Not only did the IL article give the impression of the source ( being an exclusive website in some dark corner of the internet, I think IL also tried to purposefully leave it unanswered how many Finns are fighting in Ukraine, when in reality there are a dozen at most. SuPo, the Finnish FSB or Homeland Security-equivalent, admits individual Finns might be fighting in Ukraine, without the participation being widespread, which is the safest, most cowardly, most Finnish official, most Cpt. Obvious way of stating it. Ugh. They could just admit that "Your guess is as good as anybody's", right? The IL article title translates to "This is how Finns fight the war in Ukraine"...and not once does it speculate how many Finns are fighting in Ukraine. ...And then it just copypastes the content of this thread. One could even say that the article tries to give the impression that Finland is an active participant in the conflict. I mean, I know we aren't but let's say someone with minimal reading/questioning skills (*cough* a Russian) finds the article... "Oh look! See? Finns are TOTALLY fighting in Ukraine!". Is it irresponsible journalism if you know that your own citizens will figure out the article and its nuances, but an outside reader might draw massively false hasty initial conclusions? Any Russian could twist the article's content into "Oh look, Finns are in Ukraine! Fuck the Finns." But then again, Russians can twist and corrupt any claim, answer, text or speech. They sure have the desire to do so. So, it doesn't matter what one says about anything - they're going to corrupt the message anyway, to the best of their ability.
In the end, I think it's a good thing that this thread got some visibility. IL probably gathers more readers than does. If I was a (miserable tabloid) journalist, I, too, might be a little excited to find this thread, even if I'd find it 2 months later, or rather, 2 months too late.
IL fails to realize we are not so much an organized group, but more of a collection of like-minded individuals, and even that might be a far-fetched thing to say. IL also states that there are multiple fighters discussing in here, but I'm aware of only one. At least I'm not claiming that I know who each of us is, unlike IL.
It begs the question why the writer (Nina Dale) didn't source directly. Maybe she was duped? "Hey... Listen up... Here's some info I dug from the deeeeeep web. You wouldn't believe the secrets I found. These guys ALL fight in Ukraine, I swear, and this is their chatter. Now, this doesn't come cheap..." And thus some bullshitter walked away with a stack of cash for source material that's quite public. Gotta wonder if Iltalehti itself is aware of any of this. Or maybe Dale simply saw this thread, got excited and tried to find a way to tell people about this, and in her silly non-security-oriented mind tried to protect her sources, which is us, by not naming Most likely though, she (and Iltalehti) tried to give their Finnish readers the impression that oooooh boy do they have access to the deepest darkest secrets on the web! "Look at us! We have contacts and sources!" HAHAHA! On the other hand, Dale isn't exactly a Finnish last name. What if she's an American/Canadian/Brit/Whatever? Or married to one. And she just tried to put it out there that Finland is a western country, in her own twisted way. My smelly tin foil hat says she tried to inflame the Finnish-Russian relations with that article as subtly as possible. Ah, freedom of the press is a magical thing, even if it's an ignorant press. I'm so confused by the article that I can't tell what the intentions of the writer and IL were. Were they being intelligent or did they fall into some elaborate stupidity on their way? And who outside the IL gets to decide what happened?
On one hand a protective journalist might have to hide her sources, but on the other hand, omitting sources is bad journalism. What good it would be to try to hide a public forum as your source (if we assume the lack of intentional bullshitting), unless she genuinely thought exposing the source would put someone in danger? But... then how? If she knowingly and falsely tried to claim that "Oooh, we got access to stuff no one else knows of" then how long did she expect to keep that lie a secret? I just don't get it. I have to assume she was either duped or desperate for a story. Which is sad. It makes me wonder how many political shitstorms were started just because some miserable journalist needed a clickbait story? I smell bullshit from the article but I just can't trace it back to the root cause. Too many options and human variables from my point of view. There is a reason why the article was written the way it was written but hell if I know why. Typical tabloid bullshit or something more exceptional and conniving? I don't even know why I'm analyzing this so hard. I'm probably too close to the subject (at heart)... It's a tabloid article but it feels like intentional and intelligent incitement of (international) relations that comfortably wears the disguise of tabloid bullshit. Because even if IL has been traditionally a tabloid, when it came to Ukraine war, IL did good job, IMO, where as other Finnish newsmedia failed to report much or remained quiet. Personally I couldn't stand YLE in the past year - so much irrelevant and meaningless bullshit. It's like the war or the Russians didn't exist onYLE. A fucking disgrace, our official tax-paid news media. I sure as hell would like to interview Dale regarding that article. Are you guys being tabloid again? Just when I started to trust you guys? Did you find this thread yourselves or was it supplied to you as a printout or something? Never mind... I wouldn't believe you... It's OK. I'm used to being disappointed all the time anyway. What do you a call a news media that doesn't really tell you anything new, when its delivery of the said nothing is slightly warped, too?
P.S. I wear a cowl... That is if a hoodie counts as a cowl.