavoimat on julkaissut kuvan tunnistuslennosta. Siinä näkyy venäläiskone ja saksalainen Eurofighter Typhoon -hävittäjä. Toisessa alla olevassa kuvassa näkyy Venäjän pommittajien lentoreitti kartalla.

Kyseessä oli harvinaislaatuinen tapaus. Tu-160-koneita ei ole juuri nähty Suomenlahden yllä.
Just released: Photo of yesterday’s intercept. Courtesy of the German air force. #NATO.
— Matthias Eichenlaub (@MattEichenlaub) September 26, 2018

Пролёт 2 бомбардировщиков Ту-160 (cn 16117 & 16118 ) над Балтикой #bearnet #RUAF
— Записки охотника (@galandecZP) September 25, 2018
Bellingcat uskoo tunnistaneensa Salisburyn myrkyttäjän todellisen henkilöllisyyden. Yllätys yllätys, GRU:n eversti olisi kyseessä.

Jos näin on, niin jotenkin uskomatonta, ettei tähän tunnistamiseen kyennyt britannian oma poliisi tai tiedustelu. Missä on James Bond?
Ehkä he kykenivätkin, mutta eivät halunneet kertoa sitä julkisuuteen nimien tarkkuudella.
Britannia kuitenkin taisi kertoa että Venäjän osuus asiaan on jokseenkin selvä, nimiä vain ei tuotu julkisuuteen.
Tämä Chepiga näköjään saa nyt ihan huolella julkisuutta. Ajattelin nopeasti vilkaista, onko itänaapurin nettisivuille ehtinyt jotain tulla kaverista.

Onkohan mun hakuasetuksissa jotain kummaa vai onko tosiaan näin? Kuitenkin, googlella lähdin hakemaan, venäläisillä aakkosilla. Ehdin pistää a-kirjaimen, niin ensimmäisenä ehdottaa anatolij chepigaa. Ilmeisesti kaveria on muutama muukin googlaillut venäläisiltä sivuilta tänään :D.

Oman wikipedia-sivunkin on saanut.Чепига,_Анатолий_Владимирович

GRU:n everstistä tuli sitten kertaheitolla julkkis.
Naama kului tässä nyt sen verran, että kovin salaisiin agenttihommiin ei tuolla naamalla ulkomaille lähdetä.

Kävi tuossa jo aikaisemmin mielessä, että kun oli puhetta että miksi lähettää joku korkea-arvoinen tuollaiselle keikalle, niin olisiko ne aikaisemmasta oppineet, että henkilöllisyys tulee tulemaan tietoon. Joten miksi pilata jonkun tuoreen ukon käyttökelpoisuus, kun voidaan lähettää joku kokeneempi joka aiotaan muutenkin ylentää pelkästään kotimaan tehtäviin.
Skripalien myrkyttämiseen liittyy kolmaskin venäläisagentti jonka henkilöllisyys on brittien tiedossa. Kolmas ukko oli suorittanut tiedustelua Salisburyssa ennen iskua.
Venäläisvakooja Sergei Skripalin ja tämän tyttären murhayritykseen liittyy kolmaskin venäläisagentti, jonka henkilöllisyys on viranomaisten tiedossa, kertoo Telegraph-sanomalehti.

Lehden mukaan venäläisagentin uskotaan vierailleen Britannian Salisburyssa tiedustelutehtävissä auttaakseen hermomyrkkyiskun suunnittelussa.

Sergei Skripal ja hänen tyttärensä Julia Skripal myrkytettiin hermomyrkyllä maaliskuussa eteläenglantilaisessa Salisburyssa. Heidät löydettiin tajuttomassa tilassa puiston penkiltä. Molemmat selvisivät myrkytyksestä.

Skripal työskenteli viime vuosituhannen puolella Venäjän sotilastiedustelupalvelussa. Vuonna 2006 hänet tuomittiin vankeuteen, koska hän oli myynyt Britannialle tietoja sotilastiedustelun Euroopassa olevista agenteista.

Vuonna 2010 Skripal pääsi Britanniaan osana Yhdysvaltain ja Venäjän vakoojavankien vaihtoa.
USA:n oikeusministeriö asetti 7 GRU:n miestä syytteeseen Maailman antidopingtoimistoa (WADA) vastaan tehdyistä kyberhyökkäyksistä. Neljä miehistä oli osallisena hollantilaisten estämässä yrityksessä tehdä tietomurto Sveitsin valtion joukkotuhoaseita analysoivaan laboratorioon.
The Justice Department on Thursday announced the indictment of seven Russian military spies on cyber hacking charges linked to the leaking of Olympic athletes’ drug-test data in an alleged attempt to undermine international efforts to expose Russian doping.

Four of the officers with Russia’ GRU military intelligence agency also were charged with targeting organizations probing Russia’s alleged use of chemical weapons, including the poisoning of a former Russian spy in Britain. Three were indicted in July for allegedly conspiring to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

The indictment further exposes Moscow’s ongoing, widespread campaign to discredit western democracy and international institutions through disinformation and other measures. The aim, officials said, is to muddy or alter perceptions of the truth.

The announcement came as the British government on Thursday accused the GRU of “reckless and indiscriminate cyberattacks,” blaming it for everything from the hacking of top athletes’ medical records to disruptions on the Kiev subway system to the theft of emails at the Democratic National Committee.

“Where Russia acts in an indiscriminate and reckless way, where they have done in terms of these cyberattacks, we will be exposing them,” British Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson said Thursday at a meeting with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and other NATO defense ministers in Brussels. “We believe that by doing so, this will act as a disincentive for acting in such a way in the future.”

In July, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III obtained an indictment of 12 GRU members for hacking and leaking emails of Democratic officials and organizations. In February, as part of Mueller’s probe of Kremlin interference in the election, officials announced an indictment of more than a dozen Russian “trolls” who spread information online and of several operatives who traveled to the United States and posed as Americans to whip up protests and stoke political divisions.

In the summer of 2016, the GRU hacked drug-test results from a World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) data and posted confidential information about U.S. Olympic athletes, including tennis stars Serena and Venus Williams, and gold medal gymnast Simone Biles. WADA publicly called out the Russian military agency for the information operation.

Now, the U.S. government is seeking to apply the law to the cyber spies.

“We want the hundreds of victims of these Russian hackers to know that we will do everything we can to hold these criminals accountable for their crimes,” said Scott Brady, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, where the grand jury indicted the Russians.

“It is evident from the allegations in today’s indictment that the defendants believed that they could use their perceived anonymity to act with impunity, in their own countries and on territories of other sovereign nations, to undermine international institutions to distract from their government’s own malfeasance,” said John Demers, Assistant Attorney General for National Security.

The GRU campaign ran from December 2014 until at least May 2018, targeting U.S. persons, corporations and international organizations based on their strategic interest to the Russian government, officials said.

In July 2016 WADA released a report describing Russia’s systematic subversion of the drug testing process before, during and after the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. As a result, 111 Russian athletes were banned from the 2016 Summer Olypics in Rio de Janeiro. The International Paralympic Committee imposed a blanket ban on Russian athletes in its 2016 games.

Days after WADA released its report, the officers prepared to hack the networks of WADA and the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USASA), among others, from Russia, the indictment alleges. Apparently unsuccessful in the effort from afar, two of the GRU spies flew to Rio to hack the WiFi networks used by anti-doping officials in their hotels and elsewhere, officials said. They succeeded in stealing the log-in and password for one U.S. Anti-Doping Agency official’s email account, obtaining summaries of test results and prescribed medications, they said.

In September, they flew to Lausanne, Switzerland, where WADA was hosting a conference at a hotel, and managed to steal the credentials of an official with the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport by hacking the hotel WiFi. Other GRU spies then used the log-in and password to compromise the anti-doping agency’s networks in Canada.

Using social media accounts and other computer sites operated by GRU Unit 74455 in Russia — one of two units implicated in July for interfering in the 2016 U.S. election — the cyber spies posed as a hacktivist group calling itself the “Fancy Bears’ Hack Team.”

Fancy Bear is a nickname for a GRU hacking group.

They leaked medical information and emails stolen from officials with 40 anti-doping and sporting organizations. In some instances, WADA documents were altered, officials said. In all, the GRU spies leaked private data of 250 athletes from almost 30 countries, officials said.

As part of its disinformation effort, the operatives in some cases paired the leaks with posts and comments that parroted themes used by the Russian government to push back against the anti-doping agencies’ findings, officials said. Between 2016 and 2018 they also exchanged emails and private messages with some 186 reporters “in an apparent attempt to amplify the exposure and effect of their message,” the Justice Department said in a news release.

“I also hope that responsible members of the international news media will cast a suspecting eye on future ‘hack and leak’ operations which seek in part to manipulate stories in furtherance of Russian state interests,” Demers said.

Four of those charged belong to GRU Unit 26165, which was the other team implicated in the July indictment. They are Aleksei Morenets, 41; Evgenii Serebriakov, 37; Ivan Yermakov, 32; Artem Malyshev, 30; Dmitriy Badin, 27. Also charged were Oleg Sotnikov, 46, and Alexey Minin, 46.

They were charged with conspiracy to commit computer fraud and abuse, wire fraud and money laundering.

Morenets, Serebriakov, Sotnikov and Minin had sought to target the Spiez Swiss Chemical Laboratory, which was analyzing military nerve agents, including the Novichok chemical agent that Britain said was used to poison former GRU officer Sergei Skripal in Salisbury, England, in March. But the Dutch defense intelligence service disrupted their hacking operation, and arrested them, officials said.

The Russians left behind their rental car. In the trunk, officials said, were WiFi hacking tools.

Britain’s Foreign Office on Thursday said that Russian military intelligence was behind six separate cyberattacks between mid-2015 and March 2018. At least five of the attacks were newly attributed on Thursday. Although some were high-profile and obviously political, including the hacking of the Democratic National Committee, others ranged across business and media life.

Britain accused the GRU of hacking email accounts at a “small UK-based TV station,” stealing their contents. It blamed Russia for the theft and subsequent release of confidential athletes’ medical files from the World Anti-Doping Agency. It said Russia was behind a foiled attempt in March to compromise Britain’s Foreign Office servers. Finally, the British charged GRU with the October 2017 BadRabbit ransomware attack that rendered computer systems inoperable in Ukraine and at the Russian central bank.
Tämä Chepiga näköjään saa nyt ihan huolella julkisuutta. Ajattelin nopeasti vilkaista, onko itänaapurin nettisivuille ehtinyt jotain tulla kaverista.

Onkohan mun hakuasetuksissa jotain kummaa vai onko tosiaan näin? Kuitenkin, googlella lähdin hakemaan, venäläisillä aakkosilla. Ehdin pistää a-kirjaimen, niin ensimmäisenä ehdottaa anatolij chepigaa. Ilmeisesti kaveria on muutama muukin googlaillut venäläisiltä sivuilta tänään :D.

Oman wikipedia-sivunkin on saanut.Чепига,_Анатолий_Владимирович

GRU:n everstistä tuli sitten kertaheitolla julkkis.
Hänen isänsäkin sai myös 150 miljoonan ruplaa valtioostoksiin varten. Putten perheestä on tämäkin paskiainen poikineen. Korruptoitunut isä ja tappaja poika. A.Chysepiga on epäily myös oslalistumisesta operaatioon kun Janukovitch teki pakoa Ukrainasta. Kaiken puolin "rodinan sankari" ja mitaalikin on olemassa..
Nämä 4 GRUn upseita yrittäneet hakkeroida mm MH17 liittyvän tutkinta komission tiedosto.
Myös näiden hakkereiden auto rekisteröityy GRU:n nimeen.
Paskantavat missä vain voi.

7 grushnikia napattiin kiinni:
“Basically, the Russians got caught with their equipment, with people who were doing it and they have to pay the piper, they are going to have to be held to account. How we respond is a political decision by the nations involved,” Mattis said after a meeting with his NATO counterparts, although he said there would not necessarily be a “tit-for-tat” response by the West.
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305 Car Registrations May Point to Massive GRU Security Breach
October 4, 2018
By Bellingcat Investigation Team

Translations: Русский

In an unprecedented step, the Dutch Military Intelligence and Security Service (MIVD) and the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Justice on October 4, 2018 disclosed the identities under which four Russian individuals, believed to be officers of the cyber-warfare division of the Russia’s Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU). The four individuals travelled to the Netherlands in April 2018 in an attempt to hack into the computer network of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), based in The Hague. These four men travelled under diplomatic passports, two of which had consecutive issue numbers.
Following this disclosure, Bellingcat and its Russian investigative partner, The Insider, attempted to verify that the identities disclosed by the Dutch authorities were in fact the authentic identities of the persons involved. Comparing data from different databases dated 2002 to 2014, Bellingcat was able to confirm that these identities are indeed real, as opposed to cover personas, which is the case with the two GRU officers involved in the Skripal poisoning case.

Figure 1. Aleksei Morenets, one of the four accused GRU officers, as seen on the diplomatic passport disclosed by the Dutch authorities.

Figure 2. Data on Aleksei Morenets from a 2010 Russian database.

Figure 3. Personal records on Aleksei Minin, a second suspect. The address at which Aleksei Minin was registered as of 2011 was listed as Ulitsa Narodnogo Opolcneniya 50, the official address of the GRU Conservatory.

Figure 4. Records on the third suspect, Oleg Sotnikov
Registration at the GRU Conservatory
Database records for one of the four suspects indicated that he was registered as residing at Ulitsa Narodnogo Opolcheniya 50, an address in Moscow where the Military Academy of the Ministry of Defence is situated. This Academy is popularly known as the GRU Conservatory.
In the course of researching the authenticity of the personal data of the four individuals, Bellingcat was able to locate one of the four GRU officers identified by the MIVD in a Russian automobile ownership database. As of 2011, Alexey Morenets was the registered user and/or owner of a Lada (VAZ 21093) car.

Figure 5. Vehicle registration information for Alexey Morenets. The highlighted address is Komsomolsky Prospekt 20, the address of military unit 26165 of the GRU.
The address to which the car was registered, Komsomolsky Prospekt 20, coincides with the address of military unit 26165, described by Dutch and U.S. law enforcement as GRU’s cyber warfare department. The database entry contained Morenets’s passport number.
305 Cars for 305 Officers
By searching for other vehicles registered to the same address, Bellingcat was able to produce a list of 305 individuals who operated cars registered to the same address. The individuals range in age from 27 to 53 years of age.

Figure 6. A part of the list of 305 individuals who operate cars registered to the same address as Mr Morinets
The database contains their full names and passport numbers, as well as — in most cases — mobile telephone numbers. Besides the physical street address, the address entry points out the specific Military Unit: 26165. This is the same unit as the one identified in the United States Department of Justice indictments that were also announced on October 4, 2018.
If these 305 individuals — whose full personal data is available in the automobile registration database consulted by Bellingcat — are indeed officers or otherwise affiliated with the GRU’s military unit 26165, their listing in a publicly accessible database may constitute one of the largest mass breaches of personal data of an intelligence service in recent history.

Uusi iso GRU-paljastus: Epäillyn tiedustelu-upseerin Lada löytyi ajoneuvorekisteristä – tieto johti satojen nimien äärelle
Bellingcatin mukaan yksi neljästä GRU-miehestä oli kirjannut osoitteekseen ”GRU:n konservatoriona” tunnetun Moskovan sotilasdiplomaattisen akatemian asuntolan.

Oho...hupsista...toivottavasti kukaan ei huomannut :sick:
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