Epidemiat maailmalla

Kusiko Putlerin propagandaoperaatio kintuille ?

Venakot lähettivät paikalle armeijan NBC-kenttälabran josta ei kuitenkaan hirveästi ole hyötyä epidemiassa jossa virus on jo yleisen väestön keskuudessa leviämässä. Lähinnä venäläisten rooli on kai ollut toimia hoitsuina täydentämässä hoitohenkilökunnan puutetta, kai se on parempi kuin ei mitään vaikka hoitajilla ja hoidettavilla ei mahda useinkaan olla yhteistä kieltä.
Abbott Launches 5-Minute Covid-19 Test for Use Almost Anywhere

Abbott Laboratories is unveiling a coronavirus test that can tell if someone is infected in as little as 5 minutes, and is so small and portable it can be used in almost any health-care setting.

The medical-device maker plans to supply 50,000 tests a day starting April 1, said John Frels, vice president of research and development at Abbott Diagnostics. The molecular test looks for fragments of the coronavirus genome, which can be detected in as little as five minutes when it’s present at high levels. A thorough search to definitively rule out an infection can take up to 13 minutes, he said.
Iso kaupunki, mitä nyt olikaan 11 miljoonaa asukasta, niin siellä kuolee muuhunkin joka päivä aika paljon porukkaa.
Nuoretkin kuollut virukseen:
Julie oli 16 v . Viime viikolla koululainen tyttö sai pienen yskän, johot otti yskäsiirappi, yrttit ja höyryhengitys. Lauantaina hengitysongelmat pahenivat. Eivät rajusti, hänen oli vaikea vaihta hengitystä, kaksi koronartestia olivat negat. Hengitysongelmat lisääntyneet, sairaalaan, testi posit. Keuhkokapasiteetti laskenut pahasti, lopulta alkoi sydänkivut.
Ennen tätä tapahtui 28 v miehen kuolema. Oli selkäleikkauksessa ja käytti ibuprofeenia.
Olivat perusterveet.
The NHS could have prevented “chaos and panic” had the system not been left “wholly unprepared for this pandemic”, the editor of a British medical journal has said.

Numerous warnings were issued but these were not heeded, Richard Horton wrote in The Lancet. He cited an example from his journal on 20 January, pointing to a global epidemic: “Preparedness plans should be readied for deployment at short notice, including securing supply chains of pharmaceuticals, personal protective equipment, hospital supplies and the necessary human resources to deal with the consequences of a global outbreak of this magnitude.”

Dr Horton wrote that the government’s Contain-Delay-Mitigate-Research plan had failed. “It failed, in part, because ministers didn’t follow WHO’s advice to ‘test, test, test’ every suspected case. They didn’t isolate and quarantine. They didn’t contact trace.

“These basic principles of public health and infectious disease control were ignored, for reasons that remain opaque.

“The result has been chaos and panic across the NHS.”
A woman has been jailed after she coughed in a police officer’s face, claiming that she had coronavirus.

Joanne Turner, 35, became abusive when officers spoke to her after she had kicked and damaged a car parked outside Norwich train station at around 11pm on Wednesday.

At Norwich magistrates court on Thursday, Turner admitted assaulting an emergency worker, Norfolk police said. She also admitted being drunk and disorderly in a public place and criminal damage.

The force said Turner, from Norwich, had been jailed for 12 weeks.

Ch Supt Dave Marshall said: “Any abuse and threatening behaviour towards the emergency services is unacceptable at any time. However, this sentence reflects the seriousness of threats and acts of coughing to put others in fear of contracting Covid-19.

“This should act as a clear warning that there will be serious consequences for anyone who behaves in such a threatening way towards others during this pandemic.”
Ruotsissa yli sata kuollut koronaan – Löfven väläyttää Tukholman eristämistä
Pääministeri Stefan Löfven sanoi TV4:n haastattelussa, että Tukholman eristäminen ei ole vielä ajankohtaista.

Pääministeri Stefan Löfven sanoi TV4:n haastattelussa, että Tukholman eristäminen ei ole vielä ajankohtaista.
Kuva: Antti Aimo-Koivisto

Julkaistu: 15:53

Vajaa puolet todetuista tapauksista on löydetty Tukholmasta.

Ruotsissa koronavirukseen kuolleiden määrä on noussut yli sadan, kertovat maan kansanterveysviranomaiset. Uusia tartuntoja on eilisen jälkeen todettu 400. Yhteensä tartunnan saaneita on lähes 3 500. Heistä 239 oli tehohoidossa.

Vajaa puolet todetuista tapauksista on löydetty Tukholmasta.

Pääministeri Stefan Löfven sanoi TV4:n haastattelussa, että pääkaupungin eristäminen ei ole nyt ajankohtaista, mutta sitä ei voi sulkea pois, jos tilanne vaatii sitä.

Some people are panic-buying cocaine

I sell cannabis and cocaine to suppliers in the north of England. I have around 20 guys on the street, with approximately 200 regular customers. We have two main concerns now: sourcing drugs and getting enough money. We expect no more cocaine shipments from abroad for the next six weeks, so prices have shot up. I’m maintaining the same prices I’ve always charged but I’m concerned that, when stock begins to run low, people higher up the chain will charge more or cut the cocaine and decrease its quality. People are panicking – the amounts of cannabis they’re buying is ridiculous – so we are just dealing to regulars now. I’ve told my workers to be strict with what they sell and who to, but they aren’t changing their behaviour much, other than offering to post through letterboxes and accept bank transfers from trusted customers. People running out of money is a big concern, but we’ll always have the regular cokeheads who buy most days.

I’ve been doing this for 12 years and don’t have any dependants – other than sometimes helping my parents out with bits of cash – so I’m not financially worried. My biggest concern is handling money. I’ve been wearing gloves.

You can’t trade millions while your child is screaming for hot milk

A trader’s life is stressful enough: your work is high frequency, intense and filled with risk. No one wants to screw up and lose a bunch of money for their firm.

We’ve been tracking coronavirus for months, but no one thought it would get as bad as in China. So when we heard we’d either have to relocate to a disaster recovery site, away from our offices, or set up a trading desk at home, we were shocked.

The idea of a disaster recovery site came about after 9/11. The idea was that major investment banks needed to have a building away from their offices so they could keep functioning in an emergency. Goldman Sachs has offices in Croydon; Barclays is in Northolt; JP Morgan in Basingstoke. But they were created as a solution to a terrorist attack, not to a pandemic. In a London lockdown, some traders will struggle to make it to these sites.

Working from home brings a lot of problems. Traders tend not to have four screens on their kitchen table, nor recorded lines to make sure we don’t break compliance procedures. Plus I have kids. You can’t expect to trade millions with a child next door screaming for hot milk. Much of trading involves making fast decisions. We’re struggling through what will probably be the toughest time in our career, and we’re worried about patchy wifi and that our kids will be slowing down the connection by watching a streaming service.

Everyone’s trying to keep their spirits up, with funny photos of people’s home setup – I saw a Persian cat sitting in front of someone’s screens, looking like a trader. But this disruption will affect our ability to get the economy back on its feet, at what may be a defining moment in our lives.

I started modelling when I was 73. I’m 83 now, though people tell me I look 56. I was introduced to modelling by chance, by my neighbour Lydia, and I’ve been lucky. Coxy, my agent, says: ‘‘There is something in your face that people like.” I’ve been a regular in All Ages for four years, and I’ve worked all over the world.

I’ve had five shoots cancelled so far. All Ages is suspended after this week because we need to self-isolate; work trips to Romania, Sweden and Nigeria have been called off. I was supposed to play a dead body in a film shoot in Germany; that’s off. I’m lucky that, as a retired engineer, modelling isn’t my only source of income. I don’t know what the future holds, but I don’t have too many worries. The one thing I will miss is the company of the Guardian team: All Ages is like a family.

A friend told me I am supposed to stay indoors now, but I do go out, just to shop. I live alone and my daughter comes at weekends to check that Daddy is OK. I’m very cautious. I wash my hands and use Dettol. If I saw a person coughing on the bus, I would stay far away.

Touch wood, I’ve always been lucky health-wise. I eat a strict diet; I like green tea, cabbage, chicken, wild salmon. I’ve been weightlifting since I was 15. In 1997 we extended our garage and put barbells in there, so I can exercise at home.

I saw people fighting over toilet paper on the news. To me that is selfishness, though I’m lucky again there: in the 80s, I bought a dozen packets of toilet paper in a cash and carry, and I’m still getting through them now.

Linkin alla lisää tarinoita.
Italian viimeisin päivitys. 969 kuoli koronaan. Siellä kuolee ilman virustakin joka päivä lähes 1700 ihmistä, ettei sen puoleen, mutta reilu 10 000 on mennyt yhteen ja samaan virukseen. Asukasluku on tosin myös järeä, 60,4 miljoonaa.

Italiassa väestö on maailman toiseksi vanhinta, mutta myös italialaisten asumisjärjestelyt vaikuttavat tilanteeseen: moni aikuinen asuu edelleen perheensä luona. Japanissa ovat vanhimmat ihmiset, mutta etäisyyttä enemmän ja aika tehokkaita toimia.
Juuri nyt tarvetta ei ole, mutta presidentti sanoo armeijan ylipäällikkönä keskustelleensa jo vuosia sitten puolustusvoimien kanssa siitä, että se voi tarpeen niin vaatiessa myös palvella yhteiskuntaa.

– Se lähtökohta on edelleen hyvinkin selvästi voimassa. Olen hyvin avoin kaikelle sille, mitä puolustusvoimat voivat tehdä.

Juuri nyt tarvetta ei ole, mutta presidentti sanoo armeijan ylipäällikkönä keskustelleensa jo vuosia sitten puolustusvoimien kanssa siitä, että se voi tarpeen niin vaatiessa myös palvella yhteiskuntaa.

– Se lähtökohta on edelleen hyvinkin selvästi voimassa. Olen hyvin avoin kaikelle sille, mitä puolustusvoimat voivat tehdä.


Jaaha,jaaha. Sotilasvallankaappaustako siinä suunnitellaan...