Yhdysvaltain presidentinvaalit 2020

"Supreme Clown of the United States"? Ei korkein oikeus voi tehdä mitään jos yksikään alempi tuomioistuin ei suostu edes ottamaan syytöksiä vakavasti.

No mitä täällä ulistaan. Yhdysvaltain oikeusjärjestelmän uskotavuus vain vahvistuu. Se on hyvä esimerkki koko maailmalle. Ei siellä ole poliittisia syyttäjiä kuten jotkut haluavat toteuttaa politiikkaa syyttäjinä mm. Suomessa :D
– Oikea tapa on kerätä todistusaineistoa ja viedä asia oikeuteen. Väärä tapa on painostaa osavaltioiden vaaliviranomaisia.

– On vaikea kuvitella mitään huonompaa ja epädemokraattisempaa toimintaa, Romney kirjoitti.


Trump lawyers disavow Sidney Powell, another member of his legal team, over spurious fraud accusations.


Sidney Powell, a lawyer for President Trump, appeared with Rudolph W. Giuliani and Jenna Ellis at the Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington on Thursday, where she was described as a member of the Trump legal team’s “elite strike force.”Credit...Erin Schaff/The New York Times
President Trump’s campaign on Sunday disavowed Sidney Powell, one of his lawyers, after she made wild accusations of Republican governors being involved in a payoff scheme to manipulate voting machines.

Ms. Powell, who had appeared with the Trump campaign at a news conference just last week about his efforts to overturn the results of the election, had been embraced by many of his allies.

The disavowal came a day after a Pennsylvania judge eviscerated arguments that other members of Mr. Trump’s legal teamhad made in court that millions of votes in the state should be invalidated, potentially disenfranchising huge numbers of voters. The president was said to be furious about the judge’s decision.

The extraordinary statement from Rudolph W. Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, two lawyers for Mr. Trump, about a third person who had been involved in their efforts was released Sunday evening.

“Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own,” the statement said. “She is not a member of the Trump legal team. She is also not a lawyer for the president in his personal capacity.”

Ms. Powell, who stood with Mr. Giuliani and Ms. Ellis at the Republican National Committee headquarters on Thursday, was described as a member of the legal team’s “elite strike force” as she laid out an elaborate conspiracy theory about efforts by the former Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013, to essentially rig elections in the United States by using voting machines made by Dominion.

Appearing on the conservative network Newsmax on Saturday night, Ms. Powell further pushed the conspiracy theory, saying that two top Republicans in Georgia — Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger — were taking payoffs as part of the scheme. Two runoff elections in the state on Jan. 5 could determine party control of the Senate, and Republicans have grown anxious about the Trump campaign’s legal efforts there possibly affecting those races, which are likely to have low voter turnout.

Ms. Powell’s claims were widely derided, including by some Trump allies. Chris Christie, the Republican former governor of New Jersey and a Trump ally, said on ABC’s “This Week” that the legal team had become a “national embarrassment.” Most of the president’s other lawyers have declined to become involved in his efforts to delay certification of votes in states by alleging fraud in public statements.

Maggie Haberman

Trumpin eliitti-iskuryhmä on irtautunut Ms. Powellista, joka vielä torstain tiedotustilaisuudessa oli näkyvässä roolissa Suuren Petoksen "todisteita" esiteltäessä.
Ilmeisesti myöhemmin esitetyt väitteet Rep. Kempin sekä Raffenspergerin lahjustenotosta liittyen Yhdysvaltojen poliittisen historian Suurimpaan Ryöstöön, olivat liikaa.

Trump Campaign Lawyers Step Up but Are Swiftly Knocked Down​

The race to file lawsuits challenging the election results has forced lawyers into mistakes and uncomfortable court appearances.


Rudolph W. Giuliani, who is spearheading President Trump’s legal challenges to the election, has broken with his past comments backing the president’s claims of widespread voter fraud.

Rudolph W. Giuliani, who is spearheading President Trump’s legal challenges to the election, has broken with his past comments backing the president’s claims of widespread voter fraud.Credit...Erin Schaff/The New York Times
By Zach Montague and Alan Feuer
  • Published Nov. 20, 2020Updated Nov. 22, 2020, 10:26 a.m. ET

In a chaotic effort to overturn the election results, President Trump and lawyers representing his campaign have spent weeks claiming without convincing proof that rampant voter fraud corrupted vote tallies in many battleground states.
But their lawsuits challenging the outcome have repeatedly broken down because of defective filings, sloppy paperwork, dubious claims by witnesses and lawyers who have admitted in court that they were not alleging fraud.
Here are some of the more embarrassing moments.


Days after the election, lawyers for the Trump campaign brought a lawsuit in Maricopa County claiming, in part, that some number of Republican voters used Sharpies to mark their ballots, rendering them unreadable by voting machines and leading to uncounted votes.
The complaint also included affidavits from several voters and poll watchers who said that poll workers had capitalized on the confusion to nullify votes for Mr. Trump.

But in a hearing on Nov. 12, Kory Langhofer, a lawyer for the Trump campaign, conceded that the complaint was not based on evidence of voter fraud but rather on a “limited number of cases” of “good-faith errors” in the count.
“This is not a fraud case,” Mr. Langhofer said. “We are not alleging fraud. We are not saying anyone is trying to steal the election.”

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Under questioning, witnesses repeatedly stated that they did not have any reason to believe that their ballots or those of other voters were not counted.
Later in the hearing, Daniel Arellano, the Arizona Democratic Party’s counsel, directed questions to Zack Alcyone, one of the witnesses, who admitted that he was a business partner of Mr. Langhofer’s.
Asked if he was being paid to testify in the case, Mr. Alcyone said he was uncertain.
“Um, not that I know of, I haven’t discussed it,” he said.

“But you may be?” Mr. Arellano asked.
“It’s possible, I guess, I’m not sure,” Mr. Alcyone said.


A federal lawsuit brought by the conservative lawyer L. Lin Wood Jr. sought to halt the statewide certification of the vote in Georgia, claiming that systemic issues with the election process had marred the state’s results.

Nicholas Kristof: A behind-the-scenes look at Nicholas Kristof’s gritty journalism, as he travels around the world.
Russell J. Ramsland Jr., a cybersecurity worker and an expert witness in the case, filed an affidavit on Wednesday claiming that his company had uncovered evidence of inconsistencies in electronic voting machines. But the inconsistencies he claimed to identify were in districts in Michigan, not Georgia.
The affidavit also listed a number of towns and counties in which Mr. Ramsland’s analysis ostensibly showed that the number of votes cast exceeded the number of eligible voters. But most, if not all, of the places Mr. Ramsland listed appeared to be townships and counties in Minnesota, not Michigan.
In a hearing on Thursday, the Trump-appointed judge, Steven D. Grimberg, pushed back against claims of voter fraud.
“I understand that’s your argument, but what’s your evidence?” he asked after listening to Ray S. Smith III, a lawyer for Mr. Wood.
“To halt the certification at literally the 11th hour would breed confusion and disenfranchisement that I find have no basis in fact and law,” Judge Grimberg said.
He rejected the challenge.


In an opinion issued on Nov. 13, a state court judge in Michigan methodically dismantled testimony from six witnesses who claimed to have observed irregularities in the vote-counting process in Detroit.

Casting doubt on their credibility and knowledge of the electoral process, Judge Timothy M. Kenny noted that the witnesses had skipped an information session that may have answered many of the questions they raised.
Perhaps if plaintiffs’ election challenger affiants had attended the Oct. 29, 2020, walk-through of the TCF Center ballot-counting location, questions and concerns could have been answered in advance of Election Day,” he wrote. “Regrettably, they did not and, therefore, plaintiffs’ affiants did not have a full understanding” of the absentee ballot tabulation process.
In a separate case targeting absentee ballots in Michigan, a lawyer for the Trump campaign appeared to have initially filed the lawsuit in error in a federal claims court in Washington, D.C., that lacked the authority to hear it.
“The complaint is captioned as though it were filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan,” Judge Elaine D. Kaplan wrote in an order transferring the case to the proper court. “Instead, however, it was filed with this court, presumably by accident.”


Anticipating that Pennsylvania would be the tipping point in the election, lawyers for the Trump campaign prepared for legal challenges contesting votes in several parts of the state.
In recent weeks, however, the lawyers have repeatedly acknowledged when pressed by judges that no evidence of election fraud materialized.
In Federal District Court in Williamsport, Pa., the president’s lead lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, broke with his comments outside the courtroom backing the president’s claims of widespread fraud.

“This is not a fraud case,” he told Judge Matthew W. Brann.
In oral arguments in a case in Montgomery County on Nov. 10, Jonathan Goldstein, a lawyer for the Trump campaign, stated repeatedly that he also had not seen evidence of voter fraud in the vote that was contested there:
THE COURT: In your petition, which is right before me — and I read it several times — you don’t claim that any electors or the Board of the County were guilty of fraud, correct? That’s correct?
MR. GOLDSTEIN: Your honor, accusing people of fraud is a pretty big step. And it is rare that I call somebody a liar, and I am not calling the board of the D.N.C. or anybody else involved in this a liar. Everybody is coming to this with good faith. The D.N.C. is coming with good faith. We’re all just trying to get an election done. We think these were a mistake, but we think they are a fatal mistake, and these ballots ought not be counted.
THE COURT: I understand. I am asking you a specific question, and I am looking for a specific answer. Are you claiming that there is any fraud in connection with these 592 disputed ballots?
MR. GOLDSTEIN: To my knowledge at present, no.
THE COURT: Are you claiming that there is any undue or improper influence upon the elector with respect to these 592 ballots?
MR. GOLDSTEIN: To my knowledge at present, no.
Lawyers representing the Trump campaign in Bucks County signed court documents on Wednesday informing a judge that there was no evidence of fraud in relation to ballots they were contesting there.
The campaign had filed suit in the county’s Court of Common Pleas challenging more than 2,200 ballots as invalid. But in a joint stipulation of facts with lawyers for the Democratic Party, the Trump campaign’s lawyers admitted, “Petitioners do not allege, and there is no evidence of, fraud in connection with the challenged ballots.”
The lawyers also stated there was no evidence of any “misconduct” or “impropriety” in the election.

Riippuen siitä, esitetäänkö väitteitä vaalituloksen peukaloinnista (some)julkisuudessa vaiko oikeudessa. Vaalitulokseen on ja ei ole vaikutettu laittomilla keinoilla. Yllättävää?
Aika jännä, rekkalasteittain saapunut ääniä laskentaan? Onko kellään järkevää selitystä tälle?

Usassa on paljon ääniä jaossa? Maailman poliittisen historian suurin väärennöstemppu? Vaalivilpistä on todisteita vain Trumpilla, edes hänen lähipiirinsä ei ole lähtenyt enää mukaan tähän kohkaamiseen. Hepun kannattaisi siirtyä kolopalloon ennen talven tuloa.
Taas yksi you're fired tapaus :ROFLMAO:

Juristi Sidney Powell lupasi ”raamatullista” lakijuttua Georgian osavaltioon ja väitti virheellisesti, että kaksi venezuelalaista kommunistia olisi kehittänyt ääntenlaskujärjestelmän Yhdysvalloissa.

Nyt presidentti Trumpin lakitiimi on ilmoittanut, että Powell ei todellisuudessa olisi osa tiimiä.

– Sidney Powell harjoittaa lakia itsenäisesti. Hän ei kuulu Trumpin lakitiimiin. Hän ei myöskään ole presidentin henkilökohtainen juristi, Trumpin juristit Rudy Giuliani ja Jenna Ellis sanoivat tiedotteessa sunnuntaina.

Trump itse on aiemmin tviitannut, että Powell on osa ”mahtavaa juristien ja edustajien” tiimiä, jota Giuliani johtaa. Giuliani itse esitteli torstaina paikalla olleet ”presidentti Trumpin edustajina ja Trumpin kampanjan edustajina”.
Michiganin tulosten vahvistamisen oletetetaan viivästyvän. Eli Trumpin loputon, perusteeton, spammäys vaalivilpistä voi tuottaa jotain tulosta.

If the board were to vote against certifying the results, the case would go to the state court of appeals, and then the state Supreme Court, which would be expected to demand the board certify the results -- as is written in state law. The governor, Democrat Gretchen Whitmer, could also replace any of the board members.
Trump on kova poika valehtelemaan ja niitä valheita on myös tilastoitu.

Paljon mielenkiintoisempaa olisi kuitenkin tietää annettujen potkujen tarkka lukumäärä yhden virkakauden aikana. Jos mukaan lasketaan myös alemman portaan häviäjät eli ne joiden potkut eivät ole saavuttaneet eivätkä saavuta minkäänlaista mediahuomiota, niin lukumäärä on ihan varmasti jokseenkin huikea. Hipoo ehkä jo maailmanennätystä, vaikka se taitaa olla edelleenkin Stalinin hallussa ja Kim Jong-un on ehkä edelleenkin hopealla.

Mutta ei pronssi ollenkaan heikko saavutus ole demokraattisessa maassa :ROFLMAO:
Trump on kova poika valehtelemaan ja niitä valheita on myös tilastoitu.

Paljon mielenkiintoisempaa olisi kuitenkin tietää annettujen potkujen tarkka lukumäärä yhden virkakauden aikana. Jos mukaan lasketaan myös alemman portaan häviäjät eli ne joiden potkut eivät ole saavuttaneet eivätkä saavuta minkäänlaista mediahuomiota, niin lukumäärä on ihan varmasti jokseenkin huikea. Hipoo ehkä jo maailmanennätystä, vaikka se taitaa olla edelleenkin Stalinin hallussa ja Kim Jong-un on ehkä edelleenkin hopealla.

Mutta ei pronssi ollenkaan heikko saavutus ole demokraattisessa maassa :ROFLMAO:
On se niin kumma, että mies, joka sanoi että on superguru, joka palkkaa parhaimmiston kääntämään paatin suunnan, on suurimman osan tuosta parhaimmistostaan potkinut pihalle hallinnostaan.

HR:n suhteen Trump on ollut täysfloppi.
Eiköhän Trump jää tammikuun jälkeen historian unholaan yhtenä USA.n huonoista presidenteistä ja 50 tai 100 vuoden kuluttua harva edes muistaa Trumpin kautta. Mikä on foorumin veikkaus, saako Trump joskus oman lentotukialuksensa (vrt. USS Ronald Reagan)?
Eiköhän Trump jää tammikuun jälkeen historian unholaan yhtenä USA.n huonoista presidenteistä ja 50 tai 100 vuoden kuluttua harva edes muistaa Trumpin kautta. Mikä on foorumin veikkaus, saako Trump joskus oman lentotukialuksensa (vrt. USS Ronald Reagan)?
maailman huonoimmista presidenteistä :LOL:
Parempi että täällä keskitytään siihen mitä Kälviän kunnanjohtaja tekee tai jättää tekemättä. Trump tulee saamaan vielä upean lentotukialuksensa.
Eiköhän Trump jää tammikuun jälkeen historian unholaan yhtenä USA.n huonoista presidenteistä ja 50 tai 100 vuoden kuluttua harva edes muistaa Trumpin kautta. Mikä on foorumin veikkaus, saako Trump joskus oman lentotukialuksensa (vrt. USS Ronald Reagan)?
Ennustan jotain sopivampaa. Onko US Navylla erikoisalusta septitankkien tyhjennykseen?
Jos Trumpilta kysytään niin Trump saa hienon ja mahtavan lentotukialuksen jonka kannelle mahtuu Trumpia palvovia sotilaita enemmän kuin mihinkään ikinä :ROFLMAO:

Vahinko vain että todellisuus tuppaa aina pilaamaan Trumpin hienot ja mahtavat visiot.

Presidentti Donald Trumpin suosio Yhdysvaltain asevoimien piirissä on laskenut hänen virkakautensa kuluessa tuntuvasti. Arvostetun Military Times -lehden äskettäisessä mielipidemittauksessa 38 prosenttia koko sotilashierarkiaa edustaneista
vastaajista ilmoitti suhtautuvansa ylipäällikköönsä myönteisesti, kun kielteisesti suhtautuvien osuus oli lähes 50 prosenttia.

– Tämä on erityisen yllättävää ottaen huomioon republikaanipuolueen sotilaiden
keskuudessa perinteisesti nauttiman kannatuksen, Trumpin toistuvat väitteet omasta suosiostaan asevoimissa ja hänen voimakkaat ponnistuksensa puolustusmäärärahojen nostamiseksi, entinen Nato-komentaja, amiraali James Stavridis kirjoittaa amerikkalaislehti Timessa.

Trumpilla näyttää hänen mukaansa olevan vaikeuksia ymmärtää, että mittava puolustusbudjetti ei ole keino ”ostaa asevoimien rakkautta”.

Amiraali Stavridis muistuttaa Trumpin ensin nostaneen lukuisia korkea-arvoisia upseereita suurieleisesti hallintonsa avainpaikoille ja antaneen heille sittemmin potkut.

– Jokainen tarina on hieman erilainen, mutta asevoimien näkökulmasta Trump näyttää kohdelleen erittäin arvostettuja ja näkyviä ammattisotilaita surkeasti ja
osoittanut heille ovea – monesti herjausten saattelemana, Stavridis sanoo.

Trumpin leväperäinen suhtautuminen koronaviruspandemiaan on Stavridisin mukaan tulkittu asevoimien keskuudessa niin olennaiseksi vastuun pakoiluksi, että jos kyse olisi aktiiviupseerista, hänet olisi todennäköisesti jo erotettu.

– Virheiden tekeminen on oma asiansa, mutta kun toistuvasti sanoo, ettei se ollut minun vikani ja että ”en ota minkäänlaista vastuuta ollenkaan”, sellaista on sotilaiden vaikea niellä, hän toteaa.