Epidemiat maailmalla

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja Viestiketjun aloittaja Tvälups
  • Aloitus PVM Aloitus PVM
Mitä tekemistä on ydinvoimaloiden suojelemisella ja koronalla???
Se on pandemiaan reagointia, kuten jutustakin käy ilmi. Poikkeusoloissa vajaamiehityksellä toimiva ydinvoimala voi olla houkutteleva kohde konnille.
Flatten the curve.

By slowing it down or flattening it, we're not going to decrease the total number of cases, we're going to postpone many cases, until we get a vaccine—which we will, because there's nothing in the virology that makes me frightened that we won’t get a vaccine in 12 to 18 months. Eventually, we will get to the epidemiologist gold ring.

What’s that?

That means, A, a large enough quantity of us have caught the disease and become immune. And B, we have a vaccine. The combination of A plus B is enough to create herd immunity, which is around 70 or 80 percent.

I hold out hope that we get an antiviral for Covid-19 that is curative, but in addition is prophylactic. It's certainly unproven and it's certainly controversial, and certainly a lot of people are not going to agree with me. But I offer as evidence two papers in 2005, one in Nature and one in Science. They both did mathematical modeling with influenza, to see whether saturation with just Tamiflu of an area around a case of influenza could stop the outbreak. And in both cases, it worked. I also offer as evidence the fact that at one point we thought HIV/AIDS was incurable and a death sentence. Then, some wonderful scientists discovered antiviral drugs, and we've learned that some of those drugs can be given prior to exposure and prevent the disease. Because of the intense interest in getting [Covid-19] conquered, we will put the scientific clout and money and resources behind finding antivirals that have prophylactic or preventive characteristics that can be used in addition to [vaccines].

When will we be able to leave the house and go back to work?

I have a very good retrospect-oscope, but what's needed right now as a prospecto-scope. If this were a tennis match, I would say advantage virus right now. But there's really good news from South Korea—they had less than 100 cases today. China had more cases imported than it had from continuous transmission from Wuhan today. The Chinese model will be very hard for us to follow. We're not going to be locking people up in their apartments, boarding them up. But the South Korea model is one that we could follow. Unfortunately, it requires doing the proportionate number of tests that they did—they did well over a quarter of a million tests. In fact, by the time South Korea had done 200,000 tests, we had probably done less than 1,000.

How will we know when we’re through this?

The world is not going to begin to look normal until three things have happened. One, we figure out whether the distribution of this virus looks like an iceberg, which is one-seventh above the water, or a pyramid, where we see everything. If we're only seeing right now one-seventh of the actual disease because we're not testing enough, and we're just blind to it, then we're in a world of hurt. Two, we have a treatment that works, a vaccine or antiviral. And three, maybe most important, we begin to see large numbers of people—in particular nurses, home health care providers, doctors, policemen, firemen, and teachers who have had the disease—are immune, and we have tested them to know that they are not infectious any longer. And we have a system that identifies them, either a concert wristband or a card with their photograph and some kind of a stamp on it. Then we can be comfortable sending our children back to school, because we know the teacher is not infectious.

And instead of saying "No, you can't visit anybody in nursing home," we have a group of people who are certified that they work with elderly and vulnerable people, and nurses who can go back into the hospitals and dentists who can open your mouth and look in your mouth and not be giving you the virus. When those three things happen, that's when normalcy will return.

As cities and states have raced to shut down businesses to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the roads have gone quieter. Normally gridlocked cities like Los Angeles and Chicago have seen much faster traffic speeds during so-called rush hour—53 percent and 70 percent, respectively—as residents hunker down and hope social distancing does its work.

But shelter-in-place orders are harder to carry out when your office is moving 65mph, traveling hundreds of miles a day, and helping to move the emergency supplies that are keeping the country running during an unprecedented public health crisis. “We’re still moving America,” says Steve Fields, a Kansas City-based truck driver with YRC Freight.

“COVID-19 is causing the mother of all supply chain disruptions,” Peggy Dorf, an analyst with the freight marketplace DAT Solutions, wrote this week on the company’s blog. Emergency medical supplies like masks, ventilators, and soap need to be transported from manufacturers to medical centers, and the raw materials that help manufacturers build those things—paper, plastic, alcohol—need to get to the factory. Grocery shelves must be restocked, and quickly, while customers like schools no longer need their regular shipments. Americans everywhere cry out for more toilet paper.
Tämä on jo ehkä ollut foorumilla, kun kerran oli kirjotettu sen Wuhanin laboratorion turvallisuuden tasosta.
Mitä mieltä olette tästä?

Koska Kasparov.ru ilmestynyt kirjoitus, jossa annetaan näihin linkit, haluan varmista että kirjoittaja ei ole FSB-n tilauksesta kirjottanut sitä. Aikaisemmin hän ei tietääkseni julkaissut mitään siellä.
Kiinosta myös siksi voiko venäjänkielisiin julkaisuihin ylipäänsä luottaa. Kasparov ru on ollut yksi niistä jota lukenut säännöllisesti, vaikka sinnekin tipahtaa outoja tapauksia aina välillä.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Tässä on hieno graafinen esitys. Toisaalta väistämättä tulee mieleen, että kuinka paljon helpommalla Kiina ja koko maailma olisi päässyt, jos Wuhanissa olisi heti joulukuussa ruvettu torjumaan epidemiaa? Toimeen ryhdyttiin vasta tammikuussa, tätä ennen Kiina keskittyi sensuroimaan asiasta varottaneita.

Vähän vanha kuva mutta onko Kiinassa enemmän koronauhreita?

Satellite data show a large release of sulfur dioxide gas from the outskirts of Wuhan, China, and could be viewed as evidence of the mass cremation of new coronavirus victims.

According to international data supplier Windy’s tracking data on February 8, the density of sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions in Wuhan, Hubei has reached 1342.27 µg/m3, 16 times the danger threshold of 80 µg/m3.



Ilmeisesti näillä "Trumpin" lääkkeillä lähdetään Amerikoissa isommin nyt hoitamaan.

Lääkkethän on aiemmin turvalliseksi koettu muussa käytössä.

Näitä on nyt myös lahjoitettu usaan valtavia määriä.

response, Novartis has pledged a global donation of up to 130 million hydroxychloroquine tablets, pending regulatory approvals for COVID-19. Mylan is ramping up production at its West Virginia Facility with enough supplies to make 50 million tablets. Teva is donating 16 million tablets to hospitals around the U.S.

Meanwhile, the U.S. case count has jumped in recent days. As of Friday, authorities reported more than 14,000 cases in the U.S. California and New York have instituted statewide lockdowns.
The pledges from Novartis, Mylan and Teva follow Bayer's Thursday donation of 3 million tablets. Together, the commitments represent nearly 200 million chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine tablets for the global COVID-19 response.
Following preliminary reports of the drug’s efficacy, shares for Indian drugmakers Cadila, Torrent and Ipca each jumped, the Economic Times reports. Those companies can also produce the medicine.
While drugmakers aim to boost availability of the med, hydroxychloroquine is already in short supply, according to the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

Forbesin juttu lääkkeestä

This Coronavirus Patient Dodged A Bullet With Hydroxychloroquine. Is She A Harbinger Or Outlier?

Two scientists at major university centers reviewed the French trial for me. They agreed, separately, that while the study is preliminary, small, and not without flaws, its findings were strong enough, given the drugs’ known safety records, to guide treatment decisions in a crisis.
“Despite the limitations of this study, in the absence of any effective treatment, in this urgent situation, this Plaquenil and Azithromycin combination therapy should be given to patients with COVID-19 as a treatment option,” Ying Zhang, a professor of microbiology at Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health, wrote in an email. “For now, there is no time to wait.”

https://www.forbes.com/sites/marybe...uine. Is She A Harbinger Or Outlier? - Forbes
Jos noilla saadaan tuloksia, niin onkohan suomessa mahdollista hoitaa noilla? Vai vaatiiko vuosien hyväksymisprosessit?
Löytyy Fimea:n kannasta, kaupan, ei näyttäisi olevan saatavuusongelmia
Hyvä jos käyttöön voidaan nopeasti ottaa.

Saatavuudessa oli toki tuossa Forbesin artikkelissa tämmöinen maininta.

'While drugmakers aim to boost availability of the med, hydroxychloroquine is already in short supply, according to the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists."

elväähän on että jos tuo toimii,niin kysyntä räjähtää.
Hyvä jos käyttöön voidaan nopeasti ottaa.

Saatavuudessa oli toki tuossa Forbesin artikkelissa tämmöinen maininta.

'While drugmakers aim to boost availability of the med, hydroxychloroquine is already in short supply, according to the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists."

elväähän on että jos tuo toimii,niin kysyntä räjähtää.
Epäilemättä. Lisäksi merkittävä osa lääkkeiden raaka-aineista on kiinasta. Eli ei paljoa auta vaikka kyseessä Orionin lääke, jos sattuu että ainesosia ei saa.