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Jos pärjäävät noin huonosti (Lebanon, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan) vastaan niin miten mahtaa käydä jos vastassa on Venäjä....:confused:

Sit hyö rulettaa ja lujaa.

Vähän niinku jos kaveri tulee katutappelusta naama verillä ja toteaa, että voittaa sitten kun aseina on puukot, puntarit ja kirveet.:rolleyes:
Viimeksi muokattu:
Jos pärjäävät noin huonosti (Lebanon, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan) vastaan niin miten mahtaa käydä jos vastassa on Venäjä....:confused:

Onpahan kyseessä hieman toisenlaiset sodat....
Kypäräkameran kuvaa siitä kun amerikkalaiset erikoisjoukot joutui Isiksen väijytykseen 4.10.2017 Nigerissä.

Tästä tallenteesta ei löydy ääniraitaa, koska julkaistussa videossa sitä oli jälkikäsitelty Isiksen toimesta.

Kypäräkameran kuvaa siitä kun amerikkalaiset erikoisjoukot joutui Isiksen väijytykseen 4.10.2017 Nigerissä.

Tästä tallenteesta ei löydy ääniraitaa, koska julkaistussa videossa sitä oli jälkikäsitelty Isiksen toimesta.

Hyi vittu.
Lehti artikkelissa toimittaja sanoo että videopätkässä yksi erikoisjoukkojen sotilas haavoittuu. Ei tainnut toimittaja katsoa klippiä loppuun saakka.
Miksi yrittävät hitaasti taistelemalla irti? Jätkät kyytiin/astinlaudoille ja hanaa. Eivätkö ymmärtäneet tilanteen vakavuutta? Yllättävän tarkasti kapinalliset ampuvat.

On 3 October 2017, twelve American soldiers from the 3rd Special Forces Group accompanied thirty Nigerien soldiers from the Security and Intelligence Battalion (Bataillon Sécurité et de Renseignement or BSR) on a civil reconnaissance mission to gather information near Tongo Tongo in the Tillabéri region of Niger.[6][25] In a video recorded before the ambush, young men can be seen on motorbikes armed with rifles and machine guns, repeating Islamist slogans, and discussing what they would do in the event they captured soldiers, with one of them saying that they would decapitate them.[26] The Americans were travelling in two technicals and one unarmed Toyota Land Cruiser.[7] A fourth vehicle had been provided to the Nigeriens by the Central Intelligence Agency and had specialized surveillance equipment on board.[7]

On 4 October, the soldiers met with local leaders, asking them for information about the whereabouts of an accomplice of Adnan Abu Walid al-Sahrawi.[27] The US soldiers were divided in two groups: one that would stay back and guard the vehicles and another that would attend the meeting.[28] However, the meeting would drag on with the local leaders delaying the soldiers' departure by stalling and keeping them waiting.[28] The group guarding the vehicles began to suspect that something was wrong when they witnessed two motorcycles race out of the village.[13] At that moment, the unit believed that the local leader was complicit in an impending attack.[13] After completion of the meeting, the soldiers were walking back to the rest of the unit and their unarmored pick-up trucks.[28]

While the soldiers were returning to base,[29] about fifty armed ISGS militants believed to be led by Dondou Chefou, a lieutenant in the terrorist group whom the US code named "Naylor Road",[7] began their assault against the soldiers.[30] The militants, who had arrived with a dozen technicals and about twenty motorcycles,[10][11] had been armed with light weapons, vehicle mounted weapons, rocket-propelled grenades, and mortars.[13][28] Just two hundred yards away from the village, the force was allowed to pass through the ambush killzone before the ambush was sprung, leaving the first two vehicles of the element trapped. According to a Nigerien soldier who was wounded in the ambush, the militants had sent a large herd of cows towards the convoy and then attacked under the ensuing dust cloud. The team's leader, Captain Michael Perozeni, and a radio operator, Sgt. First Class Brent Bartels were both shot and wounded early into the ambush[31][30] The Nigeriens who were not already dead or injured retreated.[30] Under fire, the US soldiers used their vehicles for cover, at times driving them short distances. Staff Sergeant Bryan C. Black, the team's medic, was the first American to be killed. Armed only with rifles, they began returning fire, killing some of the militants.[1][28]

Separated from the rest of the team, Sergeant La David Johnson was shot as many as 18 times by M4 carbines and Soviet-made machine guns as he took cover in thick brush, fighting to the end after fleeing militants.[32] La David Johnson was with two Nigerien soldiers who tried to get to a vehicle to escape, but were unable to do so.[32]

Within minutes of the ambush, an unarmed US drone captured video of the firefight.[33][34] Half an hour into the ambush, French Mirage jets were ordered to respond to the ambush, and they arrived roughly two hours later.[34][29][35][9] Even though there was now air support, the French pilots could not engage because they could not readily identify enemy forces in the firefight.[36] Nevertheless, the presence of the fighter jets brought the engagement to an end.[35] It was reported by CNN and Le Monde that two French Super Puma helicopters were brought in from Mali to evacuate those killed and injured,[34][9][28] but United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) spokesperson Robyn Mack said that Berry Aviation, an independent contractor, was "on alert during the incident and conducted casualty evacuation and transport for US and partner forces".[37] Within three to four hours after the soldiers called in for support, a French special operations team arrived at the scene.[5]

One American soldier was slumped inside the team's pickup truck while two other Americans were on the ground, one of whom was clutching a walkie-talkie.[38] On 6 October, the body of La David Johnson was found by children tending cattle.[38] His body was nearly a mile (1.6 km) away from the scene of the ambush.[39] On 12 November, additional remains of La David Johnson were found at the site where his body was recovered.[40]
Miksi yrittävät hitaasti taistelemalla irti? Jätkät kyytiin/astinlaudoille ja hanaa. Eivätkö ymmärtäneet tilanteen vakavuutta? Yllättävän tarkasti kapinalliset ampuvat.

Samaa mietin itse tai ajoneuvojen hylkäystä koska ne vetävät tuota tulta puoleensa ja irtautumista jalan. Tai jos tulta tulee niin raskaasti joka suunnasta niin sitten siilipuolustukseen kaivautua jossa tietenkin lopputulos todennäkäisesti sama.
Mutta paha viisastella kun ei tuosta wikistäkään oikein löydy kaikkea mitä pitäisi tietää.
Veikkaan tilannetietoisuuden menetystä. Luulivat että väijytys ei ole iso, väijyttävä porukka ei pyri iholle esim A-maa räiskivät jostain 600-700m päästä, luulivat että pystyvät torjumaan väijytyksen, mutta eivät tienneet olevansa yksin. Olettivat että tukea tulee ilmasta. Kun tilannetaju rupesi palaamaan, oli jo tullut tappioita, ajoneuvo menetetty... ja sit kyse olikin enää ajasta millon kuolema koittaa.
Veikkaan tilannetietoisuuden menetystä. Luulivat että väijytys ei ole iso, väijyttävä porukka ei pyri iholle esim A-maa räiskivät jostain 600-700m päästä, luulivat että pystyvät torjumaan väijytyksen, mutta eivät tienneet olevansa yksin. Olettivat että tukea tulee ilmasta. Kun tilannetaju rupesi palaamaan, oli jo tullut tappioita, ajoneuvo menetetty... ja sit kyse olikin enää ajasta millon kuolema koittaa.

Mielessä kävi sellainenkin että aikataulu oli pettänyt jo pahasti arvioidusta, nestehukka tuli mieleen.
Tai sitten se CIA:n ajoneuvon suojelu koettiin niin tärkeäksi jostain syystä?
Wikipediasta: "According to a Nigerien soldier who was wounded in the ambush, the militants had sent a large herd of cows towards the convoy and then attacked under the ensuing dust cloud."
Miksi yrittävät hitaasti taistelemalla irti? Jätkät kyytiin/astinlaudoille ja hanaa. Eivätkö ymmärtäneet tilanteen vakavuutta? Yllättävän tarkasti kapinalliset ampuvat.

Minä en ymmärrä miksi he eivät käyttäneet savua kun irtautuivat ajoneuvon suojasta taikka aikaisemmin. Kuten sanoit, ukko kyytiin ja pois paikalta aavikko pöllyten olisi ollut parempi taktiikka kuin pakoon juokseminen ja sitäkään ei tehty suojaamalla taisteluparia.
Trump ei kommentoinut tapausta kuin vasta jonkin aikaa oli kulunut, Nigeriläisten mukaan CIA:n ajoneuvo kaapattiin, CIA itse ei kommentoi, kuka tätä CIA:n ajoneuvoa operoi ja missä he ovat?
Teoriassa siellä voi nyt olla CIA agentteja vankeina.
Until the ambush, the mission had been unremarkable.

When the team reached their target, "Naylor Road"’s suspected camp, in the middle of the night they found it empty and burned its remains before getting back into their vehicles as the sun came up.
They drove south toward their base and stopped in the village of Tongo Tongo around mid-morning so the Nigerien forces could cook and eat breakfast. While there, the Americans met with a village elder, who they now believe was "obviously and deliberately trying to stall them," according to U.S. intelligence sources.

When they finally departed the village, they had not traveled more than the length of a football field before they were ambushed by what was described as a well-trained, seasoned force who used machine guns, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades.
The two American pickup trucks managed to get out of the line of fire, only to realize that the Land Cruiser was nowhere to be seen. Unable to reach them, some of the Americans went back on foot and in one of the pickup trucks to look for them while Johnson, who was later killed, provided cover by firing with the machine gun mounted on the back of the other pickup truck.
It was then that the Land Cruiser, containing the other three Americans killed, was hit by a mortar and then gunfire.

The Americans continued to fight from their vehicles and on foot. At some point, one of the U.S. pickup trucks was disabled.

Two hours later, after the first shots were fired and one hour after the Americans called for help, French Mirage jets buzzed low over the battle, causing the attackers to hold their fire and many retreated into the local population. French Puma helicopters, accompanied by a pair of American Green Berets, from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso evacuated the wounded. Later, a U.S. contractor plane would take away the dead after Nigerien and American forces responded and secured the area.

According to the senior intelligence source, the body of Johnson was not located until two days after the attack. In circumstances that remain unclear he became separated from the rest of the group and his body was turned over by the village to the Nigerien military only as an American attack formation moved in to look for him, the source said
Yllä olevaan liittyen, War on the Rocks sivustolla oli joku aika sitten artikkeli siitä, miten jalkaväen perustaktiikat alkavat olla peruskauraa savimajavastustajillakin. Tässä ilmeisesti sitten kuitenkin toteutettiin ihan taitava väijytys, siinä onnistuen.

War on the Rocks artikkeli tässä.
Ajassa 3:08, kaatuneen/haavoittuneen sotilaan ase Lantikan edessä maassa, mikä? Joku M4 SBR / PDW-versio?