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Ihmetellyt Etelä-Korean muita pienempää kuolleisuusprosenttia. Onko vain muita laajemman testauksen ansiosta? Toisin kuin Länsimaissa Aasian väestö on kasvanut viime vuosikymmeniiin saakka, joten riski-ikäisen väestön osuus on pienempi.
tänään sairastuneita 15112, kuollut 1115.
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Ei ole mitään käsitystä USA:n terveydenhoitojärjestelmän kyvystä suoriutua isoista kriiseistä. Onko siellä joku taho, joka on oikeutettu koordinoimaan ja priorisoimaan tekemistä tilanteessa että yhtä aikaa on kymmeniä miljoonia koronaan sairastuneita käsissä (Merkelmäinen oletus: 60% saa tartunnan mutta ei samanaikaisesti)? Ja onko ylipäätään kapasiteettia vaikka priorisoitaisiinkin?
On, kansalliskaarti hoitaa kaikki ikävät asiat.
Оn se surullista kuolla siellä Italiassa teholla, ne 30% prosenttia kuolee hengityslaiteista huolimatta, kuollaan yksin, kukaan ei saa tullaa lähelle hyvästelemään.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Suomessa vain ei tällä hetkellä ole johtajia jotka tohtisi tehdä tarvittavia päätöksiä.

Virossa todettiin keskiviikkona ensimmäiset maan rajojen sisällä tapahtuneet koronatartunnat. Vahvistettuja tartuntoja on yhteensä 27.
Suomessa vain ei tällä hetkellä ole johtajia jotka tohtisi tehdä tarvittavia päätöksiä.

Virossa todettiin keskiviikkona ensimmäiset maan rajojen sisällä tapahtuneet koronatartunnat. Vahvistettuja tartuntoja on yhteensä 27.
Tämähän tapahtui nopeasti, not good..
Laitan tännekin saman varoituksen minkä pistin Suomen seurannan ketjuun:

En tiedä oliko vielä täällä, mutta varoituksen sana kaikille aktiivisesti taudin leviämistä seuraaville foorumiveljille ja -siskoille!

Hakkerit hyödyntäneet corona epidemiaa siten, että ovat tarjonneet seurannan karttapalveluita pohjautuen John Hopkingsin dataan, jotka ovat sitten keränneet käyttäjältä salasanoja.

LUOTETTAVIA sivuja ovat kuitenkin edelleen John Hopkingsin omat sivut joilta löytyy kartta sekä ArcGIS:n sivuilta löytyvä sama kartta:

Ruotsissa näin. Tehohoitopaikat loppuu.
Suomessa homma hanskassa?
Käännetty Googlella.

The shout from the inside: Health care cannot handle a major outbreak

Person in protective equipment taking samples outside Karolinska in Huddinge.Photo: FREDRIK WENNERLUND / STELLA PICTURES
One fears many testify to is that the oldest and most ill in the future - if the spread of infection becomes large - may be denied intensive care if they get the corona virus.Photo: NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH HANDOUT // EPA TT NEWS AGENCY
Healthcare professionals testify to a strange calm on the surface, but a bubbling concern on the inside.Photo: ANDERS WIKLUND / TT / TT NEWS AGENCY
Seriously ill corona patients need intensive care with respiratory support.Photo: HENRIK JANSSON / HENRIK JANSSON GT-EXPRESSEN

Protective materials that are locked in, handcuffs that have run out and a concern that intensive care centers for the elderly and the really ill will soon have to be prioritized away for the benefit of patients with a greater chance of survival.
So are some of the concerns of hospital staff at some of Sweden's largest hospitals.
- We will not cope with a major outbreak as it appears with the sites now, says Andreas Fischer, surgeon and chairman of the professional association Hospitals Stockholm.
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A strange calm on the surface, but a bubbling concern on the inside.
This is the overall picture that Expressen gets after talking to a number of doctors and nurses at some of the country's largest hospitals.
One fears many testify to is that the oldest and most ill in the future - if the spread of infection becomes large - may be denied intensive care if they get the corona virus.
- I see it as very likely. We already do that today. If someone is old or really sick and in need of resources, we sometimes have to prioritize that person, because that is what prevailing circumstances sometimes look like, ”says Andreas Fischer, surgeon and chairman of the Stockholm Association of Hospitals.
At Karolinska in Huddinge, fifteen patients were treated on Thursday night who were infected with Corona, one of whom was intensive.Photo: PER ZETTERMARK
It is precisely intensive care with respiratory support that severely ill corona patients need - but hoses for respirators are difficult to obtain if you want to scale up the activity, says a doctor at Karolinska in Solna, who wants to be anonymous.
- I am very worried that there will not be enough capacity to care for everyone who needs care. How to do when healthcare professionals get sick? Already today, closed care places are largely due to nursing shortages and not to the physical places, the doctor says.
Another doctor, active at Karolinska in Huddinge, says that he is most concerned that we may for a period be able to lower the level of the entire care system to a more basic type of care. Something we are not used to seeing in Sweden.
- With much worse care and higher death rates than usual, says the doctor.
"We can't handle major outbreaks"
Andreas Fischer says straight up and down:
- We can't handle a major outbreak. We have the least number of care places in Europe. If we look at the number of intensive care units in Italy, where five percent of all infected people die, they still have more than twice as many places as we per inhabitant.
He continues:
- If we make a simple calculation only for Stockholm's 2.3 million inhabitants: Say that ten percent are infected and that one percent of the infected would need intensive care - then it would need 2,300 places, but we currently have 90.
526 tileable IVA sites
140 insulation rooms
5.1 IVA seats per 100,000 inhabitants

Source: Hospital Doctors Stockholm. .

Ruotsissa näin. Tehohoitopaikat loppuu.
Suomessa homma hanskassa?
Suomessa on suunnilleen sama määrä tehohoitopaikkoja kuin Ruotsissa väkilukuun suhteutettuna. Mikäli oikein käsitin (tarkistakaa itse), niin THL:n mukaan Suomi tulee Ruotsia noin viikon perässä.
The first case of someone suffering from Covid-19 can be traced back to 17 November, according to media reports on unpublished Chinese government data.

The report, in the South China Morning Post, said Chinese authorities had identified at least 266 people who contracted the virus last year and who came under medical surveillance, and the earliest case was 17 November – weeks before authorities announced the emergence of the new virus.

The Chinese government was widely criticised over attempts to cover up the outbreak in the early weeks, including crackdowns on doctors who tried to warn colleagues about a new Sars-like virus which was emerging in the city of Wuhan in Hubei province.
Tämä sopisi moneen ketjuun, mutta laitetaan nyt tänne. Mitähän tästä nyt sanoisi, joku Kiinan ulkoministeriön tiedottaja tms. on twiitannut, että ehkäpä koronavirus onkin USA:n armeijan Wuhaniin tarkoituksella tuoma. Uskoo ken uskoo, mutta näyttää vahvasti siltä, että Kiina yrittää nyt kiistää taudin olevan lähtöisin sieltä. Ihan ymmärrettävää, varsinkin kun otetaan huomioon alueen kunniakulttuuri. Häpeällistähän se on olla taudin lähtöpaikka.

Mielenkiintoista onkin nähdä, miten nopeasti tämä narratiivi maailmalle leviää. Koska ja kuinka vahvasti eri alueilla alkaa esiintyä ajatus taudin lähteestä Kiinan ulkopuolella ja jääkö Wuhan taka-alalle? Jos näin käy, niin muutoksen nopeus kertoo paljon Kiinan propagandakoneiston tehosta, taidoista ja saavutetusta vaikutusvallasta alueella.

South China Morning Post: Chinese foreign ministry spokesman tweets claim US military brought coronavirus to Wuhan

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman tweets claim US military brought coronavirus to Wuhan
  • Zhao Lijian has urged his followers to share allegation from conspiracy website that the disease originated in United States
  • It comes as senior US officials including President Donald Trump have sought to describe it as a ‘foreign virus’
Sarah Zheng

Sarah Zheng
Published: 12:52pm, 13 Mar, 2020
Updated: 1:12pm, 13 Mar, 2020


Foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian wrote on Twitter: “This is so astonishing that it changed many things I used to believe in.” Photo: AP
Foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian wrote on Twitter: “This is so astonishing that it changed many things I used to believe in.” Photo: AP

Foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian wrote on Twitter: “This is so astonishing that it changed many things I used to believe in.” Photo: AP

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian took to Twitter on Friday to double down on an unproven claim that the US military brought
the new coronavirus to the central city of Wuhan, where the outbreak began.
Zhao urged his more than 287,000 followers in two tweets on Friday morning to widely share an allegation from a Canada-based conspiracy website that the coronavirus – which has become a global pandemic – originated in the US rather than the Wuhan seafood market that is thought to be its source.
“This is so astonishing that it changed many things I used to believe in,” he wrote on his official account.

The US embassy in Beijing did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Zhao’s tweets.

The allegation was apparently linked to the US Army’s participation in the international
Military World Games held in Wuhan in October, which drew competitors from more than 100 countries.

Coronavirus: From mysterious origins to a global threat

The incendiary and unverified claim from Zhao – a prolific tweeter promoted to deputy director general of the foreign ministry’s information department in February – came despite a widespread backlash to his first tweets on the subject late on Thursday.

“When did patient zero begin in the US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be the US Army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan,” Zhao wrote on the platform, which is inaccessible to most in China, on Thursday. “Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!”

The hashtag topic “Zhao Lijian sent out five consecutive tweets questioning the US” had been read more than 4.7 million times on Weibo, China’s Twitter, as of Friday at noon, with many praising the diplomat’s rhetoric.

Beijing in recent days has increasingly pushed back on the idea that the coronavirus, which causes a disease known as Covid-19, originated in China, even though the first cases were reported there in December. The virus has since spread to more than 100 countries, with over 130,000 cases globally and over 4,900 deaths.

Rumours that the coronavirus might have been engineered in a chemical laboratory as a bioweapon have already been widely dismissed by scientists, who pointed out that its genetic make-up did not support such a claim.

As Washington has struggled to slow the spread of the virus in the United States, senior US officials including President Donald Trump have sought to describe it as a “foreign virus”, with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Republican leaders going further to label it the “Wuhan virus” or “Chinese coronavirus”.

Zhao last week told reporters at a briefing that “no conclusion has been reached yet on the origin of the virus”, and that there were “ulterior motives” in labelling it as having originated in China. He cited remarks by Zhong Nanshan, the prominent Chinese respiratory expert who has become an authoritative voice on the outbreak, that the coronavirus may not have originated in China.

Pompeo argued last week that Washington had “pretty high confidence that we know where this began”, saying: “No less authority than the Chinese Communist Party said it came from Wuhan, so don’t take Mike Pompeo’s word for it.”
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is among those who have used the term “Wuhan virus”. Photo: AFP

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is among those who have used the term “Wuhan virus”. Photo: AFP

Amid an already tense strategic rivalry between the major powers, Beijing and Chinese state-backed media have been further emboldened in their criticism of the US, at first for not being sufficiently supportive of Chinese efforts to combat the virus, then for “stigmatising” the outbreak as originating in China, and now for Washington’s own missteps in handling the epidemic in the US.

Chinese diplomats, many of whom have taken to Twitter in recent months in Beijing’s push for greater international engagement, have actively defended Beijing’s policies to contain the outbreak in China on social media platforms.

Zhao himself has drawn attention as one of the earliest Chinese diplomats to embrace Twitter, employing heated rhetoric that some have likened to Trump’s tweeting style. The diplomat, who spent four years as the No 2 at China’s embassy in Islamabad until August, has been at the centre of controversy in the past, with former US national security adviser Susan Rice describing him as a “racist disgrace” and “shockingly ignorant” for comments about racial segregation in Washington.

High-profile China watchers including Bill Bishop, editor of the Sinocism newsletter, and James Palmer, senior editor at Foreign Policy, have said they were blocked by Zhao on Twitter after criticising his latest tweets about the coronavirus.

Asked in February about blocking people on Twitter, including China watcher Bonnie Glaser from the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Zhao said: “If you don’t like someone’s remarks, you have the right to block him or her.”

Sarah Zheng
Sarah Zheng

Sarah Zheng joined the Post as a reporter in 2016. She graduated from Tufts University with a degree in international relations and film and media studies. She reports on China's foreign policy.
Minun tuttuni Jenkeissä joka HC foliohattu välittää että virus viety Pohjois-Carolinasta jostain military fasiliteetista.
Iranin kuvat:

"Tämän jälkeen useita Iranin parlamentin jäseniä ja muun muassa maan korkeimman johtajan Ali Khamenein neuvonantaja on kuollut COVID-19 -tautiin.
Torstaina kerrottiin, että Iranin ulkopolitiikan johtaja Ali Akbar Velayati on saanut koronaviruksen.
Iranin korkein johto on erityisen haavoittuvainen virukselle, koska he ovat pääasiassa hyvin iäkkäitä"

Tässä on jonkinlaista runollista oikeutta johtajien suhteen. Sitä niittää mitä kylvää.