Hieman juttua Trumpin "ex" lakimiehen Sidney Powell temppuiluista; nostanut juttuja luvatta henkilöiden nimissä, olemattomista paikkakunnista, todisteena dokumenttiä, joka leikattu niin ettei koko sisältö näy yms
Onko hajua muuten montako kertaa Trumpin kampanja jo hävinnyt? Tämän mukaan suhde olisi 1-40, eli merihirviökin näköjään jo harppuunoitu.

Pro-Trump legal crusade peppered with bizarre blunders
Spelling errors, misplaced states and client mix-ups are the main results so far of Sidney Powell's legal efforts to overturn the election.

At least twice, Powell has sued on behalf of a party that did not agree to be a part of the case. In a filing in Wisconsin, Powell included Derrick Van Orden, a Republican candidate who narrowly lost to Rep. Ron Kind (D-Wis.), as a plaintiff. But Van Orden said he had nothing to do with the suit in a statement on Twitter.
Chris Krebs, the former director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency whom Trump fired for declaring the election secure, called this particular conspiracy theory “nonsense.” But in his declaration, Keshavarz-Nia alleges a pattern of improbable vote reporting in “Edison County, MI” that backs up his theory.
The only problem: No county by that name exists in Michigan.
Powell has also misrepresented government documents. The Georgia lawsuit alleges that “a certificate from the Secretary of State was awarded to Dominion Voting Systems but is undated,” attaching a copy of the certificate.
The reality is more prosaic. As Reuters first reported, the actual certificate from the secretary’s office is both dated and publicly available online.
Onko hajua muuten montako kertaa Trumpin kampanja jo hävinnyt? Tämän mukaan suhde olisi 1-40, eli merihirviökin näköjään jo harppuunoitu.

Judge Hands Trump 40th Court Loss With Embarrassing Rebuff
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