Greatest Leader
Ehkä Kroatialla ei Natossa ole samanlaisia paineita kuin Intialla Kiinan ja Pakistanin puristuksessa?
Tuolla ajattelumallilla Rafale-hankintakin on ylilyönti, jonka ainoa tarkoitus on provosoida rauhanomaisia serbejä.
Kyllä siellä jonkinlainen asevarustelukilpa on meneillään:
Arms race in the Balkans – DW – 01/15/2016
People are talking about an arms race in the Balkans. Croatia would like to buy US artillery systems, while Serbia has put Russian missile defense systems on its wish list. How serious is this geopolitical rivalry?
Serbian president praises Russian arms shipment amid regional tensions
President Aleksandar Vučić welcomed a shipment of anti-tank missiles from Russia, yet another delivery of several from the aspiring EU member's Eastern ally.