
Ettei nyt kuulkaa olisi käynyt kuten Unkarissa 1950-luvulla? CIA yllyttänyt oppositiota vallankumoukseen lupaamalla tukea ja sitten jätetäänkin oman onnen nojaan?
Ettei nyt kuulkaa olisi käynyt kuten Unkarissa 1950-luvulla? CIA yllyttänyt oppositiota vallankumoukseen lupaamalla tukea ja sitten jätetäänkin oman onnen nojaan?
Twitterin Osint/Elint väki seurasi viime yönä laivaliikennettä US -> etelään päin mm. lentotukialus USS Dwight D. Eisenhower ja joku iso RoRo paatti.

Guaidó claimed “a peaceful rebellion”, not an attempted military coup, was under way and urged supporters to return to the streets on Wednesday to continue what he called the final stage of “Operation Freedom”. He said Venezuelans now had the opportunity “to conquer their future”.

In what could result in a flashpoint between the two sides on Wednesday, Maduro also called for his supporters to take to the streets and vowed to have “a large, millions-strong march of the working class” on 1 May, which is also international workers’ day.

Kunhan ei käy kuin Ukrainassa
Ettei nyt kuulkaa olisi käynyt kuten Unkarissa 1950-luvulla? CIA yllyttänyt oppositiota vallankumoukseen lupaamalla tukea ja sitten jätetäänkin oman onnen nojaan?

Maassa on tuhansia Kuuban tiedustelupalvelun ja muiden viranomaisten väkeä ja vähintään satoja - jos ei tuhansia - venäläisiä pitämässä Maduroa pystyssä.
Tuskin olisivat siellä, jos heidänkin arvion mukaan Maduro ei olisi kaatumassa. Diktaattori itse on viime päivät pysytellyt näkymättömissä kun Guaido on liikuskellut näennäisen vapaasti kaduilla.

Ajan kysymys enää milloin valta vaihtuu ja kuinka korkean ruumiskasan se vaatii. Hämmästykseni on suuri jos kesäkuuhun mennessä Maduro ei ole vaihtanut joko maata tai hiippakuntaa.
Ajan kysymys enää milloin valta vaihtuu ja kuinka korkean ruumiskasan se vaatii. Hämmästykseni on suuri jos kesäkuuhun mennessä Maduro ei ole vaihtanut joko maata tai hiippakuntaa.
Veikkaan että lennättävät Maduron Venäjälle, josta saa turvapaikan.
Kuuba tuskin haluaa ottaa riskiä siitä että suhteet USA:han palaisivat takaisin siihen mitä ne olivat tiukkoine kauppasaartoineen jne. USA on kuitenkin jo tainnut lupailla pakotteiden paluuta jos Kuuba....
Veikkaan että lennättävät Maduron Venäjälle, josta saa turvapaikan.
Kuuba tuskin haluaa ottaa riskiä siitä että suhteet USA:han palaisivat takaisin siihen mitä ne olivat tiukkoine kauppasaartoineen jne. USA on kuitenkin jo tainnut lupailla pakotteiden paluuta jos Kuuba....
Samaa mieltä. Ovat saaneet jo nauttia amerikkalaisten turistien rahoista muutamat vuodet. Askel entiseen tuskin enää houkuttelisi
Luulisi sosialisteista oikeaakin asiaa löytyvän. Vittuilla nimittäin. Tuo maa on huono kohde siihen. Venezuelassa toteutui Pablo Escobarin fantasia ja huumekartelli sai hallituspaikan tai parikin.
Keinot on myös Marudolla sen mukaiset. Vaikea kuvitella miten armeijan isot herrat edes voisi kääntyä Marudoa vastaan jos taskussa on miljoonan lahjukset,perhe hienossa talossa ja lapset yksityisessä koulussa.
On taas malliesimerkki valtiosta, joka ajautuu vuosien mittaan sisäiseen pattiin, alkaa hulinointi, pakolaisia, viranomainen kiristää otetta...homma pahenee ja kas: globaalit korppikotkat liihottelevat paikalle.

Malliesimerkki valtiosta, joka menettää toimintakykynsä ja mahdollisuudet määritellä itse asemaansa. Vallaton tila alkaa täyttymään...muilla toimijoilla.

Malliesimerkki siitä, että sisäpolitiikka laiminlyötiin ainakin 20 vuotta. Malliesimerkki politiikasta, jonka johtotähtenä oli -vastakkainasettelun kokeminen- hyödylliseksi ja jopa korvaamattomaksi tavaksi tehdä ja hoitaa asioita.

Ja aivan esimerkillisin metodein sössittiin myös ulkopolitiikka ja suhteet Usaan. Öljy ja orastava turismi, kehittyvä maatalous olisivat taanneet hyvän pohjan kehittää valtiota. Naurettava -liittoutuminen- Kuuban kanssa oli hölmöntölväys, jonka vertaa saa hakea näiltä vuosikymmeniltä. Aina niin avulias Venäjä ja toinen hyvä Kiina kyllä takaavat asioita.....ohhoijjaa.

The United States is doing everything short of “the ultimate” to resolve Venezuela’s crisis, Donald Trump has vowed, after clashes between protesters and security forces in Caracas resulted in the death of one woman and injuries to 46 others.

As tens of thousands of Venezuelan returned to the streets on Wednesday following a dramatic but fruitless bid to force Nicolás Maduro from power, Juan Guaidó told demonstrators in the capital, Caracas, they needed to intensify their “peaceful rebellion” against Maduro.

“Every day there will be acts of protest until we achieve our liberty,” Guaidó announced. “They thought they could suffocate our protest yesterday and they failed. We will remain in the streets until Venezuela is free.”
On taas malliesimerkki valtiosta, joka ajautuu vuosien mittaan sisäiseen pattiin, alkaa hulinointi, pakolaisia, viranomainen kiristää otetta...homma pahenee ja kas: globaalit korppikotkat liihottelevat paikalle.

Malliesimerkki valtiosta, joka menettää toimintakykynsä ja mahdollisuudet määritellä itse asemaansa. Vallaton tila alkaa täyttymään...muilla toimijoilla.

Malliesimerkki siitä, että sisäpolitiikka laiminlyötiin ainakin 20 vuotta. Malliesimerkki politiikasta, jonka johtotähtenä oli -vastakkainasettelun kokeminen- hyödylliseksi ja jopa korvaamattomaksi tavaksi tehdä ja hoitaa asioita.

Ja aivan esimerkillisin metodein sössittiin myös ulkopolitiikka ja suhteet Usaan. Öljy ja orastava turismi, kehittyvä maatalous olisivat taanneet hyvän pohjan kehittää valtiota. Naurettava -liittoutuminen- Kuuban kanssa oli hölmöntölväys, jonka vertaa saa hakea näiltä vuosikymmeniltä. Aina niin avulias Venäjä ja toinen hyvä Kiina kyllä takaavat asioita.....ohhoijjaa.
Näyttä tuo tilanne erittäin surulliselta kun aletaan ajamaan siviilien päälle panssaroidulla ajoneuvolla surutta ja aseet ilmaantuneet molemmille puolille katukuvaan. Huhuh!
In the effort to topple Nicolás Maduro, Colombia’s ambassador to the United States once told me, the military men propping up Venezuela’s authoritarian president are like chess pieces.

If they defect from the regime, “you lose that chess piece,” Francisco Santos explained. “They work better from the inside.”

As Tuesday, April 30, began, the United States and its allies thought they finally had checkmate, after months of building up the opposition leader Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s legitimate president and recruiting more than 50 nations to their cause.

By the end of the day, the board had been flipped upside down, pieces were scattered everywhere, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was on CNN blaming the kingmakers, Russia and Cuba, for sabotaging the game.

Maduro’s airplane was on the tarmac and he was prepared to depart for Cuba on Tuesday morning, but “the Russians indicated he should stay,” the U.S. secretary of state revealed. (The Russians have disputed this account.) The Cubans, he added, are “protecting this thug” and are “at the center of this malfeasance.”

Earlier in the day, National Security Adviser John Bolton had declared that the upheaval in Venezuela was “clearly not a coup.” What has since become clearer is that it amounted to a botched attempt to replace the Maduro government from within.

With the elaborate, out-of-control bid for regime change in Latin America, the U.S.-Russia proxy struggle, and the intrigue involving shadowy Cuban forces, it was as if the world had suddenly been seized by a live experiment in what the Cold War would have been like had it played out on Twitter. (Bolton’s coup comment, after all, came in response to a reporter’s question about whether the Trump administration was providing any support to Maduro’s challengers beyond “tweets of support,” a query Henry Kissinger never fielded back in the day.)

Tuesday started with Guaidó posting a video on Twitter at dawn of him at a military air base—flanked by soldiers and the imprisoned opposition figure Leopoldo López, apparently freed by security forces from house arrest—announcing the “final phase of Operation Freedom” in partnership with Venezuela’s “main military units,” ahead of planned protests on May 1.

This, it turned out, would be the high point of the day for Guaidó’s pro-democracy movement.

Bedlam, not freedom, ensued. Maduro officials accused Guaidó and fringe elements of the military of staging a coup, as opponents and supporters of Maduro clashed violently in the streets.

Within hours, dozens of people returned to the site to threaten a “complete embargo” and “highest-level sanctions” on Cuba if “Cuban Troops and Militia do not immediately CEASE military and other operations” in Venezuela.

As Operation Freedom went sideways, U.S. officials began divulging details of an effort that had gone spectacularly wrong.

Speaking with reporters at the White House on Tuesday, Bolton offered one theory for why the plan never came to fruition: The Cuban government had prevailed on the three officials to stick with their boss. Fear of the tens of thousands of Cuban security forces in the country, he argued, is keeping military officials in check.
The U.S. military insists that it is not actively preparing for an intervention into Venezuela, but the rhetoric is escalating from Trump Administration officials and politicians who continue to demand that Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro step down and allow opposition leader Juan Guaido to form a new government. This has included a number of veiled threats and a bizarre and entirely unfounded allegation that Russia has deployed nuclear weapons to the Latin American country. All of this comes as Guaido's supporters continue to skirmish with security forces loyal to Maduro in Venezuela's capital Caracas for a second straight day.

The latest phase of Venezuela's protracted economic and political crisis began on Apr. 30, 2019, when Guaido announced the beginning of Operacion Libertad, or Operation Liberty, which began with a call for a massive popular uprising against Maduro and an appeal for members of the country's security forces to join the movement. By the end of the day, however, another senior opposition leader, Leopoldo López, had fled with his family to the Chilean Embassy and a number of defecting soldiers had reportedly sought refuge in the Brazilian Embassy. You can read The War Zone's detailed coverage of these events here.

Following the eruption of clashes between Guaido's supporters and Maduro loyalists, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration had told U.S. commercial carriers to avoid transiting through Venezuelan airspace at altitudes below 26,000 feet and to cease all operations within the country within 48 hours. The altitude prohibition would ensure that the planes remain out of the range of short-range, shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles.
Whether or not the U.S. government will actually move beyond exercise its various economic and diplomatic options, while offering rhetorical and moral support to Guaido, and actually launch a military intervention remains unclear. At the very least, the Trump Administration and its own supporters certainly seem to be laying out at least the foundations of an argument for a more forceful effort to eject Maduro from power.
Voi olla että osa kenraaleista ei suostu loikkaamaan, ellei USA anna takuita ilmatuesta kun taistelut alkavat.

Venezuelalaisista ei kovin moni halua sisällissotaa. Jokainen yrittää luovia omalla tavallaan. Vaikka Maduron korruptiokoplasta ei pidettäisikään, muutkaan vaihtoehdot eivät ole monelle mieleen. Jenkkien vaikutusvaltaa on perinteisesti karsastettu Etelä-Amerikassa. Tällä kortilla kuubalaiset ja venäläiset pelaavat.

Department of Defense is asked for military options to use against Maduro

The White House is calling for more options for the president to consider. The National Security Council is pushing the Defense Department for military ideas. Current and former officials recognize there are not many more options other than military action or a Venezuelan revolt.

In the aftermath of a faltering opposition uprising in Venezuela, the Trump administration is looking at imposing new individual sanctions against the Maduro government and also scrambling for ideas that can have a greater impact, including military options.

The White House is calling for relevant departments to produce more options for President Donald Trump to consider. The National Security Council is pushing the Defense Department for military ideas and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is seeking ways to entice Russia to pull away from Venezuelan leader Nicolás Maduro.

Current and former officials recognize there are not many more options other than military action or a Venezuelan revolt.

“It’s more sanctions, military, or straight up Venezuela flipping,” said a senior administration official on condition of anonymity. “And that’s a problem. All they have to do is delay, delay, delay and they’re still in power.”

Pompeo, National Security Advisor John Bolton, Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan, and Navy Adm. Craig Faller, commander of U.S. Southern Command in Doral, met Friday morning and discussed different options to increase pressure on the Maduro government, including military participation.

“We had Secretary Pompeo over, Ambassador Bolton, a number of different folks just so we all stay stitched together in real time,” Shanahan told reporters Friday. “These discussions really are more so that just as things happen, it’s convenient that we’re all here in the same time zone, and almost the same zip code, so we can just converge, update everybody on that, we’ll probably get together in a few more days.”

Standing in front of armed military officers, Juan Guaidó, whom the United States considers the legitimate president of Venezuela, on Tuesday called for Venezuelans to join him for the “final phase” of an effort to take control of the Miraflores presidential palace. But Guaidó was unable to rally enough support from the Venezuelan military, and after days of violence in street protests, Maduro has held control of the military and government offices.

Maduro demonstrated his power by appearing publicly Thursday flanked by soldiers.

“Something good came from evil, which is loyalty in full combat,” he told troops during an event broadcast on state television. “The troops were not afraid to say ‘no’ to the traitors, ‘no’ to the participants of an attempted coup. Loyalty is a value that you either have or you don’t. … I know you will not fail the homeland.”

Trump and other top administration officials this week repeatedly said all options were under consideration, including military ones. There are several steps that can be taken short of ground troops, including covert operations and a naval blockade.

Shanahan would not go into detail about what was discussed but suggested that the possibilities included involving the U.S. Navy.

“All options are comprehensive, but there is a lot of water nearby,” he said.

Faller briefed diplomatic and national-security officials “on a wide range of military options, as the command continues to monitor activities on the ground in Venezuela,” a statement from Southern Command said.

“U.S. Southern Command stands with the people of Venezuela who are suffering at the hand of the illegitimate Maduro regime and remains prepared to support all options, when requested by senior leadership,” the statement said.

The increased attention to a military option, which has not been defined, is raising concerns across Washington and the region. Some diplomats and former Trump officials spoke out against the use of unilateral force and argued it’s time for a shift in strategy.

Fernando Cutz, a former acting senior director for Western Hemisphere affairs at the National Security Council in the Trump administration, said the United States has driven itself into a corner because of the “reckless rhetoric.”

“We’ve been talking this up so much that there is a real expectation from the Venezuelans on the ground that the United States is prepared to act,” Cutz said. “You haven’t left any room for interpretation on the rhetoric. You have been very, very direct, saying ‘military, military, military.’ So what do you do? Anything short of military action that leads to the restoration of democracy in the country would not be seen as a success.”

Some Trump allies are pushing the administration to take stronger steps, including authorizing covert operations and psychological warfare.

José Cárdenas, who served in the National Security Council under President George W. Bush and regularly speaks with Trump administration officials, said there is a “crying need to undermine” the confidence of Maduro’s inner circle.

“We need out-of-the-box thinking,” Cárdenas said. “We need to engage with the intelligence community to find out what’s within their capability to do things that they do that will change the equilibrium. … We need to play mind games with this regime so they don’t know what is coming or going.”

The United States is also working to increase the pressure against Russia.

Trump said he spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin by phone for more than an hour Friday. The topics included Russian involvement in Venezuela.

“He is not looking at all to get involved in Venezuela other than he’d like to see something positive happen for Venezuela,” Trump said. “And I feel the same way, we want to get some humanitarian aid. Right now, people are starving. They have no water. They have no food.”

Pompeo called Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Wednesday to increase the pressure. Pompeo is expected to speak with Russian officials again next week and senior administration officials are discussing what may be offered to entice Putin to abandon Maduro or at least get out of the way of the international effort to support Guaidó.

“At the end of day, if we can come to terms with Russia and they fall back on their support for Maduro that would be a huge deal,” the senior administration official said.
“At the end of day, if we can come to terms with Russia and they fall back on their support for Maduro that would be a huge deal,” the senior administration official said.

Ukraina vaihtoon?
Merkkejä pohjakosketuksesta kun ei ole enää ryöstettävääkään.

Venezuelan talouskriisi on aiheuttanut kansan köyhtymistä karulla tavalla neljän viime vuoden aikana. Inflaatio on tehnyt rahasta arvotonta, perustarpeista kuten lääkkeistä on pulaa ja maastamuutto on runsasta. Keskivertokansalainen tienaa enää 6,5 dollaria kuukaudessa.

Ainoa positiivinen asia on, että henkirikosten ja sieppausten määrät ovat vähentyneet vuodesta 2015 lähtien kymmenillä prosenteilla valtiossa, joka tunnetaan väkivaltaisuudestaan. Useat katugangsterit ovat kertoneet medialle, ettei ole mitään järkeä ryöstää tai kidnapata ketään, kun kohteilla ei ole mitään vietävää. Aseitakaan ei voi käyttää, koska uusien luotien ostaminen on liian kallista.

– Kun ammut lippaan tyhjäksi, ammut 15 dollaria, katurikollinen El Negrito sanoi uutistoimisto AP:lle hiljattain.
