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”Consequences of skirmishes with officers 🇷🇺 FSB”

FSB:n raatoja.


Joku yrittänyt räjäyttää sillan zenäjällä. Liian loivaksi jäänyt paukku valitettavasti, ei tullut silta tonttiin. Sen näköiset vauriot, että venäläisin standardein "korjaus" ei ottane paria päivää enempää. Saattapi olla, ettei tuossa ole notkahtanut kuin kulkusilta.

Riesa se on pienikin riesa. Aina kannattaa vähän yli panostaa kun jykevämpi rakenne 👹
Riesa se on pienikin riesa. Aina kannattaa vähän yli panostaa kun jykevämpi rakenne 👹

Yhden lähteen mukaan sieltä olisi löytynyt räjähtämättömäksi jääneitä panoksia ja siksi silta on jäänyt ehjäksi.

Joten kysymys lienee nyt se, että miten tuon sillan korjaamisen kanssa menee. Olisiko ollut helpompaa korjata se jos räjäytys olisi onnistunut, vai onko tuo vahingoittunut silta mahdollista vain "paikata" käyttökuntoon.
Mitäs Putte nyt suunnittelee?
Statements about possible terrorist acts in Russia remind me of the FSB-organized bombings of Russia 25 years ago.

They were literally the reason why Putin became president of Russia. And what a “coincidence” that they warned Russians about the bombings right before the presidential elections.

▪️We all know that “Navalny’s combat units” don’t exist.

▪️Navalny’s wife supported the idea to come at noon at the same time, which proves that they weren’t gonna do anything.

▪️Putin needs those videos to scare Russians and make them stay home. If something explodes, they’ll blame it on Navalny’s fans and use it to forbid even mentioning his name.

▪️Putin will continue to be the czar of Russia until his death.
Tsetseenejä Ukrainan puolella taistelevien venäläisten vapaaehtoisten joukossa. Kehottavat nousemaan vastarintaan joka puolella. Jos totta ja tämä liike kaikkinensa kerää voimaa, niin kohta voi olla mähinä päällä vähän joka puolella. Toistaiseksi kuitenkin paljon uhkauksia ja iskulauseita, todellinen kyky toteuttaa julkilausutut tavoitteet nähdään vasta tekojen kautta.

Tsetseenejä Ukrainan puolella taistelevien venäläisten vapaaehtoisten joukossa. Kehottavat nousemaan vastarintaan joka puolella. Jos totta ja tämä liike kaikkinensa kerää voimaa, niin kohta voi olla mähinä päällä vähän joka puolella. Toistaiseksi kuitenkin paljon uhkauksia ja iskulauseita, todellinen kyky toteuttaa julkilausutut tavoitteet nähdään vasta tekojen kautta.

Tsetseeniporukka(vai pitäskö sanoo Itskeria) on Ukrainan puolella taistellu alusta asti. Ihan totta on siis.
Minun vasemman käden teoria on että jos ryssäeliitti haluaa Putinista eroon, niin heidän kannatti odottaa presidentin vaalien jälkeen. Koska perustuslaki ei määrittele että presidentinvaalit pitäisi järjestää jos Putin vahingossa tippuu ikkunasta. Valta vaan siirtyy pääministerille, jonka valtaoikeudet kaventuvat mutta ei ole tarvis järjestää uusia vaaleja kun niin ei ole määritelty.

Sitä odottaessa.
Amurissa juna suistettu:

Partisaanien tekosia 15.2.-28.2.
  • In Altai Krai, a factory used for producing ammunition & solid propellant charges for rockets & explosions was set on fire. The mayor of the town of Biysk said that the fire and resulting explosion was "a feature of the technological process" https:// t. me/i_ponomarev/13506
  • In Izhevsk, on the night of the 17th of February, a four-story building used by Izhevsk Unmanned Systems (a company developing UAVs) caught on fire. The destruction was colossal and affected all four floors. https:// t. me/i_ponomarev/13529
  • In the Moscow Region, a partisan attacked an office of Putin's "United Russia" political party with three molotov cocktails, shouting "freedom to Russia" as they threw them. The attack was apparently carried out in memory of Navalny. https:// t. me/i_ponomarev/13543
  • Partisans disabled new military KAMAZ vehicles which were being delivered to the front lines in Ukraine by train. At the station in Voronezh, it was established that all 6 vehicles were damaged - the wiring had been sabotaged. https:// t. me/rospartizan/2135
  • The cyberpartisan hacker group hacked Roskomnadzor databases, publishing personal information of the leadership of the organisation. Roskomnadzor is responsible for the control & censorship of media in Russia. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/692
  • Partisans from the Freedom of Russia Movement used an IED to destroy a train car carrying fuel for the Russian military at the Voronezh station. https:// t. me/i_ponomarev/13599
  • On the 22nd of February, a partisan was arrested during an attempt to place an IED on the vehicle of an FSB employee. It is likely that he was caught as he was already under surveillance. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/705
  • RDPS partisans carried out several more acts of sabotage on the railway in unknown locations. https:// t. me/rdpsru/167
  • Freedom of Russia Movement partisans destroyed a relay cabinet on the railway near the airport in Samara. https:// t. me/i_ponomarev/13624
  • Some sources report that war criminal Sergei Konkeyev (a Wagner fighter who killed Ukrainian prisoners of war) may have been killed in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, when his car was burnt out. This is unconfirmed. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/708

Partisaanien tekosia 29.2-13.3. Taas vähän pitempää listaa. Toki iso osa noista on tapahtumia mitkä liittyy Belgorodin ja Kurskin alueille tunkeutumiseen.
  • Partisans in Yekaterinburg attacked an electrical substation with an IED. The substation supplies power to a factory producing anti-aircraft rocket systems, as well as other factories used for the military-industrial complex. https:// t. me/rospartizan/2159
  • A Ministry of Internal Affairs building in Leningrad Oblast was set alight on the night of the 29th of February. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/710
  • In Samara Oblast, a railway bridge was damaged by an explosion. The bridge is along a route used to transport ammunition & weapons from a nearby factory to the front lines in Ukraine. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/721
  • Two more IEDs were found in Samara Oblast, bothalong railway branches used to transport military cargo from the same factory. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/728
  • ATESH partisans carried out railway sabotage in Moscow Oblast, destroying relay cabinets on a route used for military purposes. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/730
  • A former participant in the war returned home & set a relay cabinet on fire on the railway in Bryansk Oblast. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/733
  • Nikolai Alekseev, a 49 year old Belarusian citizen, was killed by FSB officers in Karelia as he planned to carry out a partisan attack. He was preparing explosives to use against government buildings in Karelia. According to the FSB, he was a member of the Kalinouski Regiment (Belarusians fighting for Ukraine).
  • A fire broke out at a warehouse in St. Petersbury belonging to a company that produces rocket components. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/743
  • Russian Liberation Forces (The Freedom of Russia Legion, Siberian Battalion & Russian Volunteer Corps) pushed across the border into Kursk & Belgorod Oblasts on the morning of the 12th of March. The operation is still ongoing at the time of posting, and whilst Russian authorities have repeatedly claimed that they've wiped out the whole attacking force, that claim loses a bit of weight at the second time of asking.
  • Simultaneously, hackers targetted the government in Belgorod in an attempt to make it harder for them to respond to ongoing events. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/741
  • A drone attack was carried out on the administration building in Belgorod. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/749
  • The Higher Tank Command School in Kazan, used to train Russian tank officers, was set on fire. https:// t. me/whitebear91/134
  • A drone hit the FSB headquarters in Belgorod on the 13th of March https:// t. me/rospartizan/2201